The half-life of floating dreams is geometric

Final chapter Time is still there, you are still in the finale

After saying goodbye to them, Mo Ziyao rushed to Wuyu without stopping for a moment. In the dark place of the house, Ruan Lingheng's figure appeared in front of Jing Chongyi. Through the half-covered door, he looked at Mo Ziyao's back leaving quickly. After a long time, he turned around and said to the three people, "Thank you very much this time."

Jing Chongyi hurriedly said, "I'm the one who wants to say thank you. If you hadn't told me the truth, otherwise, I'm afraid I would still be born and died for him by a demon who killed my parents."

Ruan Lingheng nodded, but suddenly frowned, turned around and coughed. After a long time, he said, "This war will continue for a long time. If it is well expected, this Bian Kyoto may be occupied by the Jin people. You'd better leave quickly."

Jing Chongyi and the three showed a panicked look, but they believed Ruan Lingheng's words. Jing Chongyi said, "I know that King Xin has the ability to predict the future and turn bad luck into good luck. Let's pack up and leave Bianjing."


Mo Ziyao took the divine chapter and rushed back like an arrow, but she didn't expect that now that the war has broken out, Wuyu has also been seriously affected, which has delayed her journey again and again.

In a blink of an eye, it is another snowy season, and the agreement with the poison old man has been more than three months.

At this moment, Mo Ziyao is lying in the snow, looking at the gate of the martial law not far away and lamenting. She turned over and lay on her back in the snow, looking at the snowflakes in the sky, as if she saw Ruan Lingzheng and Rui'er beckoning to her not far away.

She smiled and tried to reach out and touch their faces, but her hand suddenly touched the empty place. She suddenly woke up, shook her head and sat up, gritted her teeth and said, "Go back to the mud, the State of Wu is the only place to pass through, but it has been eight days, but the State of Wu has no intention of opening the city gate at all. No, I can't spend all my time here." With that, she rubbed her hands and took out the map from her sleeve to see if there was a way to bypass the State of Wu.

"Oh, there's really a snowy mountain..." Just as she was about to look closely, she suddenly noticed that footsteps were coming towards her.

She quickly put away the map, drilled into the pre-digged snow hole, and then covered the hole with snow. After doing this, the sound of footsteps had come closer. She lay on the ground and even deliberately controlled her breathing slowly.

Hearing the outside, a man said, "This King Kang refused to leave when he came to our Wu Kingdom, which made us and His Majesty worried that King Kang would attack our country."

"Lao Jiang, you think too much. King Kang sent people to station here and let us inspect closely, not to think about us, but to ambush someone here."

"Ambush a person? Who ambushed? Such a large battle has almost mobilized all the troops of my Wuguo.

"I heard that it seems to be the king of the heavenly dynasty."

Mo Ziyao's face in the snow cave changed greatly. If she hadn't heard this conversation, I'm afraid she wouldn't have thought that King Kang would be ambushed here and wanted to ambush Ruan Ling.

She gritted her teeth, clenched her frozen hands, and heard the man say again, "So that's it, but since he said that the King of Xin is near here, he hasn't seen him for so many days? Isn't it wrong to see the situation and go around the snowy mountain?

"No, someone has found his trace and seems to have gone to the snowy mountain. Humph, but he didn't know that King Kang had already expected that he would go there, so he had already ambushed the soldiers and horses there. As long as he reached the snowy mountain, there was only one way, and he would die. If he wants to cross the State of Wu and not walk through the city gate and the snowy mountains, where else can he go? Is there a third way?

"That's right, King Kang is really wise. Presumably, that King of Faith can't escape this time, hahaha..."

The footsteps gradually went away, and Mo Ziyao came out of the snow hole, recognized the next direction, and went straight. There was only one voice in her heart: Ruan Lingheng, don't venture into the snowy mountains, don't...

I don't know why, the closer she got to the snowy mountain, the more panicked she became. She always felt that something bad would happen. That ominous foreboding in her mind reminded her of what Ruan Lingheng had said to him, her fate at the age of 25.

It will be 25 tomorrow, and at the current speed, it will reach the snowy mountains tomorrow. She couldn't help thinking, will her life come to an end tomorrow? Thinking about it, I couldn't help getting impatient.

