Madam, the master calls you home for dinner

Chapter 63 Chaos the Truth

Ying Han carefully approached Qiu Mei and saw that there were indeed blood marks on her face, but there seemed to be a layer of skin slightly raised on both sides of the wound. Ying Han endured the nausea and took off the layer of skin. As a result, he saw a completely strange face. This joke was not funny at all.

"Who the hell are you?" Ying Han held his face in his hand and stared straight at the hatred. No, it should not be hatred, but the woman in front of him who pretended to be hate.

"Ha ha..." Seeing that he had been exposed, he simply closed his mouth and didn't say anything. Maybe he could still wait for a glimmer of hope.

Ying Han also saw the chip of 'feud'. He can't make decisions about this kind of thing, so he can only make people optimistic about 'feud'. He went to ask the master what to do.

Youqin Jiatian is looking at the situation of various business sites and tasks taken in the study in recent months. Even if he can't see anything, he can see that the ability of this group of people to make fake accounts is getting stronger and stronger. He is too lazy to care about these trivial things, but he didn't say that he can allow this group of people to climb on him. Come on, maybe he is so kind to them that he can't even tell who is the master and who is the servant. It seems necessary to have a thorough blood change.

"Master, I have something to report." Yinghan stood outside the door, still holding the skin in his hand, and the faint smell of blood made him want to destroy it directly.

"Come in." When Qin Jiatian heard the sound, he knew that it was Ying Han standing outside. When he saw him enter the door, he thought that he had confessed, so he asked coldly, "Who is the mastermind behind the scenes?"

"I haven't asked the result yet. When I was able to use the punishment, I found that she was not hostile, so I want to ask the master to decide how to deal with this matter next."

"It's not hate, so who is she?"

"My subordinates don't know that she won't say anything." Yinghan suddenly felt that he was a little impulsive and should pry something out of his 'hate' mouth before reporting to the master. Otherwise, with the current personality of the master, he would probably not be able to eat it.

There is Qin Jiatian picking up the human skin mask placed on the table. Such a crystal clearness is afraid that it will come from a famous person. This means that the backer behind the woman must not be a small role. The hatred should have been silenced long ago. In this way, everything has become logical.

"How is she now?"

"The cold air enters the body and receives a whip, which is not a big problem."

"In this case, I will meet her again."

As soon as 'Hate' saw that Qinjia was naively willing to come to see her, she was immediately in full bloom. Regardless of the pain of the wound on her face, she still showed a standard smile, "I knew you couldn't bear to part with me."

Youqin Jiatian sat opposite the 'hate'. Looking at her, he could think of Wan Yanliang's face. He tried to restrain his anger, but the pressure released revealed his current mood.

"Who the hell are you?" Qin Jiatian already has an answer in his heart. He only needs a little evidence of 'hate', and he hasn't lost this game.

"If you marry me, I will tell you." Zhuque's thinking is strange that ordinary people can't understand. Yinghan stood behind Youqin Jiatian and heard her bold request. He almost didn't want to open her head to see how many pounds of cotton was stuffed in it.

"Marry you? You are not qualified yet." With a sneer, the woman he wanted to marry had been destroyed in the hands of the woman in front of him. She dared to mention such a sacred word in front of him. It was really lifeless.

"If you don't marry me, I won't say anything." The rosefinch thought that they wanted to get news from themselves, so naturally they would not treat themselves badly. Unfortunately, she underestimated Qin Jiatian's cruelty.

Ying Han didn't see how Qin Jiatian took action. One of his 'hate' arms lay on the ground completely. The cut was very neat like a mirror, and there was not even a trace of blood on his sword.

"Ah..." The rosefinch stared at her shoulder in disbelief, and the pain eroded her brain, making her scream. How could it be like this?

"If you haven't said it yet, I don't mind letting you bury your other arm for this." Qin Jiatian said ruthlessly, and what he did was even more ruthless, but he always said that if the rosefinch liked this kind of skin and flesh very much, Qin Jiatian's way of tortured people was no less than the torture tools in this penitary.

" just...kill me, and I... won't... say it." The rosefinch was sweating, which showed how painful the injury was, but Yinghan didn't expect to break an arm. Instead, she didn't say anything. Should he praise her for her courage?

"My master will not kill you, and my master will make your life worse than death." Youqin Jiatian took out a small jade bottle from his arms and threw it into Ying Han's hand.

"White is a tonic and red is a poison. Use a tonic to hang her spirit. I would like to see when she can hear it."

Ying Han held the medicine bottle. Of course, he knew that the medicine-feeding job fell on him. He had played a lot of such a villain, but when he thought that the 'feud' saliva might touch his hand, he unconsciously wanted to retreat, but he still forced himself to go up.

How can the rosefinch take medicine obediently, but now she can't resist a man's strength at all. Yinghan fed her five tonics in one breath, which is enough to torture for a while.

