Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 48 Depending on each other

"Can I ask you something?" Wei Fuyan clenched the teacup and still lowered his head to ask. What he said was begging, but his tone was extremely cold.

Zhou Huaiyi couldn't look at the person in front of him. His eyes were covered with thick ointment, wrapped in pale gauze, and his hand holding the teacup revealed an unsightly fear, but his body was still strong and cold. He walked to the window and looked at the scenery in the courtyard. It took a long time before he replied, "Say."

Wei Fuyan took a sip of tea and then said quietly, "As long as I am still a princess, you can't die!" I don't want to die for you!"

Zhou Huaiyi's heart tightened, and the fierce purple of the courtyard in his eyes turned into a strong blood color. His eyes were weak and he wanted to defend himself, but when he looked at Wei Fuyan holding the teacup tightly, he suddenly lost his strength.

At that time, Wei Fuyan was also present. She also knew that it was not true that she died for Wanqing. However, Wei Fuyan's slap at that time was fixed in his heart. She gritted her teeth, shed blood and tears in her eyes, and said loudly, "This is the man of Wei Fuyan. I can only decide when to die!"

Looking back, I felt afraid. If she was unfortunately buried in the sea of fire that day... Zhou Huaiyi didn't dare to think about it. He only remembered that when she fainted, her eyes were bleeding, half of her face was swollen by Lu Zhong, and her whole body was burned. He didn't know where to start if he wanted to pick her up, because no matter where he touched it, he would touch the wound.

After a long time, Zhou Huaiyi asked in a dull voice, "He said he would no longer believe me and no longer want me. Why did he rush into the sea of fire to find me?"

When Wei Fuyan heard this, he knew that he had stood far away, smiled coldly and did not answer.

"My father has an order that you stay in Lanyuan to recover from your wounds. What do you want or don't want to see anyone? As long as you are in Lanyuan, everything is up to you."

Wei Fuyan's heart was even cold. No matter what Emperor Changxi thought, she just changed a place of house arrest without any damage to her. Speaking of Zhou Huaiyi's return, from Wanxiju in Yanjing to Hexinzhai, to Anranyuan in Luodu Wangfu, Zhou Huaiyi's study Hanmo Building, and even lived in Fengyangyuan of her brother Liu Qingzhou for a few days with Qinghe. All the way to live in an uncertain place, she has never had a family.

"I just asked you to agree or not, at least give me a clear answer."

"Okay," Zhou Huaiyi said, "Okay, let's live a long life together."

Long life together, such words have been said in Yanjing. Wei Fuyan thought it would be colder. When she came to Luodu, she thought she would really start to have a husband and a family!

"Then go to dinner and rest, so that your hermit won't worry about you again!"

Zhou Huaiyi looked at her and shook her head mockingly.

Wei Fuyan returned to the days when she was seriously ill in Yanjing. She slept darkly every day, but when she woke up before, she could see some people, but this time she couldn't see anything. Even as long as she didn't open her mouth, no one could see that she was awake.

Finally, one day, Hua wrong came. Hua wrongly sat by the bed and stroked her hair lovingly. Wei Fuyan stopped pretending to sleep and grabbed his hand with a smile and said, "Dad, are you here?"

"Yes," Hua wrong looked distressed and helped her sit up and said, "Do you miss your father?"

"I really want to." Wei Fuyan grabbed his hand and didn't let go. Since her eyes were covered with gauze, she had the habit of grabbing things. Tea cups, quilts, corners of clothes, and nothing in her hands, she didn't know where she was, and her heart was empty and scared.

Hua mistakenly held her in his arms and said, "I'm sorry, Yaner, my father didn't take good care of you. He has come to Luodu with you, but he still hurt you."

"Dad!" This time, Wei Fuyan was stupid and couldn't hear Hua's mistake, so he smiled and said, "Dad, I'm sorry to make you worry..."

"Yan'er, Yan'er..." Hua wrongly hugged her and patted her on the back.

"Dad, I've been waiting for you to come. I have something to ask you. Don't mention it to him."

Hua turned his head and looked at Zhou Huaiyi, who had been sitting aside. Only then did he realize that Wei Fuyan didn't know that Zhou Huaiyi was around at all.

It's just that this stagnant Wei Fuyan was suspicious. She grabbed Hua's wrong hand and asked, "Dad, is there anyone else in this room?"

This question was even more distressed. He let go of her to lean against the head of the bed, and then said, "Only we, Yaner, Dad knows what you want, just give it to you!"

"Dad..." Wei Fuyan was surprised, but her nose turned sour, but her eyes immediately hurt again. She didn't dare to let Hua wrong see it, so she just held Hua wrong's hand tightly and bowed her head.

Zhou Huaiyi sensed the strangeness and wink at Huayi. Huayi quickly said, "My eyes are not well. I can't cry these days!" Except for one thing that my father said that he would leave it to Yi'er and can't keep his promise, everything else is left for your good daughter! What's the difference between giving it in the future or giving it now? It's just a flower. There is no one around you. Dad wanted to give it to you very early!"

Wei Fuyan was surprised: "Dad, how do you know..."

Naturally, it was said by Zhou Huaiyi. Wei Fuyan's temperament has changed greatly since she suddenly appeared in the sea of fire and slapped him. She was obviously more decisive and ruthless than before, but she actually sent away the only Yuweimen Qingsong beside her. In addition, Lu Zhong has completely disappeared. Wei Fuyan can't ask for help from others. Only the master and only flowers are like flowers.

