The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 316 Only the Present Situation

Qiu Fei held her forehead with one hand and knocked on the table with the other hand. She said, "That's all about the thing ahead. Unexpectedly, now the harem is not calming down. According to the news that Xuefei and Hui Guifei have united, they want to deal with Yunxianfei. What's more unbelievable is that there is a mysterious person who whistleblowed like the empress dowager, pointing out that the imperial descendants in Yunxianfei's belly are fake.

Mo Ziyao was stunned. The combination of Hui Guifei and Xue Fei surprised her. After all, these two hostile people must have some common interests to come together.

But she doesn't think that Xuefei is the kind of person who is for profit and ignores Ruan Lingzheng's feelings. Xuefei still has feelings for him. Only with him in mind can you do so many crazy things, can't you?

From another perspective, if Xuefei and Hui Guifei join together to remove themselves and remove all the stumbling stones in front of her, I'm afraid that in the end, she will not get a good end.

My heart suddenly shook again, but what if love has turned into hatred? The original vow was too perfect, but now, Ruan Lingzheng can't do six palaces without concubines for her.

Mo Ziyao knows this very well, but Xuefei can't. Ruan Lingzheng has loved her for so many years, no, he still loves her now. How happy he would be when he saw her come back alive. Because he thought he could finally make up for everything he owed her in the past.

It's just that he didn't expect that today's Yuchi snow is no longer that simple and beautiful snow...

Today's snow concubine. There was only hatred and revenge in her heart, but she was used in this palace fight. She only wants to do what she wants, but never thinks about whether she can do it.

She thought she was calculating well, but she didn't think that she was also calculated by others. Poor thing, she didn't know anything and thought she would be the ultimate winner.

Mo Ziyao felt that the rumor that there was a problem with the imperial descendants in Yunxian's belly must have come from the two of them. But since he dared to release the news that there is a problem with the imperial descendants in Yunxian's belly at this time, I don't know if there is practical evidence, or can't help but have to take action when the moon is getting bigger?

Mo Ziyao was thinking about it, but she saw Qiu Fei suddenly get up, smashed her fists hard on the table, gritted her teeth and said, "The man pointed out that the fetus in Yunxian's womb was not my royal brother's, but a wild seed of a doctor in the Imperial Hospital. When the Empress Dowager heard this, she fainted with anger."

"What?" Qiu Fei's words shocked Mo Ziyao. She had only left for half a month. Such a thing happened in the palace, which humiliated Ruan Lingzheng and made Ruan Nanchao ashamed.

But she felt incredible, as arrogant as a concubine Yunxian. She married Ruan Lingzheng in her teens. Isn't she eager to put it on him physically and mentally? How can you do such a ridiculous thing again?

Besides, didn't she also conceive a dragon seed under Ruan Lingzheng's kindness before? No, according to Meng Xiuyuan, her child should have died early. The next thought, even Mo Ziyao herself was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat. Is it because she was afraid that someone would know that the imperial descendants in her womb had died and could not be born, so she wanted to steal the beam and change the pillar and want to borrow seeds?

Mo Ziyao is a little puzzled and as smart as her. How can she do such a stupid thing? Intuition, the first reaction, was to tell her that it was likely a conspiracy. It may be speculated by some people. I didn't dare to investigate, so I pushed it directly to the empress dowager. Regarding the issue of royal bloodline, everyone knows that no matter whether it is true or not, the Empress Dowager will not sit idly by.

Who will be the imperial doctor in the imperial hospital? So bold, how dare you let the emperor's concubine conceive his seed.

It won't be...

How can the Empress Dowager tolerate such a thing? The blood of the royal family is noble, how can it be blasphemous? The Empress Dowager has begun to ask people to investigate. The suspected person is Dr. Xu, who takes the peace for Yunxianfei every day.

Sure enough, Qiu Fei's words also made Mo Ziyao verify her conjecture. Sure enough, it was Xu Zheng. In fact, I was still careless. At that time, I sent him to ask questions, so I should have seen the problem.

It's just that she doesn't understand who found something wrong between them? You should know that Yuzhi, who used to be the eyeliner of Yunxianfei, only said that there was something wrong with her fetus, but she didn't know what the problem was.

Mo Ziyao was both stunned and sighed. Somehow, she actually sympathized with Ruan Lingzheng. He must be angry when he learned about this, right? My heart was a little sad. It seemed that I still couldn't let go. No matter how Ruan Lingzheng hurt himself, the first thing he thought of was still his feelings and his mood.

"After all, this matter is only the speculation of some people, and there is no real evidence. How can the royal bloodline be so blasphemous? Yunxianfei has been following the royal family for many years and won't do such stupid things. Let's find out before making a conclusion."

In fact, Mo Ziyao wants to say that if she quarrels with the Lin family again at a critical moment, Ruan Lingzheng's situation will become more difficult.

Originally, Ruan Lingzheng wanted to gradually disperse the regime and power they had operated for many years step by step, and then wipe them all out. But contrary to expectations, the current situation has forced him to be embarrassed and timid.

