The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 228 The Mystery of life

The beggar asked, "Is your mark taken from your mother's womb, or is it caused by human beings after birth?"

Nangong Zhili was stunned when he heard the words, and then he knew what the beggar was looking at. He looked strange, and his voice was hoarse and gentle, as if he had been immersed in poison and said, "You saw it."

The beggar asked, "Tell me... what is your identity? Are you the biological son of the former head of the Nangong clan?

The corners of Nangong's lips moved slightly and did not answer.

"Why does Major General Ximen suddenly have a similar pattern here?" The beggar said, "At that time, I was hit by the spring sweat medicine. I couldn't look at it carefully in the confusion, but my reason still remained, so I had a little impression..."

"What else do you know?" Nangong Zhili said calmly.

"I also know that Major General Ximen is not the son of the old general, but the adopted son! Major General Ximen didn't marry at all!" The beggar continued: "The old general was very excited that day and revealed this, but he didn't say a word about the life of the young general..."

"It's good to reveal these. The old general is a man who keeps his mouth and believes..." Nangong Zhili seems to have forgotten that he is still naked, and the beggar also forgot the scene of them being naked and transparently wrapped in wet clothes. He just squinted his eyes and smiled and praised his lips, "You are very good."

"What do you mean?" The beggar was praised by him for no reason.

Nangong Zhili smiled and said, "As a spy or spy, you are very good."

Secret agent? A spy? My sister has not been in this industry for many years! The beggar also smiled faintly and said, "You'd better explain this sentence clearly. Because it matters."

Nangong Zhili said leisurely, "Are you threatening me? Do you think you can pose a threat to me?

The beggar stared at him and did not answer. Nangong Zhili had to say, "Isn't it the best actor that you can be close to the old and young generals like a family in the barracks, win their trust and reveal such a shocking secret? Much better than me. I can only watch people act, and I only like to watch plays.

The beggar slapped him: "Don't insult my personality! I didn't use any despicable means to let the old general tell this secret, and I never deliberately approached anyone. They trusted me to help me relieve me, and I just regarded them as relatives! None of them are characters in the play. How can they be called actors? People with dirty hearts and people who play games will regard the sincerity of others as hypocritical acting, but they don't know that they are the most ridiculous and pathetic actor and the biggest actor in the world!"

Nangong Zhili was scolded and laughed loudly: "Yes! I'm the biggest actor, the ridiculous and pathetic one! I have never had a sense of belonging... And you, even actors, are happy, because you have invested in emotions, gratitude and dedication, and I have nothing, just for acting."

The beggar was stunned by his chaotic fallacy and said, "Will you tell me? You know a lot, don't you?

Nangong Zhili opened his mouth, closed it again, and sighed, "It's better for you to know less."

The beggar was originally inadvertent to answer, but this matter seems to have involved many people, and they all have a lot to do with themselves. They are ordinary, which makes her inexplicably suffocate and panic. She must ask clearly!

The beggar said, "You won't tell me? Then I'll check it myself!" After saying that, he turned around and wanted to go.

Nangong Zhili grabbed her wrist: "There is no return from the black wood cliff. Where are you going!"

The beggar resolutely said, "I don't believe that I can't find a way out!" Even if it's a cliff, I will jump down!"

"You don't want to die!" Nangong Zhili hugged her and said, "You can stay on the black wood cliff! Impulse will only kill everyone in the play! Including Major General Ximen, and even me, a sober person who is not in the play!"

The beggar suddenly settled down and looked at Nangong Zhili.

He said softly, "I want to thank you. I will definitely thank you for the rest of my life in the future... Stay here obediently before I send you out, okay? I will do my best to reduce the casualties of the people in the play..."

"You're not sure, are you?" The beggar laughed and said, "You manipulated the scene. You are the director, but you can't predict the ending, right?" There will still be a group of people who will embark on the road to destruction because of unexpected plots, right?

Nangong Zhili held her tightly, buried his head in her shoulder and hair, and took a deep breath, as if to absorb infinite strength and courage. He said, "Trust me, okay?"

