The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 180 Wrong, Momomo Next

Zhao Qian looked injured and hardly had the courage to look directly at her and whispered, "You... calm down... Think about it these days. I'll give you time."

Xue Qianwu couldn't listen at all and asked sadly, "When will Master Dongfang come to pick me up?"

Zhao Qian's expression is complicated: "Do you really want him to pick you up recently?"

Hearing this, Xue Qianwu was stunned. Yes, even if Master Dongfang comes to pick her up, how should she face it? Even if you take someone else's way, as long as it happens, you will never get rid of this mark. Thinking of this, Xue Qianwu was heartbroken and more resentful of Zhao Qian. He asked him in a hoarse voice, "Why did you... do this to me? Treat your friend's wife like this!"

Zhao Qian has been silent for a long time. Under Xue Qianwu's burning eyes, he whispered with difficulty breathing, "I can't control your initiative."

Xue Qianwu was about to burst: "Don't you notice my abnormality? Can't you see that I was drugged for love? No matter how active I take the initiative, I'm still a patient. You don't want to relieve me. Do you still have to take advantage of people's danger?"

Zhao Qian covered his forehead with his hand: "Don't blame me anymore. The mistake has been made, I know, and it's all my fault... But that's situation... If it's any man... What's more, I've always had a secret extravagant hope in my heart, and it's hard to control for a while..."

Xue Qianwu said angrily, "What is difficult to control? I think you are obviously 'desire' to be uncontrollable!"

Zhao Qian couldn't help but want to get closer to her when he saw that her hair was messy, her body was naked, and her eyes were holding back with grief and indignation. Then he picked up a piece of his own dress and put it on her.

Although Xue Qianwu was very tired of it, he couldn't wait to tear his clothes into pieces and throw them into the septic tank. But if you don't accept his clothes at this time, the situation will be even more embarrassing. So she blocked her throat and didn't shake off his clothes.

Zhao Qian looked at her deeply and put his hands on her shoulder: "I'll help you back."

Xue Qianwu stared at him fiercely and resolutely said, "Don't tell anyone about tonight!" I hope tonight will be the last time I see you!" Then he dragged his tired and exhausted body, a little crippled and slowly went away.

Zhao Qian was distressed and followed her not far away, afraid that she would be impulsive and strong that he would do something stupid.

When Xue Qianwu was about to reach the door, his feet were soft, his body shook, and his arm held the door frame. She was half leaning there, as fragile as a homeless and feathered goose.

Zhao Qian walked over quickly and wanted to hold her in his arms.

"You are one step closer to me!" Xue Qianwu suppressed his crying voice and looked at him fiercely.

Zhao Qian hurriedly stopped, stood one step away from her, and no longer dared to move forward. For this stubborn woman, he pleaded a little in his voice, "You go into the room to rest, okay? It's all my fault. Don't punish yourself, okay?"

Xue Qianwu closed his eyes and suddenly came up with a sentence. He seemed to be entangled for a long time without thinking: "Do you really admit your mistake?"

Zhao Qian didn't know how to answer. After a long silence, he said, "I admit that I don't have good self-control."

"I just want you to answer, do you really admit your mistake?" Xue Qianwu said almost hysterically, "You just need to answer, yes or no!"

Zhao Qian advised worriedly, "Don't be excited. Wake up the maids carefully.

"What else do I care about? I'm afraid they won't know?" Xue Qianwu said, "Answer my question just now."

Zhao Qian couldn't avoid it, so he had to face his heart and replied, "Yes. I really admit my mistake, but what else can I do besides promising to marry you?

"Do you think that marrying me is a favor and charity to me?" Xue Qianwu looked at him with contempt and forced back his tears with a proud and high posture.

Zhao Qian said urgently, "That's not the case. You misunderstood me."

Xue Qianwu said, "Well, I want you to do two things. If you do it, that's all. I will choose to forgive you."

Zhao Qianru was put to death and then came back, with a light of hope in his eyes, looking forward to saying, "You say... I will follow you..."

