Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 32 Family Reunion

Hua wrongly heard the words and gently fell down the chess piece. The courtyard was quiet, so that the voice of the fallen son sounded clear and loud with echoes. Hua wrong voice said bleakly, "I really want to tell you a story. I want to tell you all, but I dare not tell the previous story. In the past, I heard that if you dare not face the current face, you are old. If you dare not face the previous story, you are old. I didn't believe him before, but now I have become the same as him. Fuyan, you know, no matter how many stories I had in the past, I really want to accept you as my daughter and love you like a father.

Wei Fuyan stood aside and was not only moved by the kindness between Huayi's eyebrows, but also sad that he had to pray in his eyes. She dodged Huayi's eyes and said, "With all due respect, I can't call you father, because you care about me because of your relationship with your deceased, not because of me. I don't want to call you Master, because I don't plan to I grow old with Zhou Huaiyi, so I can only call you the flower master as before! Floating smoke has seen Master Hua!" Wei Fuyan made a gift and sat quietly on the opposite side of Huaxue to examine the game of chess without waiting for the other party to answer.

Hua sighed and said, "I'm not going to grow old with Yi'er... I heard that you said you didn't want to marry when you were drunk. Fuyan, in fact, I don't have to come to look for you. As long as I wait for you to get married in Chenguo, I will take you directly to escape, but... But after all, I'm worried..."

So she was drunk? She has always had good wine. When she was drunk, she just cried and laughed and fell asleep. She always made trouble for herself and never disturbed others. Not to marry? She really didn't say such a thing. Is this a truth after drinking?

"I really did everything wrong in my life, causing them to leave me one by one, and now I have to hurt you, and then marry someone you don't love..." Hua Duo shook his head with a wry smile.

The endgame was unsolved. Wei Fuyan looked away and poured a cup of tea to feed it to the little wolf cub's mouth. She said, "Master Hua thinks too much. Who can live in life? Obsessively immersed in the past, not only can't change the past mistakes, but also wastes today's time.

Hua looked up at her by mistake, as if he saw another person through her. He said with a smile on the corners of his mouth, "Someone else has persuaded me of this sentence, but at that time, things were not as tragic as today. Now even she has gone. If I hadn't thought that I could see you in this life with the smoke, I would have gone with them. No one is here. How boring I am alone.

"She?" Wei Fuyan asked**, "Liu Shiwei's mother?"

Hua nodded and said, "Yes, Bihen is the best woman I have ever seen in my life, but I feel sorry for her the most."

"Luo Bihen?"

Hua looked up at her and smiled and said, "Are you interested in her story? Speaking of which, you two are really imaginary. If I hadn't known her ending, I would have really thought that you were her daughter. She had a daughter. If she grew up safely, maybe she would be the same..."

S similar, similar again?

Wei Fuyan asked as if nothing had happened: "But the story I heard was that Luo Bihen and her daughter were captured together. At that time, the court wanted to eliminate the Sanhua Hall, how could it leave a curse? Does Master Hua think they are still alive?

There was a terrible pain in his empty eyes, and he muttered, "Alive? No, no, it's dead. I can't find it, but it's already two corpses and three lives..."

"Dead?" Wei Fuyan was shocked and died? So... So Luo Bihen, Bai Suyue and that Bai Suyan have already died?

Hua was immersed in the old story with a sad face: "Dead... dead... thrown randomly in the wilderness, and the body was completely ruined by the wild dogs... Bihen, Bihen, I'm sorry for you..."

"Since they are completely out of sight, how can you recognize them?" Wei Fuyan couldn't help asking aggressively, "No, when you talked about Liu's bodyguard, you clearly said that Liu's bodyguard didn't know whether the child in his mother's womb was born safely, and you clearly said that he didn't know!"

"Canoe? He doesn't know. How could I lie to you? Hua made a mistake, I don't know whether it's crying or laughing, but his face is strange, "Can I let him know? Isn't he not hateful enough and sad enough? Why do I have to tell him this? Why do I have to make others feel as sad as I am?"

Wei Fuyan asked again, "So what? How do you know that it is Luo Bihen who died? Maybe he is still alive, maybe all three of them are alive?

Hua mistakenly smiled sadly: "There is a jade bracelet in Bihen's hand. Because he has been wearing it since he was a child, he can't take it off when he grows up. Can he still put it on someone else's wrist? Her daughter is only four years old, holding her hand so tightly... Who am I wrong? Can I still admit her? Bihen, Bihen..."

Two bodies and three lives, Luo Bihen and her two children have already died! Therefore, Wei Fuyan did not have more stories out of thin air. No brother or sister fell from the sky. She is still a princess. Her identity is undoubtedly!

But this time, many questions that could have been solved are even more doubtful. The mountain thief called Cheng Anzhong and Cheng Yu, Sanhuatang! And in this way, if she was indeed a fake princess, the person who manipulated this matter at the beginning would be even stronger!

You must find Chengyu, Sanhuatang, Qinghe and Jiaobo as soon as possible!

