Madam, the master calls you home for dinner

Chapter 96 Jiatian's Return

Baili Ranfeng had long expected such a result. Sooner or later, Helian Yunqian would let go. Even if he was unwilling, this business would make a steady profit. Besides, after seeing the weapons created by Wan Yuliang's men, how could he not be moved? Even he had to look at it with new eyes.

Wan Yiliang admits that she has learned from the wisdom of her predecessors. After all, she is not a god. It's good to know something she wants to know, but it's strange that those various books record all kinds of things. Is it possible that other countries don't have it?

Wan Yiliang is really right about this. Those messy things are all collected by her unscrupulous master. Some rags can only see a few words that are not very clear on them, but sometimes these words are enough to remind people a lot. Wan Yiliang naturally benefits a lot from it.

In this relatively peaceful era, the manufacturing volume of weapons is not too much, but it needs to be changed in large quantities at the beginning. After this time, it will be a relatively fragmentary job. Wan Yiliang knows that the business will be like this, and the court is easy to repudiate the debt, and millions of taels of silver will be in her hands. One million taels, other famously known as installments, in fact, are there still so many unknowns in the treasury, but Wan Yiliang is not in a hurry. The public has always been the most deducted. It might as well find some way to pull hair from those large households, which may be smoother.

Wan Yiliang belongs to the activist, but he is not so impulsive. There are many things that should be in this new Tang City. There are not many golden caves such as brothel gambling places, but they are included in large and small, which is really not rare. Therefore, Wan Yiliang is not interested in stretching his hand so long, so she should do something to be wise. What?

Before she came up with a solution, she heard a surprisingly surprising news. Youqin Jiatian came back and disappeared for almost two months. At that moment, she didn't know what she felt in her heart. When she was in the valley, she really missed him, but when they met, they didn't know if they had hurt each other. Wan Tongliang admitted that it was her fault. She couldn't pull down her face and say those fleshy words, and Qin Jiatian was not aware of it.

In recent days, Wan Yanliang has long been used to being alone. There is no Qin Jiatian by her side, at least four people who are dedicated to protecting her, and a friend like Baili Ranfeng. From time to time, there are several negative characters to nourish her life. Now that Qin Jiatian is back, she Consciously, I don't know what position to put him in? It's annoying, really annoying.

Qing Jiatian stepped into the room and saw Wan Tongliang's head, and his eyes were empty and he didn't know what he was thinking. He left for so long, but Wan Yiliang's every move was in his eyes. The appearance of Baili Ranfeng made him obviously feel the crisis, but Wan Yiliang did not respond, so he believed that she would not do anything out of the mark, but is it wrong for him to do so? Why did he sense strangeness from her? This should not be their attitude of getting along with each other. Did he miss something?

Wan Yanliang's vigilance of immersion in his own world became low. It was not until Qin Jiatian stood in front of her that she looked up. It didn't matter. Both of them were at a loss there. The awkward atmosphere spread, or Wan Yanliang opened his mouth first.

"You're back." It's an ordinary greeting, but both of them know that what they need is not this kind of politeness, but Wan Yanliang's usual smart mind really doesn't know what to say except this sentence. Is she too stupid?

"Well, I'm back." As Qin Jiatian answered, the two became speechless again. The air was full of a cold smell, and it seemed that it was not filled with a little warmth because of one more person.

"Do you... miss me?" Wan Yanliang didn't know how such a sentence appeared in her mind. Anyway, when she thought of it, she had already asked. She couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and bold? Still not ashamed, why is she still worried about such a problem?

"Yes." Youqin Jiatian told the truth. He thought about her all the time and thought that there was still someone waiting for him to go back. Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that his emotions had just become pretentious.

"How's the investigation going?" Wan Yanliang doesn't believe that Qin Jiatian will get nothing in the past two months.

"It's almost the same. I just want to come back this time."

"So fast?" Her career has just begun. If she doesn't cheat a huge amount of money, she will feel uncomfortable.

"What? Is there anyone you can't bear to give up with?" Qinjia consciously thought of this hypothesis. His tone was sour, and he obviously regretted it when he said it.

"Well... why do you think so?" Wan Yiliang smelled a sour taste, and must have known her every move. During this period, he did ignore the existence of Ying Han, but several times she could feel that Ying Han was obviously absent, and then appeared contentedly a few days later. I'm afraid he went to steal. I really don't understand. Yuan Tang also has Murong's business, why Murong Lunshu can't just come to see it. He doesn't feel sad that Yinghan has run at both ends, or that Yinghan hasn't finished Murong Lunshu so far, which is too disappointing.

