Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 33 Strange Father and Daughter

Zhou Huaiyi... Looking for the real princess?

Wei Fuyan never heard him pass it, and he was quite shocked when he heard it. Zhou Huaiyi was afraid that he didn't think that someone would dare to enter his study, so he was notware. Otherwise, the two of them were close at hand. How could he not know?

"So, master, will you continue to follow the princess in the future?"

Wei Fuyan was shocked and almost stood unsteadily.

"No need," Zhou Huaiyi replied coldly, "Protect Wanqing."

The masked man named Shadow nodded, took out a roll of bamboo slips from his arms and said, "Liu Qingzhou got married. This is my gift."

Without waiting for Zhou Huaiyi to answer the shadow, he retreated, coming and going like the wind, indifferently.

Zhou Huaiyi opened the bamboo slips, silently looked at them for a while, put them away and threw them aside, then looked at the piles of scrolls on the table for a long time, and finally sighed abruptly and left downstairs.

Wei Fuyan threw the words in his hand into the painting jar at his feet, and then looked at the roll of bamboo slips. Zhu Jian was cold, and Wei Fuyan trembled slightly as soon as he opened his hand.

Records of Sanhuatang.

Since the establishment of Sanhuatang in the year of Bai Qi, Zhu Jian has completely recorded the rise and fall of Sanhuatang. Some things are few words, but it is clear with ink, which makes people see at a glance.

But why didn't Zhou Huaiyi give this bamboo slip to Liu Qingzhou? This must be a gift that Liu Qingzhou really wanted to have, but it was thrown aside by Zhou Huaiyi!

She arranged the bamboo slips exactly as she saw it, and then had to go downstairs.

In a short time, Qiyun bought something back. There were 50 kinds of silk threads of various colors, and red silk knew its luxury at a glance. Wei Fuyan just smiled and said nothing. He took the red silk and put it away and said, "I want scissors too."

Qiyun is a little hesitant.

"Scissors." Wei Fuyan spoke coldly again.

Qiyun asked cautiously, "Is the princess going to sew wedding clothes for Sister Suyue?"

Wei Fuyan did not answer, but suddenly asked, "How much do you know about Zhou Huaiyi?"

Qiyun was shocked and trembled a little.

"How much do you know about the court?"

Qiyun was surprised and thought for a long time and said, "I know some."

"Okay," Wei Fuyan said, "sit down and tell me little by little about the factions, branches, implicts and grudges in the DPRK. Don't miss a word."

How dare Qiyun do this? So I just lowered my head and said nothing for a long time.


Wei Fuyan was looking at the sewing needles, which were large and small. Suddenly, when she heard someone calling her, she immediately pricked her hand. Her fingers were connected to her heart, but a drop of blood was painful and painful.

"Master, you are here!" Wei Fuyan put down his wedding dress and got up with a smile and said, "Brother is getting married. If your only elder is not here, where will they worship?" Knowing that Qiyun was Zhou Huaiyi's confidant, she did not avoid the secret.

Hua wrong came over and took her hand and said painfully, "What a big person, so careless!"

Wei Fuyan pulled out his finger and put it in his mouth and smiled, "Master, go and have a wedding wine for me!"

Hua wrong but sighed and sat down with Wei Fuyan and said, "What's wrong with you and Yier? Day by day, why don't you settle down well?

"Master, there are some things that can't be forced," Wei Fuyan said with a smile and said, "Master, don't ask about the two of us. Everyone has their own lives, and there is no time to force them."

Hua muttered the sentence "There is no time to force it in my life". After all, she smiled miserably and said, "Yan'er, there is no fate as a teacher, but I force it for a lifetime. It's not as good as you to be a teacher!"

"Master, you don't have to think too much about the past. Now that my brother is married, there will soon be a little doll calling you master. The good days are behind, so forget the past!" It is rare for Wei Fuyan to persuade so quietly.

Hua was stunned, shook his head with a smile and said, "Mr. Yan, I can't forget it as a teacher. As a teacher, you can be free and not hate, but you can't forget the good of that person. All evil and sins can be written off, but the true love experienced by yourself is impressive. Yan'er, as a teacher and the person you love, are deep and shallow. There is nothing in your life, but you have to force it.