The beggar is silent. Nangong Zhili said slowly: "I don't look like others. I knew my background early, so I was miserable, so I endured it. That was when I was first sensible. My adoptive father Nangong Lin was seriously ill lying on the couch. Before he got up for half a month, I couldn't take off my clothes and stayed by his side. I heard him say a lot of nonsense. One of them was, 'Brother, I can't take care of Li'er anymore. I have to go by himself in the future. I can't rest assured than you. Although he is not my own son, I am earlier. Treat him as his own son...' When my father woke up intermittently, he had to tell me the truth under my impoverished question.

The beggar didn't say a word, just listened. At this moment, too many doubts can only be eliminated little by little.

Nangong Zhili said in a trance, "You probably guessed that my godfather said that I was the son of the virtuous king and the imperial concubine. In those years, the palace changed and the brothers blemied each other. Today, the emperor killed the eldest brother Zhao Feng, and my biological father is the second. Although he is older than the emperor, he is indifferent and unintentional to the throne. He pursues the days of idle clouds and wild cranes, pure and hard work. After the emperor ascended the treasure, he tested and guarded the virtuous king everywhere. Later, he was not an ambitious person, and finally slowly relaxed his vigilance. It should be destined. The virtuous king, who was 25 or 26 years old and had not yet married, saw the imperial concubine Xinna at a palace banquet. At first sight, they were old and hated to meet each other late. They knew that it was impossible, but they could not control their feelings of longing. Once after Qinfei accidentally broke the sheep fat white jade bowl used by Empress Xue of the cold palace..."

Speaking of this, he glanced at the beggar and shook his head.

The beggar suddenly trembled, Queen Xue in the cold palace? Isn't that her? Immediately denied, no, no, she just borrowed the body of the old abandoned queen. Everything else was new, brand-new, and had nothing to do with the abandoned queen. Well, she is a bandit goddess. So he quickly laughed and said, "She died... I'm listening, you said..."

Nangong Zhili hummed and continued, "The emperor didn't know what kind of anger he was, and he actually punished his beloved woman for thinking behind closed the door! Many concubines in the palace fell into the well to bully her and even wanted to kill her. The virtuous king was so anxious that his concern for Qinfei made him dizzy. He disguised himself as his father-in-law and sneaked into her palace. After changing his appearance, the two of them flew away..."

"The emperor didn't know how to cherish it and lost the benefits of thinking about Qinfei. He had a knot with his father and was robbed of his beloved woman, so he was furious and sent heavy troops to contain it. With his martial arts skills, his father took his mother to escape the pursuit again and again. This angered Zhao Yuan even more. He regarded this matter as a lifelong humiliation and has not stopped searching for them for many years... His parents wandered around the world, wandering uncertainly, and often ran around in the deep mountains and forests and inaccessible places. Along the way, my mother was pregnant with me, Ximen's younger brother, and..." Nangong Zhili said this, paused, jumped over and said, "What my adoptive father knows is also limited, and some of it is just my guess. The parents expected that they would drag down the children, so they did not leave their children around them. After giving birth to me and my younger brother, they remembered them under the door of their adoptive father and the old general Ximen respectively. Through too many clues in my hand, I have long suspected that the young general is a brother I can't recognize. In order to confirm his identity, I secretly observed him for many years. When I happened to see his birthmark, the stone in my heart was determined. I don't want him to get involved in the whirlpool, so I haven't told him. The emperor has recently had the intention to cut off their father and son's military power. For fear of imprehance, I had to use the delaying method of set fire to the barracks.

"It turned out that you were the one who set the fire! I think, who in the world has such ability!" The beggar was shocked.

Nangong Zhili nodded and said, "If you are not cruel, the emperor will be suspicious. I burned my brother a little badly.

Maybe Nangong Zhili is a little harsher, but he also loves his brother. Hearing this, the beggar asked strangely, "How can General Ximen adopt a child without even a wife?" He is so prestigious and afraid that he is not afraid of the emperor's suspicion and thorough investigation?