In fact, she knows very well that as long as she turns her head and leave now and doesn't care about Ruan Lingheng's life or death, she will definitely escape this disaster. However, he has done so much for himself, and this time, if he knows that he has embarked on a dead end and does not stop it, even if he can get out of trouble in the future, he will feel guilty for a lifetime. She allowed such a thing to happen, but she couldn't.

gritting her teeth, she accelerated her way. In the early morning of the next day, she finally saw the snowy mountain and saw the foot of the mountain. A group of people riding horses were marching towards the snowy mountain. And the man in white walking in front, she knew that it was Ruan Lingheng and his party.

"Don't, stop..." She shouted and couldn't help running forward. The wind made her unable to open her eyes, and her vision became blurred.

In the blurred picture, she saw an arrow rain suddenly in the belly of the snowy mountain. A group of people in the mountain quickly picked up weapons to block it, but the arrow rain was so dense that every second, someone fell down...

She kept running like crazy, but the snowy mountain was so close, but she couldn't get close. Until, she watched Ruan Lingheng fall from the horse and countless sharp arrows flew towards him. She tripped in the snow, and the deep snow almost drowned her.

She closed her eyes painfully and hated why she came so slowly? I couldn't do anything, so I could only watch him fall in front of me.

When Mo Ziyao stumbled all the way to the mountain, the roaring arrow rain had disappeared, leaving only the snow, full of arrow feathers, and the corpses pierced by sharp arrows. Blood, stained on the snow, seemed to bloom countless tragic red plums.

"Ling Heng...Ling Heng..."

She shuttled through the body all over the ground, looking for Ruan Lingheng's figure, but she was afraid to see his body penetrated by sharp arrows.

"Ling Heng... Ling Heng, where are you..." She had to call his name over and over again.

At the height of the snowy mountain, King Kang looked down at the scene in the belly of the mountain and smiled with satisfaction.

"Your Majesty, do you want to shoot this woman as well?" A man who looks like a general holds a bow and arrow, and the arrow has locked Mo Ziyao from afar.

King Kang laughed and said, "Kill it? That's so boring. Look, how sad she cried. What's more desperate than this life and death?

"The prince is really wise." The general smiled and put away his bow and arrows.

Mo Ziyao looked around in the snow but couldn't find Ruan Lingheng's figure. When she was about to look carefully, a slight moan came to her ears.

"Ling Heng?" She followed the sound and finally found the source of the sound. She ran over and found that it was actually a woman, and the voice was made from here.

The woman's whole body lay in the snow, her back was penetrated by several sharp arrows, and one fatally penetrated the heart. She knew that she would not survive. But he still stepped forward and turned the woman over. When she saw her face, she couldn't help shouting: "Qingyuan!"

Qingyuan's body was already cold, but she didn't look frightened at all. On the contrary, the corners of her lips were slightly raised and her expression was calm and satisfied. Thinking that she was hit by an arrow in the back, then...

moving her body, Mo Ziyao finally found Ruan Lingheng's figure under her. He only had an arrow in his shoulder, not a fatal injury, and there was no wound anywhere else. But his eyes were closed and seemed to be in a coma. She was overjoyed and quickly pulled him out of the snow, "Ling Heng, wake up, I'm Ziyao, Ling Heng..."

Ruan Lingheng spoke lightly and slowly opened his eyes, but frowned and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood. The body also fell weakly. Mo Ziyao was shocked and quickly pulled his body over and let him lean against him. Tears fell down and said, "It's okay. Fortunately, you're still alive."

Ruan Lingheng suddenly took Mo Ziyao's hand and said in a weak and silent voice: "Why did you come here?"

Mo Ziyao choked: "I can't watch you die for me. You know that today is my life disaster, and you know that I will go here. You know that the trap is a dead end, but you still come. Why?

Ruan Lingheng gasped violently, but still wanted to say, "I was going to die. If I can fight this body to solve your life, it's worth it. Why do you..."

"No..." Mo Ziyao shook her head desperately, "Ling Heng, you have done so much for me that I can't pay it back in my life."

Ruan Lingheng smiled and said in a voice that only he could hear: "I'm alive. You never have me in your heart. Perhaps, only death can occupy a place in your heart."

At the height of the snowy mountain, King Kang looked down at the scene in the belly of the mountain, and his face was impatient. He took the bow and arrow from the guard beside him, but threw away the arrow and said, "Take a special arrow feather."