"Don't promise too early, or you won't be ashamed if you can't do anything?" Xue Qianwu bit words clearly and said, "I want you to really forget this matter, as if it has never happened. Don't subconsciously remember it, or show pain or ambiguity in front of anyone!"

"This is the first one. Can you do it?" Xue Qianwu said in a cold tone.

Zhao Qian was silent, holding his hand on the door frame on the other side, opposite Xue Qianwu's arm away. His bony fingers tightly grasped the gap between the door and the frame, as if he was making an extremely difficult and painful decision.

Just when Xue Qianwu lost his patience, he whispered, "If you can completely forget it... I will bury everything in the bottom of my heart... Never show it in front of anyone."

Xue Qianwu said angrily, "Don't take me as a premise! No matter what I do, you have to forget it!"

Zhao Qian sighed, "Forget it. You can't do it if you want to. I try my best to dilute it, but I can only try my best. If it is too forced, it may produce more regretful results.

Xue Qianwu bit his lip and let go of the first question: "Second, I want you to secretly find out who designed me and did it in the dry hospital! Then run him according to the law and let him taste the pain!"

Zhao Qian is speechless. Perhaps, like Xue Qianwu, he vaguely guessed something. However, the beggar is a scar, but for him, it can be called the luck he has dreamed of. On some level, that man is his benefactor. How to deal with the "benefactor" in accordance with the law? What's more, the identity of this benefactor is still unclear.

Xue Qianwu Jiong looked at him and said, "Talk."

"I know that you hate the person who framed you, and you may have an irreconclusive hatred with him from then..." Zhao Qian said to the truth: "However, for me, there is always be an inexplicable gratitude. Even if I promise you and give you a result, it is undeniable that I owe that person a favor and thank him for making me so shocked me so much. , I was really happy once."

"Shameless!" Xue Qianwu poohed and said, "If you don't check it, I'll check it myself!" Don't worry, when I find out in person, no matter who that person is, I won't make him feel better!"

Zhao Qian's heart is so confused that it is not easy to comfort her at this time. His comfort itself is a stimulus to her, which makes her out of control more easily. Therefore, he'd better shut his mouth.

Xue Qianwu's eyes were gray and dull, and he issued an expulsion order: "You go! Within three days, find an excuse not to let Master Dongfang pick me up and say that I'm not feeling well. I want to wash away the mark of this matter and face him with enough new courage.

Zhao Qian saw that she was crumbling and said pitifully, "Take a rest. I know what to say. I'll come to see you tomorrow."

"No need." Xue Qianwu said lazily and lightly, "I don't want you to appear in Ganlin's courtyard again." After saying this, Xue Qianwu turned around and went into the room.

Zhao Qian stood down for a while, and couldn't help thinking of the hot scene just now. The blood in his body seemed to boil again and couldn't be extinguished. He sighed, is it so insoluble? He wants her and wants her. His possessive desire for a woman has never been so strong.

The excitement was mixed with loss. Looking back at the closed door, he walked slowly. Xue Qianwu heard the distant footsteps, and his heart was full of hatred and shame. According to the past, Xue Qianwu would have slept in the same bed with Ru Gu, but tonight, she quietly walked into another room and lay alone.

No matter how heartless she has been, she can't sleep tonight. Should I tell Mr. Dongfang about this secret? How can I talk about it? How to erase the marks left by the man you don't love! The more she thought about it, the more she became. She grabbed a corner of the quilt, covered her head, and almost choked. When he was about to suffocate, he suddenly remembered that he was still wearing Zhao Qian's clothes close to him. He quickly got up and took off Zhao Qian's clothes. He ignored that because the action was too violent, his body was hung with a few marks, and it was hot and painful.

He touched a pair of scissors from the head of the bed and twisted the prince's clothes fiercely in the dim light. It was not until thousands of strands were twisted piece by piece that he rested his hand. I opened my eyes until dawn, wanted to cry without tears, and my heart boiled over and over again like boiling water.

