The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 340 is just an abandoned concubine

She gritted her teeth fiercely, "So, I must settle this account with her."

Mo Ziyao was surprised, "Then why didn't you tell the emperor?"

"Oh, is it useful? There is no evidence in this palace. Hui Guifei looked gloomy, "The emperor has a deep affection for her and will only protect her."

Mo Ziyao was shocked. Listening to her tone, she didn't even tell Liu Yanfei, did she? After thinking about it, he still asked, "What about General Liu?"

Sure enough, she shook her head: "If my brother knows about this, it will only cause him to have a bad relationship with the emperor. I can't say it."

Mo Ziyao's fingertips trembled and her eyes widened. She didn't tell her brother the reason, which was because of this!

She has an emperor in her heart!

I don't know why, thinking like this, Mo Ziyao's mood suddenly couldn't calm down. Looking at her, he smiled bitterly and said, "Princes Hui, you really don't understand. The group in the West Hunting Ground hides murder, and it's not just Xuefei? Didn't you also take action and take down the hillside of this palace? Why did you listen to such important words with your concubine now?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Hui's eyes, and then smiled and said, "I didn't hit you."

Mo Ziyao looked at her in astonishment. What did she say?

Princess Hui ignored her surprise and said directly, "At that time, the scene was chaotic. I had thought about it, but when it came to the mouth, I changed my mind. Just because the emperor can protect Xuefei so well, I am not convinced. Now that Xuefei has come, will I still be so stupid to get rid of you?"

Mo Ziyao knew that she knew that she had weight in Ruan Lingzheng's heart, so she wanted to stay and watch herself and Xuefei fight. But if it's not her, who will it be?

"It was the guard beside King Xuan, that is, the princess of Tusala who followed the king of Pingzhen back to the fief later." She whispered.

Mo Ziyao is really surprised, Qingyuan!

She remembered that she was hiding behind Qingyuan at that time and really didn't pay attention to her. How can you imagine that the person who knocked herself down the hillside is actually her!

"No." Mo Ziyao shook her head, "It is impossible for Qingyuan to fight down the king of Pingzhen." If Qingyuan will hurt Ruan Lingheng, she won't believe it anyway.

Princess Hui suddenly laughed and said, "Of course, the king of Pingzhen was fought by this palace. The king of Pingzhen holds military power and always wants to replace him with the emperor. The emperor and the empress dowager are afraid of him, but I am not afraid! So I want to take this opportunity to kill him! Anyway, everyone saw that he fell down because he saved you. That has nothing to do with this palace! That's the palace, which solved a big problem for the emperor.

Mo Ziyao was so surprised that she couldn't imagine that the truth of the original fact was like this!

Oh, it's really crooked to solve the emperor's great troubles. Although it is the hand of Qingyuan, it has nothing to do with Ruan Lingheng after all. At that time, I focused on the situation in the field and did not pay attention to her.

Things are always so simple and complicated.

Mo Ziyao smiled helplessly, so when Qingyuan found Ruan Lingheng, she gritted her teeth and said that Qingyuan deserved to die. How could she imagine that her selfish desire made Ruan Lingheng fall down the mountain?

With a sigh, he looked at the noble concubine Hui and said, "Then what do you want me to do?"

Having said so much, Mo Ziyao naturally knew that she just wanted to tell herself that she and she were not at peace with Xuefei. Therefore, they are in the same boat now.

Noble Concubine Hui smiled gently: "I want you to think of a countermeasure for me, which not only wants her to die, but also can't cause a war between the two countries."

To be honest, there is Ruan Lingzheng in Hui's heart, which Mo Ziyao did not foresee at the beginning. He took a deep breath and asked her, "I really want to know what General Liu would do if he didn't stand on the emperor's side?"

Hui Guifei was stunned, but said, "There is no such possibility." She was convinced that she was slowly convinced in her eyes. That's her brother, that's why she believes it. It's just that everything is possible in this world, isn't it? Her noble concubine still has the emperor in her heart.

Mo Ziyao shook her head and stopped thinking about it. She turned around and said, "Today, I'm afraid you'll run away for nothing. I'm not going to take action against Princess Xue."

"Yyao Noble Concubine!" Hui Guifei said angrily, "You have known too many things today. If you don't stand on my side, I will kill you!" Don't forget that you are just a useless concubine now!"

Mo Ziyao smiled slowly. Naturally, she believes that Noble Concubine Hui can do it. Just like that time in Lingyi Palace, she dared to kill herself openly. Oh, it's just that she wants to stand on the line with her now. I'm afraid that after the fall of Xuefei, her spear will still point at herself. She kept herself, but she just wanted to use herself to deal with Xuefei. That day, she remembered everything she said in Tairen Palace.

Thinking like this, he pretended to be shocked and instinctively took half a step back.

Noble Concubine Hui smiled and said, "Don't be afraid. As long as you are willing to help me, I won't touch you."

Mo Ziyao quickly sorted out her thoughts in her heart. Didn't the Empress Dowager want to lead Xuefei to kill Yunxian's children? Why don't you push this hot potato to her?

He glanced at her quietly and whispered, "You know in your heart that the mother depends on her son."

Hui's noble concubine's eyes tightened, but she said coldly, "Who can rely on her son now?"

