The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 223 There is hope to live

On that day, hundreds of people of the Ding family were beheaded in the square, and hundreds of people came to watch. Everyone cheered loudly, as if the person who was beheaded on the stage was a vicious and deserved death, and only saw him on the spot. Only then can they be very happy.

On the high platform, those Ding family were tied by ropes and knelt on the ground, crying endlessly. Their cries revealed panic and despair. The howling was occasionally mixed with a few unwilling roars and the grievances of the Ding family's father and son, but they were drowned out by the shouts of the people.

Suti's master and servant looked at the desperate people on the stage and were heartbroken. At the scene of law enforcement, Su Ticang quickly caught a glimpse of Ruan Lingzheng.

He sat on the high platform on the edge of the execution field, guarded by countless imperial troops, and he was so condescending, looking at everything below indifferently until everyone's head fell to the ground.

When Su Ti's eyes were about to crack and wanted to find the figure again, there was only one empty throne left on the high platform.

She was deeply sad until she fainted. At the moment before fainting, the last thing that came into her eyes was the willow catkins stained with blood, like fresh life disappearing in front of her...

Listening to Su Ti's complaint, Mo Ziyao's thoughts involuntarily returned to the time before entering the palace. At the end of spring and the beginning of summer, the season when the willow catkins were flying was the first day in her life.

That year, she returned to Gu Xian Villa from Chongshan Shangwu League with Gu Yanmu. At that time, she thought that she would marry a man who loved her life in that year. She thought that the figure of the man in white, who had never forgotten and remained in the bottom of her heart, would be forgotten from then on, and from then on, they would meet passers-by. She thought that her fate was fixed in that year.

However, the changes at the wedding changed everything and almost killed her. What made it more difficult for her to accept was that the man who wanted to marry her turned out to be her own eldest brother.

At the time of crisis, she met Ruan Lingzheng. At that time, she did not know that he was the new emperor of Ruan Nanguo.

In retrospect, it turned out that his appearance was not accidental, but predestined. Mo Ziyao thought so.

If Mo Ziyao and Ruan Lingzheng are God-given fate, what about Gu Moli? How can she forget this man who has been moved by her heart, this person who has saved her life many times, and this person who has been in love with her for three generations?

The relationship between them made Mo Ziyao feel very tired and resistant. She just wants to escape. Because she doesn't want to be a stand-in for Jiang Yunxu and Fang Youchen, she wants to break free from the shackles of fate and be herself.

"I don't owe him. He chose to give up me first, didn't he?" Mo Ziyao comforted herself in her heart. At this time, a voice echoed in my mind: "That's not my life, my happiness."

Put him down and forget him. There is another person who is more worthy of cherishing himself. He is Ruan Lingzheng.

"Maybe the reason why I chose to give up Gu Moli is that I fell in love with Ruan Lingzheng?" Mo Ziyao felt that she had thought a little far away. Let's solve the matter of Suti first.

She shook her head and pulled back her thoughts. After carefully filtering what Suti said, many doubts were soon found in it. After careful inquiry, it was learned that Ding Chenghao's father, a military payer, did not do it. Ding's father also wrote to the court many times for this, but he sank into the sea and there was no news.

Seeing that the weather is getting colder and colder, and the military pay has been in arrears for several months, Ding's father turned gray for this. Finally, he had no choice but to take out all the savings and valuable things in the family, which was only enough to last for three days. Send military munaries to the soldiers? That's even more of a joke.

If, as Suti said, those military pay did not reach Ding's father, then why did Ruan Lingzheng finally find out that the money was excavated in the ancestral cemetery in the back mountain of the Ding family?

It is said that Lin Ji, the new housekeeper of the Ding family, led everyone to look for it. Although he did not know the specific location, he dug most of the graves and finally found them in the westernmost cellar. After the inventory, these silvers are no more or less. It is exactly half a year that the amount of military pay given by the imperial court to Xucheng has confirmed the name of embezzling military pay.

Suti doesn't know why all the stolen silver was found in the cemetery of the Ding family. She firmly believed that Ding's father did not act like this. At that time, he also borrowed money from Su's father for this matter. Su's father felt that the court might have forgotten to pay Xucheng, so he specially wrote a letter to the emperor to explain the matter. And asked Ding's father to wait for the result, and said that after this, let him go back to Huangtian City and hold the wedding of Ding Chenghao and Su Ti.

But what Ding Shi was anxiously waiting for was not military service, but an imperial edict to raid the family. The family was immediately thrown into prison and lost all opportunities to complain about their grievances.

From then on, Suti and Ding Chenghao will be separated forever. No wonder Suti hated Ruan Lingzheng so much and stabbed him when he joined Gong Jingsi through the draft.

Su Ti raised his hand, grabbed Mo Ziyao's sleeve, and cried, "They are really wronged. It was because the dog emperor was so arbitrary that he issued a beheading order that Chenghao's family died in vain. I hate the dog emperor, who is so harmful to people's lives. I really want to avenge them!"

Speaking of this, she cried more fiercely, and her mood was like a flood that opened the gate, and she couldn't stop it. Sister Jinger, you don't know that whenever I dream back at midnight, I see hundreds of people in the Ding family crying around me. I..."

Mo Ziyao was very disgusted with Su Ti's bite of a dog thief. She frowned deeply, interrupted her words coldly, and said in a low voice, "If millions of silver are really corrupted by Ding Assassin, it's really absurd and strange that he doesn't take this money to buy land to run a house, but to 'filial piety' the dead. Isn't this sincere to add anger to the emperor?"

