Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 19 Abandoned Forest at Night

Zhou Huaiyi rode his horse without saying a word.

Outside the main entrance of the palace is an ordinary courtyard. There are many flowers and trees in the courtyard. Outside the door, it is openly written "flower house". Out of the courtyard gate, the alley is quiet and sparsely populated. I have to say that although Wei Fuyan's temptation was quite effective, everything she met in the flowers was unexpected, including not only the flower mistakes in the Shuangqi Hall, but also the deep-eyed Zhou Huaiyi standing next to the steed.

There is only one horse, of course, which she didn't expect.

"Going in the wrong direction." Wei Fuyan frowned and reminded. I'm afraid that Zhou Huaiyi will not let her go easily today. Wei Fuyan saw that he deliberately pretended not to hear, so he stopped talking. In front of her, the cold wind in winter scratched her face like a blunt knife. Wei Fuyan couldn't even open her eyes, so she could only turn her head to avoid it as much as possible. Before long, her teeth trembled with cold.

In a trance, I saw a vague figure flashing through the entrance of the alley, and the figure looked very familiar. When Zhou Huaiyi also turned his horse to the alley, Wei Fuyan saw the previous goose-yellow figure enter a very small but very lively noodle restaurant. When they passed by the noodle restaurant, Wei Fuyan saw two tall men salute the woman in yellow, while the woman in yellow was going upstairs with her back to them, in a blink of an eye. For a moment, the side face could be seen clearly.

Green lotus. Shen Qinghe.

It is her habit to bite her lips and tap her index finger. Whenever there is something she can't figure out, she should tap something next to her hand like this. However, this time she looked at her cold red fingers and frowned and withdrew her hand stiffly. Qinghe should not have appeared here, but Wei Fuyan warned himself over and over again. Hasn't he made a decision? How good Jiao Bo and Qinghe are to themselves, so why do they have to worry about their hidden secrets? Who can have no secrets?

She completely calmed down and obediently followed Zhou Huaiyi to quickly see the alley, passing through the bustling streets and walking through the city gates and coming to the desolate countryside. The winter sun is originally a decoration. Now the sun is west, and there is only a faint round of orange in the drowsy sky, which makes the snow that has disappeared on the ground look more dead. Zhou Huaiyi took her all the way into the depths of the woods. The thick snow here has not yet melted, and the sky and the earth are vast and quiet.

She obediently dismounted with Zhou Huaiyi. Since she can't escape sooner or later, it's better to face it as soon as possible.

"Since you dare to come with me, I hope you have a suitable speech today," Zhou Huaiyi turned around and locked her. "Do you dare to use me to think that I will spare you again?"

Sure enough, knowing that this plan is effective must be smart enough.

"Why did the prince say this?" Wei Fuyan asked indifferently.

"Why did you say that? You clearly heard me say that I want to investigate you, and you clearly know that I am investigating you!" Zhou Huaiyi pressed step by step, "I want to explore the flowers, but I'm afraid that I'm in danger, so I deliberately asked Jiao's bodyguard to tell Qing Song the time and place of your appointment. It is calculated that I will send someone to stare, and that the king's people can't enter, so I can only come back to ask for my life. It is reasonable that it is impossible for my cousin to let the princess have an accident in the flowers! How dare you plan me to be your back!"

Zhou Huaiyi was already face-to-face with her. Wei Fuyan did not retreat for half a step, but said quietly, "Even so, is it my fault that the prince sent someone to stare at me? After that, the prince can let go. If the prince wants to find out clearly, then let the prince check it, lest the prince say that I have collusion with the flowers, and then it will be even more indefensible.

"Wei Fuyan!" Zhou Huaiyi grabbed her skirt and sneered and said, "Can you remember that I said I wanted to investigate you? Naturally, I should also remember another sentence I said: I hate being used the most! It really angered me. Even if you are the real Princess Duanyang, I don't care!"

It's not surprising to hear these words. Wei Fuyan smiled calmly and said, "The prince doesn't need to be too angry. The prince has doubts and decided to verify that it is reasonable. You can check the past, but I hope you don't disturb my current life. Qiyun is already the one who lives in the evening. The prince's people don't bother to investigate such a small thing as going downstairs to buy cakes!"

Zhou Huaiyi sneered and looked at her for a long time before saying, "It's clever and sharp. It's really different from before!"

"I know what the prince is thinking," Wei Fuyan carefully pushed away Zhou Huaiyi and stepped back. "The prince is thinking, why did I immediately become like a princess as soon as I began to suspect that I was not a princess, right?"

"Do you think you will play a few unruly tricks like a princess?" Zhou Huaiyi showed disdain.

