The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 19 The delicate bride, feelings come true

After experiencing this strange experience in Yainshan, Xue Qianwu did not retreat. She still has delusions about this mysterious place that goes deep into the bone marrow.

It is said that the cemetery where General Xue was buried was chosen by a hermit master. There are few people in the world who know the specific location and don't want to be in Yanshan. Is it possible to build a village here? Is it predestined to make her nominal "daughter" and actually her "granddaughter" do filial piety for him?

There is God's will. But everything is still early. Let's finish the affairs of Xianzhai first.

Nangong Zhili seems to be very busy. Since he brought Xue Qianwu out of the ice pool, he has disappeared again. His ghosts gradually made Xue Qianwu accustomed to it.

A few days later, something strange happened in Yanlan City. The gossip was full of diamonds, and it was said that the Gaofu government did not enjoy the blessing of his adopted son and died in less than three days.

Xue Qianwu thought it was normal, but it was vaguely strange. Gaofu's wife lost her beloved daughter. It is true that she is devastated, but she will not go with her.

Yanlan City has no official head, and people are panicked. Xue Qianwu always wanted to send the trip to the Gaofu government office and find out the reason for the matter by the way.

When I came to Gaofu, I was depressed. The maids were all young faces, as if they were all newcomers. The huge ancestral property of the Gao family is also a luxury that is used to squandering. Presumably, there must be a group of slaves. How can they not even find an old face?

Looking around, Su Xier heard the news and came out to greet him with a smile.

How long has it been? Su Xier's change made Xue Qianwu greedy. She combed a towering woman's bun, her face was much red and rich, and she was wrapped in a silky figure, showing the style of a housewife between the styles.

It seems that after a woman becomes a woman under the moisture of love, she will really change her bones. The skin seems to be able to gush out water with a needle.

Xue Qianwu joked, "The woman who has changed and fulfilled her long-cherished feelings is like a blooming flower, but she is extraordinaryly beautiful! That's as delicate as any grease and powder!"

Su Xier said shyly, "If you talk nonsense again, look at me if I don't twist your mouth!" There are ears in the wall, which are carefully listened to by the maids, and it's time to chew your tongue behind your back!"

"Who dares to chew your tongue?" Xue Qianwu said, "If my brother-in-law dares to forgive her, I won't forgive her!"

The two laughed and were bumping into Jia Yubo.

Xue Qianwu is embarrassed and a little embarrassed. Jia Yubo was a little embarrassed, but also said, "I'm going to send someone to pick you up, which saves me!"

Xue Qianwu smiled and said, "Yes, yes, I'll come and see Xi'er! By the way, is the spirit of Gaofu... better?"

Jia Yubo didn't say anything, just looked at Su Xier. Su Xier's face was gloomy and said in a low voice: "After he came back, he was extremely uncooperative with the doctor's treatment and kept shouting that he wanted to kill me. He was crazy. No one persuaded him. Finally, he was exhausted and shouted that his throat was bleeding and died..."

Xue Qianwu said for a long time, "Have you been buried? Can I see his body?"

Su Xier's tears dripped down and wiped it with a silk handkerchief and said, "I don't know which slave may be dissatisfied with Gao Yifu at ordinary times. He didn't even let go of his death and burned his house with fire! I couldn't get the result. In a hurry, I drove all the servants away! Now I feel very guilty. Not to mention killing his beloved daughter, I haven't even left the whole body of my godfather. How can I tell the Lord of the East?"

Xue Qianwu was silent for a long time and comforted her: "I can't blame you for this, and you didn't mean to do it. When Mr. Dongfang comes back, everything will come to fruition.

Su Xier said "um" and Qiqi stopped talking. Jia Yubo saw them talking and had nothing to interrupt. He found an excuse and left.

Xue Qianwu sat idle for a long time and was about to leave. Su Xier took her hand and knelt down: "I have regarded you as my sister. You have to help me... I have never encountered so many things. I'm really at a loss! My sister wants to say something good for me in front of Lord Dongfang!"

