Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 17 Master's Wrong Flower

"In the same dress, the stand-in can't wear the dignity of the Lord!"

stand-in, stand-in! Wei Fuyan returned to the palace and stood in front of the bronze mirror and stared for a long time. Although she dares not claim to be beautiful, she also knows that she is good-looking. Her skin is white, and her eyebrows and hair are dark. Although she is naturally lazy, her eyes seem to have black and bright brilliance. In the words of her brother, she is a restless little fox. She is absolutely, absolutely different from the gentle and quiet Princess Ping!

The green skirt is like a stretched lotus leaf, which is nothing more than the person in the lotus leaf, not the unique lotus flower in Zhou Huaiyi's heart. Wei Fuyan took off the cold emerald beads she had worn all day and threw them on the dressing table, and then changed the green skirt and ordered her servants to cut them and burn them.

The empty heart all the way can't be calmed down now. No matter how good Zhou Yuanzhi is, it's not hers. No matter how good Zhou Huaiyi is, it's not hers. All the way to now, many people come and go around her, some say hello, some give a hug, some make her laugh, and some make her sad and cry secretly, but it is undeniable that there are fewer and fewer people around her.

I just changed into the wisteria-colored silk shirt in the morning, and I only heard Qiyun come in and report, "Princess, Master Hua is here. He is outside at this moment."

Wei Fuyan looked at Qiyun indifferently, and Qiyun immediately lowered his head and fought slightly. Qiyun is Zhou Huaiyi's confidant. It is impossible for her not to know that Princess Ping likes to wear green. It's okay for others to laugh at her. The people who accompany her every day also join in the fun.

It's really good to distinguish who is who is and who is on which side. Wei Fuyan took off the overly graceful hairpin jewelry. Qiyun wanted to help, but she froze in place under her cold eyes. Matsumatsu, the black wooden hairpin that Zhou Yuanzhi just bought, took a fallen horse bun, and Wei Fuyan asked, "Have Acacia and Men Qingsong come back?"

Qi Yun whispered, "We are all back and rest separately."

"Oka, let them come and see me tomorrow morning. Give my master a pot of Junshan silver needles, and then retreat all of them.

When she went out, she saw her master wearing a cyan robe sewn with her hands and standing quietly looking at the flowers and trees in the garden. In an instant, she thought of the statue of her biological father she had seen in Baifeng Village, thinking that if her parents were still there and the family was happy, why would she have to live her current life?

People should avoid missing things that are impossible to come back. The more they miss, the more sad they are. Wei Fuyan reluctantly tried to smile and stepped forward and asked, "Master, how is my garden cleaned up?"

Hua wrongly withdrew her eyes and turned her head to quietly look at the Wei Fuyan beside her. Knowing what happened in the palace today, he felt more and more distressed about this apprentice like his daughter.

Hua wrong smiled and said, "Very good. I like Phalaenopsis very much, and I also like osmanthus, maple trees, cinnabar plums, and swings. In this way, it is full of miscellaneous piles, and it looks like a home. As a teacher, I have always thought that this place is too deserted, so I don't live here every time I come to Luo. In the past, Youtan loved to make trouble and decorated the whole flowers like red and willow green. As teachers like that, they felt warm and relaxed at a glance.

Ming Wei Fuyan promised to come to Luodu with Master, but Master seemed to age rapidly. Master's appearance is beautiful among men. His eyebrows are exquisite and his face is soft, which is an elegant and flexible feminine beauty. When Wei Fuyan saw his master for the first time, he felt that his body was mixed with free and easy, but now that kind of free and easy seems to gradually retreat and become a completely entangled pain.

"Master, your face is smiling and your eyes are not smiling." Seeing Qiyun bring up tea and pastries, Wei Fuyan helped Master sit down at the stone table and said, "Why do I think Master is getting more and more unhappy? Master, can you tell me?

"Yan'er..." Hua sighed, "You and my master and apprentice smiled deliberately. Do you have the intention to comfort me?"

Wei Fuyan's hand stiffened and poured a cup of tea for his master and said, "I went to the palace today and met an unknown person. I heard that it was the daughter of Lord Yu, the servant of the Ministry of Industry, who wanted to marry King Huai, so he spoke rudely to me. I was angry that she couldn't let me off the stage, but how could I fake a smile at my master because of such a trivial matter?

Hua mistakenly saw that she avoided the heavy and sighed and said, "As a teacher, I know you are a good child, but if you can't cry and laugh in front of the teacher, you will be very sad."

Wei Fuyan was silent. Naturally, she knew the master's intention and looked around, so she said, "I want to say something to my master, but I don't want others to hear it."

Looking at Wei Fuyan, he didn't seem to cry and say something. Instead, he seemed to be doing something he had been looking forward to for a long time. He nodded and said, "Say it, listen to him as a teacher."

Zhou Huaiyi and Liu Qingzhou's martial arts were taught by their parents, so if someone around them eavesdrop on the master, they would not notice it. She said, "Master, I asked you before, if I were not the real Princess Duanyang, would you still love me so much?"

