The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 204 The First Imperial Concubine

After countless discussions between the emperor and the empress dowager, the Empress Yao decided to make an exception to add Yao as the first imperial concubine of the dynasty and ceremonial in the imperial palace.

Mo Ziyao was originally one of the four concubines. If she was promoted according to the rank of concubines at that time, she would be the supreme queen.

Ruan Lingzheng really wanted to make Mo Ziyao queen, but the empress dowager firmly opposed it and even forced her to die.

The Empress Dowager painstakingly advised: Although she has made great contributions to saving the car, after all, she came from a humble background and could not become the mother of a country and mother of the world. What's more, the external chaos will be extinguished, and the civil strife has not yet been determined. Now that Yafei is pregnant with a dragon heir. At that time, when Tusara and other countries moved, they had already negotiated to let Liu Yanfei dispatch troops to help him. If his sister Liu Junya gave birth to a prince, she would be immediately be crowned queen. Therefore, no matter what the reason, Yaofei can't be the queen.

In addition, since the founding of the country, Yao has been the first concubine to be crowned as an imperial concubine. Naturally, the glory is not to say!

Soon, the imperial edict was issued, concubine Yao as the noble concubine Yao, and at the same time, the concubine Ya, who had just been sealed recently, was appointed as the wife. Of course, there is also Concubine Yun, who share the position of wife, second only to Concubine Yao. And the three jointly have the right to assist the Empress Dowager in managing the harem. Three days later, he also held a ceremony in the God's Palace.

In the past few days, Yuyao Palace can be said to be a door-like city, and there is an endless stream of concubines who come to visit Yao's imperial concubines. The congratulatory gifts and visitation gifts they received were almost piled up in a room, and in late autumn, they received hand cramps.

Mo Ziyao doesn't care about these smiling concubines, whether they are sincere or hypocritical. She knows that in order to survive, which of the concubines in the palace is not a human spirit? Seeing themselves jump to the top of the concubine, how can they not come to congratulate them?

The canonization ceremony will be held as scheduled three days later. The canonization ceremony of the noble concubine was grand and gorgeous. The brocade robe used in the canonization ceremony was complicated and gorgeous. The hairpin was full of pearls and jade, and the fine and dense tassels covered most of Mo Ziyao's face. She had just recovered from a serious illness, and her body was weak. The complicated ornaments made her head a little dizzy and her breathing was not smooth. If it hadn't been for Yunlan's help, I'm afraid that even her steps would have been floating.

Mo Ziyao knew in her heart that this occasion was extremely solemn, and there must be no mistakes or mistakes. No matter how uncomfortable he is, he must endure it. He can only smile, show joy and solemnity in front of everyone, deal with it carefully, and dare not be careless.

It's just that her heart is calm. After that incident, her heart gradually died. Many things are so irrelevant to her. What about the first imperial concubine? If it hadn't been for Ruan Lingzheng, how could she be willing to hold this title that would only make the concubines jealous?

Love is one, and it is also a collection of resentment! Mo Ziyao deeply understands this truth.

turned his eyes and looked at Concubine Ya and Concubine Yun, who also came up to listen to the seal, and saw them kneeling generously in the hall to listen to the seal, with unconcealed joy on their faces.

Mo Ziyao thought to himself: Perhaps, on such an occasion, such a lineup, compared with Yafei and Yunfei, oh, no, it is already a lady. They can show more calmness and calmness, look at their smiling faces, and feel their excitement and joy at this moment.

Involuntarily, Mo Ziyao's eyes fixed on Yafei's body, her eyes moved slightly, looking at her lower abdomen under the brocade, looking at the slightly raised abdomen, and her heart was complex and gloomy.

At this moment, Yafei seemed to turn her head and looked this way, nodding slightly at Mo Ziyao, with a little smile in her phoenix eyes. But Mo Ziyao clearly saw a cold streamer from her eyes.

She sighed in her heart and moved her sore neck and looked up into the sky. At this moment, a few dark clouds floated in the originally clear sky, slowly covering the bright sun...

It was not easy to finish the canonization ceremony in the Divine Emperor's Hall, and it was almost noon. According to the system, I should go to the Fengze Palace of the queen to listen to the queen's guidance, but it has not been established yet, so I went to the Tairen Palace of the Empress Dowager to listen to the training.

On the way, Mo Ziyao and Yafei's sedan chairs were running one after another, silently. Concubine Yun was not with them and went straight to the Empress Dowager.

The atmosphere along the way seems heavy and strange. Until the Tairen Palace could be seen, the sedan chair of Yafei suddenly walked parallel to Mo Ziyao. Yunlan, who accompanied her, looked at her in surprise and then frowned. Although the two were sealed at the same time, the elegant concubine was only a wife and was not qualified to go hand in hand with the noble concubine. It's just that Yunlan is a smart person. She knows that she is careful and cautious about Yafei, and she will not make such a low-level mistake because she is pregnant with a dragon heir.

Mo Ziyao didn't care. She just looked sideways at her and said with a smile, "I knew that Mrs. Ya must have something to say to me."

Mrs Ya held a silk and smiled softly: "The Noble Concubine Yao is really quick to speak! It's nothing, but I just saw that the noble concubine didn't seem to be in good condition at the ceremony.

With that, she put away the silk and looked at Mo Ziyao with a worried face and said, "The noble concubine doesn't seem to look well. Is everything okay?"

