The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 331 Crazy Things

In the evening, Mo Ziyao sat alone at the table waiting for Yuzhi to come.

Ruan Lingzheng usually comes every three or four days. He only came yesterday and must not come today.

Although the Empress Dowager already knows that the emperor often passes through the cold palace here late at night, she only closes her eyes. If he comes too often, she will still be afraid of attracting the attention of others.

Mo Ziyao left the lamp in the corner of the room without being blown out, and she could faintly see what was in the house.

When Yuzhi came, she saw her sitting alone at the table. She was shocked and quickly came forward and asked, "What's wrong with the Empress?"

Mo Ziyao got up and said to her, "Go out and help me bring the long ladder next to the side of the hall."

Yuzhi's face changed, and she frowned and asked, "What do you want that long ladder to do?"

Mo Ziyao just walked forward and whispered, "Don't ask so many questions. Naturally, I am of my use. I've seen it in the day. It's a long ladder. I'm afraid I can't move it alone. So I can only wait for you to come."

Hearing this, Yuzhi became more and more puzzled. She tried to open her mouth and saw Mo Ziyao's appearance and swallowed it again.

At this moment, the two have arrived at the side hall, and the long ladder is still leaning against the wall. Mo Ziyao greeted her, and the two of them lifted it up together.

When I moved it, I found that this ladder was so heavy that it suddenly hurt my waist. She held her waist in one hand, gritted her teeth, took a deep breath, and carried the ladder on her shoulder.

Seeing this, Yuzhi hurriedly said, "Mother, it's heavy, and the maidservant can still hold on, you..."

"I'm fine." Mo Ziyao gritted her teeth and said, "It's good that she is not a weak woman."

Yuzhi wanted to say something else, so he heard Mo Ziyao say again, "Go steady!"

She was slightly shocked. At this moment, she knew that she would keep her strength to move the long ladder over, so she stopped talking. There is still a distance between the partial hall and the main hall. Mo Ziyao and Chao Chen walked and stopped for a long time before finally arriving at the door. When they leaned the long ladder outside, both of them were exhausted.

Falled on the steps and gasped. Both of them looked at each other and laughed.

Yuzhi frowned and said, "What is the mother going to do?" He looked up at the roof and joked, "Isn't it going to climb up to see the stars?"

Mo Ziyao smiled and naturally wanted to climb to the roof, but not to see the stars. There is no moon today, and the stars are almost invisible. Without answering, he rested for a while, got up, took out the things made during the daytime from the room, handed it to her, "Take it for me first, and hand it to me later."

After saying that, despite her surprise, she climbed straight up the long ladder.

"Mother..." Yuzhi chased over and asked, "What are you going to do?" Come down quickly, and I will do it for you. Mother"

"Shh--" Mo Ziyao stared back at her and scolded in a low voice, "Do you want everyone outside to hear it?"

She was so scared that she was silent, but looking at Mo Ziyao's eyes, she was still full of worries. Mo Ziyao didn't look at her, but stretched out her hand and said, "B Bring something."

Yuzhi hesitated before handing over the things.

Mo Ziyao grabbed it tightly and climbed up the long ladder with one hand. It's so high that she doesn't dare to look down. Finally, he climbed to the top, put the things in his hand on the roof, and then climbed up carefully. When I turned around, I saw a bright lantern outside the cold palace, and the lanterns everywhere were dotted and beautiful.

Yuzhi also said to see the stars, but Mo Ziyao felt that sitting here and watching the night scene in the palace was also good. Thinking about it, I can't help laughing. Then, he coughed and said to himself, "It's not for fun." He clenched the thing in his hand, bent down and climbed up the roof. I found a place, plugged it in, pressed it with a few pieces of rubble, and tried to push it. I found that it was strong enough before I was relieved. Take a deep breath and go back the same way.

Yuzhi waited anxiously below and saw her come down. She said happily, "Mother, you have finally come down!"

Mo Ziyao nodded and said, "Don't say anything, move the long ladder back first."

"Ah." Yuzhi unconsciously exclaimed.

Mo Ziyao smiled and said, "Ah, hurry up." It would be bad if people could see the long ladder here tomorrow. With that, he bent down to move. Seeing this, Yuzhi hurried to help.

It took a lot of effort to move the long ladder back. The two were already exhausted and helped each other. When they returned to the room, they fell together on the edge of the bed and gasped. Mo Ziyao found that her stomach was a little painful, so she carefully climbed into bed and lay down, stroked her stomach with one hand, and did not dare to move.

Yuzhi didn't notice this detail and just thought that Mo Ziyao was very tired, so she helped her pull the quilt and put it on her body. He asked, "What did the Empress do with that strange thing on the roof?"

Strange things? Mo Ziyao was stunned for a moment, thinking that she had inserted a straightened hook on the candlestick, so she felt strange, right?

was about to open his mouth, but he heard her exclaim, "Ah, why is there one less hook on this curtain?"

Mo Ziyao looked back and smiled, "I put it in the candlestick." Her eyes were full of surprise, and Mo Ziyao said, "Take it to the roof and attract thunder."

Yuzhi was shocked and said, "Your mother...what did you say?"


