Madam, the master calls you home for dinner

Chapter 65 Amazing Opening

Just listening to this voice made many men present react numbly. If it was matched with a beautiful and moon appearance, wouldn't it be like the immortals who came down to earth as Xu's mother said? A pair of eyes stared straight at the corner that had just made a sound, for fear of missing the most wonderful part in the blink of an eye.

A light bamboo sound occurred to me, and I saw a woman in red walking gently and slowly stepped on the stage.

The stage suddenly gasped. What kind of woman is this? No matter how beautiful the words in the world are, they don't seem to be able to describe her at all. He is as graceful as a dragon. Looking from afar, it is as bright as the rising sun rising in the morning glow; looking closely, it is as bright as a new lotus blooming between the green waves. The body is moderate, high and low, the shoulders are as narrow as cutting, the waist is as thin as a bundle, and the beautiful neck reveals white skin. Neither fat nor powder, the bun is as high as clouds, the long eyebrows are curved and slender, the red lips are fresh, the teeth are white, and a pair of shining eyes that are good at looking forward to it. A bright Luoyi with exquisite jade. Wearing gold, silver and emerald jewelry, decorated with shining pearls all over his body. Wearing long-distance shoes decorated with patterns and dragging misty skirts, it faintly exudes the fragrance of orchids, all of which are so perfect that people can't bear to blasphemy.

The woman sat generously on the piano stool, smiled charmingly under the stage, and began to stir up the strings. The sound of the piano like water sounded leisurely, sometimes soothing like a flowing spring, sometimes anxious like a waterfall, sometimes crisp like a jade plate, sometimes low like a whisper, bringing everyone's hearts into everyone Under the notes, enjoy the pure beauty of the assassin.

At the end of the song, everyone slowly could not return to their minds. They were extremely surprised but naturally felt the comfort brought by the sound of the piano. Everyone's intoxicated appearance with their eyes closed was undoubtedly the highest affirmation to the woman.

I don't know who took the lead in the applause. Before the rhyme of the piano sound dissipated, it was covered up by thunderous applause.

The woman slowly got up and stood by the piano, just like playing the piano. "The little woman is charming and cool. Please take care of her when she comes to your place for the first time."

It was another crisp and clear voice, which sounded like a heavenly sound in everyone's ears. I even felt that it was a sin to interrupt her, but there were people who were so ignorant.

"Your name is Meiliang, right? In the future, you will hang out with me. Mother Xu will make a price." Everyone looked for the birthplace of the sound with disgust, and saw a man staring at the woman on the stage, completely destroying the beauty created before.

"It turned out to be Mr. Li, but I'm afraid Mr. Li can't get what he wants this time. We Meiliang are not selling skills. Unless Meiliang chooses someone who is willing to go with him, even I can't force her to do anything." Xu's mother is easy to deal with this kind of guest. She finally found such a valuable cash cow. How can she only care about her immediate interests and not care about the long-term? After being an old woman for so many years, she has never done such a loss-making business.

"Bah! Isn't it just for sale? If you don't talk about the price, I will take the people away directly. At that time, you won't get a penny. Mr. Li is the only son of a large family in the New Tang Dynasty. Relying on his father's stinky money, he eats, drinks, prostitutes and gambles. Because his father has someone in the court, no one dares to do anything to him. Now he doesn't expect to go wild to the Zuichun Tower. He must have suffered.

"If Mr. Li seems to have forgotten what kind of place this is. If he gets up tomorrow morning, Mr. Li will find something missing on him and don't rely on our Zui Chunlou at that time." Xu's mother is not a good stubble. Her soft and hard tricks are almost amazing. As a result, she saw Li Ming's face change. I really don't know when in the eyes of others, Zui Chunlou can be bullied at will. It's really funny.

"What do you think you are, but you are an old prostitute who dares to talk to me like this? You don't want to die, do you?" Li Ming blushed with anger and had a thick neck. Of course, what he said would not be easy to hear. Now Xu's mother simply didn't talk to him and directly asked the thimists in the building to throw Li Ming and him out. The thiepers here are all practitioners, which is better than those who can only dominate in quantity. How many times.

The ears were suddenly clean, and everyone seemed to be still not used to it. Mei Liang always stood there, his blood-red eyes glanced around, and his ears captured the breath exclusive to that person. Is it really coming?

"I was made a scene by an unrelated person just now, which made me forget my business. Today is the first time for Meiliang girl to appear on the stage. I don't know which of you wants Meiliang to accompany me? Don't miss the opportunity and never lose it again. You guys should think about it. The starting price is 300 taels. If you miss it, you won't know what you will have a chance.

"I'll pay four hundred taels." A man under the stage raised his hand first, and Mei Liang sent a smile without hesitation, which made the man's nosebleed.

"500 taels."


"For the first time, is there any better bid?" Xu's mother's voice trembled a little. She didn't expect that it was really a real cash cow. These 5,000 taels could catch up with the income of the whole Zuichun Building for one night. Now she seems to be able to see silver tickets all over the sky hitting her.