I was thinking about myself, but I heard two voices shouting: "Master!" She doesn't have to look back to know who it is. She is too lazy to get up to salute.

Hua made a mistake to look at the two apprentices and then look at Wei Fuyan, nodded and said happily, "You two come and sit down! Floating smoke, can I borrow you for breakfast? I'm so happy to be a teacher. Our family can sit together like this!"

Wei Fuyan and Liu Qingzhou immediately looked strange, a family? Zhou Huaiyi already knew what the master meant last night. Now he smiled and sat down and said, "Okay, listen to the master."

Soon Qiyun came to remove the leftover chess cloth and served the dishes. The four of them ate at the same table. They were in a good mood. He couldn't stop taking turns to pick up vegetables for the other three people, and told many interesting stories about Zhou Huaiyi and Liu Qingzhou when they were young. For example, Zhou Huaiyi hated writing when he was a child and asked him to write poems. He also said that "Poetry is all in the painting, why look horizontally and vertically", which made him half-deadly angry; Liu Qingzhou's knives, guns and sticks There was a hunt. Obviously, the knife method was the most pure, but he stubbornly wanted to use the sword. He also asked him if he was the most romantic and unrestrained when using the sword, and he was so angry that he was half dead. Hua made a mistake and didn't eat much, but kept talking. At the end, he sighed, "The lives of these 20 years have been ruined by these two unfilial disciples!"

Zhou Huaiyi and Liu Qingzhou can't bear it. Over the years, their hearts have been full of many things, and the master's heart is only two. The first horse he gave to Zhou Huaiyi was called "Chasing the Wind", and the horse had a scar on its forehead; the first sword he gave to Liu Qingzhou was called "Youyin", with green sword ears. How long ago was this? Now the old horse has died, the sword has been abandoned, and the master is old.

Wei Fuyan listened to the story indifferently. She ate the wrong dishes, and she answered the wrong questions. However, she was the most leisurely one on the table except for the wrong flowers. At first, she was extremely moved, but when she listened, she remembered that Zhou Huaiyi had kindly reminded her that no matter how good the flower was to her, she must have stood on Zhou Huaiyi's side. After she deeply realized this, she looked up and felt that the three of them were reunited in a family, and her outsider joined in the fun.

But after recalling the past, Hua made a mistake and immediately said with a smile, "When Yi'er and Fuyan have children, they will do nothing as a teacher. Teach them calligraphy, painting and shoot together, and take them around! Qingzhou, you should also get a family soon. At that time, you will have a big family as a teacher!"

Zhou Huaiyi and Wei Fuyan looked at each other and looked away. Liu Qingzhou was even more sad when he thought of Qinghe, but no one wanted to sweep away the fun of flowers. Wei Fuyan looked at Liu Qingzhou's expression and immediately smiled and said to Hua, "Doesn't Master Hua know that there is already someone in Liu's heart?"

Zhou Huaiyi immediately said with the same smile: "Floating smoke, let the master eat first!" Calling her name affectionately, but there was a chill in her eyes.

Hua wrongly waved his hand and said, "Oh, it's okay. What did you say? Canoe, but is it serious? Which girl are you from? Have you seen her as a teacher?

"Naturally, it's serious! Liu's bodyguard once asked the prince to propose marriage to me. It's really predestined. It's not someone else who fell in love with Liu Shiwei, but my maidservant Qinghe." Wei Fuyan sighed lightly ignoring Zhou Huaiyi's cold eyes. "It's just a pity that Liu's bodyguard is a senior apprentice of Master Hua and the younger brother of the Prince Huai. Our Qinghe is just a dowry maidservant. The identity is low and I dare not climb high.

Hua frowned slightly and said, "Huh? We canoe has always been a person who value identity? Qingzhou, is there such a thing? Do you really like this girl named Qinghe?

Wei Fuyan's meaning is more obvious. She wants Hua to be the master and promise Qinghe to herself. Liu Qingzhou understands from the first sentence. But what about Xu's self? Even if she didn't ask, the prince would also ask about the entanglement between her and Sanhuatang. He couldn't say more, but he really wanted to keep Qinghe, so he just nodded gently.

Zhou Huaiyi smiled and said, "Master doesn't know that Qingzhou does like Qinghe, but the princess's maidservant is not in the house now. As for the reason..."

"Qinghe knew that he was not worthy of Liu's bodyguard and suffered from meeting each other every day, so he left with hatred. It was precisely because of this that the floating smoke had to plead for Qinghe. The identity is given by others. If Liu Shiwei really doesn't dislike Qinghe, whether it's me or the prince, as long as you recognize Qinghe as a righteous sister, you are barely worthy of Liu Shiwei!" Wei Fuyan asked Liu Qingzhou directly, "Does the Liu bodyguard really dislike our Qinghe?"

Without waiting for Liu Qingzhou to open his mouth, Zhou Huaiyi smiled again and said, "The princess is really joking. The maid beside the princess actually left the house without authorization because of her children's private affairs, and even took away the only bodyguard beside you. It's really unforgivable."