Hua wrongly glanced at the tired Zhou Huaiyi again, and his expression was full of pity. Zhou Huaiyi smiled miserably and avoided his eyes.

"The Sanhuatang founded by your father in the year of Bai Qinian is a first-class killer organization in your country. Although Dad's flowers are not as beautiful as Sanhuatang, if you take over, you are also a daughter who inherits the father's business. Your plan is excellent!"

Hua's mistake's words explained that he knew in advance that Wei Fuyan wanted to flourish. Wei Fuyan was convinced, but she was even more sad. She took Hua's wrong's hand and said, "Dad, I'm sorry, I haven't been able to do anything for you. I've asked you for a lot of things first. I'm sorry..."

Hua touched her forehead by mistake and said, "These things were originally reserved for the three of you. You, Yier, and Qingzhou, you are all of your father. Everything else is nothing."

Wei Fuyan smiled gratefully. It was not until she was wrongly held in her arms again that she whispered, "Dad, marry me, the only blessing is to meet you..."

I don't know if Zhou Huaiyi heard it, but when he turned around, he saw Zhou Huaiyi lying quietly with his eyes closed. He didn't know whether he woke up, heard or not.

Emperor Changxi was furious about the fire. For several days, every time he went to the court, he had to scold all the ministers. All the people in the Ministry of Industry were fined one year and 50 yuan. Yu Shilang, who was responsible for building the mansion, was 100 yuan, and even demoted three levels. Even Concubine Tong did not dare to plead to plead. Sheng Qian and Yuer were shocked by the wedding and were personally taken back to the palace by the emperor to visit the world again. They were shocked by the great rewards and kept the palace.

The involvement of this matter can't be seen overnight, but the relationship between King Huai and King Tuo and the whole harem has changed subtly. The Ministry of Industry is the sphere of influence of King Tuo, so King Tuo was also scolded by the emperor this time, and even said "to kill brothers and sisters, everyone can be killed". Therefore, King Tuo's palace immediately became much quieter.

The whole Luodu City is rumored that Wei Fuyan fell into the lotus pond that day was done by Tuowang Ji's concubine Xiuji, which is intended to make Huai Wang and Chen Guo turn against each other. Therefore, the women of Tuowang's mansion are also much quieter. Even Wei Fuyan, the most strange concubine of King Tuo and the princess of Yueguo, has no news.

Because of the fire, Mudu's death became like a casual little news. No one knew why Mudu died, but he died like that, even more than ten feet away from the gate of Tuowang's Mansion, but no trace was found. If it were at other times, Mudu's death would definitely be used as a big deal, but at this time, the whole city was talking about the fire and had no time to take care of it at all, but Wei Fuyan knew in his heart that King Tuo's people must see what it means to kill chickens and warn monkeys.

The relationship between the harem has also undergone subtle changes. The Tuowang Mansion has calmed down, and Chai Guifei, the mother of Tuo, has also restrained a lot. Originally, the most favored people in the harem were nothing more than Chai Guifei and Tong Fei, and then Yu Shilang of the Ministry of Industry was Tong Guifei's mother-in-law, and he was also involved in Yu Shilang's affairs. King Tuo was attacked, and the queen was no different on the surface, but she must be very satisfied. For a while, the harem was calm and harmonious on the surface. Even Wei Fuyan lived in Lanyuan could feel it.

For Zhou Huaiyi, it is half happy and half worried. This time, Zhou Huaiyi was also scolded by Emperor Changxi. First, because Wei Fuyan was injured, Emperor Changxi blamed him for taking care of him. Second, because of the house was on fire, Emperor Changxi annoyed that he did not notice it. He once again compared several princes with the Emperor of the State of Chen in front of everyone, and then scolded all the people. For Zhou Huaiyi, it is reasonable to be scolded, and it is fortunate that his layout is not detected. Therefore, although he is scolded every day, he has a strange relief in his heart.

But there are always a few things that involve Zhou Huaiyi full of heartache.

One is Sheng Qian. Sheng Qian moved into the palace as he expected. Next week, Huaiyi is fighting with King Tuo. For Sheng Qian, it is naturally the safest to stay in the palace. However, such rewards and honors are too much. Every time Zhou Huaiyi sees Sheng Qian mentions and what he has been rewarded, he is faintly uneasy.

The second is the master. Wei Fu was injured and spent the night with white head. He was originally a magnificent beautiful man, and his behavior was noble and elegant. Such demeanor is unparalleled in the world, but now his snow-white hair makes Zhou Huaiyi dare not look more. More and more people are in a daze. They often look at Wei Fuyan saying comforting words, but their faces are lonely and blank.

Three, naturally it is Wei Fuyan. After Wei Fuyan took over the flowers, the first order was to move all the flowers to Luodu. This matter took a few days, and Wei Fuyan did nothing to bask in the sun in Lanyuan every day. The imperial doctor came to change the medicine every day and took off the gauze. Wei Fuyan always shook his head and said that he could not see it, or that there was only a vague shadow. The imperial doctor finally had nothing to do. Even Dr. Hu and Dr. Ji had no ability to say sorry.

And she never mentioned Huang Wanqing, the masked woman in green that day, and how Wei Fuyan guessed the identity of the masked woman in green. Soon Wei Fuyan's eyes did not need to take medicine. On the surface, it seemed to be the best as before. Who would have thought that she was blind?