The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 136 Injured everywhere, the clutch should be unharmed

This blood spits up evil. Spitting blood is not the same as coughing up blood, which is the relationship between quality and quantity. Spitting blood is smoother, up to a few liters. Even when there is a small amount of wine, just like flowing out of the artery, it is bright red and dazzling. Cough blood is sporadic, spotted, and in severe cases, it is just a red veil. The color is dark, as if it has been fermenting in the bottom of my heart for many years. Spitting blood is mostly disposable, and the interval varies, which is affected by external and personal factors. Once the coughing blood begins, it is frequent and uninterrupted, as if it is going to cough for the end of this life and never ending. Spitting blood is instantaneous, and coughing blood is long. Coughing blood is a long-term disease, and vomiting blood may be a momentary failure.

Xue Qianwu realized that he was spitting blood and causing the culprit of qi and blood disorders, that is, when Nangong stood up in front of him, his anger increased, put his mouth directly at him, and tried to spit it again and sprayed him all over his face. But after all, she was not seriously injured and couldn't be urged out. Simply giving up, his bright eyes were like stars, staring at him.

Nangong Zhili covered his face with his hands, but his eyes and nostrils were exposed from his fingers. The former was used to peep and the latter was used to breathe. The chatter didn't stop, and he said innocently, "Why do you look at me like this? As a handsome man, there are often women who flatter and show their love secretly. This has always been recognized... But how can there be like you? First, I was shocked by my extremely impactful handsome man, and my nose bleeds, and then I couldn't wait to look at me with sentimental and crazy eyes. How embarrassing it is, people will feel pressure..."

Obviously, she vomited blood, but he said that she spewed nosebleed! Xue Qianwu's stomach began to feel uncomfortable again. It is said that eating after 10 p.m. is not good, because when the sleep hormone is very high, it will increase the load on the stomach. Now she only feels that listening to Nangong Zhili at night is more likely to cause stomach fatigue.

During this period, Xue Qianwu got along with Dongfang Biren, mostly because of the fatigue of his heart, while the relationship with Nangong was the fatigue of his stomach. This comparison is very helpless and painful. Dongfang Biren attacked her heart, and Nangong attacked her stomach. Is the heart important or the stomach important? Is the heartache severe or the stomachache? It's not so easy to say that the benevolent see the benevolent and wise.

Xue Qianwu looked at him covering his face with his hands. He didn't have any support. He was actually able to stand firmly in the deep water, and couldn't help but be a little surprised. It's not surprising that he can't drown. No one drowns. What's strange is his posture. If his feet don't land, will he be able to settle down?

When Xue Qianwu is with him, his evil thoughts often become very heavy, and he can't help pushing him to see how his feet stand, like rootless duckweed, or is there another evidence?

Unexpectedly, Nangong Zhili pushed her, like a hollow hanger, and fell into the water, slowly sank in and disappeared.

Xue Qianwu's heart pounded, looking at the weight as if he was still, how could he not resist her one finger? He wanted to salvage it, suffering from the lack of tools such as fishing nets and worrying about his fraud, so he was as stiff as a sculpture, staring at the surface of the water.

I don't know how long it took. When she thought that Nangong Zhili's soul was almost returned to the Yanluo Hall, the boat suddenly felt a little cool. When Xue Qianwu reacted, the earthworm cabin had been filled with half a foot of water, and it would be immersed in her lying flat body.

Xue Qianwu scolded, "How did my aunt offend you? Why did you chisel a hole in the ship and draw so much water into the cabin? You want to frame me in a desperate situation and pull me directly into the water. Why are you so sneaky and shameful?

Nangong's sneering voice, I don't know where to start: "This is my ship. What do I want to do with it? Does it have anything to do with you? Don't you think it's shameful to lie on the master's boat and push the master into the water?

Xue Qianwu was speechless. I almost forgot that the boat was his. It seems that her sense of belonging is extremely strong. Her things are hers. If she wants other people's things, or once she takes them for herself, it's also hers.

Nangong Zhili rarely made her reflect on herself. Xue Qianwu's tone softened, but hummed, "So stingy! What's the rare thing about a broken ship? Just give it back to you! It's okay if you don't want to give it to me. Why do you want to destroy it?"

Nangong did not answer and asked, "So, do you mean to return it to me?"

Xue Qianwu turned white and said, "It's not very useful! You are a treasure, who will rob you? Besides, it has leaked now, which is even more worthless!"

"Real?" Nangong Zhili's voice still floated: "Since you are so useless, what are you still doing in the cabin? Make room for me and go into the water by yourself."

Hearing this, Xue Qianwu hesitated for a moment. Although the ship may suffer a disaster in an instant, he was panicked when he thought of going down. He just sat up a little straight and didn't move.

Nangong Zhili said again, "If you don't go to the shore, the water will spread the ugly scar on your shoulder!"

