Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 26 Wedding Candle

The people behind her suddenly stopped and pulled her around and looked uncertain: "You...are you the third lady?"

The moment she saw his face, Wei Fuyan suddenly felt that her body had changed, hot, bored, her mouth was dry, and her heart was flustered. She suddenly remembered that it was not good. The so-called bone dispersion began to attack. Although I don't know what the symptoms are when the effect occurs, the dwarf wax gourd can confuse it with **, and Wei Fuyan can also guess it. She pushed the person in front of her away and shouted, "Don't touch me!"

Boone are stunned. The dumb hole has been untied? Wei Fuyan immediately touched the machete and roared in front of him: "Don't come over!" But the man in front of him said ecstaticly, "Miss San, wait a minute." Instead, he ran out and shouted, "Dad! Dad!"

Someone immediately laughed outside the door: "Hey, do you still need to ask your father to teach you in the bridal chamber?"

Then there was a panicked cry: "The head of the family! The head of the family! Someone came up the mountain! It's already at the door!"

There was a lot of noise outside the door. In an instant, I heard the sound of swords fighting. Wei Fuyan retreated to the corner of the wall with difficulty. His legs and feet were already weak and sweating all over. His hands were shaking and he couldn't even hold the machete, but he didn't know who was more dangerous or safer outside the door.

Suddenly someone opened the door, and Wei Fuyan was shocked, but he saw Cheng Yu's face flashing over and pulling a man and shouting, "Dad, go quickly!"

A fluffy little thing rushed over quickly, and Wei Fuyan was so scared that he stepped back and hit the wall. When he lowered his head, it turned out to be the silver-gray little wolf cub! It's Zhou Huaiyi! Zhou Huaiyi's people are coming! Wei Fuyan rushed to the door without hesitation, but hit a person's shoulder heavily. As soon as she looked up, the door was green. Her hand trembling and suddenly stepped back and asked, "Is Dr. Hu here yet? Doctor Hu! Hurry up! Help me find Dr. Hu!"

Seeing that something was wrong with her, Men Qingsong turned around and rushed out of the door. Wei Fuyan fell to the ground with a soft machete in her hand. She quickly reached out and picked it up. At this time, Zhou Huaiyi, Dr. Hu and another unknown person had come in. Dr. Hu immediately understood three points when he saw her face. He exchanged glances with the stranger. Wei Fuyan grabbed his sleeve and said, "Doctor Hu, help me! Help me!" Doctor Hu and the stranger grabbed one of his wrists and began to grab his pulse. In an instant, they exchanged another look. Wei Fuyan saw Dr. Hu whisper something in Zhou Huaiyi's ear, and then turned away with the stranger and closed the door.

Wei Fuyan shouted at a loss, "Where are you going? Help me! Dr. Hu, please help me!"

Zhou Huaiyi looked at her with complicated eyes for a long time and suddenly smiled and said, "Well, I still owe you a bridal night."

Seeing that Zhou Huaiyi smiled lightly and began to walk this way, Wei Fuyan's fear was more than before. She gritted her teeth and said decisively, "Zhou Huaiyi, don't come here! Don't touch me!"

Zhou Huaiyi looked at her quietly for a while, turned to the bedside and sat down and said, "Then you can break yourself!" I will help you set up a chastity archway later!"

Wei Fuyan grabbed the knife and sent it to her neck. Zhou Huaiyi grabbed the scabbard of the machete still thrown in ** and threw it on her wrist. Wei Fuyan let go and watched the machete fall to the ground again. Wei Fuyan lowered her head and saw that there seemed to be three machetes in front of her. She wanted to cry and reached out to grab the ground without tears, but bent The knife seemed to become four, five, six... She touched a cold thing for a long time, but when she picked it up, it was the scabbard thrown by Zhou Huaiyi!

"Take my knife to cut yourself off, which is also a knife to kill people. At that time, it will be difficult for me to explain. You might as well * burn yourself to death like this. It is also convenient for me to make up a heroic martyrdom story for you. Don't worry, husband and wife, I won't say how much you looked before death. It's embarrassing."

The voice outside the door gradually became smaller. Wei Fuyan bit her lips until the scarlet blood slowly remained. She sat down along the corner again, trying to let the cold floor help her suppress the crackling evil fire in her heart, but this time, she didn't even have the strength to bite her tongue and kill herself. He sat breathlessly, then pulled out a golden cupcer from his head with a trembling hand and tried his best to send it steadily to his neck.

