Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 63 Peace

After returning from Chengping Hall, Wei Fuyan sat quietly in Lanyuan, and lovesickness served her to rest.

The strong smell of medicine in the room can't hide the blood. Zhou Huaiyi was injured. As Jin Nian did, Wei Fuyan's heart was wrinkled and astringent while being speechless. When Acacia and Dr. Hu retreated, Zhou Huaiyi came to help her tame the quilt. He thought she was still worried about Jinnian, so he said, "Tomorrow I will hand over Jinnian to the people of Chen. Don't worry."

Wei Fuyan sighed softly and finally said nothing to say.

Zhou Huaiyi quietly stared at her face and said in a low voice, "Go to sleep. I'm here. I won't leave."

Wei Fuyan grabbed Jin's hand in the corner of the quilt more and more tightly, but he couldn't hear the sound of Zhou Huaiyi getting up and leaving for a long time.

"Thank you for today's event."

The room was quiet, and it took a long time to hear Zhou Huaiyi's sentence that seemed to be a little lost: "Oh!"

"Zhou Huaiyi..." Wei Fuyan clenched the corner and hesitated to open his mouth.

"I'm here." His voice is right beside him.

Thinking of what was secretly stuffed by Tong Fei in his cloak, Wei Fuyan asked, "Do you agree to Tong Fei's conditions?"

The dark night is quiet, and Zhou Huaiyi's silence becomes more and more long and lonely.

Wei Fuyan subconsciously reached out and stroked her blind eyes before saying, "We are a couple who can only be in trouble. Once there is a common enemy, they can have a good heart, but once they calm down and see each other, they will quarrel about all kinds of things and make each other unhappy..."

"What do you want to say, just say it." Zhou Huaiyi's tone was cold, as if he had returned to the lonely Prince Huai all day long in Yanjing.

"I have a divorce book, my father, and flowers, and I have a home..." The night was cold. The more she talked, the weak she became. She thought about the last sentence thousands of times, but she hesitated for a long time before saying, "You should settle down earlier!"

The silence suddenly invaded like a cold air. Obviously, there was no trace, but it could fill the whole room in a blink of an eye. All the memories of Zhou Huaiyi suddenly became clear. His face, his smile, his cold eyes and sudden anger were alternately clear in front of his eyes.

The room was so quiet that they could hear each other's heartbeats, and Zhou Huaiyi did not answer for a long time. Wei Fuyan knew that she had said too much. When would it be her turn to interrupt this kind of thing? But such quietness can make people's hearts bleed. She turned her back to him, her eyes were blind and dark, and her body was trapped in a soft bedding, as if her hands and feet were tied and thrown into the sinking sand, and it was impossible to even struggle dying.

"Before the princess left, she said let me take good care of you, so I..."

Zhou Huaiyi stood up and brushed his sleeves and left.

Wei Fuyan seemed to be choked by the sinking sand. She suddenly hated herself for talking too much. What does this have to do with her?

He quietly turned over and sat up on the bed, curled his legs and hugged the quilt to his chin. Wei Fuyan was dark in front of his eyes, but his heart seemed to condense into the visible dark night.

She is 80% sure what will happen next. She can guess the outcome of anyone. She can see through the world, but she can't see through her future alone.

Obviously, he just said...

The door creaked, and Wei Fuyan heard someone stride.

"Acacia?" No one else has come into her room at night.

But when the person stood by the bedside, the floating smoke immediately knew who it was. She was just surprised that he went back so quickly.

Zhou Huaiyi silently lifted Jin's hand pulled out of Wei Fuyan. Without waiting for what Wei Fuyan said, he roughly stuffed a bowl into her hand and said, "Take medicine!" Zhou Huaiyi's voice was suppressed, and there was obvious anger in his words, but he was so sudden that the medicine splashed on the back of his hand without holding it firmly.

"Hist--" Wei Fuyan took a cold breath, shook his hand and almost turned over the medicine bowl. Zhou Huaiyi immediately grabbed the bowl with one hand and put Wei Fuyan's hand splashed with soup and put it on his lips and sucked it gently. Wei Fuyan's back hand was warm and subconsciously about to pull back his hand, but Zhou Huaiyi was even more angry and grabbed her hand and bit it hard.

"Ah!" Wei Fuyan suddenly withdrew her hand and shrank back. Now she is blind and doesn't know where Zhou Huai is, so her shoulders shrink greatly and there is a kind of irresistible pity.

Zhou Huaiyi was cruelly distressed, put the soup by the bed and pressed her shoulder with both hands and said angrily, "Wei Fuyan, sometimes I really can't wait to cut open your heart to see what is hidden in it!"

Wei Fuyan was shocked, but he didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Since you have decided to take the divorce book, why do you need to interfere in my affairs? What does it have to do with you whether I have settled down and married Yu Sikou?

"The eldest princess said..." Wei Fuyan didn't expect that he would suddenly get angry.

"Auntie asked you to take care of me! You also said good! That's how you take care of me now! Push me to another woman, that's how you take care of me!"

Zhou Huaiyi gritted his teeth, and Wei Fuyan was frightened when he heard it. He reached out to push him away, but his hand wiped his arm but felt wet and sticky. Wei Fuyan subconsciously reached out and groped for the thick gauze on Zhou Huaiyi's forearm, but found that it should be warm and wet.

Wei Fuyan's heart trembled and exclaimed, "Your wound cracked?"

"Shut up!" Zhou Huaiyi said viciously, "Since you don't care, shut up!"