The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Chapter 388 Departure

Speaking of which, among her few slaves, only late autumn is the best. At least, she is far away from the deep palace and joins hands with her loved ones.

Mo Ziyao took a deep breath, sat on the couch for a long time, and finally called Xiang Qing in.

Xiang Qing asked in a low voice, "Mother, do you want to invite Mrs. Wan to come in and talk?"

She moved her lips, but she shook her head: "No, please go back." After saying that, he suddenly closed his eyes. It's better not to see each other. Those flashes in the past have passed, and now I will be a new beginning.

Xiang Qing moved her lips and seemed to want to say something. In the end, she just lowered her head and whispered, "Yes, I know." With that, he turned around and went out.

Mo Ziyao knew that this late autumn came with King Pingren, which was nothing more than to see herself. Although there are rumors that Yao has died, the current queen is similar to her and as smart as her. Naturally, she guessed that the two are actually the same person, so she must come here to see her.

Taking a deep breath, Mo Ziyao felt that she thought too much today. When he got up, he saw Ji Nian coming in from the outside and holding something in his hand. Mo Ziyao frowned slightly. He had already brought forward, put down the things in his hand, and said, "Mother, Eou Jin said that this is a bird's nest specially prepared for the emperor. Please drink it while it's hot."

Mo Ziyao was stunned and couldn't help looking back at the inner room. She knew that Ruan Lingzheng didn't like to drink medicine, which must be a bird's nest mixed with medicine. Mo Ziyao felt sad at the thought that he had to drink medicine every day to control his illness.

When Ji Nianrui retreated, he suddenly stopped, looked back at Mo Ziyao, and whispered, "Mother, I always feel that you really look like..." He suddenly kept his mouth shut.

Mo Ziyao asked him, "What does it look like?"

He shook his head in a hurry and hesitated: "I deserve to die, I have to talk too much." With that, he hurried out.

Mo Ziyao was stunned and suddenly smiled gently. Take up the bird's nest and walk to the inner room.

Ruan Lingzhengyi lay quietly**. Mo Ziyao came forward and didn't see him move. Thinking that he was asleep, he put the bird's nest in his hand aside and reached out to help him cover the quilt, but his hand was caught by him.

She was shocked and saw that he still didn't open his eyes. She only whispered, "Yaoer, come and sleep with me for a while."

Mo Ziyao said, "Your Majesty drinks bird's nest first, and I'll sleep with you." With that, he reached out and held the bird's nest.

Ruan Lingzheng frowned slightly, but still sat up obediently, took the bowl from her hand, took a big drink, and then put the empty bowl on the table beside her.

Mo Ziyao saw this and took off her shoes and went to bed with a smile. Ruan Lingzheng turned over and reached out to hug her body. His jaw gently touched her forehead.

Mo Ziyao drilled into his arms and whispered, "Your Majesty, go to bed quickly." Ruan Lingzheng said "um" gently and tightened his arms holding her.

Mo Ziyao closed her eyes. After a while, her sleepiness really came up. She fell asleep and didn't know how long she had slept. When she woke up, she found that Ruan Lingzheng was still by her side. Some Surprised, he looked at himself with his eyes open.

She bit her lip: "What did the emperor do when he looked at me?"

Ruan Lingzheng smiled and said unhappily, "I'm so stingy. I just took a look."

Mo Ziyao smiled and didn't want to talk to him. These days, he has become more and more childish. After dealing with the affairs of the previous dynasty, he wants to stick to himself.

He leaned over again and sighed, "You know how hard it is for me to be alone in the days when you are in the mud." His handsome eyebrows frowned, and when he spoke, he also used the smell of gritting his teeth.

Mo Ziyao's heart was slightly shocked and bowed her head and said, "But the emperor never asked me what the agreement is between me and Ruan Lingheng."

Ruan Lingzheng's big palm stretched out and wrapped her hand tightly. His soft lips touched her forehead and whispered, "The moment I decided to love you, I told myself that I believe in everything you do and don't ask."

Ruan Lingzheng's words made Mo Ziyao's tears suddenly slide out of the corners of her eyes. Don't ask each other. Therefore, he never doubts anything. Even if he gets along with Ruan Lingheng, he is just jealous and sulking. But I can believe in myself as always.

"Your Majesty..." She called him with choked.

Ruan Lingzheng suddenly frowned fiercely and gritted his teeth and said, "As soon as I see you, it hurts here." The slender fingers pointed to his heart.

Mo Ziyao laughed. She thought he was going to say that she was not allowed to cry. It was very ugly.

I suddenly remembered what Fumo Zheyu said on the day of marriage. The royal family also has true feelings. He is right. What else can't tolerate such a man worthy of his deep love?

The three palaces and six courtyards are not his wish, but he is inevitable as an emperor. If you don't love because of this, aren't the emperors all sad?

No one will yearn for true love. He can save his life for himself. Even if you are desperate, you can do everything you can to pave the way for yourself in the future. Mo Ziyao, what else do you want?

Ruan Lingzheng looked at her and suddenly said "it hurts so much". Mo Ziyao suddenly found that her tears were still gushing out. While crying, he smiled, "Does the emperor really hurt?"

Ruan Lingzheng stared at her fiercely and then fell down: "It hurts so much. Why don't you stop?"

