Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 28 Husband and Wife Together

If Qinghe is not a princess, then what news does she know that must be sealed?

Let Jiao Bo cut off Qinghe's tongue and cut off Qinghe's hand muscles, so that she could not speak or write. What is it to prevent the leakage of information?

No, if you really want to prevent her from leaking the news, you should kill her with a knife. You can break your tongue and cut your throat. Why do you want to save her life?

What exactly does this move mean?

"Doctor Ji, can Qinghe's injury still be cured?"

Doctor Ji said, "Where medical skills are beyond the reach, Ji can try his best to help her take back the tendons, but the tongue is impossible to recover!"

Is the rest of your life... dumb?

Wei Fuyan's heart throbbed for a while, so he thanked him and said, "I'm sorry to bother you, Doctor Ji, try his best to treat it! In addition, no matter how Liu's bodyguard shirks it, please ask Dr. Ji to help him heal him and persuade him to take medicine! There is a magic doctor!"

"It's the doctor's duty to be like this. The princess doesn't have to be polite."

After Doctor Ji retired, Wei Fuyan didn't know what to do for a moment. After thinking about it for a long time, she remembered that she could now find Zhou Huaiyi unscrupulously, so she kept rushing to Hanmo Building for a moment.

Zhou Huaiyi is still lying quietly on the lounge chair. He has always been strong and not sick, and only occasionally has a headache, so Dr. Hu has been preparing medicine. After all, he didn't invite Dr. Hu to come here, but sent someone to get the ointment and put it aside. After slowly calming down, he didn't have the interest to eat it again.

Since Wei Fuyan Path passed by the plain white screen, when he saw that he was still slightly frowned and closed his eyes and rested on the lounge chair, he knew that his headache had not yet. For a moment, he couldn't bear to tell him so many troubles.

Zhou Huaiyi knew that she was coming when he heard the footsteps. He smiled and opened his eyes but saw that her face was not very good, so he stretched out his hand and said, "Come here!"

Wei Fuyan came forward and took his hand and asked, "Is the headache yet?"

"What about you?" Zhou Huaiyi held her hand and asked, "What happened?"

Wei Fuyan had seen the small bottle next to the lounge chair, so he pushed away his hand and picked up the bottle and asked, "How to use this medicine?"

She only thought about him, and Zhou Huaiyi smiled and said, "Here." He pointed to his temple.

Wei Fuyan picked out a little ointment with his fingertips and stood in the lounge chair and stretched out his hand to help him rub his temples.

The ointment is cool, and the room is quiet. We both want time to stop here. We don't care about any national plans, fights and disturbances, as long as we live so quietly and calmly every day. Zhou Huaiyi's thoughts flashed like a glimpse in his heart, but Wei Fuyan couldn't wait for this day to come immediately.

She quietly rubbed the ointment for him, and Zhou Huaiyi's headache gradually eased. He couldn't help reaching out and grabbing Wei Fuyan's hand and saying, "Yan'er, will you always be there?"

Wei Fuyan moved his hand and wiped his fingertips with the ointment on his eyelids. Zhou Huaiyi's eyes suddenly felt cold and tearful. He blinked uncompetently and looked up with a smile and said, "Yan'er, answer me?"

Zhou Huai is not a joking person, which is naturally clear to Wei Fuyan. She looked at Zhou Huaiyi quietly for a long time before asking, "Huaiyi, who told you that I like you? Isn't it..."

"Yes, it's him," Zhou Huaiyi nodded frankly and said, "He said that you had affirmed your husband's surname Zhou a long time ago. At that time, you already had me in your heart. Did he take this statement seriously?" Wei Fuyan called Zhou Huaiyi's name so directly for the first time. Zhou Huaiyi felt strange and close, so he didn't want to hide anything from her. What's more, he admired Lu Zhong's character very much. When he couldn't say that he was a married woman, he felt that he would not be entangled with Wei Fuyan. He was not protected by Lu Zhong at all.

"At that time?" Wei Fuyan was surprised and liked him at that time? Where will it be! At that time, you were fierce every day, and I really didn't like it!"

Zhou Huaiyi couldn't help laughing when he remembered the tense appearance of the two people in the past. Wei Fuyan leaned over and kissed his forehead to answer the question just now: "Yes, if you do this to me, I won't leave for a day."

As soon as Zhou Huaiyi said this, he didn't let her go. He reached out and hooked his head with another deep kiss. Wei Fuyan tried his best to cater to him and couldn't wait to snuggle with each other in this life and completely sink into this light joy.

After a passionate kiss, Zhou Huaiyi finally let go, got up and stood beside her and took her hand and asked, "What on earth happened?" Don't bear it alone, you still have me."

Wei Fuyan looked at him for a long time, reached out and hugged him quietly and said, "Qinghe was plotted. My brother thought I did it. He hated me! My biological brother hates me so much!"

Zhou Huaiyi held her tightly in his arms and said, "How could she be plotted? Didn't you also send someone there?

"It seems that Jiao Bo," Wei Fuyan hugged him tightly and felt less afraid. She said incoherently, "God' let Jiao Bo attack Qinghe. I don't understand. I clearly tried out that Qinghe was a real princess before, but how could 'God' attack his sister? Even if he is willing, how can the Empress Dowager be willing? In those years, Li Daitao's rigid plan was all to protect the real princess. How could he force him now? Fake, fake princess is fake, real princess is also fake, all fake, all lies!"

