Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 28 is not forced

Do you still need to guess?

From the perspective of Emperor Changxi, the contradiction in the current problem is only Wei Fuyan alone. Xiuji's last words pointed to Wei Fuyan, and a marquis of Zhou Yuan dared to rebel against usurpated power, maybe for Wei Fuyan. Yueguo wanted Princess Jingyu to marry, and Emperor Changxi wanted Zhou Huaiyi to marry, but there was just a Wei floating smoke in the middle, which was easy to solve and solve.

Kill, or completely separate the two in order to save the child.

"I will return to my father, and my daughter-in-law is willing to share my worries for my father, and I will not hesitate."

Emperor Changxi's withered face could not see joy or anger, only nodded slightly, and then asked, "What are the conditions for such an easy answer?" Let's talk about it."

When Wei Fuyan heard this, she got up and saluted respectfully and said, "My daughter-in-law only asks for one thing: don't choose King Huai to inherit the throne."

Emperor Changxi's eyes suddenly flashed sharply, and then coughed a few times and said, "It's too arrogant."

Emperor Changxi's face was getting worse and worse, and his words became colder and colder. Wei Fuyan couldn't bear to look at it. She gritted her teeth but insisted, "Father forgive me, and my daughter-in-law knows that she is not qualified to interfere in national affairs. However, on the one handed, His Royal Highness Huaiwang has no intention to govern, and sitting in this country is defeating the country. Second, King Huai is in power, and the power of King Tuo is bound to fight back. In addition, Master Huai is a sleepless city, and his wife and wife is the princess of the Moon Kingdom of the State of Chen, which is very easy to arouse the distrust of the courtiers. At that time, it will hurt the court in the turbulence. Third, it is also some women. Think carefully, whether it's my daughter-in-law's or... Mrs. Tengluo's!"

Zhou Huaiyi's biological mother died early, and the emperor loved his biological mother the most, so Wei Fuyan did not hesitate to move out of Mrs. Tengluo to convince the emperor, but after saying that, she realized that she had never seen anyone dared to openly discuss Mrs. Tengluo...

Sure enough, Emperor Changxi's expression changed rapidly, as if all the pain was aroused by the four words "Mrs. Tengluo", and then there was a sense of killing loneliness between coughing.

"Mrs. Teng Luo... Because I love a wrong woman, I not only lost a lover, but also lost my sister Xingguo, Jinghua Shuiyue, love is empty joy. After all, you are still too young. I don't know the deep meaning here... You deserve it!"

Emperor Changxi's words were desolate, and the last sentence of "deserving" seemed to be incompatible with the previous words. Wei Fuyan guessed that Emperor Changxi had made a decision, and he continued to ask, "I will not agree to your terms now. Whoever can sit in this country can sit down. If he can't even seize the throne, how can he sit in the future? It's just that if no one is the winner in the end, I can only use it. Lao San is warlike, which is not conducive to the stability of the Republic of Lebanon. As for Lao Jiu, he is finally still a little immature. He has wisdom, but his strategy is insufficient and will not be considered.

Lao San is belligerent, Lao San is belligerent, and Wei Fuyan meditated from the bottom of his heart. This is a great news, which almost directly shows that King Tuo is impossible to sit on the throne in the future!

So who is the emperor's detention?

Between the lightning, the figure of a month's white robe hit Wei Fuyan's brain like lightning. She was so stunned that she almost couldn't help looking up and asking Emperor Changxi. However, Emperor Changxi looked down at her and said, "Fang body, it's not good for the child who hurts his son."

Wei Fuyan got up blankly and had only one idea in his mind: Does Emperor Changxi know that Zhou Yuanzhi's rebellion in Yanjing cooperated with Zhou Huaiyi?

In any case, Emperor Changxi's deadline is approaching, and it is indeed necessary to select an heir to the throne. No matter what method is carried out, Zhou Yuanzhi is the most suitable candidate seen. Compared with Tuo Wang Renshan, more than Zhou Huaiyi's love for power, more mature and sophisticated than Sheng Qian, and more than King Ping The master's ambition is high, and even if Emperor Changxi knows everything, he may not stop him - he needs Zhou Yuanzhi to seize the throne.

"Then let's talk about your business!"

Emperor Changxi always had a plain tone, as if he was gossiping instead of discussing national affairs. However, after saying this, Emperor Changxi suddenly locked his eyes on her and leaned slightly forward. Wei Fuyan thought that Emperor Changxi was going to get a memorial or imperial edict on the table, but Emperor Changxi glanced at it. The messy on the table said indifferently, "If you leave Li Guo for a while, you will leave or Yi'er. You can choose."

Wei Fuyan was so surprised that he forgot to react and only looked at Emperor Changxi in astonishment. Before long, Emperor Changxi seemed to nod to himself and said, "Well, you don't need to travel a long distance in this situation, so let Yi'er go!" Wang Fushou, come in!"

Mr. Wang opened the door with his back and walked to Emperor Changxi respectfully waiting for the order. After Wei Fuyan could react, he listened to Emperor Changxi's instructions and said, "Make a decree, King Huai will go on an expedition!"

Wei Fuyan was shocked and sweated coldly. He knelt down and prayed, "Father! My daughter-in-law took the liberty of asking for her father's kindness! My daughter-in-law is willing to leave and begs my father to take back my life!"