Soon, someone brought a black arrow feather and handed it over. King Kang took the arrow feather, put on the arrow, aimed at Mo Ziyao, and said indifferently, "I have seen too many scenes like this. It's time to end."

Ruan Lingheng was about to open his mouth, but suddenly his pupils shrank slightly and only shouted, "Be careful!" He pushed Mo Ziyao aside with all his strength, and then he hummed and fell on Mo Ziyao's body.

"Ling Heng..." Mo Ziyao shouted, pushed him a few times, and didn't move. She looked dark, hugged his body and cried: "Why, why do you do this every time?"

At this moment, she suddenly hated herself a little. If it had been Qingyuan, she would not have let him do this. Qingyuan will protect him and protect him desperately.

Ruan Lingheng slowly stretched out his hand, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and whispered, "Zi Yao, don't cry. I only hate myself. Why did I fall down so quickly... Cough... I'm sorry, it's my fault. I can't... protect you well."

Mo Ziyao bit her lip: "No, stop talking."

He sighed, as if he was tired and stopped talking for a long time. Mo Ziyao held him quietly for a long time, but she saw him struggling, took out a blood-soaked cloth bag from his arms, gave it to Mo Ziyao, and then said, "I think this bracelet has lost the power of cursing. It originally belonged to you, and now, I will return it to you.

Mo Ziyao held a blood-soaked bracelet with warm bracelets, and her tears fell silently.

Ruan Lingheng seemed to return to the light and suddenly came to his senses and said, "In these years, I have competed with him for my body, fighting for the danger of almost destruction, and finally regained the right of my body. Ziyao, I am. Fortunately, I didn't let me see you fall into my arms again in this life. I think I will... I can't stand it..."

His eyes gradually dimmed, as if he had explained everything and exhausted all his strength.

Mo Ziyao hugged him and felt his breath, as thin as a strand holding a kite, as if a gust of wind could break. The warm blood gushed out of his wound and gradually took away the temperature of his body. Although he tried his best to support it, he could not hide the gradually lost look in his eyes, like a handful of burned afterglow, fading little by little.

"Zi Yao, I just want to ask you one thing, do you have any love for me?" Ruan Lingheng breathed, his temples were wet with sweat, and he hung weakly on his cheeks. "Have you ever been there? Just a little bit, a little bit doesn't matter..."

Mo Ziyao bit her lips, her face was also frighteningly pale, and her eyes were full of tears and haggard. She only faced each other with silence, and Ruan Lingheng sighed faintly, "It doesn't matter if you don't say it. I'd rather you don't say it, and don't pity me and lie to me because I'm dying."

"The years in Guxian Villa were a time that I will never forget."

"Is it?" Ruan Lingheng's lips smiled, like a river of spring water that has just melted ice and snow. His gradually gloomy eyes once again glowed brightly, "Although in the end, we don't have the chance to come together, just for you, and I will never regret it..."

Ruan Lingheng's body became colder and colder. Mo Ziyao hugged his body, with heartbreaking pain mixed with her despair. Hold him like crazy and hold him tightly.

"Ling Heng, why did you do this? Why? It's not worth it, ah--" She suddenly raised her eyes and looked at King Kang, her eyes full of hatred.

King Kang slowly put away his bow and arrow and looked at her coldly.

King Kang! Mo Ziyao gritted her teeth and thought in her heart that I would never let you go! Never let you go!

"Zi Yao..."

Suddenly, an ethereal voice sounded above her head. Mo Ziyao stood up and looked up. She saw the illusory 'Ruan Lingheng' floating above her head. She quickly said, "Ling Heng? Is that you?"

The virtual shadow said, "Zi Yao, it's me. Don't be afraid, this is my soul.

Mo Ziyao knew that the soul was out of her body, but it was the first time she saw it, and there was a surprise in horror. Are you still alive?"

Xu Ying shook his head, "No, I'm dead, Ziyao, you promise me not to avenge me. You can't kill him, because history can't be changed."

Mo Ziyao clenched her fists unwillingly until her nails sank into the meat, and then nodded slowly: "Okay, I promise you." Looking at the floating Ruan Lingheng, she asked, "Why can I see you?"

Xu Ying thought for a moment and said, "Maybe it's because of my special soul, or maybe it's because of that bracelet, so you can see me." While talking, the virtual shadow has floated higher and higher.