Xue Qianwu was even more shocked. How did he know that I was injured and even the location was so clear?" ...You climb the wall...peek at privacy?"

Nangong Zhili laughed lightly and said, "Anyway, you can't get married. What's wrong with the scar? Just don't be ashamed to put it on your face!"

Is he cursing himself? Or did you fall into the well and deliberately stimulate yourself? Xue Qianwu said angrily, "I can't go ashore!" I just let the water flood my scars. What does it have to do with you if it relapse?

Nangong Zhili is under the water and has been talking all the time. No matter how good the breath-closure technique is, there are times when it is overloaded. Finally, he did not hide, and his head came out of the water and said, "If you have the ability, drive the boat to the shore!"

Xue Qianwu frowned and carried only one himself, which was enough. Now there is more half of the cabin water, and it is still pouring in. He can't draw a few steps away at all. I'm afraid it's going to sink. How can he return to the shore? Thinking of sinking with the ship, I was unwilling. I had to bend down and jump off the boat. Anyway, my clothes were wet, and I didn't care if I was wet. I secretly took a breath and was ready to swim to the shore.

In the past, her swimming skills were quite high, but after coming here, she rarely used her skills. Over time, she was unfamiliar and inevitably deteriorated a lot. When Xue Qianwu fluttered and struggled to the shore, the irony of Nangong Zhili came from behind him: "It's more clumsy than a duck. What an ugly posture!"

Xue Qianwu heard the source of his voice, not on the surface of the water or in the water. Looking back, he was in a boat, dressed in black, standing upright with his hands behind his back and standing straight like a pole. Xue Qianwu was shocked and choked a mouthful of water. Isn't the boat leaking? Why is he so stable inside? Could it be that he cheated again?

Seeing that it was still far from the shore, Xue Qianwu turned his head, tried two dog planers, and swam back to the boat. After grabbing the boat and shaking, Nangong was forced by the situation before he bent down and pulled Xue Qianwu into the boat and pasted it on him. Nangong Zhili half smiled and didn't say anything, as if he was waiting for Xue Qianwu's questioning.

Xue Qianwu couldn't help being curious and looked around and said, "Where's the hole?"

Nangong Zhili said leisurely, "There is no hole in the world, and there are loopholes for those who are short-minded."

According to this, it is quite a little resistant to Zen. Xue Qianwu was not used to his conceitedness and curled his lips and said disdainfully, "You will pretend to be a ghost!" In the future, even if you are old and your arms and legs are not suitable for martial arts practice, you will not be unemployed. You can still play magic..."

Nangong Zhili sneered: "You are too stupid, but you say I'm a warlock!" Then he pointed to his feet and said, "Isn't it just a lid embedded in the bottom of the boat? As long as you touch the mechanism, the lid will automatically remove and water will pour in..."

Xue Qianwu understood the mystery and still said puzzled, "As soon as the lid opened, the water flooded into the cabin. This is true, but how did you discharge the water from the cabin?"

Nangong replied, "That little water, internal strength is enough!"

Xue Qianwu felt more and more stupid. He sat in the bow with a straight face and suddenly saw the blood stains on it that had not been washed by water. He should have been spit out by Nangong Zhili at that time, and he was a little self-pity. Or, she holds a kind of heartless pity for people who spit blood and cough blood, so even she includes herself. After vomiting so much blood, how long will it take to supplement it?

Nangong Zhili seemed to see through her thoughts. He also thought that the gunpowder was not explosive enough, and his tone said without wave, "It's all some waste blood. What do you care about?"

Xue Qianwu's anger rose again: "It's not a period, why is it waste blood? You are still a useless person!"

"Your misunderstanding of me is serious!" Nangong Zhili's face stiffened and said, "It's you who misunderstood, but blame me! You have lost this blood, and now you feel abnormal?

Xue Qianwu calmed down and slowly. He only felt that his brain was clear and clear, and there was no feeling of dizziness without too much blood loss. Curious, he asked Nangong Zhili, "How can I blame you? Tell me more about it."

Nangong Zhili put his face on one side and hummed in his nostrils, "You don't understand. Why should I play the piano to the cow?"

Xue Qianwu said, "You are so superficial. When I look at it, I will know what kind of fetus you were made of in your previous life!" How can I not understand you with such connotation? There is no reason to understand, only to say it without believing!"

Nangong Zhili did not answer immediately. He stopped the boat and asked, "What should I do now? I can go out at will. Where do you go ashore? How to get the boat out? Do you have the key?"

Xue Qianwu was entangled in the question just now. He didn't turn his head around and patted his chest and smiled, "If you explain what you just said, I'll tell you!"

Nangong Zhili sighed, "Although this is... I'm just afraid that you will be moved, and you will be moved by your body!"