It's really a difficult war. I just don't know whether he can successfully return to the military power and regime this time, and completely disintegrate the deep-rooted forces of the Liu Lin family in the government.

This incident seemed to make Qiu Fei very unstable. She blushed and raised her voice and said, "Now the situation is turbulent, the Empress Dowager and temporarily suppressed this matter. Except for a few people, no one else knows it. Xu Zheng has been imprisoned for trial, and Yunxianfei has also been banned in Yongshan Palace. She only said that the fetal pulse is unstable and needs careful recuperation. No one is allowed to visit her.

Speaking of this, she suddenly clenched her fists and said angrily, "I can understand all this, but what makes people angry is that at this time, the empress dowager actually promised the old thief Lin, saying that when his daughter gives birth to a prince and immediately becomes the crown prince, she will be crowned the crown prince. If she is a princess, she will also be crowned queen 100 days later. Did the Empress Dowager also faint?

Mo Ziyao shook her head gently, took Qiu Fei's hand, and comforted her: "The Empress Dowager did this, but it's timeless. Not to mention whether this child is your royal brother or not, you also know that the situation is turbulent now. It's good to stabilize the Lin family first. It's not too late for the emperor to take down the Liu family and then turn around to deal with the Lin family. Moreover, the Lin family did not know and promised that they would naturally do their best to deal with the Liu family. With Lin's help, if there is no accident, the Liu family is really going to end this time.

After listening to Mo Ziyao's explanation, Qiu Fei's expression eased a little. Hearing that the Liu family was about to die, she looked up with some joy and asked, "Sister-in-law, is it true? Will the royal brother be able to take power again?"

Mo Ziyao smiled and said, "You have to have confidence in your brother."


Qiu Fei suddenly softened and lay down on Mo Ziyao and said, "But I still heard that the Celestial Empire and the Mongolian Empire were about to go to war, and I, Ruan Nan Dynasty, were on the line that the two countries had to pass along the way. Three days ago, the imperial brother received the documents of the Celestial Empire again. The Celestial Empire said that if our country does not abandon its weapons and becomes a supply country on their march, it will flatten our Ruan Nanguo.

Mo Ziyao only felt that her mind exploded, and her thoughts were confused. He muttered, "No way, is this destiny?"

Because she has read a lot of history, she knows that there is no Ruan Nanguo in ancient Chinese history, and the Song Dynasty was also destroyed by gold almost eight years later.

Since this country has never appeared in history, it is very likely to perish before the Song Dynasty. Who will it be destroyed, the Song Dynasty or the Mongolian Empire?

No, Ruan Nanguo must not be destroyed, so we must find a way to let Ruan Nanguo escape this disaster.

Unconsciously, Mo Ziyao also tightened Qiu Fei's hand.

"What fate?" Qiu Fei frowned and raised her eyes to see that Mo Ziyao's expression was constantly changing. Thinking that she was afraid after hearing about the great powers of China and Mongolia, she reached out and patted her on the shoulder and said, "Sister-in-law, don't worry, no matter what happens, there will be a royal brother standing for us! Brother Huang is the greatest person in the world, and I believe we can overcome this difficulty.

Mo Ziyao looked at her and smiled. She didn't know how to say something to Qiu Fei. Although Ruan Nanguo is strong, when such a small country meets the Song Dynasty and Damong, it is as weak as an ant looking up at the towering giant tree. Even if you want to block it, you can't resist it.

She couldn't help sighing. How long has it been since so many things happened? Although she also understands that there has been no immortal dynasty or immortal glory since ancient times. But Ruan Lingzheng has been emperor for less than five years.

She also knew that if the Song Dynasty came, even if he had three heads and six arms, he would not escape destruction. But he lives to protect his people. If this day really comes, what will he choose? Give up your own people, run away, and hide your name from now on? Or fight with the people until they perish?

She understands that if that day comes, as the emperor of the country, he will never choose to retreat, but will choose to fight to the end. But in this way, he will be the first to take the brunt and will be doomed.

If she can choose, how she hopes that he can choose the former, give up everything, and from then on, he will return to the mountains and forests with him and live an anonymous life. However, he knows him so well that he must have chosen the latter rather than the former.

At this time, she wished she would fight side by side with him, but he didn't give him this opportunity.

She suddenly stopped hating Ruan Lingzheng and didn't hate him at all. Because she understood that he did it just to protect her.

As Qiu Fei said, as today and the harem are in chaos, only the cold palace is the most peaceful place. No matter what happens, he is alone and bears it silently, leaving only a broad and majestic back and a generous smile for them.

Such Ruan Lingzheng.

He is actually a qualified emperor and a wise man. However, there are too many things in his chest, so he is a good king.

Mo Ziyao never questioned this.

However, she loves him. Everyone only saw him high. But she saw his fragility. On the surface, he was so strong that he was invulnerable, but the endless loneliness in his heart made her feel pain...

She loves him and wants him not to be lonely. But he knows that all this is him, Ruan Lingzheng. So she can't let him lose his original appearance. She wants to try her best to protect him as soon as possible.