The virtual shadow frowned and looked at the sky, but saw a red cloud gathering towards him. A suction force sucked him into the center of the red cloud. His expression changed, but suddenly slowed down. He bowed his head and said to Mo Ziyao, "Ziyao, it turns out that I'm not really dead. It turns out that I still have a chance to live! I may go to your world." In the words, there is no blessing after the disaster, but an unconcealed loneliness.

Mo Ziyao finally smiled and waved to him, "Great! You have to live a good life over there. Yes, help me take care of my parents.

The virtual shadow nodded, looked at Mo Ziyao reluctantly, looked at the familiar land, and finally turned into a light spot, sucked into the red cloud and disappeared, and the red cloud gradually dissipated between several breaths and slowly disappeared into the sky.

Mo Ziyao looked back and thought about how to escape with only herself, but she didn't know when King Kang and others all fell into the snow. Her surprised eyes widened and saw an old man with messy hair bouncing his long black nails at them. Those people wanted to rush over to kill the old man, but before they walked over, they both rolled their eyes and fell to the ground unconscious.

Poisonous old...

It can really be said that one person becomes an army. No wonder even the emperor of a country is afraid of him. Mo Ziyao was overjoyed and was about to pass by when she heard someone calling her behind her. When she turned around, she saw a familiar figure rushing towards her.

"Polig..." The tears that finally came back poured out again. She ran towards the person and threw herself into his arms. "I thought I would never see you again in my life."

Ruan Lingzheng picked up her face, kissed her tears, and said softly, "I'm sorry, I'm late."

Mo Ziyao can't say anything at once. He lay in his arms and suddenly cried out. I cried earth-shakingly and happily.

The person who left finally left. The person who is willing to give his life will never be seen again in his life. After wandering around for half her life, Mo Ziyao suddenly realized that everything was cloud and smoke. Only the original dream was so real, and the initial sincerity was worth protecting with a lifetime. The tears that have been suppressed for a long time are all pouring down at this moment.

She cried for a long time. He only hugged her and comforted her, "Well, it's all over. Everything is over."

Mo Ziyao was tired of crying, so she lay on Ruan Lingzheng's shoulder and choked without saying anything. Ruan Lingzheng stared at her and sighed, "You cried so helplessly for him."

Mo Ziyao knew that he was not really angry. If he was angry, he would not be so. He raised his hand, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, turned his head and looked at Ruan Lingheng, who was lying peacefully in the snow, and whispered, "He has experienced so much. Why does Zheng suffer until now? Do you still want to eat this unnecessary jealousy?"

Ruan Lingzheng frowned and gritted his teeth and said, "I will always be jealous of him!" Although he said so, he had walked towards Ruan Lingheng, carefully picked him up, gently put him on the horse, and whispered, "Thank you for everything you have done for us. Without you, we wouldn't be standing here now."

When Mo Ziyao saw Ruan Lingzheng like this, she was gradually relieved. She cleaned up her mood, gently stepped forward, leaned on Ruan Lingzheng's shoulder, looked at the beautiful and peaceful Ruan Lingheng on the horse's back, and said, "He once told me that his hometown is in the north, and Gu Xian Villa is his home, so we buried him in Next to the villa. After we go back this time, how about living in the original Gu Xian Villa?

Ruan Lingzheng tapped her nose and said softly, "As long as we are together, you can live wherever you want."

The poisonous old man suddenly came and interrupted the two and said, "Hey, you want to make out. Go home and make out. I just turned over on King Kang and didn't see the first chapter of the Poison God. Hey, little girl, is the first chapter in your hand?

"Here you are!" Mo Ziyao took out two yellowed papers from her arms and threw them to Mr. Du and said, "We are going to review Xian Villa. Mr. Du will you also go back to Wangyuefeng and be neighbors with us?"

The poisonous old man glanced at her and turned around with his sleeves very handsomely: "Whoever likes to go. Haha, the divine article is in hand, and everything is available. See you two later.

Mo Ziyao blinked, looked at the poisonous old man who disappeared after a while, and curled her lips and said, "It seems that the wish to abduct a super magic doctor as a neighbor has failed."

"Yuer." The person beside her called her in a low voice. Mo Ziyao suddenly turned around and looked into Ruan Lingzheng's affectionate eyes. He smiled and held her in his arms...

"Go home, Ruier and everyone are waiting for us." His words were soft but warm. Mo Ziyao smiled and nodded. End of the book)