The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 255 Enemy

Mo Ziyao walked all the way without looking back. Presumably, the two maidservant of Lingyi Palace listened to it word for word. It won't take long for it to come to Hui's noble concubine.

As Meng Xiuyuan said, she is now in the pain of losing her son. She heard that Yunxianfei almost had a miscarriage. Whether it is true or not, she can't help going to find out.

So, we will wait and see what the result will be.

After a long way, Mo Ziyao turned back to see the late autumn. He whispered: "Late autumn..."

"Mother." She interrupted Mo Ziyao's words and smiled, "Don't say sorry. It will kill the maidservant."

Mo Ziyao's heart tightened, and a sense of guilt suddenly rose from the bottom of her heart. Thinking of that time on the battlefield, I put her at risk, just to create time and opportunity for myself.

Mo Ziyao gently stretched out her hand, took Wanqiu and Yuzhi's hand, and took a breath and said, "One day, I will invite the emperor to give you a good marriage and let you get married out of the palace." There is no need to say much else. This is the best belonging that can be given to them.

"Mother!" The two maidservants exclaimed and knelt down together and said, "I am willing to serve my mother all my life!"

Mo Ziyao smiled and said, "I also want to, but I don't want to be a selfish person. You are good to me, and I will be good to you.

They still lowered their heads, but Mo Ziyao had turned around: "Okay, get up and go back to the palace. I'm tired."

Late autumn and Yuzhi got up for a long time before they followed. Holding Mo Ziyao one by one, Yuzhi whispered, "The Empress is as kind as a mountain, and I will always remember it. If one day, the mother is really doing well, and I am willing to listen to the mother's arrangement.

"The same is the maidservant." Late autumn also whispered.

And Mo Ziyao was finally stunned. Really good. Oh, Yuzhi's words made her suddenly remember what Chu Qingtian said to her that night. He said that he couldn't reassure him now, so he had to go to the palace to look at himself...

My throat was a little sad, and even my nose was sore. "Two good and bad maidservant, you are trying to make me cry." Mo Ziyao sucked her nose hard, but she smiled.

After walking forward for a while, I suddenly saw the bright yellow shadow in the distance. That direction should come from the Empress Dowager's Tairen Palace, right? Only then did Mo Ziyao remember that Euke Jin said this morning that the Empress Dowager asked the emperor to go to court and pass through her palace. But she didn't know that he had stayed in Tairen Palace for so long?

Ruan Lingzheng walked quickly, and Grandpa Jin followed him.

Unconsciously, Mo Ziyao remembered the time when he took the initiative to go to Lingyi Palace. When he came out, he passed by fiercely, but did not speak and left as quickly as now. However, looking at his agile pace, his heart calmed down slightly, and it seemed that the injury on his body was not serious.

I went back to Yuyao Palace, ate something and went back to the bedroom to rest.

In the evening, I heard that Ruan Lingzheng went to Lingyi Palace. Mo Ziyao has known about it for a long time, so she didn't lose much.

For five consecutive days, Ruan Lingzheng left the imperial study and went straight to the Lingyi Palace.

Meng Xiuyuan's death has long been submerged on the gorgeous stage of the harem. Before long, many people will no longer remember that there was such a woman.

And Mo Ziyao, who lost the sachet entrusted by Meng Xiuyuan, has never regretted it. It's just the jealousy of women. If you put yourself in other's shoes, others may not be able to give things that can remember other women to Ruan Lingzheng.

No one will be so stupid to let the man around him miss his woman. According to legend, although Hui Guifei has lost her imperial descendants, she has always been favored.

Such news can naturally easily spread into the ears of the Liu family. It can also be easily transmitted to Xing Ning's ears.

Thinking of the tragic death of her daughter, the ruthlessness of the Liu family, and her current situation, Mo Ziyao thought that the hatred in Xing's heart at this moment would only become stronger and stronger. He may also think that the emperor's transfer to Liu Yanfei's residence in the north is a great opportunity.

And there is always one thing, Mo Ziyao finally felt strange, that is, why can the noble concubine Hui not take action against Concubine Yunxian for a long time? Is it just because she didn't want to do those secret things during the holy pet period?

Oh, how can Noble Concubine Hui be such a person? From the day when she was about to kill herself in Lingyi Palace, Mo Ziyao knew that sometimes, she was not a person who could stand it.

It's just that Mo Ziyao will not intervene in this matter. Perhaps, Princess Hui is still watching and waiting for her to take action.

As long as she hasn't moved for a long time, I believe that one day, Hui Guifei will not help it.

These days, Yongshan Palace suddenly became quiet and did nothing. However, Dr. Xu still went to ask Yunxian for her pulse on time every day, and there was no abnormal news.

Two days later, Yunlan finally came back from the distant Celestial Empire, and she brought back a complete kite.

When Mo Ziyao returned the kite intact to the empress dowager, the empress dowager didn't even look at it and directly ordered someone to release it back to Xilin Palace.