The deep love is shallow... Wei Fuyan recited these four words in his heart over and over again. The relationship is deep and shallow, so is she and Zhou Huaiyi deep and affectionate? There is a life to meet and stay together, but there is no life to be sincere.

To stop himself from thinking nonsense, Wei Fuyan urged his master with a smile, "Master, go back quickly. How can they worship without you!"

Hua pressed her hand by mistake and said, "Yan'er, as a teacher, I want to ask if I can adopt you as a righteous daughter?" After thinking about it, he is nominally a master and apprentice, but he has never taught anything useful. Today, as a teacher, I waited for him to marry the bride and enter the door. I was suddenly sad. Although I am not old, my heart is old. Maybe I will be killed one day, but I don't even have a daughter. As a teacher, I was suddenly very afraid, as if I had come to this world for nothing, so I rushed here just to hear your answer. Yaner, if you want to be a righteous daughter, can you call you a father?

Qiyun suddenly shouted in surprise: "Master Hua..."

Wei Fuyan originally hesitated, but when he heard this, he desperately wanted to agree, but he couldn't bear to deceive him any more. He said simply in a few words, "Master, I have asked King Huai for a divorce. Whether he recognizes it or not, I now think I am an abandoned woman. Master wants me to have children and grow old together with him. But I may never be able to do this again. I will definitely leave, but Master, you can't trust him, so you don't have to recognize me as a righteous daughter. I'm afraid that you will be more sad when I leave Master.

She said frankly, but every sentence was heart-piercing. He sighed and said, "yaner, why don't you understand? As a teacher, you just want to recognize you as a daughter, because I promised you at the beginning that if you are not a real princess or the daughter of an old love, then you will recognize you as a daughter. How can you go back on what you promised? If others lie to you, will the teacher also lie to you?

What you promised? Wei Fuyan shook her head with a smile. What she promised didn't count. This situation may not be rare for her. It is common for her not to dare to believe it now.

Hua was a little anxious when she shook her head and smiled, so she hurriedly said, "Yan'er, how about you and Yi'er? As a teacher, you want a daughter. Don't let her die as a teacher!"

"Master, what are you talking about!" Wei Fuyan couldn't hear him mention that word, frowned and grabbed his hand and said, "Master, you--"

"Yan'er, agree!" Hua Cuo pleaded, "Let's promise to be a teacher!"

Qiyun reminded again with some caution: "Master Hua..."

Wei Fuyan took a brief look at Qiyun, and then said to Hua wrong, "Master, if I promise you, can you do me a favor?"

Hua mishe agreed and immediately said, "Let's talk about it."

"Master, Liu Qingzhou is my brother and Su Yue is my sister, so whenever I can't do it, I hope Master can help protect them, even if their opponent is Zhou Huaiyi."

Hua was confused. Hearing her mention Zhou Huaiyi, she smiled and said, "Your misunderstanding of Yi'er is really deep. Yi'er will never move the canoe and Motan, not to mention anything else, but saying that these two are the two leaders of the hidden line, Yi'er will never treat their family badly!"

"Master," Wei Fuyan didn't want to mention Zhou Huaiyi, so he asked directly, "Can it be done?"

Hua mistakenly saw her stubbornness and said, "Okay, of course, well, Bihen's children naturally want to be protected as teachers. Bihen is the most admired woman in her life."

Wei Fuyan ironed his heart, nodded with a smile and helped the master get up and said, "Then go back quickly, godfather!"

Hua wrongly felt that there was a warm current flowing quickly all over his body. He quietly looked at Wei Fuyan and just smiled.

"Wouldn't you go and have a look with your father?"

When Wei Fuyan heard that he changed his "Godfather" to "Dad" without authorization, he knew what she was thinking, so he smiled and said, "Dad, I won't go. Go back quickly."

Hua wrong sighed and almost couldn't help crying, but just patted her hand and said, "So Dad is relieved. Your sister's marriage is still early. It's okay to sew a wedding dress. Don't break your eyes."

"Okay, I know, it's all up to you," Wei Fuyan urged him to leave quickly. "If you don't go back to the hall, you will be in a mess! Don't let your brother look around for you and miss the good luck!"

Hua made a mistake but no longer answered, but rubbed her hair affectionately with a smile, and then turned around and left happily.