The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 234 New Taishou in County

After ten days of eating and sleeping in the open, warm and cold, the beggar began to walk to a crowded place. In a desolate and remote place, it is difficult to get some food. In this way, she lived the kind of life before she just came out of the cold palace and didn't build a beggar gang. She didn't know which town she was in, ordinary people, etc., crowded and bustling, and had no impression. Perhaps in her mind, she doesn't want to remember too much and think too much.

Nangong Zhili rushed into the earth and pulled in all her strength. She was not sad. Occasionally, she wanted to laugh and shouted, "This bad guy is finally gone", but when she got to her throat, she couldn't shout out. She was stuck there, like a croak in her throat.

On this day, the beggar repeated his old trick, cheated the clerks and guests of a century-old hotel with a fire, and then found a room to live in. I didn't encounter a haunted thing, but the management of this hotel was very standardized and strict, and I actually checked the room in the middle of the night! She was "three no personnel" and was immediately tied up by several five and three rough reckless men. The next morning, she was not even given a meal and directly sent her to the county government.

At this time, she knew that this was a spring town called drinking water. The temperature was suitable for four seasons, and it was not cold or dry. No wonder I remembered that when I was in the desert a while ago, it was so cold that I should wear a thin cotton-padded coat. After so many days of turning, it was almost October. It was still green and full of living water without ice.

The beggar thought that the climate was good and would not get frostbite for a while. He planned to find some work to make a living and stay for a period of time. Unexpectedly, he was directly imprisoned and lived a bowl of steamed bread and soup a day.

She said a lot of good words to the jailer and got a response: "These days, money can make ghosts grind. No matter how many people you are, take money to eliminate disasters. If you don't have money, you can wait here to die."

The beggar secretly scolded him. It doesn't help, only to find another way.

That evening, the beggar heard the conversation between the two: "The cool and swelling ointment that the adult wanted has been sent." Oh, give it to me first. Although the poison sores on the buttocks of adults have disappeared in the past half month, they are unprepared, so as not to make everyone unable to rest when they relapse again. ...I think that 80% of the county government has suffered an unspeakable disease and can't be cured. The beggar is calculating.

When the jailer delivered the meal, she asked, "Have you had an abscess on the buttocks of your county government recently?"

The jailer was surprised by what she said: "How do I know?"

The beggar closed his eyes and said mysteriously, "Go and ask him. You have helped him solve his distress, and there will be endless glory and wealth in the future.

The jailer really asked. The county magistrate first scolded him and said that he cursed himself. Later, he calmed down a little, sat down and thought about it, and couldn't help but change his face: "It's really a good scar and forget the pain! A month and a half ago, I did have a big abscess, which was painful and itchy. After taking a lot of drugs, it didn't work. Finally, I pulled it out with a fire jar. Now there is still a scar left. I'm afraid when I think about it.

The jailer relayed the beggar's words, saying that it belonged to 'good and evil retribution sores', which will happen once in a while.

The county government called the immortals and quickly went to invite the beggar in person. The fish was rich and treated her.

The beggar didn't refuse and filled his stomach. Only then did he hear the county magistrate chatter: "Fairy, I'm suffering from poison sores. Please give me some advice to relieve my pain."

"accumulate virtue and do good deeds." The beggar gave him four short words.

The county government nodded in panic: "What should I do?"

The beggar looked at him silently for a long time and said, "Did you do something ridiculous when you were young and hurt others a lot?"

The county government thought for a moment and said, "That was a long time ago, when I was 15 or 16 years old. I liked a poor girl and did stupid things impulsively. Later... After development, I was admired by a rich daughter, that is, the current bitch. She couldn't tolerate my concubine, so I... failed the old man. Unexpectedly, the girl had a strong personality. On the day she heard that I married a wife, she was hit and killed on the sedan chair she carried. Her head was broken and bloodshed, and the road was dyed red..."

Speaking of this, the county government is not more guilt, but the horror of lingering.

The beggar said "Amitabha" in a low voice and opened his eyes and said, "The root cause of your poisonous sores lies in the resentment of your old lover..."