Hua wrong didn't expect her to suddenly say this. She nodded in surprise and said, "Yes, what's wrong?"

This matter has been in Wei Fuyan's heart for a long time, and it's okay to hide the secret of her identity from her master, but her brother Liu Qingzhou is coming back soon, and it will naturally be a good thing for the brother and sister to reunite. But both of them are masters' apprentices, how can they hide it from him?

What's more, she didn't want to hide her master who loved her so much.

"Master, I know that you took good care of me because of the old man in the Chen Palace. You left the city away from Nightless and came to the State of Li to find Zhou Huaiyi and raise him to grow up. Twenty years of hard work, you once said it was all for me, but Master, I'm sorry. I'm not their daughter, not the princess of your old friend, I'm just a stand-in.

Wei Fuyan's tone was flat, but it was inevitable that he was nervously commenting on the flower mistake.

Hua opened her eyes in astonishment and seemed to have been hit hard.

"You, you..."

"Yes, it seems that he was frozen by Li Daitao when he was still in his infuriating. I just confirmed my identity before Yanjing's serious illness, but at that time, I fell asleep drowsily as soon as I thought of this matter every day, so now I say that if the master still recognizes me as an apprentice, please forgive me!"

Hua's wrong fingers stiffened, and her whole body couldn't stop trembling. Isn't it... not her? Not that person's daughter? He has been running for half of his life, trying his best to get old, but he is not that person's daughter?

"How can it be?" Hua wrong asked with an incredible smile, "How is that possible? Do you think... Li Daitao is stiff? Has the infuried... changed people? No, not...princess? No, no, Yan'er, the teacher knows that you have been wronged today, and the teacher knows that you have been wronged by the teacher's kindness, but Yan'er...but..."

Wei Fuyan was at a loss when she saw the master's words and was sad. She took the master's hand and said, "Master, I'm not their daughter. Chen foreign married the princess's husband and her deceased wife, so the real princess was replaced from the beginning. When she was in Yanjing, Sanhuatang harassed me and checked it, but she didn't want to find out her background. Master, I'm sorry, I'm not the one you're waiting for!"

Hua wrong was even more stunned. He held Wei Fuyan's hand tightly and asked, "How is that possible? Yaner, have you made a mistake? Twenty years, twenty years, it's all for you. You can't say no now! I haven't returned to my hometown for 20 years, and I have been raising my son for 20 years. I have been waiting for you in Yanjing for 20 years. I have been calculating every day to leave everything as a teacher to you. It's all for you. Are you saying... wrong? Yaner, it won't, how can it be?"

Wei Fuyan sighed in his heart. Is it really not a princess? She stopped talking and just looked at the master looking at her with tears, as if waiting for her to say that everything was just a joke that she was actually a real princess. Wei Fuyan felt a dull pain in his heart, but he could only look at him fixedly.

"Hahaha..." Hua made a sudden get up and fell into the teapot and laughed, "Okay! Retribution is all retribution! I thought that without fate, you and I were not destined to stay together, but I didn't expect you to insist on leaving, so I didn't even want to leave a thought for me! OK! You are ruthless, you are more ruthless than me. I left everything and only changed your rigid plan, okay! OK! OK!"

Hua wrongly said "good" three times and smiled, but cried and laughed and scolded: "How can you do this to me? How can you do this to me! You know that I guard your daughter, but you know that I have to guard it because this is your daughter! How can you do this to me? How can it be!"

Wei Fuyan closed her eyes and wanted to escape everything. She thought weakly, didn't she say it? If you are not a princess, you will be accepted as a righteous daughter. Isn't it agreed that you want a daughter who can wash her hands and cook soup instead of a female apprentice who deliberately give birth?

Is it that she meets people who like to talk casually, or is she too stupid to take other people's words seriously?

"Master, I'm sorry. I should have told you about this earlier. I'm sorry. As for the relationship between the master and the apprentice, if the master has no intention, forget it! The apprentice is grateful for the master's kindness and thanks for his care!" Wei Fuyan got up and rushed to the crazy flower mistake and kowtowed respectfully three times, and every time he kowtowed heavily on the cold stone bricks and rattled.

Hua mistakenly saw that she kowtowed as if she was scared and retreated, with tears on her face but looked at her blankly. Wei Fuyan experienced two unacceptable eyes in a day. The first one was cold and the second was blank, all of which were not what she was already familiar with. She seemed to have a deep pain at this moment. She just turned stiffly to avoid this scene, but she felt that someone behind her hugged her waist heavily and said, "Bihen, Bihen, is this your curse? You said you wanted me to put that person down. You said that we didn't match well. You said that everything was obsession, but I didn't listen to you. Bihen, are you here to take me? Blue marks..."

When he mentioned his mother, Wei Fuyan felt even more uncomfortable. She might be able to be indifferent to the accident of Princess Zhou Huaiyi and Heping, but she couldn't accept such a master. Her tears fell in an instant. She sobbed in a low voice and said, "Master, you already know that I'm not a princess, but don't you want to know who I am?"