It's narcissistic again! Xue Qianwu ignored him and waited for him to say something serious. For a narcissistic person, it must be a killer, that is, his narcissism has no place to rely on, no space to perform, no audience, and then he will stop talking.

It really worked. After a while, Nangong Zhili replied, "When you were injured in your back, you were not only traumat, but also internally injured, forming a bruise, stuffy in your abdominal cavity. If it is not discharged, it will cause harm to the body sooner or later. However, how to discharge requires technology. You can't force it with internal force, which will only increase the harm to the body. You have to adjust it according to your own joys and sorrows, so that it can be automatically discharged, so that the damage can be reduced to the limit... At this point, do you understand what I mean?

Xue Qianwu stayed for a long time and said incredulously, "So you deliberately provoked me and made my blood flutter, but it was actually good for me?"

"I knew you would be moved." Nangong Zhili put on a vanity that he couldn't stand.

Xue Qianwu spit out a heavy word "cut" and said unsently, "I won't be moved!" In case of carelessness, it makes me angry, this method is too risky!"

"I don't believe you are so bad!" Nangong Zhili didn't say much about this and still thought, "Where did you get the boat ashore?"

Xue Qianwu stood up and looked around. The wind blew gently, refreshing her mixed thoughts. He slapped his head and was almost fooled by him again!

Brother Lotus Tu said he didn't want this boat and let her deal with it freely. She wanted to return it, all in her mind. She had no intention to return it, and she was even more happy to find another secret of the boat tonight. If she really drifted alone one day, met a villain, insisted on crossing with the ship, and even wanted to plot an evil plan. It would be very interesting for her to scare her with the sinking. Thinking like this, my mind is full of the good of the boat, and I can't bear to return it.

With a little debty smile on his face, Xue Qianwu said, "You don't have to worry about the boat!" It's lucky to keep yourself and leave without touching the copper wire! As for me and the boat, someone came to help drag it ashore at dawn!"

Nangong Zhili's face became as gloomy as water, and he couldn't afford any waves and said, "Don't ask me why I appear again?"

Xue Qianwu thought for a moment and said with a smile, "How much do I think about it?" Isn't it just to remove blood stasis and treat internal injuries?"

Nangong Zhili stretched out his hand and picked up her chin in the narrow space. She seemed to be coerced and playing with her. She said inexplicably, "What if my intention is more than this?"

Xue Qianwu said boldly, "Except for the ownership of the ship, everything else can be negotiated!"

After saying this, Xue Qianwu suddenly had an illusion that she and Nangong Zhili were like a couple clamoring for divorce. This boat was like their child. Both sides were competing to see who would bet more. If you are willing to give up this, you can take the initiative.

Xue Qianwu thought he was invincible, and only heard Nangong Zhili ask with a smile, "I will give you two choices. It's up to you! First, let the boat follow me, and second, you and the boat, follow me, so that the boat will be yours!"

Xue Qianwu was stunned. It took a long time before he remembered to be alert and said, "Why did you abduct me?"

Nangong Zhili coughed, "With no breasts and buttocks, you can barely sell some money!"

This sounded so familiar that it seemed that it had been so despised once yesterday. Why does Nangong Zhili know so much about what happened to her, even the character language?


Xue Qianwu turned his eyes a few times, shook his head with disappointment and said boredly, "This is unfair! Both choices are too harsh on me. Especially the second one, why don't you say that people and boats are yours?

Nangong Zhili was stunned and said with a smile, "Why didn't I think of this ring?" After a short pause, he tilted his head and looked at it, "So what do you think is fair?"

Xue Qianwu also tilted his head and said, "Stay with the boat, where are you coming from!"

"It seems that we are difficult to reach an agreement." Nangong Zhili looked up at Linmu Chengguo in the distance. He didn't know where his thoughts were floating, but he heard his provocative tone: "Then just wait."

Xue Qianwu said tremblingly, "If Ming people don't talk secretly, how do you want to deal with me? It's nothing to deal with me, as long as don't destroy other people's lotus roots again!"

Nangong Zhili said, "You refused without asking where I wanted to take you?"

Xue Qianwu was worried and said, "It's definitely not a good place! Although I'm not that good, I chose to go with you, and there is no turning back!"

"Do you have it now?" Nangong Zhili asked, "No matter who you choose, do you have a way back?"

Xue Qianwu was asked by this question and stood on the spot, thinking about what happened to the Nangong Zhili. Sometimes it was joking, sometimes it was philosophical, and sometimes it was indescribably sad. It was really complicated and confusing, which made people afraid, hate and worried.

Xue Qianwu was there, and the two of them had nothing to say. She didn't understand why she always quarreled with him. For example, this ship is not very useful to her, but she wants to fight for it. The same is true of Nangong Zhili. He wanted thousands of such boats, but he carried them with her. He seemed so stingy that he lost the face of a man.