"Ask the holy fairy for guidance..." The county government bowed and almost knelt down.

The beggar pondered for a moment and said, "You build a shrine for her and worship her well, so that her soul can go. In seven forty-nine days, I will live there and surpass her soul. In these days, in order to show your sincerity, you should follow my instructions, not eat fishy meat and spicy food, and eat more light vegetables. This will ensure that you will not relapse after that. Whenever you relapse, do as I say, and I'm sure it will ease your pain.

How can the county government be unreasonable? In less than three days, an exquisite ancestral hall was completed in the south of the city. The food was quite abundant, and the beggar moved in on the same day and was supported without mentioning it.

On forty-eight days, the beggar left a note: "Good and evil will be rewarded, and they are all fixed. After that, I was cautious and had no time for the rest of my life." Then I picked up the broken silver accumulated these days, stuffed some food together in the package, changed my clothes, and left overnight.

On the 49th day, someone reported the matter to the county government. The county government said, "There is no trace of coming and going. This is the usual practice of the fairy. She must have seen that my merits are perfect, so she left a warning and left quietly."

After the beggar has money, he uses money to make money, and he doesn't have to worry about his livelihood all the way. Walking and wandering, I arrived at a dangerous place on this day and saw the word "county" engraved on the border stone. When I walked in, it was very lively and festive. After inking, it turned out to be to welcome the arrival of the new governor from the capital.

The beggar was moved and asked what the new Taishou's surname was.

As soon as the beggar's words were spoken, he was despised. The person who was asked curled his lips and said, "At first glance, you are out of the world. You don't even know the major things that the son of the prime minister, Dongfang, invited himself to the county to be a magistrate and benefit the people of the people!"

The beggar's heart was about to jump out of his chest, urgently suppressed the shaking, and said tentatively, "I heard that Master Dongfang was not in good in the first half of the year, but now he has recovered? Why don't you go here to be an official in the capital?"

"You are not a local!" The questioner continued to despise the beggar: "Master Dongfang is not in good health. He thought of such a good place, beg for the people, and find a good place for himself!"

The beggar felt ominous and asked urgently, "When will he arrive?" Can his body withstand fatigue?

"Today! Just wait here, and the official sedan will pass by soon!" When asked, the man also said, "It is said that Master Dongfang is both literary and martial arts. Even if he is weak, with his ability to assist the country, he is more than qualified as the governor of the county!"

When the beggar heard that Dongfang's sedan chair was coming soon, his mind was blank and he was stunned there. After a long time, he said, "I don't know if he brought his family?"

The man shook his head and said, "I heard that the princess will follow her. The emperor's queen, the prime minister's wife and the Eastern Master are not allowed to say that this place is not as hard as the capital. It's too hard. The princess Jinzhi/yu/body is bumpy, and I'm afraid she can't stand it. In the end, the princess cried, so she gave up.

The beggar asked again, "Can the princess have a baby?"

The man shook his head and replied, "I don't know about this. I haven't heard that Dongfang has children.

The beggar was sad and said in a daze, "Is he alone with some followers and only goes to a strange place? Isn't it too cold?"

The man didn't hear what the beggar was saying. When he was about to ask, he suddenly heard the messenger report that "the Eastern Taishou has arrived". All the officials of the county city, large and small, reached up and stretched out their necks to peep. His eyes seemed to turn into a huge wave, and he just rushed open the curtain of the sedan chair.

The beggar held his breath and stared at a sedan chair slowly passing by. Her heart couldn't help but follow her away.

Suddenly, the curtain was pulled open, and the people in the sedan chair smiled and waved to the crowd.

The beggar's tears are about to pour out. After a long time, Dongfang Ye has lost a lot of weight, and the shoulder blades seem to have a sharp sense of bones, leaving only a pair of shelves to support him. His smile is still such a clear breeze and bright moon, but his eyes melted with too many traces of wind and frost, which made people feel stable and admired, but he also sighed.

The beggar stood there motionless. Master Dongfang's eyes seemed to sweep from her, and from many people, and then the curtain of the sedan chair was pulled without trace. She separated from him in a bright and dark whirlpool and became calm.