The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 67 Pour out thousands of bamboo and play music for Yi

The road made of cyan broken pebbles, stepping on it, can really play a massage role. If you replace it with a knee, it will be difficult.

For a rich son like Xu Zhanchun, who grew up under the care of everyone. He had not suffered at all and did not break half of his skin. After this grinding, his knees must have been blurred and painful, but he did not realize it. He bent the long stone path and was finally knelt down by him.

"Xu Zhanchun, a secular disciple, pleaded guilty to the teacher and the elders." He carried a bundle of thorns on his back and fell down to see him.

Master Chongjing and Elder Zhongtong still closed their eyes, their look has not changed, and their posture has not changed.

Xu Zhanchun knelt down and touched a column of incense. Even a very strong person will not be able to stand it. Xu Zhanchun's forehead was covered with fine sweat. Although his handsome face was calm and calm, his breathing was disordered and wheezing, which was uneven because of poor qi and blood.

Xue Qianwu was a little worried about whether Xu Zhanchun would faint.

Born in a big family, his tutoring is quite strict and comprehensive. He should have practiced some martial arts, but he is not as tough and stable as Dongfang Biren. It's just that I learned a style and embroidered legs.

After staying for a while, Xue Qianwu came forward and said, "Master, the people have brought..."

I didn't hear the sound. Dongfang Biren realized that it was not good and stretched out his hand to test the two old man's breath. He was already out of breath. He couldn't help but be stunned for a long time and sighed.

Xue Qianwu's face changed color and his tone was unstable. He eagerly asked, "What's going on?"

Dongfang Biren Jing looked at her and answered truthfully, "Master Chongjing, together with the elders of Zhongtong, has been completed, and has been silent for a long time."

"Impossible, right?" Xue Qianwu opened his mouth and said in disbelief, "Aren't you fine when you first went to tell them about this? Why did you come to the Xiangzhu Forest and return to the west? Could it have been harmed by someone and what accident happened?

"No disease, no disease, naturally..." Dongfang Biren sighed, "Maybe they will sit down when they come here. Maybe they chose to meet in this Xiangzhu forest for their own purpose.

"What will it mean?" Xue Qianwu looked at the two elders carefully for fear of disturbing their peace. Suddenly, he couldn't help it again. He hugged Master Chongjing's straight back, and his eyes were sour, but he didn't shed tears.

Tears do not mean sadness, and no tears do not mean no injury. Holding Master Chongjing like this, I have been silent for a long time.

Dongfang Biren came to pull her up. As soon as she stood up, she saw a sign fall out of Master Chongjing's sleeve. When I picked it up, I saw that it said "the sadness and joy of the world". Behind the handwriting, there was a bottom picture as a backdrop, which was a green bamboo.

Xue Qianwu's mind flashed and looked at the sleeves of the elder Zhongtong. Dongfang Biren was conscious and gently raised the left arm of Elder Zhongtong, and also dropped a sign from the sleeve. There is no doubt that this sign is "the love of the mortal world", but the bottom picture is different, and the drawing is a blue flute.

"What does this mean?" Xue Qianwu asked.

Dongfang Biren replied: "Thousands of bamboo and play the music for Yi. The profound meaning of this is that only the teachers and elders know each other, and outsiders can penetrate three points, which is good. This bamboo garden is probably the place where they fell in love in the past.

Hearing this, Xue Qianwu became stupid and lost his soul and asked, "Where is the place where we fell in love? Will we both die there?"

Dongfang Biren looked at her and said with pity, "What else are you stupid about?" We are considerate and understand each other. How can we be like the elder of the teacher? We have been scolded for a lifetime! Love and hate all my life! Even if our lives are irreparable, we will end up without regret. Besides, you and I fell in love in Yiyuan. Will we still have the opportunity to return there and sit down in the future?

After a brief pause, Dongfang Biren smiled and said, "When I returned there, Yiyuan was not Yiyuan, and people were not the original person. Except for you and my heart, everything, including the environment, has changed a lot."

Dongfang Biren's smile made Xue Qianwu much more reasse.

The two looked at each other for a moment. Xue Qianwu held down Dongfang Biren, smiled, then walked to Xu Zhanchun and looked at him and said, "Get up..."

Xu Zhanchun didn't look up, closed his eyes and said painfully, "Why, why are you walking so fast? Why don't you give me a chance to repent? ...The elder of the division...why did you go..."

There is a source of fault and attribution. Now that we have reached this point, we can't make another life. Xue Qianwu closed his hands and bowed to the elder. He turned his face to Xu Zhanchun and said, "Master Chongjing and Elder Zhongtong are empty and clear for half of their lives. Although people have passed away, the breeze still exists. You can tell all your heartfelt words to their souls. After saying this, Xue Qianwu picked up a grass mat next to the stone pillar and put it in front of Xu Zhanchun.

Xu Zhanchun moved his knees slightly, leaned forward and almost fell to the ground. Dongfang Biren and Xue Qianwu supported him in time.