"10,000 taels." A faint male voice came from the box on the third floor, but it was very penetrating. Mei Liang couldn't help glancing in that direction and frowned slightly. Who would be where?

Xu's mother really laughed like a flower this time. She couldn't wait to kick open the door of the box and kiss the two people inside, but I'm afraid she will definitely be kicked out.

"10,000 taels for the first time, 10,000 taels for the second time, is there anyone else who wants to raise the price? No more? Then, 10,000 taels for the third time, deal!" Xu's mother happily took Mei Liang's hand. The two went to the box on the third floor together. The rest of the people were not lively to see. One by one, they hugged the little beautiful women around them and went happily. However, after seeing Mei Liang, it was really not interesting to see these vulgar fans.

"Cool, you have to say hello to the prince inside, otherwise the money your mother gets may fly away." Xu's mother confessed earnestly, but Meiliang's attention was not on it at all. She could feel that the man was clearly in the opposite room, but he completely turned a blind eye to her, but she wanted to marry another woman. You were worthy of me.

"Master, I brought Liangliang to you, so I won't bother you." Xu's mother just opened the door slightly and only saw the back of a man inside. It was said that there were no small people who could have a place in the box on the third floor. The less she knew, the better.

Meiliang was almost pushed into the room by Xu's mother, and he almost fell down when his feet slipped. The man's hand dragged Meiliang in time. After Meiliang stood firmly, he returned to his original place, but this time it became the position facing Meiliang.

A pair of spiritual eyes of heaven and earth are free of impurities, clear but deep. The skin color is as crystal as jade, and the long dark black hair hangs on both shoulders, glowing with faint light. He is quite tall, standing there, indescribably elegant, like a man.

Mei Liang subconsciously believes that such a fairy-like person should not appear in this mixed place, but when you think about it, even such a dusty place can't hide his noble Tsinghua, why do you have to be?

"What is the girl laughing at? Can you tell me in the next two? The voice is as clear as a spring, as if with the magic of healing pain. If you put him on the stage outside, I'm afraid both men and women will flock to it.

"Nothing, I'm just curious about how people like you can appear here?" Meiliang didn't hide it, so there is no need to hide it.

"Why can't I be here?" Baili Ranfeng was just scattered on a whim, but she didn't expect that the woman in front of her could really bring her something interesting.

"It is more realistic for people like you to appear in the deep mountains and forests to live under the east fence of picking chrysanthemums and leisurely see Nanshan." Mei Liang sat down in the nearest chair. If it hadn't been for outsiders in the room, she would have been lying directly on the big ** that looked soft and comfortable.

Baili Ranfeng was stunned by Meiliang's natural movements, and then laughed at himself and sat opposite Meiliang, "You are very interesting."

"The people who say this are probably a little interesting to me. Aren't you one of them?" Mei Liang joked that since he had moved his love, he should also find a next home as soon as possible, so as not to wait until he is old and be forced to be paired. At that time, it will be even more sad.

"Maybe." The answer given by Baili Ranfeng is ambiguous, and Mei Liang is too lazy to care about anything with him, but it seems that Baili Ranfeng's expression really seems to be considering her statement. Isn't it because she has caused a lot of trouble?

"Can I ask your identity?" Meiliang knew from his dress that the man in front of him was either rich or noble. There were people under the stage who clearly wanted to raise the price just now, but they did not move in the end. This can only prove that his identity is much higher than them.

"It's my negligence, in the next hundred miles of maple." Baili Ranfeng did not feel awkward and directly reported his name. Such frankness made Meiliang doubt the authenticity, but when he thought about it, he only had his own 'bellied the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain'.

"It turned out to be the famous Prime Minister Baili, and the little woman was rude."

"There is no need for these false gifts. I'm afraid the charming girl doesn't like it either." Accustomed to the deception in the court, Baili Ranfeng rarely met an unpretentious person. Judging from her performance after entering the door, even if he was today, it was not a capital worth showing off in her eyes. Unexpectedly, fame and wealth would look like a cloud in the eyes of a woman, which was also an eye for her. One of the main reasons for looking at each other.

"Just call me charming, and the word 'girl' is really awkward." Baili Ranfeng is harmless to her at this moment, and Meiliang will naturally not have any hostility to him, and his speech will be more casual.

"That Mei Liang also called my name." Baili Ranfeng smiled, but she really has a charming posture, which makes her feel ashamed of herself as a woman. His face is really sinful.

"I didn't expect that Prime Minister Baili is a sentimental person. He didn't forget to bring a beauty to accompany him when he died. Don't worry, after I play with her, I will definitely burn her for you, hahaha..." Suddenly, someone broke into the window and stood by the window and said a lot. As a result, he only saw Baili Ranfeng and Mei Liang sitting at the table calmly and tasted it. Tea, but as soon as he came in, the good tea was dusted. It's a pity that people really deserve to die.