Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 21 Prime Minister Bai

The new house is next to Liu's house, four streets away from Huaiwang Mansion. Maybe it's close, and Wei Fuyan doesn't feel that he has gone far.

I just miss him very much.

Especially after being sleepy and vomiting recently, Acacia hired a doctor for her.

Drinking the soup specially stewed by lovesickness, watching Cheng Yu and Liu Qingzhou compete in martial arts, and occasionally pointing out her messy words to Xiaochuqi. Wei Fuyan's life is too empty and calm. She herself knows which piece is empty, but after so many days, there has been no news at that end. Wei Fuyan really doubts whether Zhou Huaiyi simply pretends to fake it as soon as she is excited?

...In short, it's depressed, very depressed.

After waiting for ten days, Wei Fuyan finally couldn't help it. Hua's wrong father seemed to disappear, and Zhou Huaiyi also seemed to disappear. What's wrong with this life?

"Acacia, let's go to the palace!"

This time she deliberately didn't wear a veil. When he lost his sight in the last fire, the emperor rewarded him with a token that allowed him to enter and leave the palace at will, which came in handy this time. Wei Fuyan was unimpeded all the way to the Queen's West Palace with the token. When she walked to the door of the West Palace, she smiled. With the vigorous holly and the pleasant fragrance of osmanthus, the Empress finally stopped climbing up and down to trim the branches and leaves of the trees.

A serial plan changes not only the people in the game, but also the mentality of outsiders watching the game. This harem battle was not in the battle between King Tuo and King Huai, but now the Empress is afraid that she intends to enter the game.

Just as I was about to ask the maid of honor to report, I saw a man coming out of the hall. He was like Emperor Changxi, like Sheng Qian, about 35 or 36 years old, and his actions were slow and decadent.

Abandoned prince?

The abandoned prince also saw him. His eyes turned up and down several times on Wei Fuyan, and finally stayed on Wei Fuyan's face. Although Wei Fuyan recognized the person, she should not have known, so she did not salute.

"I've met Princess Huai!" The abandoned prince looked at it for a moment and saluted respectfully. There was nothing wrong with his expression.

It is reasonable that the emperor is only the name of his prince. At least he is still the eldest prince, but the prince's status is not as good as that of the king, so there is nothing wrong with the reverse Wei Fuyan's salute. However, Wei Fuyan suddenly felt panicked. She has never heard the story of the prince, and it is difficult to tell whether the person in front of her is really calm and tolerant or smiling. Hidden knife.

"Please wait a moment, Princess Huai." After saying that, the abandoned prince turned around and returned to the queen's palace.

Wei Fuyan and lovesickness looked at each other, and they couldn't see through the people in front of them.

Not long after, the waste prince hurried out, took this small blue porcelain bottle in his hand and said, "What happened before... I'm sorry! I'm embarrassed now, and it's not convenient for me to come to thank you. Please ask Princess Huai to convey my gratitude. I don't want to repay this rescue, but I hope to be a cow and a horse to repay my fourth brother in the next life!"

Wei Fuyan was surprised and didn't answer it for a long time.

The waste prince was stunned and looked at the porcelain bottle and said, "Smigate the noodles with wormwood every night, and then apply this ointment to the noodles. After ten days of continuous application, the poison will be completely removed, leaving no scars. Please rest assured, Princess Huai!"

Wei Fuyan pondered for a moment and smiled, "Thank you, prince! Thank you, Empress!"

Acacia took over the porcelain bottle. But the abandoned prince hesitated for a long time and suddenly said, "Princess Huai, can you take a step to talk?"

The deposed prince Zhou Zhaoren bowed his head and knelt straight down. He kowtowed repeatedly and said, "Mother, the child can't watch him be kept in the dark!" "Children can't!"

The Empress beat the waste prince repeatedly and cried bitterly, crying and scolding, "You are not a good thing! After you want to drag your mother to death, you are the enemy of my previous life! If you like to save, save yourself. Go, go back to your prince's mansion, and go back!"

Wei Fuyan frowned at the strange play and was very surprised to find that the queen was only wearing a deep coat and didn't even have good shoes.

The abandoned prince suddenly looked up at the empress and said very movedly, "Mother, the aunt Mrs. Tengluo entrusted Lao Si and Lao Jiu to her mother before she went there. The mother said that she would regard Lao Si and Lao Jiu more seriously than her own son! The mother also taught her child that the four virtues are indispensable to benevolence, righteousness, courtesy and faith in order to be called a good man. Now it is not benevolent to wait for chaos in the world. It is not righteous to watch Lao Si die. It is impolite to let the court usurp the throne, and not believe it despite the instructions of her aunt. If the child is not benevolent and unjust, rude, how can it be worthy of you? The son? Not to mention the high throne--"

The queen took a breath and suddenly covered the abandoned prince's mouth, and her tears stopped in an instant.

Wei Fuyan can be seen clearly from the side. It was also at this time that Wei Fuyan understood why the emperor abolished the prince and now found the opportunity to let the prince go easily. Among several princes, King Tuo is easy to kill. Zhou Huaiyi is too capricious and lonely. Sheng Qian is young and simple-minded, and the other princes are not as good as these three. Only the abandoned prince has truly achieved benevolence and righteousness and courtesy, and truly become an upright gentleman.

However, it is true that he is not suitable to be an emperor, not at all. The emperor abolished his prince for the sake of the world, and the emperor's release of his confinement was to preserve the friendship between father and son.

Up to now, Wei Fuyan has really begun to regard the abandoned prince and the queen as relatives. The West Palace is empty, and it is obvious that the maidservant has been expelled from the land. Wei Fuyan looked around and nodded to her for a moment. She came forward and said, "Empress, the eldest prince is benevolent and righteous, and I admire her from the bottom of my heart. If I can save the Huai Palace this time, my concubine will protect the life of the eldest prince! The Empress doesn't need to worry too much. Is there anyone more trustworthy than the Huai Palace?

The queen looked amazed and looked at Wei Fuyan with a thoughtful face. Wei Fuyan naturally understood what she was thinking, so she explained half-truly and half-falsely: "There are many grudges between my concubine and Huai Wang, but if King Tuo wins the overall situation, I'm afraid that even the flesh and blood carrying resentment will be gone. Which one is more important to the concubine! Even though King Huai couldn't win in the end, I was grateful to the eldest prince for making my concubine prepare early. Thank you for your great kindness! My concubine should do her best to save the eldest prince!"

After saying that, the queen and the big waste prince both looked stagnant. The waste prince turned his head and looked at Wei Fuyan and said with a gentle smile, "Nothing, I have benevolence and righteousness, and I don't give a good name for the world."

Wei Fuyan is really convinced of this person's benevolence.

Out of Xigong Wei Fuyan actually just shook his head. Acacia looked at her several times and didn't help opening her until Wei Fuyan couldn't stand it and turned her head to say, "Acacia, you don't understand. I'm very happy."

This smile happened to see Zhou Huaiyi...