Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 12 Before the Storm

Wind and moon... boundless?

The eyes are full of vigorous and burning clouds. Where did the wind come from, where did the moon come from, and where did the wind and moon come from?

"Wei Fuyan, listen! If you are angry, I will blame you so much. From today on, I will never allow you to act alone again!"

He gritted his teeth and roared in her ear, and the deeply suppressed fear still leaked out. Wei Fuyan's heart suddenly moved, and the movement of rubbing his stiff hand slowed down a little.

"Huiyi..." Just calling his name, his heart couldn't stop feeling sour. Wei Fuyan reluctantly lowered his head and smiled, "I'm fine--"

"No!" Zhou Huaiyi interrupted her with a roar.

The reins of this angry hand suddenly tightened, and the horse hissed and stopped.

The trees are dark silhouettes, and the pedestrians returning home are like silent and hurried deer. In the distance, the mountains are stacked in the distance, shrouded in quiet peace under the golden sunset. In front of them is a quiet river, with waves of light, colorful gold, and countless gentleness.

With the shadow of his occasional anger, Wei Fuyan trembled slightly, but felt that Zhou Huaiyi's chest behind him suddenly stiffened.

"Let me go."

Zhou Huaiyi immediately wanted to explain: "I--"

"Gun me down!"

After saying it firmly, he saw that Zhou Huaiyi was just silent. After a moment, the hand holding the rein in front of him slowly loosened and turned to hold her whole body in his arms.

"I'm not angry with you, I'm just angry with myself. Knowing that you are smart and calm, that you have people around you, and that Xiuji's overall situation is not sure that she will kill you, so I think I can let you go at ease..."

How did a person like Zhou Huaiyi say such a thing? Wei Fuyan's heart softened as soon as she heard this. She was not angry at all because of his anger, but today, and her plans for the future, she didn't know where to start.

"Wish, shall we go down for a walk?"

When he got off the horse, he clearly saw the injury on his body, so he only followed him to the river and sat down to rest on the pretext of being tired. The river is clear, and the waves are floating in the sunset at this moment, clearly reflecting the face of Wei Fuyan.

The left face is dissatisfied with dark purple lines from the eyebrows to the jaw, and there is a thin scar in the middle, like a very thin branch full of dark purple flowers. It may be a good picture if you take it down alone, but it is extremely ugly and terrible to put it on your face.

Carefully put down Li Shaotang's daughter, Wei Fuyan finally found a more suitable beginning.

"I want to ask you something."

Zhou Huaiyi pulled the silk in her arms and touched the river and was about to wipe her face. Hearing this, his hand paused slightly and subconsciously frowned and said, "Please?"

Wei Fuyan avoided answering and only followed his own thoughts and said, "Promise me that no matter what you plan to think in the future, don't hide anything related to me from me, okay?"

Without giving him a chance to interrupt, Wei Fuyan continued to say, "Many times you don't remember what you said, but I remember it clearly. You said 'disgust' to me and 'get out' to me. I know those words are not true, but the sadness and pain at that time are deep in my heart. Even now that I have experienced the best time in my life, I occasionally dream of the look of you saying the word 'roll', and I will still wake up from my dream..."

Zhou Huaiyi lowered his hand, and the water on the silk hand fell on the grass leaves.

"The better you treat me, the more unreal I feel. I'm afraid that at some moment you will suddenly become angry and say the words that make me have nightmares..."

Zhou Huaiyi opened his mouth slightly and closed it after a moment, but squeezed it tightly, and his eyebrows were locked with a depression. He has seen Wei Fuyan in many appearances, shrewd, aggressive, ruthless, pathetic and pathetic, but he has never heard her expose her weakness so frankly.

She never shouted for pain, but today she suddenly said that Zhou Huai's heart suddenly surged with strong uneasiness.

"I grew up in the palace of Chen. My father only married my mother in his life. My royal brother never married and never married a concubine. He probably never competed for favor in the harem. Since I was a child, I thought that it was a sad and terrible thing for women to place all their hopes on men and be bound by men's joys and anger for a lifetime. , I don't want to be like that."

Intuitively, I didn't want to listen to it. Zhou Huaiyi said, "Smoke..."

"Listen to me," interrupted him, Wei Fuyan looked at the sunset in front of him and said to herself, "But now, I have become the kind of woman I have despised most since I was a child. I look down on myself, and I feel at ease if you treat me well. If you are bad to me, I can't sleep well for a few days. Thinking that there is still a Huang Wanqing hidden in your heart, I'm really jealous and going crazy. I have said many times that I don't want you as a man, but in the end I will stay with you obediently..."

Zhou Huaiyi did not interrupt again, but gently grabbed her hand, clasped her fingers, and tightened slightly to express his feelings.