Maybe too many things have happened during this period, and her birthday is approaching, so she no longer has the leisure to take care of this kite. It may also be because Mo Ziyao is now in the same boat as her and swallows the chronic poison she gave her, so she is not worried about what Mo Ziyao will do.

In the past few days, Mo Ziyao still went to the Tairen Palace every day to pay her peace to the Empress Dowager, and finally met the noble concubine Hui in the Tairen Palace. She still sat proudly beside the Empress Dowager, looking at Mo Ziyao's eyes with hatred.

Mo Ziyao only did not see it, lowering her head and whispering to Yunlan beside her.

When she came out of Tairen Palace, she heard the footsteps behind her getting closer and closer. Mo Ziyao turned around and saw that it was Hui Guifei. He hurriedly saluted and said, "Your concubine Hui."

Hui Guifei looked straight at Mo Ziyao, but she didn't say a word. It's just that those eyes are consistent with her eyes.

Mo Ziyao couldn't help sneering and said, "Why did the Empress Hui look at me so hard? I have already told you clearly about what happened that day."

Noble Concubine Hui approached and said fiercely, "This matter can not be counted on your head, but since the emperor blocked your palm in Lingyi Palace, I told myself in my heart that the woman in front of me will be the biggest enemy in my life!"

Mo Ziyao was shocked. It turned out that she was for Ruan Lingzheng. So he looked up at her and said in a low voice, "Does the noble concubine want to kill me again?" You haven't left the Tairen Palace yet. Do you really have that much courage?

Hui Guifei sneered and said, "You look down on this palace too much. You are very smart and want to keep the emperor's heart, so I will tell you that I can also do it!"

Mo Ziyao was stunned and only heard her hum coldly and brush her sleeves away. Looking at the graceful back of the noble concubine, Mo Ziyao was stunned for a moment. She also said that she would keep Ruan Lingzheng's heart.

I don't know what she has done to the emperor these days. Mo Ziyao suddenly remembered that if her child was really born, she was still a prince. The Liu family wants to support their youngest son. Does her noble concubine Hui stand on the side of Ruan Lingzheng or the side of the Liu family?

For a long time, she shook her head and smiled tastelessly. I'm afraid Noble Concubine Hui doesn't know that it will be difficult for her to have his children in her life. Although the Empress Dowager is for the sake of the country, this move is indeed vicious, depriving a woman of the right to be a mother...

In fact, the Empress Dowager is even familiar with this kind of taste. She had no children in those years, so she gave all her love to Ruan Lingzheng.

If Princess Xi is still alive, Mo Ziyao would like to ask what it would be like if she gave up her son with her own hands.

After so many days, I think Ruan Lingzheng's injury has almost healed. Sure enough, he didn't go to the Lingyi Palace this night. But instead of coming to Yuyao Palace, he went to Yongshan Palace to see Yunxianfei.

Mo Ziyao stood at the window and stared at the scenery in the courtyard. The dim light could still see the recovery of everything.

Suddenly, she remembered Meng Xiuyuan's words before her death. She said that she could not enjoy his favor alone, just because he had three thousand beauties.

Hui Guifei also said that she wanted to keep his heart.

But Mo Ziyao wants to ask, can there really be a woman in this harem that can always keep his heart? Every time, when he faces himself, the warm feeling is so real and warm.

However, when he leaves, he can only hear where he has gone today and where he will tomorrow, he will feel so sad. Therefore, Mo Ziyao wanted to say that Ruan Lingzheng's favor was her desire, but she felt palpitations.

"Mother, go to bed early." Yunlan came in and went to the window to close the window and urged.

Mo Ziyao turned around silently and went to bed and lay down.

For another five days in a row, Ruan Lingzheng either went to Lingyi Palace or Yongshan Palace. In the harem, there seemed to be a strange situation of balance between Hui and Yunxian.

Time has passed quickly. In a blink of an eye, it has been the fourth day of April. It's only a few days before the Empress Dowager's birthday.

It's strange that the weather has been fine for several days, and the temperature has risen quickly. At noon, the temperature is so high that people can't wait to stay in the room wearing single clothes.

One noon, after Mo Ziyao finished her lunch, she only wore a single dress and rested in the bedroom. In a daze, she only felt that her right arm was cold, as if there was water dripping on it, wet and cold.

She had a dream, in which she seemed to have been staring at her by her bedside. The eyes that stared straight at him were a little cold. That look is very similar to the way Princess Hui looked at her in front of Tairen Palace two days ago.

Although I am not awake, I can still vaguely feel the gaze. But thinking that maybe I thought too much, but one of Yunlan or Wanqiu stood in the room, I didn't think much about it. I relaxed and quickly fell asleep again.

After sleeping for a long time, I woke up leisurely.

When she got up, Yunlan just brought in the freshly made jasmine tea. Mo Ziyao raised her arms and was habitually preparing to rub her fluffy sleepy eyes, but she saw Yunlan looking at herself strangely.

"What's the matter, Sister Lan?"