Madam, the master calls you home for dinner

Chapter 159 The Meat Eater

The current situation is much more than Wan Yiliang's expectation. I don't know how many bodies are hidden in the whole kitchen. Those meats look like no less than 100 catties. The meat that can be removed by a person must not exceed half of his own weight. Presumably there are at least ten bodies here. But maybe this is not the first scene of the crime, it's just a processing site.

What kind of mentality will a person have to choose to eat human flesh? Wan Yiliang really can't figure out why. Maybe this is a kind of hobby that people can't understand.

Wan Yiliang withdrew from the kitchen. She thought that she would never want to be here again in her life. Before leaving, she had confirmed that there was no living place in it, but only parts of the human body. The air outside is much fresher, but there is no obvious smell of blood in the kitchen. Is there any special treatment in the kitchen?

Normally, it is impossible for dead animals or people to be preserved for too long under normal circumstances. The corpses will slowly decompose. At the same time, some corpses and flies will be attracted, and the bodies will also begin to grow maggots. Although none of the corpses in the kitchen are complete, they should not be attracted by anything, but Yi Liang didn't want to step into the room anymore, and she seemed to hear something very unusual.

Wan Yuliang followed the sound and found that there was a faint light in the most remote corner of the city owner's house, which seemed to be a human song, but the tune was strange that Wan Yuliang had never heard before. She approached the room and saw four people sitting there through a thin layer of paper on the window. The song came from the throat of one of them. Looking at the words he spit out, Wan Liang had never heard of it.

The four people didn't seem to know that there were other people looking at them outside the window, and they still continued to move in their hands. There is a corpse beside them. They hold all kinds of murder weapons, an axe, a big knife, and two saws in their hands. Looking at their movements, it is not the first time to do such a thing. The level of proficiency is as simple as killing chickens and ducks, as if it were not people but animals in front of them. But even the beast has his own thinking, but it won't shock Wan Yiliang so much.

Wan Yiliang will not like to put a round head at his feet like that, and his eyes are still staring at him, but these four people can completely ignore him, especially the singing man, whose voice is very stable, which shows that his psychological quality is strong. Even if it is common, Wan Yiliang is still I don't think it's normal.

The four people dealt with the bodies in their own hands. The weapons they used were so sharp that they could cut off people's bones without much noise, and then removed all the meat from the bones and put them in the big bucket in the middle. This big barrel was enough to hold the meat of four people. Their eyes were dull and mechanical. Repeating the movements in her hand, Wan Yiliang's only blessing was that there were no familiar faces among these four heads.

Wan Yiliang saw that they had removed all the meat, and the singing man put a bottle of ** in the bucket that I don't know what it was, covering up the original strong smell of blood in the room. Even the color of human flesh gradually changed a little, just like the color of pork sold by hawkers in the vegetable market. Wan Yiliang thought of eating by himself. The pork may also do this, and she can't help but feel nauseous.

Four heads were put in another box by them. When the box was opened, it was almost full of heads, including men and women, and even old people and children. Wan Yiliang could not determine whether these people died normally or were killed, but in the end they were all Brought here, there is not even a whole body. I don't know what an insult this is to the body.

The singing man looked in the direction of Wan Tongliang, but he didn't find her, but it was still dangerous. He commanded the remaining three people to move the bucket out of the room. Wan Yiliang secretly followed them and found that there was more than one big bucket behind the room. Including this one, there were five in total, each of which was the same size, and even the materials were exactly the same.

There is such a human meat workshop in the huge city owner's mansion. It is impossible for the city owner not to know. If this is his instruction, will these people's meat be prepared for him?

The man has been singing all the time. Wan Liang finds that if he doesn't make a sound, the remaining three people will gradually become irritable. Is his singing a tool to control them? Looking at them, they do look like being controlled. It seems that they have no thoughts at all. They just listen to other people's orders and do things that they don't even know.

Wang Liang kept watching them enter another room before starting their own exploration. The silence here turned out to be strange. It turned out that there were not few people here, but that people were used to places they shouldn't go. I don't know if they expected their bodies to be so spoiled before they died. But I'm afraid they didn't even expect their own death.

