The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 238 Calculation

Before Mo Ziyao finished her words, she saw Wanqiu shake her head and said, "Only the maidservant is the emperor. She was selected by Sister Lan. I heard that Yuzhi was coming as soon as she heard that she was going to serve Yao. Seeing that she was clever, Sister Lan chose her.

"Sister Lan..." turned out to be the person you chose for this palace.

The corners of Mo Ziyao's mouth were slightly**, slowly closed her eyes, and continued to open fiercely, with a look of disappointment in her eyes. The trust in Yunlan began to waver a little.

It's not that she wants to doubt Yunlan, but that Yuzhi's blow to her is so heavy that she almost dares not believe any of them. What's more, Yunlan is so hidden that she can't even see through it. Yuzhi was brought here by her, so naturally she was more or less suspicious of her.

Fortunately, late autumn is the person arranged by Ruan Lingzheng, who can be trusted. Naturally, Mo Ziyao can also be worried about her.

Ruan Lingzheng will not harm himself, even if he is understanding his situation through late autumn, it is understandable.

Since the first sight of late autumn, Mo Ziyao saw that she was a person with kung fu and had been on guard, but over the years, she has not found anything abnormal, and her mind gradually faded.

He asked Wanqiu to get up and ordered people to change the cold tea. Taking a sip of the maidservant's new tea, she began to recall carefully whether there was really something wrong with the glazed necklace.

Although she suspects that it is very likely to have been tamped with by Yuzhi, she feels that it is difficult to embed impurities, because it is transparent, and it will be obvious to add other things.

And the pigeon blood stone is a little uncertain. After all, this stone was given to her by Mrs. Yun. It's hard to say whether it has been tamped with before it was sent.

After all, Mrs. Yun is immersed in**. For many years, if you have the intention to immerse the spices that can lead to small production, you may still be able to do it. It's just that you can't complete it without a lot of effort.

At that time, the time was so short that even if Mrs. Yun was thoughtful, it was impossible to know that this pigeon blood would definitely pass through her own hands to Mrs. Ya.

Raising one hand impatiently and gently tapping on the table, Mo Ziyao was getting more and more upset. No matter what kind of speculation, there is a great possibility, and the result is extremely unfavorable to you. Now, she really wants to find Yuzhi immediately and ask what happened.

Now, it is not the time to find Yuzhi's guilt, but to think of a solution as soon as possible to meet the upcoming storm.

Wanqiu stood beside Mo Ziyao and saw her eyebrows locked. She also knew that she was upset about Yuzhi and the glazed necklace. After a long time, I couldn't help asking in a low voice, "Mother, what should we do now?"

Mo Ziyao looked up at her and said nothing.

What should I do? It's impossible to send someone to inquire about the situation there immediately, right? I can only calm down and wait for the result quietly. However, even if I don't move, I can't get rid of it now.

Thinking of the scene in Lingyi Palace last night, Mo Ziyao understood a little. No wonder the Empress Dowager sent people to investigate on such a large scale in Lingyi Palace, but she didn't find any problems. Originally, I thought there was something wrong with the incense burner that Zier asked someone to replace. Who would have thought that the problem was the glazed necklace worn by Mrs. Ya day and night.

And this necklace was actually given to her by herself. At that time, everyone present saw it.

What a good way to borrow a knife to kill people invisibly! People only saw that it was Mo Ziyao who gave the necklace to Mrs. Ya, but no one would be bored enough to understand the reason for which materials.

Oh, I always thought I was careful enough, but I didn't expect that I would still be confused in the end.

With a wry smile, she raised her hand and pressed her swollen and painful temples. Mo Ziyao kept warning herself in her heart: Don't think too much. After a few days, there will be a result. Now there is no use to speculate and restlessness here. On the contrary, it may make people feel that there is something wrong with themselves.

At this time, Wanqiu suddenly shouted softly: "Ah, that necklace is no longer in Tianze Palace. Not long ago, it was taken to the imperial hospital for identification. What if there is really something wrong with the necklace?

After listening to Wanqiu's words, Mo Ziyao thought to himself: "According to Ruan Lingzheng's attitude this morning, things should have arrived in his hands very early, but he did not ask people to check immediately, but wanted to see my attitude first. But why did it go out later? Could it be that the empress dowager learned about this matter, and she insisted on a thorough investigation?

The Empress Dowager's nature will naturally not let the real murderer go unpunished. After all, it was her own grandson who was murdered. Her eyes can't tolerate the murderers of imperial descent.

Mo Ziyao took a look at Wanqiu and said, "Now that Sister Lan is not here, we need to calm down. Now that this is the case, we can only take one step."

Wanqiu paused and said, "If that's the case, the Empress really can't escape her sins. After all, in the hall that day, everyone saw that you gave her this glazed necklace. However, after learning that there was likely to be something wrong with the necklace, the emperor did not immediately take it to the imperial hospital for examination, but asked the Empress first. It seems that the emperor wants to stop this for the Empress, so maybe it's not as bad as we thought..." Her voice slowly lowered and quietly looked at Mo Ziyao.

