Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 33 General Yelang

Wei Fuyan was surprised that the last time she saw here was Jinnian - the imprisoned Jinnian. Who will it be this time?

"Go and have a look." Wei Fuyan said.

Lu Zhong was waiting for her words, and then the two entered the underground palace together. A lamp at the entrance seemed to have just been oiled, reflecting the tragic gray of the stone wall. Wei Fuyan and Lu Zhong looked at each other and nodded tacitly and followed each other.

Wei Fuyan felt that the road was very familiar, with seven turns and eight turns, and the last place he stood was like the one where Jinnian had lived in. Lu Zhong listened to the small sound inside, asked Wei Fuyan to retreat behind him, and then began to look around for the mechanism to open the stone door.

After all, he is a Jianghu person, and it doesn't take much effort to do this kind of thing.

"Are you here?" The roar of the opening of the stone door was mixed with a low and soft man's voice, with the wind sweeping by, with a strong sense of familiarity.

Wei Fuyan stopped and looked at the man in white sitting on the edge of the stone bed and slowly put down a book.

"It's really you," the man didn't look at him, but just sighed faintly, "Long time no see, floating smoke."

Lu Zhong looked at Wei Fuyan in shock, but saw Wei Fuyan suddenly jump forward and twist the man's shoulder, without hiding his surprise and impulse.


The man in white nodded and stroked her cheek and said, "Well, it's me."

"Liancheng?" Wei Fuyan suddenly cried, "Liancheng, you are Liancheng!"

Lu Zhong can't hide his shock. Wei Fuyan has never been a crybaby. He and Zhou Yuanzhi can even imagine that Zhou Huaiyi may not have seen her cry several times, but Wei Fuyan does not hide his vulnerability in front of this person. Lu Zhong is almost looking at the other side of Wei Fuyan, weak, indulgent, coquettish... He has never really seen it.

"Well, why do you still cry so much!" Lian Cheng pushed away Wei Fuyan and reached out to help her wipe her tears. Her movements were gentle and careful. Her smile was too sweet, but she did not look greasy.

Wei Fuyan cried enough before he choked and asked, "Liancheng, why are you here?"

Lian Cheng looked at it and said gently, "I have an appointment with King Huai."

"Do you want to?" Wei Fuyan was surprised, "How can you know him?"

He looked gloomy and asked carefully, "How can you be in Luodu, Li? Is it because of this intention that he..."

Liancheng only smiled and waited for her to follow, but Wei Fuyan thought that Zhou Huaiyi had caught Liancheng for a moment and was extremely embarrassed. He quickly turned around and explained to Lu Zhong, "This is Liancheng, my lifesaver. When I was a child, I fell into the lotus pond and no one dared to save it. Fortunately, Liancheng went to our Chen Palace as a guest and strayed into the imperial garden to help me save my life.

Lu Zhong was surprised that there was a second half of the story about the old story of the lotus pond, that is, the people in the palace of Chen and her younger brothers and mothers could not save her. On the contrary, an outsider helped her get out of the disaster. It is no wonder that Wei Fuyan is a little dependent on him.

Go to the Chen Palace as a guest?

So the person in front of you is not from Chen, but he is qualified to enter the palace?

Liancheng seemed to know his guess, but nodded at Wei Fuyan and said, "Fuyan, you asked me about my identity when I was a child. What did I say?"

Wei Fuyan smiled and smelled coquettishly: "Don't you remember this? The adopted son of King Zhu Yong of the Yue Kingdom.

Lian Cheng shook his head and smiled brightly: "I don't remember. How can I remember all the lies?"

Lu Zhong frowned, but saw that Wei Fuyan punched Liancheng very affectionately and said, "I know that King Zhu Yong of the Yueguo has only one daughter, the title of Princess Lingfei, who is the side concubine of King Tuo."

"What about me? Don't you check it?"

Wei Fuyan replied without thinking, "That doesn't matter."

Lu Zhong increasingly felt that this person's status was extraordinary in Wei Fuyan's heart. Perhaps Wei Fuyan's favorite was Zhou Huaiyi, but the one who could make her the most carefree was the lifesaver in front of her. You can imagine the despair of Wei Fuyan when he was whipped down the lotus pond by his relatives at a young age and there was no one to help him. That kind of despair even spread to Wei Fuyan and dared not approach the lotus pond.

