The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 249 Does it hurt

Mo Ziyao turned around and quickly took out a preserve from the candied bowl on the table and stuffed it into Ruan Lingzheng's mouth. When he finished, he stretched his eyebrows and pulled his hand with a smile. With a handsome face, he enlarged in front of his eyes without warning...

I felt him lean down, his nose was warm on his face, and then two thin lips, clear and cool. Then the tongue swept in recklessly, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated. Mo Ziyao only felt that her cheeks were burning fiercely, but her heart couldn't help throbbing.

The star's eyes were half closed, and suddenly felt that the person in front of him was a little strange. Ruan Lingzheng held her and threw her to bed sideways. She was shocked, but he suddenly fell down and bumped into his body fiercely.

"Political!" Mo Ziyao exclaimed him.

I only heard him snorting slightly, and then I remembered that he had an injury on his body. How could he make so strong and do such a violent exercise?

So he reached out and pushed him away and asked, "Are you all right?"

Ruan Lingzheng looked at her with a little embarrassed face and closed his eyes and said, "I'm angry."

Mo Ziyao was stunned for a moment and suddenly became angry again. Why? Looking at him carefully, I still can't see anything. After a long time, I saw him reach out to touch his chest and look sideways at himself.

He was a little panicked by him, and Mo Ziyao lowered her head at a loss.

Ruan Lingzheng leaned out his hand and gently held her in his arms. His jaw pressed against her still hot cheek and said softly, "I want to know if you have the ability to protect yourself in this harem?"

Mo Ziyao looked at him in constersment, but she didn't know what he meant.

I couldn't help leaning over with a smile and leaning on his chest and saying, "Isn't there politics? You will protect Yaoer, right?

Ruan Lingzheng laughed and sighed, "I don't have time to protect you all the time."

His words made Mo Ziyao suddenly stunned. Thinking of today's everything, he was afraid that if he would encounter today's situation again one day, and he couldn't come in time, what should he do?

Since he can't protect it all the time, he wants to be strong enough to protect himself, right?

She looked at Ruan Lingzheng and smiled and said, "Of course, you can't put all your thoughts on Yaoer. You have to pay attention to the political affairs of the previous dynasty. How can you take care of the trivial matters in this harem?"

When it comes to political affairs, Ruan Lingzheng's face sank slightly, and suddenly sighed, "Speaking of this reminds me that the Empress Dowager's birthday is coming."

Yes, the Empress Dowager's birthday is on the eighth day of next month, and now it's March 11th. After calculating the time, it hasn't been a month. In a blink of an eye, it will arrive.

Mo Ziyao didn't say anything and said to him, "That day was very lively."

The Empress Dowager's fiftieth birthday must also be a festive day. Although it is a little exaggerated to celebrate together, it must be very luxurious to celebrate the Empress Dowager's birthday for the first time since Ruan Lingzheng ascended the throne.

I just don't know if the Pingyi King and the third prince who are imprisoned in Taiguo Temple will have a chance to return to Huangtian City. In addition, will Ruan Lingjun, the king who rarely returns to the palace, and the king of Pingzhen, who has always been at peace with Ruan Lingzheng, come back because of this?

Mo Ziyao pretended to ask him carelessly, "Will the princes of the respective fiefs also come?"

At that time, Emperor Lingtian had seven sons. Ruan Lingzheng was the second son and the son of the empress dowager. It is said that when he was still a prince, he was not particularly favored by the previous emperor. In the battle for the throne, the third prince was imprisoned in Taiguo Temple, and the fourth prince died before Ruan Lingzheng succeeded to the throne.

After Ruan Lingzheng ascended the throne, the other two princes left Huangtian City and went to their respective fiefs. Five sons of Pingyi King, six sons of Pingzhen King and the youngest seven sons of Pingren King.

Ruan Lingzheng answered and said, "My brothers will naturally come to the imperial city, and some surrounding tributary countries will also come. Emperor Yuchi of the State of Yutan in the west and Emperor Fumo of the Kingdom of Yuni also also want to take this opportunity to establish friendly relations with our dynasty forever, and I also sent someone to invite him to the court.

Mo Ziyao was shocked. In her memory, Yutan seemed to have maintained an ambiguous relationship with Song. Is it inappropriate for Ruan Lingzheng to invite him like this? So he asked in a low voice, "Yu Tan is not bordered by me, Ruan Nanguo. Why is their emperor willing to come?"

Ruan Lingzheng smiled and said, "A year before I ascended the throne, the state of Han was still turbulent. As you know, even if it is the glorious Song Dynasty, there will be mutiny. The same is true of me, Ruan Nanguo. It's better to have an ally than to build an enemy.

Ruan Lingzheng's face did not look strange when talking about Ruan Nanguo's mutiny. Mo Ziyao also doesn't know whether the mutiny he mentioned was the one when he ascended the throne four years ago. That's all she won't ask.

After taking a breath, Mo Ziyao then thought of Gu Moli. He used to be a high-ranking general in Tusala and controlled most of the country's military power. Later, he heard that Emperor Tusadi admired him. He not only accepted him as his adopted son, but also made him a prince.

