The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 384 Dowry

The imperial doctor came soon, and the stable woman was also invited. Mo Ziyao lay on ** and felt the pain after a while before pushing up for a while. Then, it slowly became more frequent. She couldn't help shouting. It hurt so much. It turned out that it was so painful to have a baby.

The imperial doctor came forward to check the pulse and nodded to the stable woman. The stable woman came forward and was about to reach out to take off Mo Ziyao's clothes. The door was suddenly pushed open from the outside.

As soon as Mo Ziyao turned her head, she saw a familiar figure standing at the door. Ruan Lingzheng! She was surprised to forget the pain for a moment, "Ah, Zheng, why are you here?"

Ruan Lingzheng stood at the door, his whole body was covered with snow, and his hair and eyebrows were still frozen with ice, as if he had come all the way to the wind and snow.

He took a deep breath, exhaled a circle of white fog, grinned at Mo Ziyao and said, "It's okay, I caught up. How can I not be by your side when our child is born?

Mo Ziyao smiled happily. When her eyes passed him and looked behind him, she couldn't help but be stunned. Behind Ruan Lingzheng, there were still two people standing, one was Fumo Zheyu, and the other was Chu Qingtian, who had not seen for more than half a year. Like Ruan Lingzheng, the snowflakes all over his body still have time to fall.

When she was about to say something, there was a sudden pain, which made all her thoughts tighten, and she couldn't help shouting, "It hurts, ah--"

Xiangyun held Mo Ziyao's hand tightly and kept wiping the sweat on her forehead, but her own hand trembled more than before. Nevertheless, she still wanted to say, "Princess, bear with it. It will be all right soon."

I only heard that the door seemed to be closed, and Mo Zheyu's voice came from outside: "How's the princess?"

I don't know who said, "The princess is about to give birth. Your Majesty, Lord Ruan, let's wait here."

Later, she couldn't hear clearly and had a severe stomachache. I don't know who stuffed the cotton handkerchief for her to bite. She seemed to do her best.

"Princess, Your Highness, work hard!" The stable woman's voice came from below, "Princess, work harder!"

Mo Ziyao has worked hard. She has already worked very hard. But it hurts too much.

"Princess, princess..." Xiangyun called Mo Ziyao over and over again. She had never seen the scene of childbirth. She was scared and burst into tears.

Mo Ziyao wanted to speak, but another sharp pain hit her. The hand holding her arm suddenly closed, opened her mouth and was about to scream, and the cotton handkerchief in her mouth fell out.

"Ah--" Her lower abdomen fell fiercely, and she trembled with pain. After a long time of pain, the child still hasn't come out. She couldn't help but be afraid. She held Xiangyun's hand tightly and wanted to ask, but she couldn't say anything because of the pain.

The stable woman was so anxious that she wiped several sweats and comforted her: "Princess, don't worry, there is no problem with your fetal position. Princess, work hard!"

At this time, she heard someone outside shouting urgently, "Ah, Lord Ruan Huang, you can't go in!"

"Get out of here!" Ruan Lingzheng roared, "Don't stop me!"

With a "bang", the door was knocked open, and Ruan Lingzheng's figure rushed in. Xiangyun was grabbed by Mo Ziyao's arm and wanted to get up to salute, but he couldn't move.

Ruan Lingzheng rushed over, picked her up and pushed her aside, took Mo Ziyao's hand, frowned and said, "Yao'er, how are you, Yao'er..."

"Ah--" Mo Ziyao shouted and grabbed his hand, "Pei, I'm in pain--"

Ruan Lingzheng quickly turned pale, hugged her in a hurry, and coaxed, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt." He raised his eyes and looked at the people beside him. He gritted his teeth and said, "If you can't save the princess's life, I want you all to be buried with me!" He doesn't care where it is at all. He catches people and scolds them.

The stable woman was so scared that people trembling, and she didn't shout "force" words. Mo Ziyao is really mad at him. I don't know if he is here to help or make trouble!

The imperial doctor came forward and arched his hand and said, "Lord Ruan is angry. The princess is in a good situation, Lord Ruan..."

"Bunlaw!" Ruan Lingzheng scolded angrily, "It's good that she will hurt like this!"

Mo Ziyao almost fainted in pain, and Ruan Lingzheng was still shouting here. She gritted her teeth and pinched it on his arm fiercely. Ruan Lingzheng finally looked back in pain and coaxed in a low voice: "Don't be afraid, I won't let you have anything wrong..."

"Poli, ah, you... shut up!" Mo Ziyao didn't know how she condensed her strength to say such words, but felt that she must have been mad by him. However, seeing his pale and helpless face and couldn't bear to scold him any more, he bit his lips and tried his best.

Ruan Lingzheng really obediently stopped saying anything until the stable woman shouted happily: "I saw the head! I saw the head!" His eyes lit up and he wanted to lean over to look, but his arm was held tightly by Mo Ziyao, so he gave up.

Muddle-headedly, and I don't know how long it took, Mo Ziyao finally felt a mass of things falling out of her body. Then, the child cried loudly.

"Child..." Mo Ziyao cried with joy, and my child was finally born.

Ruan Lingzheng was so happy that he couldn't say a word. The woman took the child out and said to him, "Lord Ruan, it's a boy! My lord?"

Mo Ziyao had no strength, but when she heard the stable woman's words, she seemed to have strength again and wanted to stand up. Ruan Lingzheng hurriedly held her, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't move!"