"They didn't!" Suti hurriedly defended. Perhaps too excited, her face suddenly turned flushed and blood overflowed from the corners of her mouth.

After seeing it, Mo Ziyao quickly wiped it with a handkerchief. Looking at Su Ti's appearance, she was very distressed. Shaking his head, his face slowed down. In fact, she didn't really want to block her with words, but Su Ti blamed all the blame on Ruan Lingzheng without investigating the real murderer, which made her angry.

I didn't want to argue with her about this. I came here in the middle of the night to help her, not to quarrel.

Mo Ziyao calmed down, quickly analyzed all the valuable information, and then said seriously, "I think this matter is very strange. If Ding Shishi is indeed a loyal minister and did not do the matter of military sumpire, it can only be said that someone covered the sky with one hand in order to frame him, and the director planned All this. Does Ding Shi have enemies? Or have you offended anyone?"

Su Ti's face was suffocated. In fact, Mo Ziyao analyzed that she had suspected so before. It's just that the suspicious person has no absolute evidence, so it's not easy to speculate.

She recalled carefully and felt that what Mo Ziyao said was reasonable. If the Ding family was framed, then no matter what, they would find out the real murderer and return their innocence.

After thinking for a long time, Su Ti still decided to say a past: "Uncle Ding is kind and upright, and there should be no enemies, but he heard from Chenghao before that General Liu wanted to give one of his maidservants to Chenghao as a concubine, but Uncle Ding refused. I don't know if this offended General Liu.

"It's him..." Mo Ziyao's eyes left Su Ti's face and threw it on the stove in the distance, thinking.

Sure enough, it was him. Originally, he thought that Liu Yanfei was just a rude man who only knew how to lead troops to fight, but he never thought that his mind was not so simple. If this matter is planned by him, then Liu Yanfei can't be careless.

Ruan Lingzheng has also mentioned him many times, and it seems that his scruples are not unreasonable. Through Ding Zishi's incident, it reflects that Liu Yanfei may have had a premeditated and purpose to start pulling talents and officials around, and using all means to tie them and him to a chariot.

If it is really as speculated, I'm afraid he has a big plan. Mo Ziyao didn't dare to think about it, but shivered.


Just as Mo Ziyao was in meditation, a faint cry suddenly came from the room. ** Su Ti, who was already dying, opened his eyes, and his originally godless eyes actually emitted a bright light.

"Mengxi, Mengxi..." She was so excited that she called Mengxi's name, endured the pain and tried to move, and wanted to lift the bedding on her body to stay. Mo Ziyao grabbed her hand and motioned her not to move.

Su Ti looked up and looked at her. He couldn't suppress his excitement and said, "Did you hear that? It's Mengxi. She's calling me! I heard...she... didn't die, that's great!" With that, her tears couldn't help falling down.

At this time, Mengxi, who thought she had died, came another intermittent voice: "Miss, can't..."

Yunlan, who had been waiting beside her, hurried to help Mengxi. Maybe she was turned over. Her body suddenly trembled, and her face turned red and spit out a mouthful of blood. Then she began to gasp and her eyes turned up. It seems that if you can't lift it in one breath, you may be out of breath at any time.

"Go and find a doctor!" Mo Ziyao said to Yunlan.

Yunlan did not run out immediately, but lowered her head to look at Mengxi. When she saw her situation, she shook her head at Mo Ziyao. Mengxi lost too much blood and showed signs of poisoning, which was no longer enough.

"Let me know if you have anything to say." Yunlan said to Mengxi, put her ear close to her lips, heard vague words, and intermittently came: "Help... Miss... I... I have... antidote, in my arms..." After saying this, her head tilted, and no sound came out again.

Yunlan stretched out her index finger, probed the tip of her nose, then shook her head and said, "She has no breath."

"No... Mengxi, Xi'er..." Suti shouted in pain. Tears were thrown freely and my heartbroken.

Yunlan sighed and reached out to find a brown pill from Mengxi's already cool arms. She got up and handed it to Mo Ziyao and said, "This is her last wish."

Mo Ziyao was slightly stunned. Looking at Mengxi doing this to Su Ti, which made her think of her several maidservants, countless emotions surged in her heart and sighed, "Sister Su, Mengxi is really a good girl who treats you like this. Don't worry, I will bury her well.

Suti had no words, and tears fell silently. He stretched out a hand and took the pill tremblingly. He said slowly in a hoarse voice, "Mengxi, silly girl, I didn't take good care of you. It's all my fault..."

Mo Ziyao knew that Su Tiding was sad again. She leaned over and hugged her body and whispered, "Since Mengxi also wants you to live, how can you disappoint her? Only when you are alive can there be hope.

At this time, Yunlan had already handed over a glass of clear water. Mo Ziyao looked at Su Ti and encouraged her: "Take the antidote, and the emperor will go to make ancess for you and ask him to re-examination of Ding's assassination. If it is really wronged, the emperor will also return the Ding family an innocence.

After saying that, Mo Ziyao got up and went out. She wanted to find Ruan Lingzheng, preferably to let him investigate this matter again. She is convinced that if there is Liu Yanfei's shadow on this matter, he will definitely investigate it thoroughly.

Thinking of this, Mo Ziyao unconsciously smiled at the corners of her lips. When did it start? It turned out that I knew him so well.