Oh, he is always unpredictable, and he wants to understand but has no way to start.

But he is such a person, but he does not belong to any country here. Mo Ziyao still remembers his kindness to herself. However, although they come from the same place, they should not have intersections again, right? Although he thought so, the picture of him saving himself always came to his mind.

Mo Ziyao has learned from Ruan Lingzheng that although Tusala and Ruan Nanguo are hostile, Tusala will also come on that day out of etiquette. The emperor of Tusala is old, but he has no children under his knees. Naturally, he is also afraid that his foundation will be occupied by other countries a hundred years later, right?

For some reason, she suddenly became curious about the alternation of the regime of Tusala. Gu Moli was the adopted son of Tusadi, but he did not know if he would inherit Tusa's country in the future?


quietly looked at Ruan Lingzheng. When he said it just now, he did not mention Tusala alone. Maybe, there is still hatred in his heart. Mo Ziyao didn't know that it was an untiable knot.

If it hadn't been for the invasion war and wanted to annex Ruan Nanguo, perhaps she wouldn't have almost died.

Oh, where did the courage come from at that time to meet the sharp arrow? Now when Mo Ziyao thinks about it, she still has a lingering feeling of palpitation. Even so, she knew that if she encountered this situation again, she would still meet it with her own body without hesitation. If he hadn't blocked the sharp arrow with his body, Ruan Lingzheng might not have been able to stand in front of him anymore.

Thinking of this, my heart was shocked. He couldn't help stretching out his hand, hugged Ruan Lingzheng's body tightly and buried his face in his chest. Holding him, it was a real feeling, which made her a little comfortable.

"What?" Ruan Lingzheng lowered his head and asked her. Suddenly, he said in a low voice, "I hold it too tightly. My chest hurts."

I don't know why, at that moment, Mo Ziyao didn't want to let go. Anyway, it became tighter and tighter.

Ruan Lingzheng couldn't help humming. Mo Ziyao gritted her teeth and said, "Does it hurt? Zheng was so distressed that he could remember that he was slapped for Yao'er.

Ruan Lingzheng was slightly stunned, and then smiled and said, "In this case, why did you politely persuade me to drink medicine? I can't get better. Didn't I call your heart?

Mo Ziyao raised her eyes, looked into his eyes, and said, "Yuer is in contradiction at this moment. She wants to govern faster, but she can't do better in her life." Still holding her hard, Ruan Lingzheng frowned in pain, but did not push her away.

After a long time, Ruan Lingzheng gritted his teeth and said, "I won't be good all my life, my Yao'er, so cruel!"

Mo Ziyao said nothing, leaned slightly against his chest, and almost hit him.


Ruan Lingzheng snorted, but was not annoyed and whispered, "This is the first time I've seen you like this."

For a long time, Mo Ziyao was willing to hold his hand easily. Unexpectedly, he circled her tightly and said with a smile, "I am... very happy."

Mo Ziyao's heart seemed to have been slightly hit by something. It turned out that she was so afraid of losing him and his love. I'm really surprised that I didn't even know when my feelings for him were so deep.

When love has become an instinct...

Suddenly when he remembered why he was slapped for himself, he also said that it was just instinctive...

As I was thinking about it, I heard him coughing a few times, looked up at him, and saw his eyebrows twisted tightly.

"Political." Mo Ziyao reached out and stroked his chest. But he shook his head and smiled, "I'm fine." After a long time, he said again, "I'm happy today."

Mo Ziyao was really happy to see the smile on his face. Somehow, I saw him smile, and my mood got better.

Ruan Lingzheng lowered his head, gently printed a kiss on Mo Ziyao's forehead, slightly tightened her hands, and whispered, "It feels good to hold you like this. If possible, I really want to go on like this for the rest of my life. Don't go to the court, don't think about those annoying court affairs, and don't look down on the flattering false faces of those courtiers every day.

As he said, he seemed to think of something and hummed: "A bunch of national moths who worshiped the court but refused to contribute to work said flattering words in the court every day, and they were panicked and at a loss. That's all, but I can't see any one who really cares about my country!" When he said this, Ruan Lingzheng's eyes slowly overflowed with disappointment.

Mo Ziyao wanted to open her mouth, but he said angrily, "Nothing can do anything. They will only remember their official career. When things happen, they all avoid them like snakes and scorpions and retreat. All of them will only be flattering, and there is no one who can use it later!"

"Political." Mo Ziyao shook his arm, hoping that he would not be angry with those unrelaxed people.

"I really can't wait to dischargate them all!" Ruan Lingzheng gritted his teeth and said.

Mo Ziyao couldn't help laughing: "If Zheng dismissed them all, won't you be the only one left in the morning?" It is easy to be dismissed, but it is very difficult to train another group of new people.

(The Yutan and Kunni countries that appeared in the article have appeared in history. But there are only a few. If you are interested, you can learn about it. After all, Ye Zi's text is fictional and fantasy, so it is not described in detail, but just borrowed. For those who want to tamper with history, don't spray~)

It's the end of the month, please collect it~~ I dare not shout loudly, so please whisper~~~~~~~~