However, how desperate she was at that time, how tall and desperate the person who saved her from the situation seemed to be, and this kind of height became increasingly obvious. Even today, Wei Fuyan knew that she had been cheated and insisted on cherishing this gentleness, but she was afraid that she had never mentioned Zhou Huaiyi.

Lu Zhong had to re-examine the man named Lian Cheng, but saw that he raised one hand and stroked the eyebrows of the guard, and the strong doting between his looks was clear: "Fortunately, I have a good character, otherwise you will be worried for the rest of your life."

Wei Fuyan's eyes were bright and his smile was bright.

"My name is Liancheng, my surname is Dan."

"Is it a single city? If your name is Liancheng, you didn't lie to me, Liancheng, Shan--" Wei Fuyan stopped, Shan Liancheng, Shan Liancheng, she finally remembered the name.

Zhou Huaiyi mentioned that the sister of Princess Yueguo Jingyu, General Yelang Shan Liancheng.

Sand Liancheng's expression has not changed at all. He just patted Wei Fuyan on the shoulder like coaxing a child and said, "Is it true that King Huai said that he had mentioned me to you? Yes, I'm General Yelang of Yueguo, the brother of Princess Jingyu, the elder brother of Princess Jingyu, who has not passed the door of King Huai. I'm Shan Liancheng.

He deliberately gave Wei Fuyan a time to think, and Wei Fuyan did begin to calm down.

The hero is still the hero of the day, and the god is still the god of the day, but Wei Fuyan is no longer the little girl who was full of fear in the lotus pond with whips and blood marks. She will think and plan, prioritate, and want to support this difficult Huaiwang Mansion.

Lu Zhong still leaned against the stone gate with an unpredictable face, calmly looking at the elegant posture of Shan Liancheng and Wei Fuyan, who seemed to be confused and thinking deeply.

For a long time, when the two men were about to wait, Wei Fuyan finally regained his previous calm and asked, "What does he want to do with you?"

Lu Zhong smiled and nodded slightly, but was caught by Shan Liancheng, who was smiling beside him. The two eyes met, each of which was narrow, but Shanliancheng's eyes were always a little more ethereal and elegant.

"It's good that you can figure it out. When King Huai entrusted you to me, he said a big plan. I don't think it's work, but he said that everything to overcome difficulties may be based on the foundation that you are smart enough, calm enough and strong enough. I finally understand that if even I can't confuse you, I'm sure only Huai Wang can do it. I'm very gratified.

Without waiting for Wei Fuyan to say anything else, Shan Liancheng came slowly, as if he had lived in the underground palace where the sun was not seen for so long, just to tell this story for Wei Fuyan one day.

"Huai Wang loves you very much, knows you, and can't worry about you. All the next stories are based on these three points, and I'm just entrusted with the storyteller.

"About four months ago, I received a secret gift in Yelang, saying that the secret was because the painting was sent by one of the famous four eagles in the city that sneaked into my mansion, saying that the gift was just because I had been treasured. That's a portrait. It depicts you, and there are bright lotus flowers around it. The lotus pond is almost the same as the one you fell into when you were a child.

"I know that I saved you when I was a child. Chenguo Palace prohibits private discussion on this matter. I should have regarded it as nothing that has happened in my life, but unfortunately some people also know that he even painted what you looked like when you were 20 years old, and if you are unhappy, you can know that you are unhappy from the painting.

I think I need to come to Luodu anyway. In order to see how you are doing, or to see the person who actually found this matter at first sight and did not delve into me, but insisted on continuing to investigate.

Wei Fuyan lowered his head and said for a long time, "He's checking me. I know, but I didn't expect to involve you."

"Reletion?" Shan Liancheng was surprised and immediately smiled deeply. The elegant posture became a scene of its own.

"There is no so-called involvement. Huai Wang and I have a real cooperation. The trust and righteousness exchanged between men," Shan Liancheng's smile was even more ethereal. "It's just taking advantage of each other. It has nothing to do with you. Don't stop. After all, it's also one of the important things entrusted to you and him.