Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 16 Flowers

"Ouch!" Shui Xing, a woman in pink, turned her big eyes and said delicately, "I thought I was going to do this strong man's business today, and I didn't want to have an angry little beauty!" Beauty, please sit down!"

Wei Fuyan sat down with her, and immediately a girl brought a pot of hot tea for her.

"Junshan silver needle, good tea!" Wei Fuyan sips tea by himself.

"Yo, I know a lot about goods!" The woman in pink smiled softly and sat softly beside her. "It seems that it's not ordinary people who want to kill! Who is so unlucky?"

"The so-called ox knife is used to kill chickens. If you are an ordinary person, how dare you bother with flowers?" Wei Fuyan lowered his head and smiled, "The person I want to kill is Princess Huai in the palace of Yanjing!"

Jiao Bo was stunned: "Master..."

She didn't tell Jiao Bo about her plan in advance, but Jiao Bo naturally won't affect her plan. What was reasonable was the look of the woman in pink. The bright cherry bit her nails, and her big dark eyes looked up and down again several times without hesitation, and then lowered her head with a silk handkerchief and laughed. He said, "It's a big deal!"

Wei Fuyan continued to sip tea quietly. She didn't believe that Zhou Huaiyi's master didn't explain that he was not allowed to touch the people in his apprentice's house.

"But the little woman is just a hospitality, and she can't stand talking about such a big deal! Why don't you go with the little girl, and the little girl will help you find a master who can pick up your business!"

"Thank you!" Wei Fuyan smiled and nodded to get up with her.

Turning left when they went out, Wei Fuyan and Jiao Bo followed the woman in pink who had not been named so far. There are many poems and paintings on both sides of the corridor, most of which are related to flowers. Looking up, one is beautiful in the wind, and the spring shy apricot color is dyed with red smoke. On the painting of a few half-open apricot flowers, a two or three-year-old girl looked up to enjoy the apricot, and was covered by the petals with only half of her red face; "Jin Guixiang, who will add fragrance to the broken branches?" Painting a garden of golden osmanthus, a scholar in white strolled under the tree, looking at the osmanthus flowers on the scroll in his hand with a sad face; "One night is prosperous, one night is defeated, the cold palace immortals on the worry-free moon, scattered red dust golden house guests, fragrant into the dust." There is a woman dancing swords in white with blood stains. Behind her is a cluster of pan flowers in full bloom, with a golden moon hanging on it. "The fallen jade face is for you, and your heart is only for the spring willows, but when you hear the beautiful posture of the spring willows, you have gone with the east wind." A red plum tree was painted, and some red plums withered with the wind and snow. Most of them were buried in the falling snow, and a pot of wine was warmed on a small red mud stove in the snow next to it.

Wei Fuyan always felt that there was a long story behind each painting. Every flower and leaf in the painting seemed to have a very deep meaning. She even felt that all the calligraphy and paintings together should be able to piece together into a complete story, which is about very sad and beautiful. But after all, she didn't dare to be distracted, because the more it looked like a killer organization, the more vigilant she was.

Walking, Wei Fuyan didn't know whether he was too nervous or something, and faintly heard Liu Qingzhou's voice. The pink woman stopped at the door of the room and gently knocked on the door and said, "Sister Youtan is here?"

Youtan? A woman in green?

It was indeed You Tanfang who opened the door, but You Tanfang seemed to be in a bad mood today. She was wearing a dark purple and white soft gauze skirt, and her face was obviously angry. And even if the door was just a deliberately back without looking back, Wei Fuyan clearly recognized that the man was Liu Qingzhou.

How could Liu Qingzhou be here? According to Jiao Bo's words, Men Qingsong was looking for Liu Qingzhou, that is to say, Zhou Huaiyi did not know that Liu Qingzhou had come with flowers.

As soon as You Tanfang saw her look a little stagnant, she smiled like last time. She leaned obliquely by the door and said in her unique soft tone like singing: "Yo! What a distinguished guest!"

Wei Fuyan doesn't know how to speak, or she doesn't know whether she should speak or not. If she can recognize Liu Qingzhou's back at a glance, it should not be difficult for Liu Qingzhou to recognize her voice. Liu Qingzhou deliberately did not look back because she didn't want to be seen, and she obviously didn't want Liu Qingzhou to come and disturb her.

"Sister, there is an empty room opposite." The woman in pink spoke first, and it was the rule that the killer organization did not disclose the identity of the guest.

You Tanfang saw that Wei Fuyan didn't say a word and looked back at Liu Qingzhou with a clear look. She smiled so charmingly that she hooked the door with one hand and hugged the woman in pink and asked softly, "Xianyun, who is she going to kill?" But his eyes did not leave Wei Fuyan for a moment.

Xianyun said something in her ear. After listening to this, You Tanfang looked at Wei Fuyan with a strange face. Her dark eyes were unfathomable, but her bright red lips sneered first: "What's wrong today? Come and play this boring trick one by one! How leisurely it is to be a girl!"

Does this mean that Liu Qingzhou also came to make a merciless invitation?

Wei Fuyan can only respond to changes with a smile. She found a place, paid, and walked into the flowers. People who are reasonable and flowers can't openly sweep the guests out of the house, not to mention You Tanfang still knows her identity.

"This identity is very valuable! Isn't it troublesome to spend so much money to kill yourself?" You Tanfang still has no intention of finding another room to sit down.