He has always been very purposeful and never spends time on anything meaningless. However, for her, he is always serious and consumes a lot of time for a small problem that is not worth mentioning, or a small thing that is not worth a few words.

This was quite unexpected. Maybe they were exhausted from the first day they saw her. So who is her real body? Although Nangong Zhili did not know the appearance of the abandoned queen, he was obviously sure that they could not be the same person. If she were the same person, she could not be so stupid that she didn't know anything. Including her father, she did not react at all when all kinds of things were carelessly involved. This is not something that can be concealed, but unknowingly.

There are too many sinuses. Although initially, for the purpose of using her, he even wanted to kill her and get back what he needed, there were too many excuses for him to give up at the critical moment. Did he intend to persuade himself, or was he beaten by her?

She and the Overlord's Book are both difficult mysteries. Nangong Zhili fell into meditation, and his unconvinced eyebrows frowned deeply, a little cold, and there was an inexplicable melancholy.

Xue Qianwu couldn't help but feel this suffocating silence. It seems that it is normal for her to quarrel more with Nangong Zhili.

"I don't know how to return, and I haven't changed my mistakes. I caught you in the first half of the night, and you came again!" Xue Qianwu suddenly popped up these words and persuaded him earnestly, "You'd better go back quickly. When they come by tomorrow, I'm afraid your respect will be exposed."

Nangong Zhili asked, "Don't you want to go with me?"

Xue Qianwu listened to his solemn question, panicked and said the bottom voice: "You come and go without a trace, and you don't even have a fixed residence. Where shall I go with you?"

"Is that why?" Nangong Zhili used to smile with the corners of his lips and said, "You can live wherever you want. You can settle down or wander. And there is also the black wood lotus religion as the base. Compared with your beggar gang, it can be said to be another world.

Xue Qianwu was shocked. Is this a promise?

Nangong Zhili continued to sigh, "Just think of it as a joke. After all, in this world... At least at present, I can't give you absolute stability.

Xue Qianwu was speechless. Nangong Zhili's strange feelings for her have always been able to be felt, but she often accompanied by quarrels and rarely stayed upright.

How should she accept it? The moon-white Dongfang master suddenly appeared in his heart, and Xue Qianwu shook his head slowly.

has shown its attitude. Since Nangong Zhili deliberately arranged for her to meet Dongfang Biren in Yiyuan, the hero of her life has changed. Although Nangong Zhili thought that she did not know her own heart at the beginning, he stubbornly believed in preconceived. But she entered his heart, and what was she pretending to be in her heart? Up to now, Nangong Zhili has also seen that Dongfang Biren is firmly fixed at the bottom of her heart, indestructible and indelible.

He also painstakingly arranged this meeting today, because some important things will leave the capital for a period of time tomorrow. He doesn't know how long he will be away. From a month to three or five years, who can decide the itinerary and fate?

It's his injury that he can't take her away. It was his intention not to take her away.

Some lives are destined to be hurt everywhere. Step by step is also hurt, and retreat is also hurt. Only at the moment of closing your eyes, you choose despair and forget. Nangong Zhili looked at Xue Qianwu, who was a little stupid, pulled the corners of his mouth and laughed.

She has never seen him smile like this, without ridicule or ridicule, but bitter attachment and mixed with complex loneliness. At that moment, her eyes were a little sour, as if with tears, and there was a faint fog floating in the dark night.

Nangong Zhili touched her cheek, and the curvature of the smile slowly became larger, and finally rendered to **, that is, it returned to normal.

She still has feelings for him.

He is really confused. Why did he think of letting her go with him? Although she is against him everywhere, it's just a small matter. When something big happens, she will still turn to herself. Leaving her in the capital is definitely the most useful pawn.

Nangong Zhili is cunning but not hypocritical. He has never denied that this woman has been his pawn from the beginning. The heart of this chess piece is not entirely his, but as long as he is well placed and used well, it will be of great help to him. His meanness and shamelessness lie in his bottomless scheming. Even the people I like have been designed.

"I'm going back for a while. You take care of yourself here, eat more, sleep more, laugh more and be stupid..." Nangong Zhili's hand stopped in front of her forehead and smiled evilly: "I hope the next time I see you again, you can become more plump, and I am full. Have a feast for your eyes."

"Where are you going?" Xue Qianwu didn't care about arguing with him and asked urgently.

"Where I am going, what I have to do can't be said in a word..." Nangong Zhili jumped to the wooden door, and the black clothes and the night sky melted together, hunting and dancing, as if the god who dominates everything in the underworld.

Xue Qianwu saw that he had dissipated. He was so anxious that he turned around in the boat and shouted, "Don't you want your boat?"

There is no response. The surroundings were suddenly silent like a dream. Standing in the boat, I lost my soul and rubbed my head, and everything suddenly became dark. She seemed to forget how she came to this prosperous capital and who she had met.