In the early morning, Rugu got up and found that there was no one around him. He was surprised and quickly put on his shoes and came out to look for it. When he saw Xue Qianwu, he was shocked and stared at the pieces of cloth in front of her bed and asked, "What's going on? Where did you go last night? I overslept and knew nothing!" With that, he bent down and picked up a piece of cloth in his hand.

Looking carefully, the pupils opened wider and wider. Finally, he covered the cloth on his chest and whispered, "Such an exquisite cloth! And such a gold thread pattern... Isn't this... the prince's clothes?"

"How could it be his? Can he wear such clothes?" Xue Qianwu sneered and said, "All sentient beings are equal. Is he superior and nobler than others just because he is the son of the emperor?"

Ru Gu's face was white when she heard it. She was stunned and said, "What the hell is going on with you... Just say this kind of thing in the room. If someone listens to it, is your life still alive..."

Xue Qianwu muttered, "Yes. For disobedient rebels, all they can do is to deprive them of their lives with power. Apart from this method, there is nothing else to do with this ability. Rugu... Do you think... Are the people in power in the palace also pathetic and ridiculous?"

Rugu opened his eyes incredulously and covered her mouth with his hands in a hurry: "Overnight, what kind of evil did you get? First of all, I got a prince's clothes from somewhere and made it sloppy. This said some headless and rebellious words... Even if the Oriental Master came to pick you out of the palace today and has nothing to do with the palace from then on, you can't say such a thing!"

Hearing the three words "Dongfang Ye", Xue Qianwu sat down and said decadently, "These days... he won't come."

Rugu heard it as if he had fallen into the fog and said anxiously, "Are you in conflict? When did Master Dongfang come here? It is also common for husband and wife to quarrel. I think you are too sweet to provoke God's jealousy, so I deliberately set some obstacles for you! If you go there, your feelings will become better!"

Her kind comfort did not make much difference. Xue Qianwu shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid of any obstacles... What I'm afraid of is that God has my best thoughts."

Ru Gu didn't understand, let alone how to say it, so it wouldn't make Xue Qianwu more sad. I had to pour her a cup of tea and a basin of water to refresh her after washing.

Xue Qianwu buried his whole face under the water, and his hair was immersed in the water. Then he raised his face wetly without wiping it with a towel. He said to Rugu, "I won't eat these three days. I'm going to take a bath. You keep boiling water for me. I keep bathing and you keep burning..."

Ru Guyue couldn't figure out the direction. He couldn't ask about Xue Qianwu's abnormality, so he had to squeeze a smile and say, "When they fast, although they bathe like you, they still have to eat vegetarian food. How can you be so sincere that you don't eat for three days? Can you just prepare some vegetarian food and porridge?

Xue Qianwu said, "I want to eat, but I can't eat it. Don't cook for me, so that I won't see vomiting."

Rugu's eyes were full of anxiety, and it was hard to say anything. He slowly got up and boiled water. But he was praying in his heart, hoping that Master Dongfang would come early. He loved the beggar so much that he would not make her sad. Even if there is any suspicion, it will definitely be released.

Who knows that after waiting for a day, Mr. Dongfang didn't come. At dusk, it probably won't come. Xue Qianwu has been soaked in a big bucket for nearly a day. She asked Rugu to keep boiling water and change it every once in a while, over and over again. Ru Gu was afraid that she would catch a cold, but there was nothing she could do.

Xue Qianwu didn't eat, and Ru Gu didn't have much appetite, so he just took a few bites. After dinner, Prince Zhao came alone and asked, "What about her?" Have you fallen asleep yet?"

Ru Guzheng had no idea. At this time, he saw Prince Zhao coming, as if he had got a savior and said urgently, "I'm worried!" The beggar hasn't eaten since she got up this morning! No matter how the maidservant wears her mouth, it doesn't help. The prince, go and comfort her!"

Zhao Qian hurriedly said, "Where is she?" I'll go and have a look!"