Youqin Jiatian was asked speechlessly. He couldn't imagine that he could frankly admit that he was jealous. Maybe it was a male chauvinist. Youqin Jiatian just snorted coldly and sat opposite Wan Yanliang.

Wan Yiliang saw Youqin Jiatian sitting down and the stinky expression on his face. He couldn't understand it any more. He walked over and hugged Youqin Jiatian from behind. "If you leave me for so long, I may not run away with any man. At that time, you have no place to regret."

Wan Yanliang's threat was exchanged for a strong kiss by Qin Jiatian. One hand grabbed her wrist and was taken to his arms. Wan Yanliang struggled to get up but had no effect. The body imprisoned by the man stuck to the root of his thigh. Wan Yanliang seemed to feel the hidden momentum of his split. The temperature in the room rose sharply.

The flexible tongue ravaged in Wan Yiliang's mouth, sweeping everywhere with his own domineering and spoiling. Wan Yiliang closed his eyes and let his tongue fly wildly with her little tongue. Even if the man's arm made her painful, she really felt his body temperature, his breathing, and his heartbeat.

At the end of a kiss, Qin Jiatian did nothing but kissed, but I don't know when they changed from sitting to lying down. Wan Yan's cool eyes were still slightly confused in the warm arms of Qin Jiatian. His small hands stroked his chest, and there was a meaning of Qin Jiatian above his head. A profound warning.

"If you move again, I can't guarantee that you won't do anything." With the pain endured by Qin Jiatian, he doesn't want to live that kind of ascetic life again, but the little woman in his arms is too thoughtful**. If he acts impulsively, he will definitely get the counterproductive effect. He can't take this risk and doesn't want to take it. He has experienced the pain of losing her once. After experiencing it again, he is afraid he will be poor. Huangquan had to find her and ask her why she was so cruel?

Wan Yanliang has always admired Qin Jiatian's endurance, so he stayed obediently in his arms, no longer moved casually, and absorbed the warmth of his body. The real body temperature of the man in front of him spread to her little by little, but he didn't expect it to have a calming effect.

Qin Jiatian is also very tired. After the matter was over, he returned to the New Tang Dynasty without any rest. There are people he remembers and people who think about her. How can he be relieved? But now that he is back, it's better for those men who want his woman to be more peaceful? Otherwise, no matter what it is, take care of it.

As soon as they slept, they slept until the second half of the night. No one came to disturb them. Wan Yanliang was completely woken up hungry and maintained the good habit of eating three meals a day on time. It was a sin for Wan Yanliang not to eat two meals, but it didn't matter if she moved like this, and Qin Jiatian also woke up and knew her intention to leave. , Qin Jiatian's face is gloomy. Where is this woman going so late? Do you really have to carry him on your back...?

"I'm hungry and want to eat." Wan Yiliang's pitiful explanation made Youqin Jia feel his villain and guessed something inexplicably, and then he got up and looked at the sky outside.

"It's so late, the stores should be closed." Qin Jiatian glanced at the pastry on the table and signaled Wan Yanliang to deal with those things? In fact, he is also hungry. Unfortunately, he has no cooking skills and is reluctant to let Wan Yanliang cook so late. You can't let him find a place to take some without asking, right?

"Let's go to the brothel. There must be delicious food there." Wan Yanliang's eyes sparkled. As soon as Qin Jiatian heard the word 'Blue House', his face turned black. There were few times when he went to that place. His previous identity was still the flower leader there. If he didn't go, he would not go.

"Think beautifully, don't go there." Qin Jiatian directly rejected it.

Wan Yiliang knew what he was thinking at a glance, and simply didn't argue with him. "Then I'll make something to eat. I'm hungry and can't sleep."

"Don't you have anything to eat here? I don't want to toss you to cook in person."

"It doesn't matter. Next to it is the kitchen. I'll just put two bowls of noodles. Just don't think it's simple."

"Did the two of us need to be so polite before?" Youqin Jiatian doesn't like to feel something strange between them. The polite tone is not what they should have, which makes Youqin Jiatian very unhappy.

With Qin Jiatian's awkwardness, Wan Yiliang can basically understand more than seven points. The mode of getting along with them is indeed a little strange, but they always have to run in, right? When everything settles, she has to enjoy the feeling of falling in love, otherwise even if Qin Jiatian is out.

"I know. Wait for me here. I'll be fine soon." Wan Yanliang appeasily printed a kiss on Youqin Jiatian's forehead. Youqin Jiatian didn't care about this trick of coaxing children, but the smile in his eyes betrayed his mood...