Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 13 Zhong Guiyuan's words

Wei Fuyan said frankly: "Liu Shiwei should now regret bringing Su Yue to you at an inappropriate time and almost killed her, so I'm afraid he is more embarrassed to see us now. It's better to treat each other as if nothing has happened. Once something happens, it can't be explained clearly.

Zhou Huaiyi found that she seemed to change overnight, and a layer of hazy fog seemed to fade between her eyebrows. Now her eyes are full of cunning and shrewdness in her heart. Zhou Huaiyi suddenly felt like stepping on a fox with no fighting spirit. His foot inadvertently stimulated the fox's fighting spirit. Now the little guy is going to turn over and bite him for revenge. Thinking of this, he said jokingly, "Why, Princess Duanyang talked a lot overnight? Or did you suddenly decide not to act?

Wei Fuyan leaned against the corner of the carriage and carefully sorted out her handkerchief flowers with orchid fingers, and said leisurely, "My 'less words' is just the same as the prince's 'help you'. In the past, I thought it would be good not to do it, but now I understand that you are right and wrong. In this case, I have to steal half a day's leisure, and a better day is a day.

Wei Fuyan's handkerchief flower has been folded. She looked at it for a long time and then tore it into a little mouse. She played happily in her hand and didn't care that Zhou Huaiyi was frowning and looking at her with judgment.

Some things can't be explained as soon as they happen. This sentence is so right.

Zhou Huaiyi really didn't expect things to get to this point. The woman in front of her really doesn't look like a princess. That day, after returning to the royal palace and waiting for the doctor to say that she was al well, he went back to his room to look for the horse riding map and found that the picture was missing! There is only a regular portrait, painted with a graceful and elegant smile, which is no different from all the other princesses he has seen before. What is outstanding is the clear eyes and bright smile, and the shadow of Princess Duanyang in rare rumors. The key is that this is the portrait sent by Chen Guo.

Zhou Huaiyi's anger began to burn from that moment. At first, I thought someone had guessed that he might have to check the portrait on the day he returned home, so he prepared one in advance and put it in his study. When he began to carefully recall the details of the painting, from technique, to color, to composition, to inscription, he finally made him understand that it was painted by Zhou Yuanzhi! Zhou Yuanzhi left the painting in the glazed courtyard when he left the Huaiwang Mansion. When the servants saw the portrait of the princess, they sent it directly to his study.

What about painting? When did someone dare to sneak to his study to get something?

Then You Tanfang officially came to send invitations. He didn't want to see her, let alone accept the invitation, so he said by the way that it was better to help him find out who the other party was first. As a result, He giggled and said delicately, "It's the Three Flowers Hall!" Who doesn't know Sanhuatang? Youtan heard about it when he was five years old!" Then he laughed and trembled and told him the whole story, and even Bai Qinian's wife, a famous prostitute, carefully explained it.

Next, Zhou Yuanzhi settled his aunt and came to see Wei Fuyan and questioned his guilt. After all, what is Zhou Yuanzhi's position to ask him about his guilt? What on earth is he based on? Then when he mentioned the painting, he looked excited and said he wanted to get it back!

Before he began to check the lost painting, Qingzhou came to report that Fuyan's dowry maid Su Yue sneaked into his room twice. He sneaked in and sneaked in again. At that time, he did play some tricks.

These inexplicable things are all put together, and they can't stand the trust of the two people who have only met for a few days. In the past, it was okay to say that he was ashamed of her or intended to let her go, or to say that he had doubts about her, and it didn't matter if he was willing to gamble. Those were all between the two people. But when it comes to Sanhuatang, the possible conspiracy between the two countries, and someone acting secretly in the house, he can't help but take it seriously.

Wei Fuyan just felt funny. The two obviously tore their faces and quarreled. Now the side face of him helping her out of the carriage in front of the general's mansion looks very gentle. She couldn't help laughing in exchange for Zhou Huaiyi's warning look.

"Let them talk. Yaner, you go out with me." Sitting in the flower hall drinking tea with a group of unknown ladies, the eldest princess of Xingguo seemed to speak inadvertently.

Wei Fuyan couldn't help looking at Zhou Huaiyi outside the door. Today, the eldest princess of Xingguo invited many princes and grandsons to come. She used to love to be lively and laugh, but there was a noble spirit between her eyebrows, which made people know that they did not dare to surpass it. Especially today, it was very quiet, and the women in the room did not dare to say much.

They passed by a group of men. Wei Fuyan saw Zhou Huaiyi standing under a distant tree talking to several older people. He was dressed in black. Although his skirt and cuffs were embroidered with silver silk thread with complex patterns, it still looked like a heavy color. He lowered his head slightly with a humble and kind smile on his face. No matter how he looked, he was a good prince who was virtuous and courteous.

The eldest princess of Xingguo took her to a delicate small kitchen not far away, in which four well-demeaning maids were cooking neatly, probably the maidservant of the eldest princess. The eldest princess ordered them all to retreat and said, "I wanted to walk. You seem to be afraid of the cold, so it's better to rest here for a while." Then he asked her, "Can you cook?"