Mo Ziyao said it again and smiled unconsciously. She knew why Yuzhi was surprised, just because she was most afraid of thunder. Rays are really crazy for a person who is afraid of thunder to death.

If it hadn't been for the thunderstorm that night that split off the small half of the side hall, she wouldn't have thought of such a method. These days, it is bound to thunder. Looking at the thunder that broke the partial hall that day, the force is still very strong. What's more, the supervisor's eunuch also said that the cold palace had been in disrepair for a long time. As long as you can draw the thunder down and directly break through the main hall, then the repair can't escape.

In this way, when the abandoned concubine living in the cold palace is repaired in the cold palace, she must choose another place to settle down. However, the houses that can live in the cold palace are full, and they can't let themselves squeeze together with other abandoned concubines. Presumably, even if he wants to, Ruan Lingzheng will refuse.

So, as long as this place is destroyed, you can go out openly. Moreover, it won't be said. It's just a natural disaster. Who can control it? Who can say anything?

Yuzhi finally reacted and said in shock, "Is the Empress going out of the cold palace?"

Mo Ziyao nodded and said, "Don't tell anyone about this!" If it hadn't been for the fact that I couldn't carry the long ladder alone, I wouldn't have told her.

Yuzhi said urgently, "If you want to go out, there are many ways. It's too dangerous to do this! Moreover, even if this place is broken, other empty houses in the cold palace may not be able to get out. She got up and was about to walk out. "No, I'm going to take that thing off."

Mo Ziyao grabbed her: "There are no vacant houses in the cold palace. Even if there are, no one can live there. Also, the long ladder can't be moved by you alone. They moved twice, and now both of their hands are trembling slightly. It's almost impossible to move again.


"It's okay." Mo Ziyao comforted her, "When it thunders, we don't want to be in the room. It will be all right." Although she said this, she became more and more nervous. Although she was no longer afraid of thunder as before, it was her weakness, a weakness that could not be changed in her life.

Yuzhi was so anxious that her eyes turned red: "Why do you have to choose this method? If you really want to go out, the maidservant will beg the emperor and the empress dowager.

Mo Ziyao sighed, "If I can ask them for this, I don't have to do so."

Yuzhi was stunned, thought about it, and said, "Then... we can pretend to be walking water! Once the cold palace catchs fire, you can still go out.

Mo Ziyao looked at her and shook her head and said, "I haven't thought about the way to walk through water. It's just outside the cold palace, and there are guards. It's watery, and you can quickly feel it outside. At that time, someone will extinguish it as quickly as possible. But the thunder is different. When it splits down, no one dares to come forward to stop it. Unless he doesn't want to die. Moreover, that's fast enough. Yuzhi is still a smart girl, but what she thinks is still too rough. The most reliable thing is to attract thunder.

When Mo Ziyao said she was desperate, her face even changed. In fact, not to mention her, Mo Ziyao's own face is also extremely ugly. Because she is most afraid of thunder.

Looking up and looking at the beam above the head, it is all wooden. At that time, it must also be flammable. Then it was really watery, and no one set it on fire.

After a long time, Yuzhi said again, "Why did you have to go out? Isn't it safe here?"

Mo Ziyao sighed slightly. It's very safe here, but it's too safe to make her more and more uneasy. How can you be comfortable alone and let them face danger?

took a deep breath and said, "I know about this. Remember, you must not tell anyone about it. Especially the emperor, do you know?"

Yuzhi hesitated and saw Mo Ziyao looking straight at herself, and finally nodded in embarrassment.

Everything is ready, only the east wind. Mo Ziyao closed her eyes and prayed in her heart, hoping that there would be another thunder during this period. The more thunder, the better.

But on the second day, the weather was so good that there was no thunderstorm at all. She was vaguely disappointed.

The third day, still the same. She couldn't help worrying at first.

Finally in the early morning of the fourth day, on the stone bench in the outer courtyard, it was faintly hot. There was no wind all day yesterday, and that night was more boring than during the day. Finally, she couldn't resist the tension in her heart.

I'm afraid the thunderstorm is coming. Excited and afraid. If this unusual weather thunders, I'm afraid it will only be worse than last time.

quietly stepped back a few steps, looked at the thundering thing on the roof on tiptoe, and made sure that it was still intact, and then put down. Fortunately, the roof is high enough, and the thing is not obvious. No one found it at all.

This night, Yuzhi came very early. Mo Ziyao saw that her look was a little abnormal. As soon as she entered the door, she heard her say, "Mother, I heard that there will be heavy rain tonight."

Mo Ziyao nodded to show that she knew. Isn't this the moment you are waiting for?

Yuzhi rushed over and hesitated, "Mother, do you want to..." She looked at Mo Ziyao and stopped talking.

Mo Ziyao knew what she wanted to say and shook her head, "It's okay. It doesn't work or not. It's still a problem."

"Mother..." There was a lot of joy in her eyes.

Although Mo Ziyao said so, she still hoped that the thunder could be split down. After all, I haven't wanted to waste my time preparing for so long. He turned around, pulled off the gauze tent beside him and threw it hard over the beam.

"Mother?" Yuzhi looked at her doubtfully.

Mo Ziyao whispered, "If the thunder can be cut down, it should be able to ignite the beam, and then use this gauze to attract the flame directly." Below are the tables and chairs...