Wei Fuyan is still unwilling to startle the snake and speak rashly. Xianyun's face was surprised, and You Tanfang smiled inexplicably: "Oh, I understand, girl, you have to worry a lot about being a noble background. I'm afraid of gossiping about idle people, so I can only take the risk of spending a lot of money to find a killer to help! Oh, what a pity!"

You Tanfang babbling as soon as she spoke. Wei Fuyan sounded comfortable, but she didn't open her mouth and showed a "what's wrong" smile.

"Xian Yun, go back and wait! In the future, when this distinguished guest comes, he will bring his sister directly here. You can't stand this person!" Youtanfang waved her hand and ordered, and Xianyun glanced at Wei Fuyan, saluted Youtanfang and left.

You Tanfang pushed the door open with one hand without warning and shouted, "Master Liu, come out! Girl, I agree!"

Liu Qingzhou had already stood up and suddenly saw Wei Fuyan and Jiao Bo's face stunned. Wei Fuyan knew that her goal had been achieved, and there was nothing wrong with her request. It was impossible for Fanhua Sijin to have done the business of the guests to design her own death, but she was the princess of Huai, the princess of Fanhua Sijin's leader and apprentice. You Tanfang absolutely did not have the right to deal with it at will.

Everything was expected by her. The only surprise was Liu Qingzhou. Liu Qingzhou also came to see the hidden flower mistake, and the previously Youtan Fang clearly did not want to take Liu Qingzhou.

Wei Fuyan still remembers that Zhou Huaiyi once mentioned that Liu Qingzhou was his younger brother. The man who grew up in the palace could not have only one master. Even she herself has several masters of embroidery, calligraphy and painting, let alone this prince. It's just that You Tanfang seems to be very familiar with Liu Qingzhou, and she calls Liu Qingzhou "Master Liu". Is Liu Qingzhou's master also this mysterious flower mistake? If so, it is natural for the disciple to come to visit the master. You Tanfang now says that he can obviously take him there, but why did he stop him before?

"Liu Qingzhou, I have met the princess!" Liu Qingzhou looked at her change in an instant. He tried to speak several times but finally had nothing to say. He looked at her for a long time before he came up with such a sentence.

Wei Fuyan suddenly understood that just as Liu Qingzhou guessed that she came without permission, You Tanfang also guessed that Liu Qingzhou came behind Zhou Huaiyi's back, so she did not want to provoke Zhou Huaiyi and did not want to cause trouble for herself.

The four people can be regarded as having ghosts. You Tanfang is afraid that they don't know how to explain to the leader. Jiao Bo doesn't know her plan at all. Liu Qingzhou and she are surprised to see each other, but they must be equally curious about the reason why they came here.

After passing through few doors, You Tanfang stopped on her right hand side. Finally, she took a look at Wei Fuyan and Liu Qingzhou, and then pushed open the door in front of her. Before entering the door, Wei Fuyan glanced at the painting on the wall. This painting has no inscription, and is more exquisite and realistic than other paintings. There is only one leaf and one lotus pond on the painting, but only three lotus roots are almost blown off by the wind. Two ripe lotus seeds are about to fall into the water, and the other one is tightly stuck in the lotus pond. There is a deep scar. The lotus leaves on the side seemed to be desperate to protect the lotus, but they couldn't do it. The rain flowing on the broken pet handle looked like blood and tears. Wei Fuyan felt uncomfortable and didn't know why Zhou Huaiyi's master hung this kind of painting here. She entered the room with the sandalwood and immediately felt that the room was more in line with the impression of flowers she saw for the first time - luxury.

The room is only slightly larger than that of the woman in pink, and there is only a screen in the room. It was a crystal clear emerald bone screen. The screen was embroidered with a vivid picture of birds facing the phoenix with colorful silk threads. Every step of Wei Fuyan felt that all kinds of birds were ready to fly, and the phoenix was even more dignified. The feathers embroidered with gold and silver threads were directly decorated with gems of different colors, and they were shining from every angle.

You Tanfang took them around the emerald screen and appeared a downward staircase. At the top of the stairs, a fat white-haired old lady was drowsy with a small stove in her arms. Jiao Bo looked nervously at Wei Fuyan. Wei Fuyan understood that the person in front of him was probably Mo Xiulan. You Tanfang bowed deeply to Mo Xiulan, and then led the way. Wei Fuyan followed by Liu Qingzhou. At the end, Jiao Bo was speechless all the way.

When his foot fell on the last wooden ladder, Wei Fuyan almost thought that he had returned to the palace of Chen. In the two-story empty palace, there are four thick auspicious redwood columns on both sides of the hall. Next to the columns are six neat black wood carvings, and a tall and square tripod for sandalwood stands in the middle. The carpet is dark red with a dark red background embroidered with a gold and silver dragons.

How can it be that it is exactly the same as the double-qi hall where my father lived in his later years?

The huangqi Hall of the Chenguo Palace is simply a forbidden place. Even the royal brother said bluntly that she had never been allowed to enter. When she was a child, she was naughty and relied on her favor to sneak a look. After being known by her mother, she repeatedly affirmed that she was not allowed to talk to anyone and never go there again. The mother's look was vivid, but she saw an identical amphibious hall in Yanjing downtown thousands of miles away? She looked at a man in white sitting in front of the black wood from afar, and there seemed to be a piano in front of the man in white.

"Grandpa Hua, Princess Huai and Master Liu visit." You Tanfang was rarely careful to beg for her life. Her voice was not high, but the hall was empty, and her voice seemed abrupt and empty.

"Oh? Qingzhou," the man in white got up and slowly turned around, and his voice was far away. "And...who?"