Indeed, when Ruan Lingzheng got the necklace, the first thing that came to mind was Mo Ziyao. Although he said he believed her, this trust would become particularly vulnerable in front of 'evidence'. After all, what he lost was his own flesh and blood!

"But he said he would trust me. He also said that he only asked about Mrs. Ya's stillbirth, only once. I answered him, but I didn't do anything. He said, he believed it. He said, he believed it. Mo Ziyao's mind was full of Ruan Lingzheng's words.

However, even if Zheng wants to help himself, as long as the imperial hospital detects that the necklace is the cause of Mrs. Ya's stillbirth, then he is really indefensible.

Even if Ruan Lingzhengxin, will the Empress Dowager believe it? Will Mrs. Ya let herself go? Will the Liu family not ask for an explanation?

Everything seems to be very unfavorable to her, and Mo Ziyao also deeply understands this.

"Mother." Wanqiu looked at her worriedly and called softly.

Lightly, Mo Ziyao raised her hand slightly to signal her not to speak. You have to think about this matter.

The room suddenly quieted down, leaving only the shallow breathing sound of two people. Outside, the footsteps of occasional people passing by suddenly became abnormally clear.

Mo Ziyao didn't move and didn't say anything. Wanqiu didn't say anything. She only stood quietly behind Mo Ziyao.

For a long time, Mo Ziyao's confused thoughts became clearer.

I remember taking the box containing pigeon blood at that time and taking a close look at it, I only felt that the stone was as red as a red glow, and it was suddenly beautiful. I didn't care too much, so when I handed it over to Yunlan, there was a faint fragrance.

The smell was very light. At that time, I only thought it was the fragrance of flowers in the yard, so I didn't think much about it. Now I will recall that although the smell is fragrant and not unpleasant, I have never smelled it.

When you think about it, the blood color of the pigeon seems to be a little unusual. The blood color of ordinary pigeons is mostly bright red and crimson, but red is rare.

And the taste is unrealistic to say that it comes from the stone. The reason why gemstones are precious is that they are composed of rare elements with extremely high hardness and density. It is extremely difficult to immerse something in them.

Unless ** is soaked for more than half a day and night, or the smell emitted by the drug is attached to its surface by incense. But this is not conducive to the preservation of drugs. The smell will gradually evaporate in the air over time, and it is very easy to be detected.

In this way, it is very likely that the box comes out of the smell.

Later, when it was almost New Year's Eve, she wanted to give something to Mrs. Ya, who was pregnant with imperial descent, and asked Yuzhi if there was anything special in the warehouse. At that time, she seemed to be very much for transferring this pigeon blood.

Originally, Mo Ziyao didn't want to transfer this thing to Mrs. Ya, but for a moment, she thought of designing a necklace for her, so she decided to use the pigeon blood.

In the days when Yuzhi was responsible for creating the necklace, sometimes a strange fragrance appeared on her, especially on the days when it was about to be completed. It's just that I didn't think about that for a moment.

Obviously, she must have been in close contact with that thing for a long time to let the smell adhere to her clothes.

And another idea is that the possibility is also very low, because glass and pigeon blood, it is almost impossible to touch them. The only thing that can be touched is the knot between the two. The joint is used to inlay and fix it. Maybe it is not a simple adhesive, but a spice that can make people infertile or miswhere.

However, these are just assumptions. Only when you see the necklace know what's wrong.

So, Yuzhi has always been Mrs. Yun's person?

But now she is nowhere to be found, or she has learned the news and temporarily avoided the limelight. However, it is also possible that Mrs. Yun took Yuzhi out of the palace for fear that things would be exposed in the future, or...

In that case, even if the whole palace is turned over, she may not be able to find her shadow. However, with Mo Ziyao's understanding of Lin Xiuyun, she will not allow her to leave a flaw and be discovered in the future.

While thinking about it, there was a sudden sound of rapid footsteps outside the door.

"Yuzhi?" Looking at the people coming, Wanqiu said in surprise.

Mo Ziyao heard the sound, opened her eyes, and her eyes suddenly locked on Yuzhi, who staggered in. She didn't know what she had experienced. The tidy palace dress in the morning was dirty and broken at this moment, her body was trembling, her hair was messy, her little face was white, and her eyes were full of horror, as if she had experienced something terrible, and she was still shocked.

"What's going on?" Mo Ziyao's expression became cold in an instant, and she looked at the person below indifferently, and her voice was a little cold.

Yuzhi has guessed something like this.

Her eyes were full of tears, and she knelt on the ground and sobbed, "Mother, I'm sorry. Please punish me!"

[Ah~ This chapter is a little out of state, and it can't be modified no matter how it is modified. I don't know if it's because there will be an exam tomorrow, and I'm afraid of hanging up. I'm very upset. I always can't calm down and my thoughts are chaotic and cruel. Oh, I'm sorry, it's hard for everyone to watch it. Work hard in the next chapter!!]