Floating Life Stealing Love

Chapter 52 Life and Death

"Have you two reconciled?" Wei Mingchen looks like a dream.

Wei Fuyan squeezed his lips and smiled and said, "No, but the couple's account can be closed slowly when they go home. What's there to worry about?"

Wei Mingchen nodded in a trance, but seemed to be suddenly awake. After looking at Wei Fuyan for a long time, he also smiled, then nodded heavily to hear it, and then said in a low voice:

"Recently, my health is getting worse, and sometimes I can't distinguish between dreams and reality. In the dream, you are still in the imperial study. You lie on my knees and fall asleep. The lights shake out shadows on the wall. I hold you and look at the memorial. I can't tell whether you are my sister or my wife.

Wei Fuyan's hand suddenly moved, smiled, took over the cold tea in his hand, and changed a cup of hot tea for him. This behavior was repeated in the past he mentioned, but this moment seemed so strange.

"I often think that if I have a wife, what should she look like? After thinking about it, she looks like you. As you occasionally accompany me when I watch the memorials, as you occasionally send me a cup of hot soup in cold days, as you occasionally come to add a dress for me in the middle of the night, and occasionally make me lose your temper like you, which makes me feel that the palace is not so depressed and less boring, and you often laugh, although I like to follow your other brothers. I ran outside the palace, but when I was tired, I always thought of going back to my side.

After saying these words, there was a strong tiredness in Wei Mingchen's voice, but he still insisted on adding: "It's good to be like you."

Wei Fuyan opened his eyes. The sky outside seemed to be clear. Although the sun could not be seen here, the snow was crystal clear, like a dreamland.

Finally, I couldn't help saying, "Isn't there still two hours left? What are you sleeping now?"

Wei Mingchen looked up and smiled with great difficulty when he heard the words and said, "How about going out for a walk? It hasn't snowed in Hangzhou for a long time. I can't remember how many years I haven't seen the snow and red plum blossoms with you. Now that I don't move much, can you give me a hand?"

Wei Fuyan can't refuse.

She came forward to help him up and inadvertently found that after only four years, he looked much older than when she got married. At this moment when he got up stiffly, his eyes were no longer deep and impenetrable, but soft and peaceful; the curvature of the corners of his lips was no longer so funny that people couldn't help but think more, but calm and meaningful, like a flower hanging on the branch that never withered. Wei Fuyan suddenly felt scared at the corners of his mouth** twice.

In the final analysis, she grew up under his protection.

This is the first time that Wei Fuyan has slowed down to look at the city that doesn't sleep, but it is difficult to take it seriously. Wei Mingchen couldn't walk and staggered. The blue and black color in the hall became more and more depressed. The smile at the corners of his lips was soft and stable, but his eyes were fragmented, often showing a trance. He needed Wei Fuyan to gently call him to react.

At first, she didn't know what to call him, brother, brother, emperor, or Mr. Wei. He saw through her hesitation and said first, "I have a name." He seemed to smile when he spoke.

He did have a name, so every time he looked sleepy and in a trance, she called Wei Mingchen and Wei Mingchen, and then he would look at her face and try his best to make a sober posture. She had a big belly. Although the road was carefully cleaned, it was inevitable that it was slippery occasionally. Wei Mingchen was poisoned and became more and less powerful, so the two walked quite slowly. At a corner, Wei Fuyan faintly saw the brocade robe behind her flashing and felt very familiar. After looking carefully, it was indeed Zhou Huaiyi.

Zhou Huaiyi has been following them. Wei Fuyan noticed that it was late, but Wei Mingchen knew it for a long time. After walking around the corner, the widest road in the city of the night suddenly became more and rapid. Even if it is a sleepless city with many people, it is difficult to show the frost and cruelty of Jianghu as the New Year approaches. Many people's faces are filled with the simplest smiles, ordinary people who never know the kindness and resentment of the world.

Standing in the middle of the street, the flow of people shuttled, but time seemed to be still at this moment. Wei Mingchen suddenly reached out and covered the back of her hand. When he opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse: "When you were a child, you fell into the lotus pond. I could save you, but I didn't save you. I'm sorry."

He said, I.

Wei Fuyan tried his best to support him. Although he still stood straight, Wei Fuyan always felt that he would fall down the next moment.

"I'm sorry that I didn't accompany you well and treat you well in the past and make you feel wronged."

Wei Mingchen suddenly coughed heavily. He covered his mouth with his hand, and the white wide sleeves were blowing a strong wind, like a white flag, which became clearer and colder in the shuttled crowd.

"I'm sorry to use you, betray you, abandon you, and hurt you."

His voice is calm and his smile is sad.

"I love you, but I hurt you... I'm sorry."

Wei Fuyan could almost see him staggering towards the end of his life. She sighed in a low voice: "Go back, Wei Mingchen..."

"Go back?" Wei Mingchen smiled lightly and his eyes were hazy, "I can't go back, I can't go back... Is my game relieved or trapped..."

Wei Fuyan didn't know how to speak, but only heard Wei Mingchen continue to say slowly, "I found your mother's remains and moved to the Peach Blossom Pass, your former residence in Suzhou. It is well protected, but no monument has been erected..."

"Suzhou?" Wei Fuyan was surprised, and his feelings for Wei Mingchen became more and more complicated.

"As for Qinghe's parents..." Wei Mingchen smiled, "At the beginning, Sanhuatang's behavior was so strange in Yanjing, but in fact, he was just doing his best to protect Qinghe. At that time, Sanhuatang was under the full control of his uncle. Can't you guess the identity of Qinghe? The uncle put Qinghe beside you to deceive her mother, so that she will not be too indifferent to you and make others suspect. Later, Qinghe insisted on dowry. I was especially allowed to contain my uncle. Unexpectedly, he sent Sanhuatang to do it privately. Fortunately, he did not have the ability to bad my big plan. As for Qinghe's death, there are some misunderstandings. I have no reason why she must die.