Rugu was about to take the prince to have a look, but suddenly felt that it was inappropriate. The beggar girl was taking a shower. How could she see the prince? So he stopped and said awkwardly, "I was so anxious that I forgot that she was taking a shower. The prince waited for a moment, and the maidservant went to tell her to come out quickly. After all, from morning to now, the washing has been a good time. If you soak it again, I'm really afraid of something wrong with it.

When Zhao Qian heard this, his body trembled slightly and said faintly, "You don't have to call her. Since she is in a bad mood, even if I go to solve it, it won't have any effect. She still needs to ring the bell. Let her have a good rest by herself.

"This..." Ru Gu panicked: "The prince doesn't know how serious her situation is! I have never encountered such a situation! If you leave like this, in case of any accident, how should I explain it? Besides, you have always had a good relationship with Dongfang Ye and the beggar girl. With your explanation, the beggar girl may be fine!"

Zhao Qian sweated slightly on his forehead and said, "I will send a confidant. If anything happens, I will immediately report to the front yard."

Rugu saw him walk away heavily, followed him, and whispered, "Does the prince know when Master Dongfang can come? Didn't you say that you would pick up the beggar girl out of the palace that day? Why haven't you come yet? The bell must be untied. The prince's words are extremely appropriate... If Master Dongfang comes, he will be fine..."

Zhao Qian coughed and said, "Brother Dongfang... He has something else... Maybe he can't come these days..."

Ru Gu heard this and was half disheartened. He still said, "The prince has seen Master Dongfang? Can you send a message that the beggar girl doesn't look good? I guess it will be difficult to survive these days.

Zhao Qian seemed to be avoiding the topic of Dongfang Ye and said slightly indifferently, "I will arrange a doctor and maid to serve. Don't worry about anything else."

Ru Gu couldn't do it, so he didn't make a sound. He went back to the room and was unhappy. He continued the new water for Xue Qianwu and begged, "Girl, don't torture yourself. Get up and bring you a dress to put on, okay?"

Xue Qianwu's eyes were blank, and he looked down at the shaking water. Without saying a word, he just rubbed his skin hard.

Ru Gu sighed and stamped his feet and said, "Why don't I rub it for you?"

Suddenly, I heard some unfamiliar footsteps outside. For example, Gu closed the door and went out to see what was going on. It turned out that the prince sent a bodyguard, a palace doctor and two maids. Ru Gu picked them up and smiled at the palace doctor and said, "My master, there is nothing wrong with it, but suddenly he doesn't like to see people and always soaks himself in the bathtub. Why don't you go back first? If there is anything wrong, I will find someone to inform you.

The palace doctor shook his head and said, "The prince told me to live in this dry hospital and take special care of your master's body. The abnormal situation you said is probably that your master is restless and wants to find a sense of stability surrounded by water.

"Is that right?" Rugu didn't think much about it, so he prepared a residence for the old palace doctor, and then sent a bodyguard to guard the door. When chatting with the little maid, he asked, "Have you seen Dongfang?"

A round-faced and round-eyed maid said childishly, "See you today, but after sitting for a while and leaving!"

"Can you hear what he said?" Ru Gu asked eagerly.

The maid recalled, "It seems that Master Dongfang said he would come to Ganlinyuan to have a look. The prince said 'the bride can't be seen', and then Master Dongfang left happily, as if he was still very reluctant. As he walked, he said, 'Then give her a sudden surprise'..."

"Okay, I know. Go ahead and go. It's enough for me to take care of you here." Ru Gu laughed.

The two maids don't know who lives here, let alone the spleen of the owner here, but Ganlinyuan is not a good place. What kind of noble master can they have? He was not very happy to serve. Hearing Ru Gu's words, he couldn't wait to be far away, so he retreated happily.

Rugu's mood was ups and downs, thinking over and over again. The "she" in this conversation naturally referred to the beggar girl. Listening to the tone of Master Dongfang's words, he was full of doting, and he also said that he would leave a surprise for the girl, which was definitely not like a conflict with her. So what's wrong with her?