Then Wei Fuyan began to roll up his sleeves to cook. Princess Xingguo is bold and generous, but when she comes to the kitchen, she is extremely picky. How long should the celery sections be cut, how thin the tofu should be cut, how fine the heat should be salted, and which dishes are not spicy, all be told one by one. Wei Fuyan just kept nodding and occasionally added "I know aunt" and "Thank you very much." The rest of the time, the room was very quiet, and only the crackling sound of firewood burning and stir-frying could be heard. After each dish is ready, the eldest princess tastes it herself. When she puts a bite of the dish in her mouth, she always looks very serious, as if she is doing a particularly important thing. However, she does not say good or bad. In most cases, she just nod her head, and then changes a pair of chopsticks and begins to taste the next plate.

In the end, the eldest princess of Xingguo seemed to be in a worse mood. When Wei Fuyan helped her out of the small kitchen, the princess suddenly patted her on the shoulder and said, "I'm tired. I'm going back to the house to rest for a while and find a subordinate to take you back to the flower hall." Then he walked away without looking back.

Wei Fuyan saluted quickly. When the eldest princess couldn't see her figure, she leaned against the wall behind her. Unfortunately, the eldest princess happened to take a picture of her wound. Wei Fuyan quickly stayed away from the kitchenette with her memory and sat and rested on a seemingly quiet corridor. After waiting for a long time, a little boy passed by with tea. She quickly shouted, "Wait!

The little man paused, and his head was still low.

Wei Fuyan didn't notice anything, but grinned in pain and said, "Reave me a cup of tea."

The little boy was still motionless. Wei Fuyan looked at it curiously and suddenly understood: "Lu Zhong!"

Lu Zhong helplessly raised his head and rolled his eyes and shouted, "What a fucking bad luck, I can meet you!" The scolding was fierce, but as soon as she came over, he immediately noticed that she was different: "Are you injured?"

"The minor injury is almost healed," Wei Fuyan asked happily when she saw him safe and sound, "Why are you here? Didn't he ask you to check the Three Flowers Hall?"

"Yo, you know all about it!" As Lu Zhong said, he suddenly lowered his body to look at her face, and then smiled and said, "This is good, this is better than before!" I haven't been reborn for a few days, and my smile is really beautiful. I can't help but want to sell you into the kiln!"

"Can you see it?"

As a result, Lu Zhong said with a smile, "Someone is coming. See you at Yasheng Teahouse tomorrow and bring your own money." After saying that, he lowered his head and walked straight forward with tea.

If a princess wants to drink the tea in her hand, does it take him to slip away like a thief? But tomorrow is excellent, and it's time to look for flowers with Jiao Bo tomorrow.

Sure enough, he didn't go far and a maid came. Wei Fuyan stopped her and said, "Tell me to the flower hall."

When passing by a clump of green bamboo, Wei Fuyan faintly heard the crying and scolding of the eldest princess of Xingguo: "... How do you want me to explain to your mother a hundred years later?" ...I took her into the palace, so that she couldn't even live in peace with her son... At least the Duanyang princess is in IKEA... Don't think about the past..."

It's no wonder that she is good at cooking. Wei Fuyan could only hear Zhou Huaiyi shouting "Auntie", but he couldn't hear anything he said.

Unexpectedly, the flower hall met Zhou Yuanzhi on the corridor. He originally looked blankly at the distance and saw her coming. There seemed to be thick dark clouds slowly receding in his eyes, and then the sun, which was vague and not bright like winter, appeared. Wei Fuyan walked around the corner and approached step by step. He saw his smile pull away little by little. Finally, his expression was full of familiar spoiling and gentleness.

"Is it coming?" He asked.

"Well," Wei Fuyan looked at his moon-white robe and said with a smile, "My mother used to say that the more snowy days, the lighter you can't wear, and you can't suppress it."

Zhou Yuanzhi looked at her and smiled: "But what do you want to do with snow?"

For a moment, she didn't know how to reply, and saw Zhou Yuanzhi smile and said, "I was sitting in the Zilin Qianzhuang in the morning. I heard from the shopkeeper that someone took my and Lingyu pendant to withdraw money. I don't know how happy I was."

Wei Fuyan was about to explain that she would return it, but she saw him smile and said, "It's good that you don't have sex with me." I like the way you can do whatever you like. It's just that I have to leave this time. Be careful no matter what you do in the future.

Wei Fuyan replied with a smile, "I'm not a used child anymore."

Zhou Yuanzhi nodded and said, "In the past, you didn't like to be a princess. I couldn't do anything. Now that you are injured, I can only watch from afar. We only have that amazing fate, and we can't ask for more. I just hope you are doing well."

I just hope you live a good life. Wei Fuyan also nodded and said, "Forget about the past. When I go back, I also marry a wife and have children. My life is still long. It's worth sinking into old things, causing sadness and wasting time.

Zhou Huaiyi just smiled and said nothing. She thought he was looking at her, but suddenly heard him say quietly, "It's just goodbye." Then he turned around and strode away. Wei Fuyan knew that something was wrong. As soon as he turned around, he saw Zhou Huaiyi standing at the corner of the corridor she had just walked. He had never been angry and majestic, and now his eyes were even more profound and angry.