Zhou Huaiyi praised three points and said mockingly, "Jiol, I would rather die than be unyielding. However, I am very curious. If it is not me who comes to save you, but the second virtual marquis, Lu Zhong, or your brother Fang Tong of Chen Kingdom, will you still look like this?

Wei Fuyan couldn't breathe and was weak all over, and he only had time to say one word: "You..." His hand had been released again, and the golden pin shook down and fell into his arms.

Zhou Huaiyi said like watching a clumsy joke: "Speaking of which, I like your pure pride and cute nature very much. At first sight, I also sighed your shy face, but I am really not interested in your current appearance. Why don't you think about it yourself and leave your innocence to my righteous husband, at least be a mountain thief you have never met! If you figure it out, how about leaning over by yourself?

Wei Fuyan's arm is sore and weak, and he can't lift the golden pin at all, let alone stop himself from falling into chaos little by little. The red curtain in the room seemed to wave to her gently with the wind. The flashing red candlelight was like a group of girls dancing softly, and Zhou Huaiyi sat not far away and looked at her smile. His eyes were full of romantic posture, and all the voices around him were quietly disappearing, and everything in front of him was A little faded, only Zhou Huaiyi sat there and looked at her smile gently. He is looking at her, he is laughing, he is waiting for her, has he been waiting for a long time?

Wei Fuyan's hand trembled and tried his best to pick up Jin Kai and stabbed it in his leg. The moment of pain surged back like a tide. Wei Fuyan gasped coldly, "Don't think about it!"

"Hahahaha," Zhou Huaiyi smiled happily, "What a lovely princess I married. Can't you understand the current situation? Is it me or are you thinking about it?

Wei Fuyan stretched out his hand again to stab, but Zhou Huaiyi suddenly appeared in front of her and held her hand. The speed of action was obviously light kung fu. Without any effort, he grabbed the golden hairpin in her hand and pinched her chin carefully and asked in a low way for a long time, "Or have you lost your innocence and there is nothing left for me?"

Wei Fuyan bit his lips again, but Zhou Huaiyi's lips were covered in an instant...

When I opened my eyes, the red veil seemed to be far away in front of me. I stretched out my hand. What is the warmth I touched? The awakening that had disappeared for a long time seemed to be forcibly pulled back into the body by the sting, and the boiling blood also calmed down and cooled down little by little. When he saw the naked man on his body, Wei Fuyan's thoughts collapsed in an instant.

Zhou... Huaiyi......

Zhou Huaiyi silently turned aside and did not look at her, but did not get up and leave.

Wei Fuyan obviously wanted to cry regardless of the past, making trouble to let people know that she had been wronged, but she shrank under the quilt and finally just grinned dryly.

Since...this is the case...

Since...this is so...


"When you were robbed by the 'double-tailed scorpion', didn't you imagine a worse situation than now?" Zhou Huaiyi's voice seemed to float from afar, "What's more, this should have been given three years ago, and there is no need for a copy of the king to take what he shouldn't have taken."

Zhou Huaiyi's tone was calm without any waves. Wei Fuyan was silent for a long time and also said quietly, "I know." Then she stood up with one hand on the bed, but her head was suddenly pulled. She subconsciously touched the pain with one hand and looked back, but saw Zhou Huaiyi frowning at her slightly.


The hair of the two people is entangled, and I don't know which one is hers and which one is Zhou Huaiyi. It seems that the two people are temporarily tied together like this. Whether they are forced to be helpless, their appearance is separated, or they have to part ways the next moment. At this moment, they must be so closely connected. No matter who struggles, they will be in pain together.

Wei Fuyan opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

Zhou Huaiyi showed a confused look for the first time. He looked at her deeply, reached out to touch the other side, and then waved his machete without hesitation. He couldn't tell whose broken hair fell between them as their hair returned to their respective positions, and it was clear on the big red quilt.

Zhou Huaiyi sat up and put on her two or three clothes. Wei Fuyan reached out and could only get the outer robe. However, when his legs moved a little, he found that the place where the golden tie had been stabbed had been wrapped in a piece of red gauze grass. Now the blood stain on his right leg was unbearable. She was about to put on her robe, but she saw that Zhou Huaiyi had dressed and wrapped a thick white coat cloak tightly around her and put on her hat. The hat was wide and almost covered Wei Fuyan's eyes. Wei Fuyan was about to reach out and take it away, but Zhou Huaiyi stuffed the little wolf cub that seemed to have been by the bed into her arms, and then She picked her up and strode out of the room.