Wei Fuyan couldn't help laughing: "I don't know what the princess of the State of Li is, but my mother once taught that our State of Chen is located in the southeast. Although the country is rich in grain, it is not a strong horse. If the princess of the country is prosperous and the people can enjoy the favor, but when the army is in chaos, the princess should also attack and kill the enemy and retreat and defend the territory like thousands of subjects of the country. I married for my country and my mother's brother. I married the status of Prince Li Guohuai and the title of Princess Li Guohuai, so it doesn't matter who you are and how you think and how you treat me. Whether you doubt, verify, regret or anger, you can do whatever you like. But you might as well say that the reason why I no longer compromise is that the prince provoked me first, but I plan to do everything to make myself alive!"

Zhou Huaiyi sneered even more: "If this is the case, it is indeed a little like a real princess!" But doesn't the princess think anyone can say such a big word? If you want to live in the extreme, you should also ask me! Do you think I really care about a princess of Chen? If you really want to die, you don't even have a chance to beg for mercy!"

"You won't," Wei Fuyan laughed at this person and couldn't see through her change. She replied more calmly, "You won't. Lord, whether you accept your fate or patience when you married me, now the overall situation has been decided! The whole city of Yanjing knows that I have been married for three years and abide by the woman's rules. It's not smart for you to find an unwarranted charge to kill me now. You can indeed strangle me with one hand, but if you make a mistake, you will deny your original sacrifice. Lord, you are a smart person, and you won't do this kind of stupid thing to throw stones at your feet!"

Zhou Huaiyi looked at her for a long time before smiling: "Sure enough, this is worthy of the title of princess! Your three-year plan has not been in vain. Not only does I have no reason to kill you easily now, but in everyone's eyes, you are still a poor person who has suffered all grievances, but don't forget that once I find out that you are indeed not a princess, or the conspiracy of Sanhuatang is indeed related to you, you don't have any arrogant chips!"

Wei Fuyan really doesn't know why this person is entangled in her identity. She thought for a while before saying, "Indeed, as long as I am not a real princess, you can not only kill me to relieve your anger, but also have more reason to embarrass our country. Maybe you can seize the throne of Taizi in one fell swoop. I have to admit that not only did you look down on me when we met for the first time, but I didn't look at you very much. It's really not ordinary smart to think of such a method of killing three birds overnight! But have you ever thought about it? Whether I am a real princess or not, is my royal brother a fool and will deliberately reveal his flaws and give you difficult excuses? But thank you, prince. You are really very frank. This is the only advantage I have seen from you. If the prince is not going to kill me today, please find enough evidence and come back. I am waiting for you!"

Wei Fuyan saluted the rules, and the meaning of mockery was obvious.

Zhou Huaiyi was not angry at all. His appearance was similar to the Zhou Huaiyi who gave her the machete and the snowfield playing. He smiled almost elegantly, and even opened his voice softly: "I... looked down on you? Thank you for reminding me! Thank you for seeing my only advantage! I really don't intend to kill you today, and I will continue to look for evidence in the future, but if I finish today, I can't die, and I can also enjoy the fear of death in advance!"

After saying that, Zhou Huaiyi turned over and jumped on the horse, and Wei Fuyan immediately thought that he was going to throw her in this woods. Even if she could find the way she came back by herself, it was already dusk that she was afraid that night could freeze her half to death, and if she didn't recognize the way she came...

Unexpectedly, Zhou Huaiyi looked at her silently for the last time, and suddenly turned back to the sky with a long roar, and his voice sounded like a wolf howling. Wei Fuyan suddenly remembered the wrong words, and he was like a beast...

And in the distance, there was indeed a movement.

Zhou Huaiyi turned his back to her and said quietly, "Life is not as simple as you think. Since you want to live in an all-round way, you should at least show courage and determination."

Wei Fuyan stood in place and looked around with a creepy look, but Zhou Huaiyi continued to say peacefully: "If it hadn't been for him, I would have died in a foreign country, and you would have been martyred long ago. I finally understood why a stranger took the risk of going deep into the wolves and brought me out and teaching me all the poetry etiquette and conspiracy methods. I wanted to be stronger than anyone else, but I had to force me to lose a lot step by step. It turned out that it was to let me marry you one day. I don't know what your origin is, but because of you, I have missed too many things that I can't make up for in my life. You're right. The overall situation has been decided. I did put up with it myself at the beginning, but now I also tell you that I not only don't want you as a princess, but also hate all the changes you started! However, you don't need to be afraid. I don't believe in fate. My life is in my own hands. Next, I ask you to do your best to control your destiny and live in all kinds of power!"

This is the quietest and most peaceful time Wei Fuyan has ever seen. His voice is calm and upright, but Wei Fuyan's fear has already leaked unintentionally.
