Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 54 Jinpao

"Who?" The white sugar cake in Wei Fuyan's hand rolled down on the carriage. "What's wrong with Jinnian?"

The person who came is the shadow that Wei Fuyan has seen twice, but I didn't expect this person to follow them all the time! The shadow looked at Zhou Huaiyi with deep eyes and did not answer, but looked again in the direction he had just pointed.

Wei Fuyan immediately wanted to jump out of the carriage, but his eyes were not good. He kowtowed his head with a little movement. Zhou Huaiyi quickly helped her and said, "Don't panic, let's go together." With that, he hugged her out of the carriage, but both of them were immediately stunned.

A building in front of him ignited a raging fire. Zhou Huaiyi knew at a glance that it was the direction of the Songhe Tower. He guessed that Wei Jinnian was going to avenge Wei Fuyan. Looking at Wei Fuyan with a panicked look around him, he didn't know what to say.

"What's wrong? What the hell happened? How's Jinnian going? At this moment, Wei Fuyan really hated her eyes that could only see the nearby images. She grabbed Zhou Huaiyi's sleeve and asked repeatedly, and her heart was burning anxious.

"It should be okay. Let's come forward and have a look." Wei Fuyan doesn't know the current Wei Jinnian, but Zhou Huaiyi is very clear about it. This Wei Jinnian is the person who fought against the battlefield and was finally awarded the title of general. It is very likely that he is still the emperor of the future Chen Kingdom. He has his own arrogance. I'm afraid that Wei Fuyan is the only one who can turn him back into a child in the world. In addition, Wei Jinnian is simply Devil!

Zhou Huaiyi hurried forward with Wei Fuyan. A large number of people had already gathered in front of the Songhe Tower. No one knows why the Songhe Tower, which has always been open to only dignitaries, suddenly burned up. Zhou Huaiyi was afraid of the fire and put Wei Fuyan behind him and said, "Take a veil to cover your eyes."

Wei Fuyan was only in a hurry to find Jinnian's figure, but his eyes could not see far at all. He was anxious and annoyed that he could not hear such a slow order! At present, he ignored it and just asked repeatedly, "What about Jin Nian? Zhou Huaiyi, help me find Jinnian!"

She didn't listen to Zhou Huai's opinion, so she had to drag her back a few steps to avoid the fire, and then simply said, "The roof."

Wei Fuyan suddenly raised his head and looked desperately. He saw that there were indeed several figures on the roof. Isn't the powerful and domineering young man with a red robe and sword in the corner? Sure enough, the person who was sealed as a general picked up the sword and had a majestic and proud nature. Another four people were half kneeling and half lying on the roof, but she didn't know who it was.

"Who is up there? What is Jinnian doing here? Where is this?" Wei Fuyan has only been to Songhe Tower once. Now she can't see the plaque of Songhe Tower. In addition, there is a fire here at this moment, and she doesn't recognize it at all.

"This is the Songhe Tower," Zhou Huaiyi steadily protected Wei Fuyan behind him, staring coldly at the smiling Wei Jinnian on the roof and said, "With Jinnian, there are your former bodyguard Jiao Bo, the colorful killer Xianyun, the shopkeeper of Songhe Tower, and Xiuji's maidservant."

Zhou Huaiyi spoke very slowly, and the more Wei Fuyan listened, the more she felt. She stared at the roof and dared not move a little. Jiao Bo, Xianyun, the shopkeeper of Songhe Tower, and Xiuji's maidservant! How did Jin Nian know these people! In less than a quarter of an hour, Jinnian captured four people and burned the Pine Crane Tower, which was too fast!

"Jiao bodyguard," Wei Jinnian smiled lazily and pointed Longyuan's sword at Jiao Bo's neck and said loudly, "The palace guard, what is the crime of betraying the Lord?"

As soon as Jinnian's words came out of the crowd, it was immediately quiet, and even the discussion turned into whispers. Jiao Bo seemed to be seriously injured, but when he heard this, he smiled coldly and said, "Who is the real master? King Jinxiu knows better than his subordinates! Jiao Bo is loyal to the Lord, which can be seen from heaven and earth, and it is not the turn of the beautiful king to intervene!"

Jinnian smiled cheerfully and looked innocent and cute. He lifted the corner of his red robe and raised his soap boots and stepped on the kneeling Jiao Bo, and then patted Jiao Bo's face with the blood-stained Longyuan sword and said very solemnly, "The real Lord is the king! The beautiful king is the one who dominates your destiny!"

Jiao Bo looked at Longyuan's sword and looked unchanged, and there was a loyal minister and martyr who died generously and generously.

Jinnian smiled gently and leaned down like a child and asked, "Jiao bodyguard, have you ever been sorry for my royal sister? He is about to die, and his words are also good. Don't you have anything to convey to the royal sister?

"The King of Jinxiu's words are bad!" Jiao Bo stared closely at Wei Fuyan in the crowd and said coldly, "If Jiao Bo really wanted to apologize to her, he could have killed her with a knife! I can't keep her today to fight against Chen Guo instead of her identity! It is not too much for Ling Chi to be executed for betraying the country and betraying the Lord!"

Wei Fuyan clenched his fist and chilled, betrayed the country and betrayed the Lord! Replace the identity! Zhou Huaiyi took her by the shoulder and said, "Don't take it seriously."

Jinnian's look became more and more pure. He shook his head with a smile and raised Longyuan's sword and looked carefully and said, "Ling Chi... I have never seen the punishment of Ling Chi. I heard that everyone shouted for pain. After seeing it once, I couldn't eat for a few days. I only looked at the classics and felt bloody. I don't like it. I don't like it very much! However, after all, Jiao's bodyguard is the one who has protected my royal sister. Since such a noble status has been opened, it is not appropriate for me not to agree!"