"Get up!" Xue Qianwu picked her up and smiled, "I said it's not your fault. What are you afraid of?"


The night was as silent as water. Xue Qianwu pulled his finger and calculated when Dongfang Biren would return according to the time it took for Prince Zhao to come to the capital. If her math doesn't go backwards, it should be tomorrow.

Once you look forward to thinking of someone, long nights, minutes and seconds, it will be particularly difficult. Xue Qianwu took off his shoes, then quickly put them on, walked a few laps, then took them off, and put them on again. After tossing around until midnight, I suddenly saw a shadow outside the window.

"Nanggong Zhili!" Xue Qianwu shouted softly based on his past experience.

The person outside the window seemed to tremble and did not reply. Xue Qianwu opened the door and ran out to have a look.

It is mixed with the moonlight, not Dongfang Biren! Xue Qianwu was stunned on the spot, and the immortal brother would also walk in the middle of the night?

After looking at each other for a long time, Xue Qianwu found his breath and asked happily, "Why did you rush back overnight?"

Dongfang Biren's voice was a little lost: "Have you dated someone else?"

Xue Qianwu was stunned for a moment, realized the meaning of his words, and panicked and swore to heaven: "Absolutely not! You seem to be the Monkey King. You have created a lot of yourself with a monkey hair, all of which are put into my heart. You keep shaking and shaking, and your heart is full of your shadow! How can there be a gap for others?"

Dongfang Biren's smile opened gently and walked into the room and said, "Who was the person you called just now?"

"Oh, that man..." Xue Qianwu suddenly said, "He is a thief. He always calls himself a paper gift, and he likes to climb the wall to scare me. I think he's here again!"

Dongfang Biren relaxed and smiled gently, "I thought it was a thief!"

Xue Qianwu looked at him and didn't speak foolishly. Dongfang Biren held her hand and frowned: "Why is it so cold? You need to wear more clothes, remember?"

Xue Qianwu nodded fiercely: "I will do everything that the immortal brother said."

Dongfang Biren scraped her nose and smiled and annoated her: "You will only be sweet to me, which makes my heart full of pity!"

Xue Qianwu still looked at him and smiled. Dongfang Biren was puzzled and touched his nose: "What are you looking at? I came in a hurry. Is my face stained with dust?"

Xue Qianwu laughed and was extremely happy: "It's really a disaster for your face. Even if your face is stained with dust, you still won't change your beautiful nature! As soon as I saw you, I forgot the hunger and cold. Anyway, everything related to suffering has been forgotten by me!"

Dongfang Biren smiled warmly and didn't know when he fell in love with her nonsense. It is a happy thing to see her nymphomaniac and listen to her undisguised praise, and he is endlessly relaxed and comfortable around her.

"Have you sent the prince to the capital?" Xue Qianwu has no way.

Dongfang Biren seemed to be exhausted. She lay on her little** and responded in a daze: "That's it. When it approached the gate, it folded back; otherwise, if it was known by the mother, it would have been delayed.

"Your mother is very strict with you? Looking at you, you are a loyal minister and filial son..." Xue Qianwu said sincerely.

"Isn't that what you want to live in life and be a minister and a son of man? I have never lived for myself. Dongfang Biren said softly, as if it were a dream.

Xue Qianwu looked down at him and stretched out his fingers to try to smooth his eyebrows.

He grabbed her hand and put it on his chest. His eyebrows gradually unfolded and he slept soundly and calmly. Xue Qianwu didn't dare to move for fear of waking him up. The real troubles came to him one by one. She worked hard during the day and couldn't sleep well at night. How distressed she should be.

Sitting and sleeping, the sky became bright unconsciously. Dongfang Biren woke up when he smelled the chicken and saw Xue Qianwu pulling his head and nodded. The chicken was like pecking rice, and he couldn't help sighing.

quietly came down, held her whole in **, tightened the bedding tightly, and went.

Xue Qianwu slept until the sun, touched his side, felt that something important was missing, and suddenly remembered that Dongfang Biren had come last night! Is that a dream? Why are you sad when you wake up?