Sitting on the grass mat, Xu Zhanchun's lips trembled for a long time and said intermittently and hoarsely, "After this, I really feel that I have grown up a lot... Before that, I was a stubborn child, romantic. When I saw a young girl, I wanted to tease, and when I saw a beautiful woman, I wanted to flirt... Not long ago, I touched When I saw a little nun, I didn't know what it was called. Looking a little beautiful, I wanted to tease her..."

Hearing this, Xue Qianwu's eyes were awe-eyed and asked, "Is it Yu Miao Xiaoni?"

"Listen to him..." Dongfang Biren said calmly.

Xu Zhanchun continued with a little sadness, "That little nun named Yu Miao, in order to get out, may have other intentions. She panicked for a while and calmly said that she had a sister who was as beautiful as a flower, dozens of times more beautiful than her, like Penglai Furong. I don't believe it. Because the little nun was born very well, how could she be if she was dozens of times better-looking than her?

When she saw that I was puzzled, she said something and helped me come up with a plan. In short, it meant that I could get her sister. Naturally, I was happy and heard of the name of the Yanzhi girl, but there was no excuse to see it. At this time, Ziling's sister-in-law gave birth to a baby. I realized that the opportunity had come, so I used the excuse to go to Shanyuan Temple to invite the little nun.

Although there are many disciples around Master Chongjing, the only one who can support the facade is Miss Yanzhi. Of course, she came to the Xu family. At first sight, I was shocked. Her temperament is exactly my favorite. I have never felt so moved.

There was a gap between the banquet. I asked her half-truthly and half-falsely if she would like to return to vulgarity, but I was blocked back by her words and had no longer think about it. I was unwilling, depressed, drank some wine, and my heart was stuffy. Unexpectedly, I gave her a cartilage dispersion... Half awake, half confused, half driven by will, and half couldn't help it. I quietly followed her until she couldn't walk, and carried her back to the back door...

On the third watch, she said she wanted to leave. I didn't want her to leave. We quarreled. The girl was fierce and couldn't stand any coercion, so she wanted to bite her tongue and committed suicide. I gave her some antidote and sent her away... After that, I felt guilty, but she was hindered by her face. It was not good to invite her to Shanyuan Temple. She also I don't want to see her, but after only a few days, she has left the temple..."

Xue Qianwu couldn't help listening and wanted to scold Xu Zhanchun. But I can't scold it, and it feels very blocked.

Dongfang Biren saw that Xue Qianwu's face turned red and was very considerate. He patted her on the shoulder a few times to calm her down. Xue Qianwu took a deep breath and swallowed the anger.

Calm down a little and think from the beginning, can this be all blamed on Xu Zhanchun? If it hadn't been for the Yu Miao girl pulling the line, as the fuse, would Xu Zhanchun have had evil thoughts?

Now that the elders have gone, I'm afraid that Shanyuan Temple will be able to stand up to the storm again.

From Xiangzhulin to Shanyuan Temple, but it takes a few turns. When they saw the bodies of Elder Zhongtong and Master Chongjing, the monks and nuns of the temple observed a moment of silence.

When Xue Qianwu and Dongfang Biren changed their clothes for the elders, they each took out a piece of letter paper from their arms, which was pasted with grass yellow paper. When they opened it, they each had a posthumous instruction.

Master Chongjing said: "The successor to the head of the temple can be regulated separately. Beichen Yanzhi is the head of the nunnery. He will always hold this title and will never change it." Elder Zhongtong said: "Yutai is the new head of the monk's house. After his succession, Xiao Gui Cao followed, and everything was arranged by the head of the West Courtyard."

Xue Qianwu took a look at Dongfang Biren. The elder seemed to have predicted his limit and both of them had made preparations. In case of right and wrong disputes after death.

It's the best. Because Buddhism is clean, sometimes there are disputes between right and wrong.

Dongfang Biren read two pieces of writing in public, and after silence, there was an uproar. There is nothing else, but the issue of succession, which is somewhat controversial.

Yutai, the monk's house, is still young and hesitates to do anything. These are very bad. But the head of the Eastern Academy wants to listen to the head of the nuns of the West Courtyard, and everything is fine.

The key focus lies in the head of the nunnery of the Western Courtyard.

Not to mention, Beichen Yanzhi has left the empty door and his whereabouts are still unaccounted. I just said that what happened to her a few days did not conform to the temple rules set by Master Chongjing. Although all the doormen did not know the specific inside story or what Xu Zhanchun had done except for depression, the nuns knew that Yanzhi was not perfect from the noise that night.

This is enough to be caught and provoke trouble.

After the monks and nuns were quiet, Dongfang Biren asked, "Do you have any objection to the will of the elder and the teacher?"

After a moment of silence, Yu Miao suddenly came out until Yutai and asked strangely, "Brother, what do you think? Can Sister Yanzhi come back again? Can you inherit the great cause again?"