Mo Ziyao frowned slightly, and it seemed that she still remembered her words that day. That's right. If it hadn't been for the Empress Dowager's statement, she wouldn't have dared to conclude that the imperial descendant in Yunxian's stomach was genuine.

However, it can't be said clearly, so I have to say, "I have also investigated the matter of Yunxianfei, and I believe you have also investigated it. Why is there no problem? Don't you understand now?"

Sure enough, seeing her look change, Mo Ziyao simply said, "Indeed, when the Japanese palace deliberately revealed this to the maidservant in the palace, because Meng Xiuyuan said before she died, this matter did not need to be investigated by my palace, as long as it was handed over to you. She also said that you just lost your child and will not miss this opportunity. It's just that I never thought that Meng Xiuyuan was about to die and wanted to put us together!"

Mo Ziyao gritted her teeth. Naturally, Hui Guifei would not know that Meng Xiuyuan actually used her father's life to exchange this secret with Mo Ziyao.

She snorted coldly and hit the table hard, looking very angry. Mo Ziyao lowered her head and stopped talking. She knows that Hui Guifei is not stupid, but such half-truth is the most misleading. However, no matter what she thinks, her words are true.

Princess Hui only stood for a moment and walked out quickly. Mo Ziyao quickly looked up, and she didn't even look back. From afar, I saw Zi'er coming to help her and leave. Looking at it, I couldn't help laughing.

"Fight." Mo Ziyao read in a low voice. She only realized today that the palace fight is not a loss, but a death fight. Who is dead is the end. As long as you live, this war will never stop.

She laughed, so it was a big mistake for Xuefei to want to live.

In the evening, Jing Chongyi came. After not seeing her for so long, she became thinner and thinner, as if the person who went to the cold palace once was not herself, but her. She stayed for a short time, sat for a while, and then got up and left.

After that, no one came to Yuyao Palace. I really think it's a cold palace. Mo Ziyao didn't leave home. She just waited. After Princess Hui went out, how would she attract Xuefei to take action? However, the days have calmed down.

I heard that Ruan Lingzheng went to Yongshan Palace to accompany Yunxianfei almost every night. In the past half a month, he has only been to Xuexi Palace once. Presumably, this will make Xuefei angry to death, right? At that time, Ruan Lingzheng had himself around him, and now he has changed to Concubine Yunxian.

And Mo Ziyao faintly felt a little strange. Why hasn't she started for so long?

At present, it is June 27.

The weather is already very hot, and even if you sit, you can't help sweating.

Yunlan helped her with a fan beside Mo Ziyao. Since that day, there have been not many words between the two. That is to say, it's just a few words. With the estrangement, it is impossible to believe it anymore.

People who are pregnant will indeed be very different. Sometimes Mo Ziyao will be inexplicably sleepy when sitting upright. Fortunately, it's only three months away, and no one knows about it. Even Yunlan, who served the left and right, didn't find it, but thought it was the reason for the hot weather.

Ji Nian ran in from the outside and smiled at Mo Ziyao, "Empress, in a few days, it will be Chen of Concubine Yunxian. The Empress Dowager said that she was pregnant with imperial descendants and wanted to hold a good banquet to celebrate. Madam, you can see the emperor at that time. He said happily.

Mo Ziyao smiled and knew in her heart that he wanted to perform better at the banquet, preferably to attract the attention of the emperor. But how did he know that Ruan Lingzheng deliberately didn't come to explore himself, how could he pay attention to it?

Mo Ziyao instinctively raised her eyes and looked at Yunlan and said with a smile, "What do you think I should wear to attract the emperor's attention?"

Yunlan was stunned and then whispered, "I thought my mother-in-law was fine now."

Mo Ziyao was a little surprised. What she meant was that she would go out to compete for favor. In the past half month, I can't understand her more and more.

Ji Nian was stunned. Looking at the appearance of the two, he was so knowledgeable that he stopped talking. After standing for a while, he left.

The fifth day of July, the birthday of Concubine Yunxian.

Because the weather was too hot, the banquet was set at night and placed on the annihilation platform.

People who haven't seen each other for a long time, face after another, all appeared in sight. Because it was a family banquet and the birthday of Concubine Yunxian, she didn't dress up much, but she wore a slightly brighter palace costume.

You can probably see the emperor, and the imperial concubines are beautifully dressed. Those who have not seen the emperor for many days want to take advantage of today to perform well, hoping to attract his eyes.

Mo Ziyao sat in her seat and saw several newly promoted concubines looking at her and whispering something. She sneered and ignored it.

Yunxianfei has been pregnant for eight months, and her body has obviously become much heavier. She sat on the main seat, and there were still two empty seats beside her, which were reserved for Ruan Lingzheng and the Empress Dowager who had not yet arrived.

Le'er couldn't help blowing the wind beside her for fear that she would feel a little uncomfortable.

Mo Ziyao saw that Yunxianfei was in a trance and only stared at the wine glass in front of her. I don't know what I'm thinking.

Surprisingly, in the first position of her, there was Princess Xi sitting. This is probably the first time she has attended such a banquet since she returned to the palace. Obviously, she was a little nervous and scared, holding the shadow's hand with both hands, and the latter kept whispering in her ear to relieve her mood.

Hui's noble concubine's expression was still the same. Occasionally, Mo Ziyao looked at Mo Ziyao. Mo Ziyao did not avoid her eyes, but smiled faintly at her.