Nangong Zhili shook his head and said, "Father has his own considerations. General Ximen has a good personal relationship with his father, and only the old general's kind-heartedness is willing to save the innocent baby regardless of everything. Even if Zhao Yuan is in trouble one day, the old general can fight against three points with his strength. Before entrusting Yi'er's younger brother to the old general, they jointly staged a play. It was said everywhere that General Ximen was immoral after drinking, bullied a fatherless farmer's tea girl and refused to marry him. The girl could not stand the world's criticism. After giving birth to a son, she put her son outside the military camp, left a bloody letter, and threw herself into the river to die. General Ximen took his son back, sighed with guilt for many years, and never married him. Zhao Yuan probably also checked it, but this girl was originally fabricated. Her life is lonely and nonsense. What can she find out? He also acquiesced in the romantic affair of General Ximen. At this time, I believed that the old general had never married a wife.

"So that's what made the old general notorious..." The beggar said, "What about the late Nangong Master? Is he also married and heirless? How can the virtuous king and his wife be willing to give you to a cult for adoption?

"This is a long story." Nangong Zhili said, "Cults are not necessarily evil people, and famous Orthodoxy is not necessarily good people. My father was willing to send me here, which naturally combined all kinds of things. It was not only for my safety, but also inseparable from the situation at that time. It happened that my parents fled to the area of Blackwood Cliff, and the most protective backing was my adoptive father Nangong Lin.

The beggar sighed, "Although the wise king is unfortunate, he is also extremely lucky. There are so many good brothers who take care of each other in the way of right and evil!"

Nangong Zhili smiled coldly and said, "No, my father was not familiar with the churchist father at that time, but he just heard each other's name. With an open-minded mentality, he asked for a meeting and talked very well. His adopter-father agreed to adopt me, but he made a contract with the virtuous king and would devote his whole life to nurture me. However, no matter what the future outcome of the virtuous king is, even if the emperor forgives him, he is not allowed to step into the black wood cliff to find his son again. This seems to be the selfishness of my adoptive father. I am afraid that my adopted son will be left in the future, but in fact, it is to break my father's thoughts and be more conducive to me growing up. Parents are extremely open-up and aware of the overall situation, and it is decided immediately.

"Is the priest's wife also an open-minded and cheerful person?" The beggar didn't hear him say about Nangong Lin's house, so he asked.

Nangong Zhili said "Alas" and said, "When I adopted, my adoptive father was the same person. He originally married a wife, and married Miss Mei Yanli, who is the sister of the current prime minister's wife.

The beggar was shocked and said, "Isn't that the aunt of Master Dongfang, Mei Yan... By the way, Mei Yanli?"

"Yes." Nangong Zhili said, "The Mei family is strongly opposed to this marriage. However, Miss Mei and her adoptive father were deeply in love and insisted on following him. The Mei family said that they only thought they had lost the daughter, so they didn't have much contact with each other later, and even became a resentment. This is one of the reasons."

"Have you seen Miss Mei?" The beggar said curiously.

"No." Nangong Zhili said, "After the eldest daughter of the Mei family married her adoptive father, although they loved each other, they did nothing for three years. The godfather accidentally made a mistake and slept with a wonderful person. The Miss Mei family is strong, and her martial arts skills are comparable to that of her adoptive father, killing the wonderful man. The two quarreled, and later, Miss Mei was disheartened and left the black wood cliff. She didn't know where to go. The godfather regretted it very much and looked everywhere, but to no avail. I also went to Mei's house to look for her, but was swept out of the house. At that time, she almost pissed the old lady to death. She said that her daughter was blind. Now there is no trace. What should she do? The adoptive father knew that Miss Mei was not at her mother's house, so he had to go back. Since then, Mei has officially formed a beam with the black wood cliff and has not been associated with each other. My godfather didn't see Miss Mei until he died of depression. Naturally, I have never seen her.

The beggar was indignant, sad and sighed: "You men, just want to save it when you lose this virtue! Miss Mei must have been heartless and had no pity for him!"

Nangong Zhili sighed, held the beggar in his cold hand and said, "Will you want to smash me into ten thousand pieces in the future?"

The beggar's heart jumped and blurted out, "What does it have to do with me to find a woman? I have no right to be jealous!"

Nangong Zhili brushed her hair and said gly, "Woman has never haunted me. What if it's more serious than betrayal..."

"I only care about your feelings." Nangong Zhili smiled sadly and said, "I'm crazy about dreams again. Well, it's wrong from the beginning. How can I expect you to forgive me?

This was a big story, and the beggar became more and more uneasy, and his sweat beads kept flowing down against his back.