Mo Ziyao's eyes flowed slightly, but she couldn't understand Mrs. Ya's intention. He just said, "Nothing, it's just that the old disease is not good. Thank you for your concern."

Mrs Ya still smiledzhao paily, "That's right. Yao's noble concubine sacrificed her life to save the emperor and cleverly resolved the enemy's situation. She is really a woman who doesn't give up her eyebrows!"

Although Mrs. Ya's words seem to be simple greetings, they are not aimless. I'm afraid there is something in her words.

"Smartly resolve the enemy? I'm afraid you want to say that I have something to do with the enemy, right? I didn't expect that although your wife is deep in the palace, the news is blocked at all!" Mo Ziyao sneered in her heart, but she smiled and didn't say much.

Mrs. Ya paused for a moment and suddenly frowned and said, "But Noble Concubine Yao, you blocked the arrow for the emperor and spread blood for my Ruan Nan, but there are still people in the palace who dare to frame the Empress behind her back. Oh, it's really annoying." After saying that, he couldn't help shaking his head, as if he was really dissatisfied with Mo Ziyao.

"I'm here. Do you want to borrow my hand to get rid of someone? Although I do want to know who dares to chew the tongue on my back, I'm more afraid of falling into the trap of your wife Ya. Mo Ziyao thought of this, smiled and said indifferently, "Mrs. Ya, you don't have to be so excited. This mouth grows on her. Follow her. As long as you are upright, are you afraid that the shadow will be oblique?"

Mrs. Ya was stunned when she heard Mo Ziyao's answer. Obviously, she was a little surprised, but soon she said again, "Yao Guifei is really broad-minded. If it were in this palace, she would not tolerate such vicious people in the palace who must be reported."

Mo Ziyao frowned more and more tightly and didn't understand why Mrs. Ya had to find out the man.

Mrs. Ya sighed and said, "Ha ha, but Yao noble concubine can rest assured that the palace maidservant Yi Zhaorong has dealt with it, and this will certainly not happen again."

"Yi Zhaorong? Palace maidservant?" Mo Ziyao whispered, and her heart suddenly tightened, as if something came to her mind by Mrs. Ya's words.

At this time, Mrs. Ya said with a very appropriate interface, "Yes, didn't Sister Zhaorong inform you about this matter when she went to your palace a few days ago? Alas, she is really confused. Although the crime maid Xiaoxiao made a big mistake and was sent to the halberd warehouse by Yao noble concubine, at least it was also the person you brought into the palace from your mother's house. In the end, it depends on how the noble concubine made a decision. Yi Zhaorong's death was a little too much, but she didn't expect that she had been right about this matter. What are you talking about?"

"Although the criminal maid Xiaoxiao made a big mistake... Yi Zhaorong punished her death..." These words suddenly drilled into her ears. Mrs. Ya's tone was as light as this, and Mo Ziyao's heart suddenly sank to the bottom. Although it was still noon, the coolness rose coldly from the soles of her feet. My heart suddenly suffocated, my eyes were sore, and I almost burst into tears.

Everything in the past without warning in my mind is all about Xiaoxiao.

When she first entered the villa, Xiaoxiao listened to Gu Qinger's words and lied her into going to the back mountain to kill her... After learning the truth, she finally got closer to her because of Miss Gu Jinger, and helped her clear her grievances under the ** power of the second lady. Later, they became good friends, especially later, when the villa was destroyed and Xiaoxiao was seriously injured and was willing to go to the deep palace alone to protect her. At that time, Mo Ziyao vowed to treat her like her sister. After entering the palace, she lurked beside Yi Zhaorong without complaint to find out the information for her, but... why, why did she die?!

"Why did I just leave the palace for a few months, but I woke up again to learn that Xiaoxiao was dead?"

staring fiercely at Mrs. Ya with a surprised expression, Mo Ziyao roared in her heart: "Liu Junya, do you think I will believe you? How can Xiaoxiao say that I am not? It's you! It was you who couldn't wait to cut off my wings that made Xiaoxiao innocently killed! Liu Junya, Igoer is you, and you killed her!"

Mo Ziyao really wants to rush forward to hold Mrs. Ya's throat at this moment, but her body can't move. He gasped hard, then held his breath and tried to calm himself down, staring at Mrs. Ya word by word: "What are you talking about?! Say it again..."

A few months ago, Yi Zhaorong's maid Xiaoxiao told Yi Zhaorong that on the day of the emperor's personal expedition, she saw Yaofei and her maidservant Wanqiu change their soldiers' uniforms and go out with the army. How could the concubine leave the palace without an edict? This is a death penalty. Yi Zhaorong didn't believe it. She thought that Xiaoxiao must have revenge on Yao Fei, so she compiled all this and locked her in the woodshed for fear that she would talk nonsense everywhere. Until Mo Ziyao returned with serious injuries and her deeds such as blocking sharp arrows for the emperor, Xiaoxiao's lies were broken. When she remembered that she wanted to bring Xiaoxiao for interrogation, she had been dead for many days.

After listening to her narrative, Mo Ziyao's heart was like a knife. She never thought that Xiaoxiao was starved to death.

However, she knew that this must have been done deliberately by Yi Zhaorong and others, but she could only eat it, because Xiaoxiao was indeed ruthlessly exiled to the halberd warehouse and asked her to go to Yi Zhaorong's side. At this moment, she hated Yi Zhaorong and others, but also regretted it.