It turned out that she didn't know that it would be very happy to love someone, but when he left, even if it was just a short farewell, she would be very bitter and frustrated. No wonder the couple are always in pairs. One is dead and the other can't live long. All kinds of incredible things have been confirmed today.

The brothers and sisters of the Beggar Gang dared not call her when they saw her sleeping soundly. They have a mysterious awe of the village owner. They never dared to ask her whereabouts. Maybe last night, she went to the room and swam at night for the development of the Water Margin Xianzhai.

They first put on her food, put hot rice, and then put it in the pot to warm it up to prevent the village owner from getting hungry.

With too much lovesickness, Xue Qianwu hurriedly took a few bites, put down his chopsticks, and went straight to the post hall of Dongfang Biren.

When I came to the post hall, there were voices of men and women talking. Xue Qianwu stopped and listened. It was Su Xier and Jia Yubo! The young couple was well informed. As soon as Dongfang's buttocks were next to the chair in the post hall, you came.

Xue Qianwu didn't want to disturb them in reporting the funeral and was ready to withdraw quietly, but he heard Dongfang Biren ask, "Miss Xi'er, you drove away hundreds of servants in Gaofu because you couldn't find the person who set the fire?" They can't make a living. How can they make a living?

Su Xier said in a trembling voice, "Lord Dongfang, the people and women really have difficulties! Gaofu government office is the parent official of Yanlan City. No matter what his political achievements are, he finally has a salary! He raised so many slaves, of course! But Yubo and I live in the high house relying on the identity of our adopted son and daughter-in-law, for fear that they will not accept it. In addition, Yubo still has no official title. The whole family can only go in and out, and we can't afford to raise these people!"

Dongfang Biren pondered for a while and said lightly, "Get up first. Let's talk about this matter."

Su Xier thanked him and came out with Jia Yubo. Seeing Xue Qianwu, he shouted affectionately, "Sister, you are here too..."

Xue Qianwu saw that she was so enthusiastic, which was completely different from the previous sick son in Yiyuan, and also said happily for her: "Sister Xi'er, good morning!"

Su Xier took her hand and said, "It's hard to see her in a few days. I really want to panic! Why don't you go to Gaofu and live with me? My godfather has just gone, and the family is always shrouded in sadness and has no vitality. I'm a timid person again. My sister went to strengthen my courage!"

Xue Qianwu was reasonable when he heard what she said, but he couldn't let go of Xianzhai. He looked at Dongfang Biren in embarrassment and said to Su Xier, "There is a husband who can love people. What do I have to be brave? Don't worry, people die like lights out, extinguished and exhausted. As long as Sister Xi'er takes good care of her body, she won't think about these chaos!"

Dongfang Biren stepped out and stood beside Xue Qianwu, saying calmly, "Yes, Miss Xi'er is so thoughtful!"

After that change, Jia Yubo's words were much less. Everything was supported by Su Xier. She forced a smile and said, "I watched my sister suffer in the beggar's nest and thought that I had been saved by my sister many times. My sister was as affectionate as a family, and I didn't want to bear my sister's suffering... Maybe she was suddenly invited for a moment, and it was difficult for my sister to accept it for the time being. That's the time being, Yubo and I went back first."

After the talented woman went far away, Dongfang Biren sighed, "You are too kind sometimes. It's good to have a naked heart, but many times it's easy to be deceived.

"Why do you say that?" Xue Qianwu raised his face and said puzzledly, "Just tell me thoroughly!"

Dongfang Biren paced a few steps and touched her head and said, "You don't need to understand the knowledge of the secular world. I want to keep you away from these people's turbidity."

When Xue Qianwu heard this, he pouted his little mouth and couldn't help. She held Dongfang Biren's arm tightly for fear that he would run away, but she turned her back to him and pretended to be angry and silent.

Dongfang Biren had no way. She nodded her forehead with a smile and sighed, "You didn't hear that Miss Xi'er was begging for Jia Yubo."