"Shen Qinghe is not a real princess?" Zhou Huaiyi couldn't help being surprised.

Wei Fuyan held his back tightly and did not open his mouth, but pressed his face on his chest and did not want to come out.

Zhou Huaiyi muttered to himself, "Then who is the real princess?"

Wei Fuyan's hand stiffened and suddenly looked up at him, but Zhou Huaiyi didn't notice it. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "I will investigate this again. You don't have to worry. I will explain to him about the canoe, and you don't have to worry about it. You don't have to worry about me, remember?"

Wei Fuyan was sad and wanted to cry, but he laughed at him, and his face looked extremely strange for a moment. After all, she said, "But according to reason, the real princess is your princess..."

"What nonsense!" Zhou Huaiyi said without thinking.

After hugging each other quietly for a while, Wei Fuyan looked up and said to him again, "I want to see you and then go to listen to Jiangbei about what happened. I'm afraid... I'm afraid that when my brother comes back, the master should also go and have a look. We are in a deadlock, and he must be sad again..."

"Then let's do it together."

It seemed that he was very relieved to hear this sentence. Wei Fuyan nodded and walked out with him, but remembered another thing and turned around and looked back here.

"You must be very reluctant to plant so many flowers and trees in Anran Garden. I have sent someone to wash the blood stains on the green bricks, and replaced all the bedding on which Sheng Qian lay. But if you still don't like it, we live here the same, don't you think?

Wei Fuyan didn't look at this. He was a little ashamed to hear what he said, but he lowered his head and did not answer.

They didn't go to see Qinghe first, but went to Jiangbei together. The warmth in Jiangbei has been made red by him. Acacia giggled and watched the bustle, holding a handful of melon seeds in her hand happily. Seeing their lovesickness and Jiangbei together, they were surprised, and the warmth just covered their mouths and smiled secretly.

"Get back up, go find Men Qingsong."

He smiled and said, "It's on the tree outside the door!" I'm going to call him!"

Are you still a tree-philephile monkey?

Men Qingsong came in listlessly, but only when he saw Zhou Huaiyi was also awe-inspiring and energetic. Hui Nuan knew that there was something important to discuss, so he didn't come in.

All three are her people, and Wei Fuyan said first, "King Huai and I have joined hands to mobilize Yuwei's power, but if I'm not in an emergency, I can also report to King Huai."

All three of them looked unbelievable. Men Qingsong was shocked and Jiangbei was dumbfounded. Acacia, who accompanied her through many things, looked at her like a madman. Wei Fuyan nodded to her with certainty, and then she shrugged her shoulders and stopped talking.

Sitting down with Zhou Huaiyi, the defender Fuyan said, "Jiangbei, let's talk about what happened along the way!"

Jiangbei originally had a bad temper when he had a fight with Liu Qingzhou, but when he saw such a beautiful person as Hui Nuan, he was immediately in a good mood, and there were very few swear words in his words.

"I chased after all the way from Yanjing. Originally, it was a bunch of people with long swords with Qinghe. The Jiao Bo disappeared for a while for no reason, but when he came back, he brought a very powerful sword. We have been wandering around Yanjing for a long time. Jiao Bo and Qinghe seem to quarrel every day, and there are two quarrels in the middle. I think that since Liu also follows, what do I have to worry about? So he didn't show up all the time. When he arrived in Luodu, Jiaobo seemed to see someone, and then left completely. Who the dog thought that he would suddenly come out again! The wound on my body was given by the knife in his hand! Grandma, I must bring that knife back to play another day!"

Wei Fuyan and Zhou Huaiyi looked at each other and said in their hearts that it was indeed Jiao Bo. It's just that Zhou Huaiyi admired Wei Fuyan more and more. Wei Fuyan was indeed good at planning, and she guessed everything early in the morning.

"Is there a Peugeot on that sword?" Wei Fuyan asked, "Do you know who protected Qinghe at the beginning?"

"There are three peach blossoms on the long sword, but there are not many people!"

So long, it has been sure that Sanhuatang is really here to protect Qinghe, but if Qinghe is not a real princess, will such a big protection just hide people's eyes and ears?

"Who did Jiaobo go to Luo? Do you remember what someone looks like?"

Jiang Bei said, "Who can see the face! Anyway, it's a woman! Wearing green clothes? That's right, green!"

Green clothes?

It's Xiuji! Wei Fuyan suddenly remembered that it must be Xiuji's person! When she went to Xiuji's Songhe Tower, several of Xiuji's girls were all dressed in green. Their Peugeot was the green willow branches in the white porcelain bottle, which was Xiuji's people!

So the detailed actions of the whole Luodu Chenguo are actually secretly controlled by Xiuji!

I took a look at Zhou Huaiyi and saw that he also nodded to make it clear, so he ordered things to say, "Jiangbei, you have worked hard all the way. Take a rest for two days first. Next, Men Qingsong went to monitor Xiuji, the concubine of King Tuo, and Acacia. You went to check the trace of Princess Jingyu of Yueguo. Neither of them is an idle person. Be careful."

Acacia asked with a smile, "Oh, princess, I'm leaving. Who will protect you?"

Zhou Huaiyi and Wei Fuyan had already got up together. They were stunned when they heard the words of lovesickness, and then looked at each other and smiled.

"I'm coming!"