Emperor Changxi seemed to have made a clue in a mess, and his eyes looking at Wei Fuyan seemed to be a little relieved. At this moment, he was not the person who was dying. He was an emperor, but anyone who was still sitting on the throne in a dragon robe could control the world.

"Father, daughter-in-law--"

"Wang Fushou!" Emperor Changxi interrupted her and said, "send Princess Huai to Lanyuan."

It's Lanyuan again! Lanyuan, Zhou Huaiyi's biological mother and the favorite woman of Emperor Changxi's life! Is this the first step to separate them?

Wei Fuyan was almost forced to help up by Grandpa Wang. When the two went out, they heard Grandpa Wang say, "The old slave dared to persuade the princess that the current situation in Luodu is not clear. How to make a decision may not be able to win the last game, but if you can't save the child, there will be nothing!"

Wei Fuyan's numb mind suddenly woke up. She glanced at Grandpa Wang, nodded and obediently followed Grandpa Wang to Lanyuan. Just now, that was not what Mr. Wang said. What's more, Wei Fuyan and Mr. Wang have never had a personal relationship, and he will not be selfish to himself. That's only possible - this is what Emperor Changxi meant.

It's useless to say more. This is the imperial edict. Wei Fuyan stared at his lower abdomen, which had not yet been raised at all, before moving away. At the beginning of September, the sky became cold, and the Wei Fuyan was blue.

The next day, Emperor Changxi issued an order that Zhou Huai, the king of Huai, was the general of Pingnan and went to guard the border between Li and Chen; Princess Jingyu was the princess of Huai, and the current princess of Huai, Duanyang, to get married after the return of the expedition.

Everything happened too suddenly.

Except for Zhou Huaiyi being sent to fight by Emperor Changxi, everything else was expected by Wei Fuyan and Zhou Huaiyi early in the morning, so they thought they would be crushed to death by the news of marriage, but in the end they just nodded very calmly. When they returned to the room, they began to be a little worried, and they only considered the safety of Zhou Huaiyi.

Wei Fuyan, who received the news, immediately went to the imperial study to see Emperor Changxi, but for a long time, only Grandpa Wang came out. That day, there was a light rain. Wang looked at Wei Fuyan's belly and was afraid for a while, and he could hear fear in his voice: "Princesss, why do this? What? If the child is hurt, the king of Huai will not even have the mind to fight. If he is distracted by the consequences... Princess Huai, go back, the emperor will not treat the prince wrongly!"

Of course, Wei Fuyan knew Emperor Changxi's favor for Zhou Huaiyi, but it was difficult to return. Wei Fuyan went down for a week and said, "Thank you, Grandpa Wang! When the emperor came down with the imperial edict, how dare my concubine not to obey? Now I'm begging like this, but I'm just begging my father to say goodbye to my concubine and Huai Wang!"

Grandpa Wang's face was in a dilemma, and Wei Fuyan's heart was cold. Can't he say anything?

As soon as he gritted his teeth, Wei Fuyan pleaded again: "Pray, Grandpa Wang! Even if you can't say goodbye, it's okay for me to meet you from afar! The fetus in my womb may not have seen the king of Huai when it was born, but now it's just to let the child say goodbye to his father! I beg Duke Wang to complete it and ask the emperor to be considerate!"

Grandpa Wang was motionless, and finally said very apologetically, "Princess Huai, go back first!" The old slave will report it on his behalf!"

At this point, Wei Fuyan knew that there was no hope. Zhou Huaiyi was going to the battlefield by mistake, but Wei Fuyan was locked in the deep palace and it was difficult to see each other. This...

Wait... Wei Fuyan's brain flashed and turned to look at the imperial study. Grandpa Wang has gone in, and the two guards at the door do not squint to guard the terminally ill king of the country.

It's not for the sake of separation, but Emperor Changxi who is afraid of their conversation?

What on earth is Wei Fuyan knows but Zhou Huaiyi does not know, or the opposite?

In mid-September, Zhou Huaiyi is going on an expedition.

Emperor Changxi seemed to have taken some magic medicine today, and he didn't seem to be seriously ill at all. When he stepped into Lanyuan, he even had some young people's brilliance. Wei Fuyan has been very careful since he was pregnant, and he will never forget to put on a soft cloth cushion on the stone bench. Emperor Changxi saw that she wanted to get up and laughed unfathomably, as if Wei Fuyan was the key issue of the whole situation.

"My daughter-in-law, long live my father!"

Emperor Changxi suddenly smiled, and stared at the large area of flowerless Tengluo in Lanyuan. It was the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. This bleak green was not good, but the smile of Emperor Changxi seemed to return to his youth. Wei Fuyan could almost imagine how much Emperor Changxi loved Mrs. Tengluo.

It's a pity... It's a pity!

"It's good to see you from afar. I don't want to be involved with you again. Let Wang Fushou take you there. I want to sit here. Kneel down!"

Wei Fuyan was stunned. He only felt something was wrong, but he couldn't remember it, so he knelt down and left with Grandpa Wang.

Zhou Huaiyi just came out after saying goodbye to the queen. She was dressed in a uniform and without a smile on her face. She strode like a cold god. Wei Fuyan stood upstairs and watched Zhou Huaiyi and two generals walk farther and farther on the white square stone brick floor, and finally almost melt into the golden morning sun of the east.

He seemed to look back at her, but he didn't seem to see it at all.