The cold wind roared, and those supposedly important explanations suddenly became meaningless. Qinghe died and died suddenly and worthless. At present, this person who had completely subverted her life even vomited blood, looking weak and pathetic in the crowd.

That was a panic that even if she knew that Zhou Huaiyi was behind her, there was no way to compete with it. Wei Fuyan was afraid that the people in front of her were so weak and relieved that she would walk to the end of her life step by step.

"As for the last question..." After continuous hemoptysis, Wei Mingchen suddenly whispered, "How can I alienate... You and Jinnian? Well, good question. For Jinnian, you are a sister, more like a mother. He relies on you too much. As long as you open your mouth, he is willing to give up half of the country. This is really terrible. I give up my freedom and happiness, hard work and life to save the country of Chen, and will never allow a little mistake! Absolutely not!"

Speaking of the last sentence, Wei Mingchen's expression suddenly changed, and a sad smile appeared on his pale face. Wei Fuyan only heard the sound of a long sword breaking the wind from behind. As soon as he lowered his neck, he saw a white blade. Wei Fuyan suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and the surrounding crowd suddenly dispersed. A panic scream sounded: "Afu!"

How could it be, it could be...

The white blade did not move, and it did not hurt her on her neck for a long time. Wei Fuyan forcibly calmed down. He looked up and saw that Wei Mingchen could no longer stand kneeling on one knee. At this moment, he was spitting blood, but looking up at her face clearly smiled brightly.

"I, I said... I cultivated three or three of the most proud... tools, but you forgot to ask me who the third person is..."

Wei Fuyan's heart was dull for a moment, and someone behind him couldn't help shouting "Afu, Afu". His voice was sad and slightly crying. The sound was too familiar, and Wei Fuyan turned back stiffly.

A girl in white stood stiffly behind her. Her face was beautiful and her figure was exquisite. Her dark hair was stacked into a high cloud bun. From her face to dressing, she was six or seven points similar to herself. Only by carefully distinguishing could she feel that the girl in front of her looked cold, and her eyes were like a thousand-year-old pool. I can't see any emotion.

Jinnian, her former younger brother, the current emperor of the Chen Kingdom, and Jinnian, who has been arrogant and arrogant since childhood, is holding the girl in white with trembling hands, as if his whole world is about to collapse.

After the girl in white and Jinnian, Wei Fuyan saw Zhou Huaiyi not far behind him. He squeezed his lips tightly, and his face was all impenetrable. Seeing her looking at him, she just gently tapped her head.

So Wei Fuyan finally understood the whole thing. The long sword in the hand of the girl in white was now on her neck, and Zhou Huaiyi's long sword stabbed her chest, leaving a large bright and dazzling blood-red flower on the girl's white clothes.

Wei Fuyan slightly avoided, and the long sword in the white girl's hand fell to the ground with a bang. Her whole body fell to the ground like a piece of dead wood. Jinnian hugged her in a panic and called her name while taking her sleeve and wiping away the blood she spit out.

Wei Mingchen knew that Zhou Huaiyi was following him. He wanted Zhou Huaiyi to kill Jinnian's beloved woman in front of Jinnian. He wanted to see that she and Jinnian had a grudge and there was no possibility of intimacy.

Before he dies, he will block the possibility of her interference in the country.

Wei Fuyan looked at him blankly and whispered for a long time, "I didn't expect that you would plot to plot on me again."

Wei Mingchen's smile is more enchanting, his face is bright and shining, and his smile is simple and crazy.

"I said... I hope you hate me, hate me, for the rest of your life..."

When did it start, the sky pulled up a large piece of flying catkins again. Wei Mingchen's words also became fragmented in the wind and snow. The intermittent words hit the bottom of Wei Fuyan's heart bluntly through the cold wind, like hitting a distant bell in the depths of his heart. She looked at him, so familiar and strange.

"As for the last gift..." Before he finished speaking, Wei Mingchen suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood. His white robe wide sleeves picked up to hunt the cold wind, and fell backwards, just like a bird shot from a high altitude. Its wings turned into shackles, his body turned into cages, and his blood turned into the last visible flower, in the long wind. It collapsed in the snow.

This person who has been thinking about her for a long time, likes her for a long time, has been calculating her for a long time, and has controlled her life for a long time. After such a company, he finally left her forever.

Wei Fuyan's mind was blank. What scene and sound completely disappeared after the sentence "he died" occupied the senses. It was not until a long time later that the sound of knives and soldiers attacking each other sounded behind her, and the crowd became more and more crowded. The handsome white-haired man did not dare to come forward in front of her, and she seemed to fully understand what had happened.

Wei Fuyan stumbled forward, knelt down beside him with soft knees, and spoke several times before making a sound: "I hate you, hate you treat me like that. I just want you to treat me better, just like when we were children... Brother, brother..."

In the 17 years before marriage, he was the best and incomparably good to her. At that time, he was her real god. All the hardship, loneliness, depression and resentment could disappear after talking to him. He blessed her, protected her, comforted her, and accompanied her. He was a brother and a god.

Maybe it's not wrong that Wei Mingchen is a god. He chose the king of the Three Kingdoms, balanced the power of the Three Kingdoms, set the pattern of the Three Kingdoms, and set such a grand chess game with his short life. After such a huge turmoil, he left gracefully. Even the moment before he left, this defeated body also dispelled the last haze of power for the State of Chen.

How can he turn the world around, mess up her life, and dye his own white robe with blood, but the last smile fixed on his face can still be free and easy.

How could he almost control her life, but let go in front of her.

How can he care so much and not care so much?

How can he do it, how can he...