"Do you want to say it or not?" It is rare for Qin Jiatian to bear to look at her painful expression. Was Liang'er also in such pain at the beginning, but compared with the injury suffered by Liang'er, how can this bitch's body be enough to repay?!

"If I say it, can you let me go?" The tonic melted in her mouth, and the rosefinch saved the process of spitting out, but it was indeed very useful. With five belly, she felt that the wound on her shoulder was not so painful.

"Do you think you are still qualified to negotiate with this teacher at this time?" Youqin Jiatian laughed at the sparrow's overpower. What did she think she was and wanted to make a deal with him?

"If you still want to get the information you want from me, promise me that you won't kill me after I say it."

"If you don't want to work hard, I just need to send someone to investigate. Why do I have to listen to your nonsense here again? Yinghan, she'll take care of it to you." Youqin Jiatian got up and was about to leave. Whether he said it or not, the rosefinch had only one end, that is, to become a dead body.

"Wait, I said, I said." If the rosefinch wants to get rid of this situation, he has to fight to the death.

"If you say half a lie, you will definitely die miserably." Youqin Jiatian looked at the rosefinch and warned word by word. The rosefinch felt the murderous intention in his eyes and nodded hurriedly.


"I, my name is Zhuque, and I'm under the Yunhuang." Speaking of Helian Yunqian, Youqin Jiatian's lowered head suddenly raised her, and her angry eyes couldn't wait to remove her into her abdomen, making her shrink back in fear.

Sure enough, it was him. Youqin Jiatian had always suspected that it was Helian Yunqian's ghost behind his back. Now it is confirmed that it is really him. The hatred between them must not stop until one party dies.

"Go on."

"After the Anhuang's birthday banquet, I received the task to replace hatred and enter the underworld religion."

"What about that really hate?" The topic was interrupted again, and this time Ying Han couldn't help blurting out.

"The real hatred is dead. I don't know how the master captured her back, but when I saw her, she was tortured to death, but a lot of useful information came out of her mouth. It took me three days to memorize this information, and then appeared here."

"What is the purpose of your coming to the ghost religion?"

"Assassination of the leader of the Nightmare Church."

Qin Jiatian should have thought that Helian Yunqian was not a person who gave up easily. If his vigilance was higher, perhaps there was still a lively Wan Yanliang standing beside him now. All this is a conspiracy of Helian Yunqian, and he will definitely not let him go.

"What else do you know?"

"I really don't know anything else."

Is that right? I don't think you want to talk about it. Yinghan inserted a sentence at the right time, "Isn't it yours that the reason why Huangfu Yueyang knows the location of those family members?"

"It's not me, that's what I said. She had been tortured to death at that time. Yunhuang said whatever she asked." Suzaku thought that his current situation was not much different from that of hatred at that time, and that the final outcome would not be any different.

"Since you have said everything, you can also die at ease." With a light sentence from Qinjiatian, it was destined that the rosefinch would no longer exist in this world, and he took her life for God.

"No, I don't want to die. Please, let me go." The rosefinch was tied to a chair. If she could move now, she would hold Qin Jiatian's thigh tightly and beg him desperately.

"Yes, how can you die like this?" Qin Jiatian smiled evilly, and the rosefinch was once again confused. If she hadn't seen his expression at that time, maybe she would have been able to complete the task and return to her life and get a great reward.

"Did you promise to let me go?"

"I'll let you go? Dreaming, I just won't let you die so easily. Do you think it's good to make you an adult? Cut your ears, dig your eyes, drink dumb medicine, and close you in the toilet for most of your life. When you are old and yellow, take you out and break the bones on your body one by one. At that time, they are really connected, and you can't separate them. What do you think? There was a quiet voice of Qin Jiatian's ear like a fierce ghost coming to ask for her life. There were not thousands or hundreds of blood in her hands. As soon as she closed her eyes, she seemed to see that the people she had killed stretched out their hands to drag her to hell together.

"No, I don't want, I don't want to become a human." The rosefinch shook her head vigorously. She couldn't imagine that she would become that ghost. If she wanted to torture her like that for the rest of her life, she would rather break herself.

Yinghan listened to Qin Jiatian's suggestion and also broke out in a cold sweat. Thinking about such torture makes people shudder, let alone experience it personally, but the rosefinch really deserved it. Since she had the courage to deal with Wan Yanliang, she should have imagined that it would be today's ending.

"Ying Han, go and get ready. I don't want to see her appear here like this again."

"Yes, I'll do it now."

"Don't...don't..." Zhuque knew that Youq Jiatian was definitely not joking to scare her. Since he said so, he would definitely be made into a man. It's better to die. Thinking of this, she bit her tongue cruelly, and blood slowly flowed out along the corners of her mouth, leaving only Consciousness is also slowly becoming blurred...