Mo Ziyao found that Ruan Lingzheng's arms were a little stiff because he had been tight for too long.

The child quickly took him out. The newborn child was going to take a shower, and he also had to report it to Fumo Zheyu.

Looking at the room, the palace people were busy getting in and out. Ruan Lingzheng had been staying by Mo Ziyao's bed and didn't want to leave. Mo Ziyao was also really tired. She put her eyelids down and soon fell asleep.

When she woke up again, she knew that her clothes had been changed, and he was still sitting on the side and looking at himself.

Ruan Lingzheng saw Mo Ziyao wake up, quickly leaned over and asked softly, "What do you think?" What do you want to eat?"

Mo Ziyao couldn't help laughing when she saw that his face was still not very good. Ruan Lingzheng frowned. She shook her head and only asked, "Where's the child?" Do you want to see the child?"

Ruan Lingzheng looked unhappy and snorted, "You have never been like this. You never ask me first."

Mo Ziyao was stunned for a moment and didn't know what his temper was. Hearing him say again, "I'm also exhausted today."

Mo Ziyao couldn't help laughing: "The emperor came in the wind and snow. He was really tired."

He sighed and shook his head and said, "Having a child is much more tiring than rushing in the wind and snow!"

Mo Ziyao's speech is that I gave birth to a child. What are you tired of? But he leaned over her body, leaned against her, and whispered, "I don't have any strength to stand up."

Mo Ziyao was surprised. It was thought that he was so nervous that his whole body was tense and suddenly stiff. Looking at him amusedly, he looks more and more like a child at this moment. He raised his hand, stroked his increasingly thin cheek, and listened to his tired voice, "The child has been sucked down and breastfed. I will show it to you soon."

He paused, tightened Mo Ziyao's arm, and said, "I was scared to death just now."

Mo Ziyao laughed in a low voice: "What is the emperor afraid of? Aren't I fine?"

Ruan Lingzheng didn't say a word and only hugged her tightly.

After a while, the child was brought in. Mo Ziyao quickly sat up, carefully held the child in her arms, and looked at him curiously. Ruan Lingzheng also came over and couldn't help pinching the child's little hand. He smiled and said, "His nose is like a ball."

Mo Ziyao smiled and said, "Why didn't the emperor directly say like you?"

Ruan Lingzheng smiled proudly: "It's all like me."

Mo Ziyao lowered her head and kissed the child's face. Hearing Ruan Lingzheng suddenly say, "It snowed heavily today, and my child was born on a snowy night. I have already figured it out. I want to take words for him, Rui.

"Rui." Mo Ziyao whispered, which was a sign of snow from the sun, right?

Rui, which means auspiciousness, is auspicious from the sky, which is a good omen. When the first winter snow fell, they welcomed their first child, named Ruan Tianrui.

Ruan Lingzheng can't stay in the mud for too long. At this moment, Ruan Nanguo is in full swing, and many things need to be supervised by him personally. He didn't stay with Chu Qingtian all night, and left early the next morning while the wind and snow stopped.

And Mo Ziyao and Chu Qingtian were just a glance at the door last night. But she was still an unconcealed worry and joy in his eyes.

One year later.

On this day, Ruan Nan invited Fumo Zheyu to talk about the division of the territory in the country.

Eight days later, there was news that Liu Yanfei assassinated Princess Mui, the future queen of the Ruannan Dynasty, but because of his outstanding achievements, he removed his position as general and returned to the court.

When Fumo Zheyu and Mo Ziyao mentioned it, she only felt relieved. So far, almost all the obstacles have been cleared, and Ruan Nanguo is also developing in a good direction.

Fumo Zheyu said again, "I have already answered the matter between you and your relatives."

Mo Ziyao was shocked, but heard him say, "Ruan Lingzheng intends to make you the queen. Since you are a princess, you will not treat you badly at this wedding."

Mo Ziyao looked at him with her eyes big. For a long time, she heard him laugh and said, "I really envy him. There is another person in this life who can make him pay so much. If there is such an opportunity, I will definitely have no hesitation. He looked at Mo Ziyao and said, "Half of Yutan's land is your dowry."

Mo Ziyao was stunned in the end. Ruan Lingzheng only gave him half of the territory, but he turned around and returned it to Ruan Nan, saying that it was a dowry for himself. In this way, no one in the court dares to talk nonsense.

Actually, she didn't quite understand Fumo Zheyu's words. However, Ruan Lingzheng has done too much to herself. She just doesn't know what he has done for himself.

Five days later, Mo Ziyao's brother Gu Yanmu came, and he was ordered by the king to pick up Ruier. However, the golden order of Ruan Nanguo in charge of military power was sent.

"Rier, listen to your uncle, and your mother will come to you soon." Mo Ziyao endured tears and waved goodbye to Ruier, who had already cried into tears in her arms.

Although she can't bear to separate from Rui'er, she can't take Rui'er with her back to Ruan's harem. Although he is her and Ruan Lingzheng's blood, it is a pity that there are too many factors that make this child doomed not to see the light.

However, she agreed with Ruan Lingzheng that when he retired, the family would find a beautiful place to live in seclusion. At that time, no one would know them and the family would live happily together.

Therefore, you must put up with the pain of separation in front of you. And the children followed Gu Yanmu and Jinger, and they were also relieved.