"If you want to say that you are good to me, ten of you are not as good as Lu Zhong. If you want to say that it can reassure me, ten of you are not far away from last week. I often think, why are we falling in love? The previous stories seem to be unbearable to recall. The ten * left between you and me are not beautiful things. I have been thinking about it. Today, I finally figured it out after listening to Xiuji's words in Baiyun'an on the mountain.

Turning his head and looked at him, Wei Fuyan smiled and said, "It's God's will, just because you appear neither early nor too late. Everything is just right."

Zhou Huaiyi looked slightly surprised. Wei Fuyan looked funny and reached out to draw his eyebrows. His fingertips touched his warm skin and suddenly had the impulse to cry. How long has it been... How long has it been since I seen him?

"Three years, I have spent three years in Yanjing, and all my pride and arrogance have been worn away in three years of life as calm as stagnant water. At that time, I was still thinking about the pre-marrying Sheng Chong and the doting of several brothers. I still remember the so-called righteousness of the country and society. I wanted to escape, but I didn't dare to escape. I was more and more afraid of becoming more and more timid.

Zhou Huaiyi listened quietly, and his originally deserted face finally had a trace of movement. This movement was like a thick cloud in winter, revealing a ray of sunshine, making his face warm and vivid, and the heartache in his eyes was instantly exposed.

Wei Fuyan finally couldn't help reaching out and hooking his neck and drowning deeply in his arms.

"In those three years, he often went to see me. At that time, I was just like drowning, but I was stubbornly thinking about my old feelings. I knew that if I opened my mouth, he would take me away, but I didn't say a word from beginning to end. Later, I often thought, how can I be willing to miss such a good man who is difficult to find a second in the world? Now I know that he came early. I didn't give up on the past when he came, so I didn't plan to start a new life.


"And Lu Zhong, he came late," Wei Fuyan smelled the unique smell on him and said, "I can't see through Lu Zhong. I don't know why he helped me, and even when we only had one side, he was determined to stand on my side. I called him brother, and he laughed and replied sister, so I don't know if he loved me or not. But I like such a free and unrestrained person very much, so I will be more infatuated with Lu Zhong than any of you in the long run. But he came late. He already had you when he came.

Zhou Huaiyi held her in his arms, but he couldn't help looking down at her. Wei Fuyan smiled at the corners of his lips, and his expression was full of gentleness, as if he had fallen into the best memories of his life.

"Then, you appeared. You are not good to me, but I can only force myself to face you. You are the only person in Yanjing who can remind me of the past and the future at the same time. When I see you, I think of being forced to marry far away, and when I see you, I am afraid that the road ahead is far away. I'm more curious about you than everyone else, because when I first met you, my identity was already confirmed - I was your wife.

Wan said so many words in one breath, but Wei Fuyan was not tired at all. On the contrary, he was a little interested in talking about this.

"We have been testing each other, and then one day I knew you were leaving. At that time, I was looking forward to your leaving and felt very desperate. I'm not desperate because I was abandoned by you, but afraid of returning to a stagnated life in the past three years. When you came back, I met the hermit, the eldest princess of Xingguo and the general of Gubei, and the wrong father of Huacuo, the four eagles of the city that never sleep and the sandalwood. The people I have known in the past three years have not experienced as much as the days you were in the three years. I hate the instability of displacement, and I am afraid of the peace of stagnant water.

Speaking of this, Wei Fuyan suddenly broke away from his arms and looked at him fixedly: "Until one day, I woke up from my sleep and found you guarding beside me. There is a Taishi chair by the bed. You are tired when you sit on it, but you have been guarding it and never left. It has been like this for a whole month since then. I have completely fallen since then, not because you are good, but because you have always been by my side when I was most afraid and helpless. I have received more stability than I have received in three years. I am grateful for that serious illness and am very grateful.

Wei Fuyan was keenly aware that Zhou Huaiyi's eyes were a little dark in an instant, and her face was slightly stiff. She stopped talking and only waited for Zhou Huaiyi's explanation.

"If that thing doesn't exist, I'm just who I am now. Do you still love it?"

Wei Fuyan asked puzzledly with a cunning smile, "How can it not exist?"

Zhou Huaiyi vaguely felt that something was wrong, but made her disperse her thoughts in one sentence. Her memory was pulled back to the palace of Yanjing Huai, and Wei Fuyan's skirt was blood red...

"Tell me, do you love me now?"

What a stubborn person, Wei Fuyan squeezed his lips and shook his head and smiled secretly.

Seeing her shaking her head, Zhou Huaiyi frowned instantly and said, "Don't you love her?"

Wei Fuyan smiled and nodded on his forehead and said, "Zhou Huaiyi, you are a big fool!"

A spiritual light suddenly shattered his dullness for a moment. Zhou Huaiyi suddenly grabbed Wei Fuyan's shoulder and asked ecstaticly, "You... can you see it?"