The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 38 Huaguan Festival is involved in danger, Guan Guan's life

Fortunately, the place where Jia Yubo and Su Xier fell was not a hard stone, but a pit of soft sand.

The wonderfulness is on this sand, which does not break people's limbs, but exercises people's courage. The moment Jia Jianniang, who was accustomed to being taken off the horse, suddenly turned her face purple with shudden.

When he and Su Xier got up, they were very embarrassed, and their brand-new big red wedding clothes were also depreciated. Jia Yubo was a little afraid and confused. He looked around. He didn't know what kind of danger there was in front of him, and he didn't dare to walk for a long time.

Su Xier pulled him: "Come on! This is not a formal end yet! They dare not put our lives in!"

Jia Yubo said in a vibrato, "Then you have to play half your life!"

"In order to gain a solid foundation in Yanlan City and return home one day, even if we lose half of our lives, we will accompany to the end!" Su Xi'er is firm.

Then he stood up with a smile and bowed to everyone: "It's rare for you to be so warm and kind. Please be saluted by the little woman! I don't know the connection just now, but it's called 'Quick Horse Whip' and 'Return of Dust'?

"Madam is smart and virtuous!" The people were talking and praising one after another. In fact, their impression of Su Xier is not bad. It can be said that it is a series of changes from sympathy to blessing to admiration.

It's just that Jia Yubo is really sorry for the strong call in my heart.

Not only those unruly people who despise him and want to make a fool of themselves, but also some fierce and hateful daughters-in-law also want to embarrass him. Those sisters and aunts all had small feet, sour eyebrows and jealous eyes, and their faces were full of sharpness.

"In order to make Jia's official career more prosperous, nine elders were specially selected. They gathered their lifelong wisdom and innovated an activity plan that they had never tried before!" A masked man with a wide robe and a tiger's back stretched out his hand and invited, "Your Excellency, please come here and be tested!"

Xue Qianwu asked quietly, "Who is that masked man? On the contrary, he is very smart. In order not to leave hidden dangers in the future, he actually hides his real face!"

Dongfang Biren replied, "It should be Zhu Yusan, the brother of Gaofu government office!" He estimated that Gaofu had no children. Before he died, he could point out the official position to him, but he didn't expect that Jia Yubo came halfway! Zhu Yusan doesn't even know when the Gaofu government office died! Under the anger, it is also common to revenge on Jia.

"Pig stern?" Xue Qianwu was surprised and said, "Why are your names more sexy than the other?"

Dongfang Biren was speechless, took her hand, wrote the correct words one by one, and looked at her with a smile in her eyes.

The palm of his hand was itchy, and Xue Qianwu felt which words were. Thinking about my misunderstanding just now, I almost giggled.

Dongfang Biren "booed" and motioned her to look over there.

Xue Qianwu looked at it and his expression tightened. The pig led Jia to a crumbling suspended stone.

The huge stone lies high on the edge of a steep mountain, also known as the "wind robbery stone". As the name implies, it means 'the wind blows the stone, and the disaster is doomed forever'. It is huge and weighs about thousands of pounds. Half of it is embedded on the cliff and half is suspended in the air. Because of the terrain, as long as someone pushes it a little harder, it will roll down.

According to rumors, a flash flood broke out and the storm stone was washed down. After the disaster, the wind rock was like a big house, crossing in the middle of the road, blocking the path of pedestrians. And it also smashed the solid road out of the pit. Jia and his wife just fell from the horse.

When the wind blows and the rocks fall, the people of Yanlan City have no peace. They are either hit by locusts or in the waterlogging season. Many people starve to death. Until a wandering feng shui master said that only when the wind blows and the stone returns to his throne, the gods can protect the success of the year and protect the people with abundant food and clothing.

But how can you get half of the cliff with such a big stone?

Finally, I came up with a solution. They used 36 python thick ropes to tie the boulders from different lines, assigning three strong men to each rope. In this way, 108 men gathered at the top of the mountain and pulled up the wind and robbery stone at the same time.

It took a lot of to make it stable. Since then, under the wind and robbery stone, nearly half a kilometer, no one dares to step in.

Jia Yubo had heard of this and naturally would not seek danger. At that time, he was only shocked by the horse's back and was shaken into the pit.

In Xue Qianwu's heartbeat, Dongfang Biren briefly described these for her and said, "I heard that the secrets hidden in the storm stone, no one knows except the famous nine elders in Yanlan City."

"What is the nine-year-old? How can Zhu Yi San move them? Xue Qianwu said scornly, "What is the intention of Zhu Yusan to take Jia Yubo under the boulder?"

Dongfang Biren shook his head: "Look down."

Jia Yubo stood under the wind and robbery stone with a frightened face. Zhu Yusan took out a rope and tied Jia Yubo's feet so that he would not walk around and escape from the danger zone.

After finishing these, Zhu Yusan left Jia Shi alone and left unrestrainedly. He walked to safety and patted his palm three times.

What attracted everyone's attention was that on the top of the cliff, behind the wind and robbery stones, nine bearded old men appeared. From afar, their expressions are frozen like iron and stiff clay figurines.

"Are they the nine elders? What's the work of climbing so high? Aren't you afraid of breaking your old arms and legs? Xue Qianwu frowned.

Jia Yubo reluctantly raised his face and saw the majestic windstorm stone. Then he looked at the nine old man standing beside him and said with black eyes, "What do you want to do?"

Because the nine-yuan elder stood high, his voice came from the cloud: "The way of being an official is the responsibility; the way of society is the benefit of the people. Now if you want to bear the burden of this Yanlan City, you must bear the unbearable burden! This level is 'heavy as a thousand'. We wait for nine people to work together to push down this boulder. If you can avoid it, you will break through a level!"

Jia Yubo heard it clearly and was so scared that his trousers were wet.

Su Xier's face turned pale. She had secretly inquired about the tricks of previous years and estimated thousands of expectations, but she had never heard of this "heavy" that killed people!

Whoever is weak is inclined to whom is Xue Qianwu's heart.

She couldn't stand it and frowned incomprehenably, "The reason for these nine elders is magnificent! Not to mention that Jia's hypocrites were tied up, even if he could run away, as soon as the wind stone rolled down, he was gentle and not smashed into his brain and smashed to the ground like mud? What's more, the pig is so fierce that he tied the only possible way to live with a rope!"

Seeing that Mr. Dongfang didn't say anything, Xue Qianwu guessed again, "Is Jiuyuan always controlled by the pig, or does he have a pseudo-kind face and a poisonous heart? Or, they are also betting on whether Jia Yubo can escape cleverly?

Dongfang Biren was silent for a moment and responded, "This fact is unpredictable. According to your second half of the sentence, the nine-yuan old man seems to have parted up with Zhu Yu and agreed on some kind of agreement. Even if Jiuyuan Lao is betting on Jia Yubo's calm and cleverness, it won't tie him up? The act of kidnapping people may be Zhu Yusan's selfishness! The nine elders on the top of the cliff may not know about this!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the nine-yuan old man brushed the dust, and the wind shook the stone like a fish boat that was hit, sinking straight down the mountain.

The people who watched the drama did not expect such a cruel situation. They were all stunned, their ears were full of trance, and the collapse of flying sand and stones in front of them.

Su Xier shouted "Brother Jia" sadly, and an infinite sense of despair came, but her movements were very fast, desperate to rush to Jia Yubo under the huge stone.

It was stuffy and rumbled, and the boulders finally settled down. The world was quiet and there was no more sound. Xue Qianwu wanted to jump off the tree, but Dongfang Biren tightened her and didn't let her go.