In fact, throughout the ages, people with all kinds of quirks are really common. Even cannibalism, Wan Yanliang has read relevant articles in some books. Some people have listened to rumors that eating newborn babies will have magical effects in order to prolong their lives. Therefore, during that period of time, a village Several newborn children all disappeared. After the murderer stole the child, they never saw their own children again. It was not until someone accidentally found the baby's belly pocket when they went hunting in the mountains and forests that they found the murderer who stole the child, but all the parents did not expect it. Yes, he actually ate their living child, with an endless expression on his face, as if it was a matter of how enjoyable it was to eat a child. As a result, he was stabbed to death by his parents who lost the child. Before he died, he muttered that he was immortal. No one could kill him, but people It's still like that.

Sometimes people need to use superstition to make their hearts better, or to barely know why they are alive. Everyone is not born to be a bad person. At the beginning, nature is good, which is common sense, but superstition has harmed many people's lives. They don't know how to distinguish between right and wrong. Some people use this to forcibly instill some of their thoughts and become prisoners of the originators. In the end, they don't even know who they are.

There was another strange voice from the city owner's mansion. Wan Yiliang didn't know what disgusting scenes she would see because of her curiosity and had no choice, but she had to think about that direction.

A room that looks ordinary from the appearance, Wan Yiliang is sure that the sound comes from here. There was no light in the room. Wan Yiliang jumped to the roof and lifted a tile on the roof in the old way. A man in white with loose hair could not be seen as male or female sitting next to the table. There were all kinds of dishes on the table. Wan Yiliang naturally thought of the pile of human flesh in the kitchen. Is it the room? Has this person been eating human flesh?

Wan Yanliang was originally uncertain, but through the faint moonlight, Wan Yanliang actually saw the people in the room eating a hand. The size and proportion of the manpower are absolutely correct. Maybe she didn't know that there were corpses of those things in the kitchen, and she would think what kind of poultry claws he was eating, but now She can be sure that he is eating people, that is, the hand of man.

Wan Yanliang couldn't understand how he ate with relish. She resisted the discomfort in her stomach and wanted to know what he would do next. However, Wan Yanliang stayed on the roof for a quarter of an hour, and the man ate a quarter of an hour's feast until later, he might not be able to eat the pot of soup in the middle of the table. There is also a sole of the foot, the sole of a child's foot, only the size of an adult's palm.

The person in the room stood up and slowly walked to the bed in front of him. Wan Yiliang noticed that the man's feet were a little lame, as if they were not very sharp, and then he lay down on his back. Judging from his physical characteristics, he was a man, but what kind of face did this man have? Wan Yiliang didn't know how to describe it. Half of his face was like a beast gnawed out alive, forming a strong contrast with the other half of his face. Although the other half of his face is not a beautiful man, at least his facial features are good, which will not give people such a thrilling feeling.

Under what circumstances will a person's face become like this? If it was really done by the beast, it would be a blessing for him to get out of danger, but if it was man-made, how much hatred would this matter cause such a wound that he could not recover in his life?

Not to mention a man's injury, why does he eat people? He lives in the city owner's mansion and must have a great relationship with the city owner. Otherwise, he will not be allowed to do such a thing in the city owner's mansion, but who is he? Wan Yi feels that he still needs to figure out his identity first. A disfigured man, why did he be disfigured? What kind of relationship do you have with the city owner? Moreover, she walked around here and did not see the trace of the city owner. The most unexpected situation is that this man is the so-called city owner. Because of the accident, he has become the current ghost appearance, so he has never come out to show people, which can't help but increase his mystery and his prestige. Zhuzhou's hundred The surname was still kept in the dark, thinking that the city owner they relied on with all their hearts would bless them like a god.

All this is still Wan Yiliang's guess, which is countless, but there will always be a day when things come to light. She doesn't believe that such a sneaky person can always hide here. Although there are many floating people in Zhuzhou, if more and more people disappear, someone will always find that something is wrong. By that day, will Qin Jiatian have been killed?

Wan Yanliang has not forgotten the purpose of her coming here, but there seems to be no normal person in this house who can give her an answer. Even if she is anxious, she can't mess up. Qin Jiatian is still waiting for her. No matter what happens, she can't fall down first unless she is allowed. Seeing him intact with her own eyes, otherwise even the Lord of Hell would not want to take her away. If she can't do what she wants to do, she will ignore so many years of stubbornness and conceit.