"Ah!" The crowd was full of exclaim. As something fell from the roof, the crowd dispersed one after another. The timid had already cried and retreated. Wei Fuyan only saw the Jinnian red robe and the sword gently moved, but with a little contact between the foreword and the back of the word, he knew what had happened, and he was disgusting for a moment.

Jiao Bo was cut off a piece of meat on his face, but after all, he was the palace guard and the former guard who personally served the emperor. At this moment, he looked calmer and calmer. He knelt there motionless and looked more and more righteous.

Jiao Bo stared at the empty-eyed woman in the crowd and said coldly, "Don't be fooled. This person is not--"

"Bang!" Jinnian waved his sword again, and the remaining part of the onlookers immediately shouted and fled around. Wei Fuyan looked at Jinnian gently on Jiao Bo, and her heart was even more frustrated.

Jinnian directly removed one of Jiao Bo's arms, but also reached out to help him stop the bleeding!

The weather is good today, and there is a flame in front of her. The picture she can see is unprecedentedly bright and clear, but Zhou Huaiyi doesn't know it, but she just hugged her and said, "Fall the bricks, Jinnian is fine." Then he turned to the shadow and said, "Go and help the King of Jinxiu."

Wei Fuyan knew his good intentions, but he couldn't help shouting, "Jin Nian, come down!"

The crowd has long been stunned by that arm, and only a few people have been dispersed by Zhou Huaiyi's people. Here, the fire is raging, half of Jiao Bo's body is bleeding, and it is filled with a disgusting smell by the fire. Wei Fuyan's words were in the terrifying silence. When it came to Jinnian's ears, he smiled and shouted with pure eyes, "Sister, is the pastry still delicious? This is a gift for you. Do you like it?

Jiao Bo's body twitched violently because of pain. He was obviously gritting his teeth and resisting. Hearing the dialogue between her and Jinnian, he looked up to the sky and laughed three times, and then suddenly bowed at Wei Fuyan and scolded, "God has made you a talent with one hand. Your power, intelligence and strategy are all thanks to him, but now you have joined hands with the foreign prince and Chen Guo Yes! You deserve to die!"

"Puff!" As soon as the last word "death" was said, Jiao Bo suddenly spewed out a large mouthful of blood, and his eyes suddenly stared at Wei Fuyan. Even though he had always thought that Wei Fuyan could not see it, Zhou Huaiyi still reached out in front of Wei Fuyan, until Jinnian indifferently pulled out the long sword pierced Jiao Bo's back, and then kicked him off the roof with soap boots. Jiao Bo's body fell to the ground like a bloody sack and was immediately hit by a burning beam.

"Jin Nian!" Wei Fuyan's voice trembled uncontrollably and shouted angrily on the roof, "You come down! Come to me!"

"Sister..." Jinnian looked aggrieved. He hesitated for a moment, but stared at Wei Fuyan for a long time and suddenly shook his head and said, "Sister, you'd better wait for me. This gift is four, and one less is not enough!" Next, oh, it's you!"

Wei Fuyan couldn't help but trembling to move forward, but Zhou Huaiyi grabbed her waist and left her by her side and said, "Four people on the roof, Jiao Bo is dead, and the remaining three are seriously injured. Even if they are saved, they can't survive tomorrow. That Jiao Bo finally maliciously angered Jin Nian, and I'm afraid he is begging for death! The remaining three are also begging for death. If you stay here, you will complete them!"

Zhou Huaiyi said a lot of comfort. He hasn't said such a long words to Wei Fuyan so patiently for a long time. Wei Fuyan covered his mouth and didn't let him cry, but for a long time he just said, "We Jinnian should not be like this!" He taught Jin Nian like this!"

Zhou Huaiyi naturally understood what she was thinking, but at this moment, Xianyun had been thrown down from above, and then was hurriedly robbed by a masked woman in green. Jinnian smiled and watched the woman in green run away in confusion and did not chase her. Zhou Huaiyi was shocked and suddenly looked at Wei Fuyan and asked, "The green masked woman and the flower-like slender Yun when Sheng Qian's mansion was on fire that day--" Zhou Huaiyi suddenly realized, but was surprised how Wei Fuyan knew.

"Yes, the woman in green is Youtanfang! I said that I liked her voice very much, so I knew it as soon as she opened her mouth! Because I don't know what Dad means, I let her go that day!"

Zhou Huaiyi was stunned for a long time, and then looked at Songhelou, which was about to be burned out by the fire and said, "That day, the hermit guards were besieged by King Tuo's people before they caught up here, so they let her go!"

Between talking, Jinnian turned to the shopkeeper in the name of Songhelou and Xiuji's maidservant and said, "I heard that Songhelou also bullied my royal sister? I hate the grievances of the people I value most. I will feel heartache, and heartache is the most uncomfortable! So I also hate you. Go to hell. If you die, you won't feel heartache!"

"Jin Nian!" Wei Fuyan screamed in panic, but only heard two dull sounds in a row. Manager Zhao and Xiuji's maidservant were kicked off the roof. The fire had burned so much that the roof could not stand. Jinnian wore a red robe and a long sword and the independent house was floating and evil. He nodded with great satisfaction and reached out to lift the corner of the red robe to wipe the Longyuan treasure in his hand. The sword, and then jumped down from the roof, and the red robe was as bloody as a flower.