Mo Ziyao kissed his face and scolded, "Your Majesty, you are really a scoundrel!"

He rubbed her and said proudly, "If you are willing, let me die."

Mo Ziyao bit her lips and didn't say anything. He took her hand, put it to his chest, frowned and said, "You don't feel sorry for me..." He suddenly changed his face and suddenly lowered his head.

Mo Ziyao was shocked and quickly held him and said, "What's wrong with the emperor?"

Then he laughed, looked up at Mo Ziyao, and said with a smile, "No, just see if you feel sorry for me."

Mo Ziyao thought he was really angry and funny. She stared at him angrily. How old is he? He still plays such a trick! But I can't help thinking that maybe this is the way he loves. This feeling is called happiness.

The next day, King Pingren and others came to resign to return to the fiefdom. Mo Ziyao and Ruan Lingzheng stood on the high tower, and she was finally able to see Wanqiu. She walked beside King Pingren and looked up at herself.

After a long time, Mo Ziyao couldn't see her expression clearly. However, she seemed to see the tears in her eyes. Mo Ziyao turned her face slightly and stopped looking at it. Ruan Lingzheng suddenly lowered his head to look at her, tightened her robe, hugged her, and asked in a low voice, "Is it cold?"

Mo Ziyao shook her head with a smile: "How can the emperor feel cold?"

Ruan Lingzheng smiled, reached out and pinched her nose, and said, "I find that you are more and more flattering me."

Looking at him, Mo Ziyao frowned and said, "Does the emperor like to listen to it or not?"

Ruan Lingzheng snorted slightly, "I'm not a faint king."

Mo Ziyao held his hand and couldn't help looking down the city building. She said in a low voice, "Your Majesty, it's rare to be confused."

When the words fell, Ruan Lingzheng's voice came in her ear, gritting his teeth and saying, "Be presumptuous..." Mo Ziyao smiled and was presumptuous. What else could he do?

The motorcade of several princes is gradually moving away. Euke Jin came up and said, "Your Majesty, it's windy here. Let's go back to the palace quickly."

Ruan Lingzheng said "oh" and walked down the tower with Mo Ziyao's body.

Three days later, Mo Ziyao heard the news that Chu Qingtian set out for the frontier. Ruan Lingzheng begged her to see him off. Ruan Lingzheng disagreed at first. She pestered him for a long time, and he finally relieved.

Mo Ziyao changed her clothes and only brought Xiangqing and two bodyguards. As the leader of the imperial guard, Chu Qingtian also has a royal mansion in the imperial capital. Several people left the palace and went straight to Chu's house.

Because of the change of ordinary service, the family did not know Mo Ziyao's identity and only said that he wanted her to wait. He went in first to inform him.

Soon, Chu Qingtian hurried out and saw Mo Ziyao to salute. Mo Ziyao quickly stopped him and said to him, "Well, it's not in the palace. What else do you care about these false salutes?"

Chu Qingtian's face was a little embarrassed and said with a smile, "Your identity is different now. I thought you wouldn't come."

Mo Ziyao entered the door and said, "You are going to the frontier without telling me. What if I don't come?" Looking back and looking at the man beside him, his smile was as gentle as ever. She continued to say, "I don't know when I will see you again this time."

Chu Qingtian suddenly fell silent and stopped talking. When he crossed the front yard, he seemed to remember something and frowned at Mo Ziyao: "Princess Qiu Fei sneaked out of the palace and is now in my house. When you go back to the palace, take her back by the way."

Mo Ziyao was stunned and then smiled and said, "I can take her back to the palace, but it also depends on whether she is willing to go with me." With that, he took a deep look at Chu Qingtian.

He didn't answer. He looked left and right and frowned, "Why didn't you see her? She was in the yard just now."

Mo Ziyao smiled and said, "Maybe I went back to the palace by myself."

Chu Qingtian nodded and stopped talking about Qiu Fei, but just casually chatted with Mo Ziyao. After chatting for a while, a bodyguard-like man came in and reported: Commander Chu, everything is ready and ready to leave at any time.

Chu Qingtian looked at Mo Ziyao with complicated eyes and nodded, "Okay, we will leave immediately. Take care of yourself."

Mo Ziyao bit her lip and had to say, "Take care all the way."

Chu Qingtian finally left, and Qiu Fei left with him. If it hadn't been for Mo Ziyao's see her ghostly poked out of her head and made a grimace at herself in the car where Mo Ziyao put debris, I'm afraid she would have really thought she had returned to the palace obediently.

Although Qiu Fei's little girl is already a beautiful girl, her cheerful and lively personality has not changed at all.

Mo Ziyao and Ruan Lingzheng are well aware of her feelings for Chu Qingtian. Otherwise, Ruan Lingzheng would not have allowed her to run out of the palace like this, and she would not have seen her, but would still let her leave in the motorcade.

She looked forward to it. One day, Chu Qingtian could finally let go and open her heart to accept Qiu Fei.

Mo Ziyao did not go directly to the palace, but went directly to the imperial capital. The prison for repeated offenders.

She has the token given to her by Ruan Lingzheng in her hand. How can the guard gate not know her identity? They all respectfully took her to the customs. Walk at the door of Liu Yanfei's cell. Still in the aisle, Mo Ziyao saw Liu Yan sitting cross-legged on the straw in the corner of the innermost cell from afar.