The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 251 The thought of divorce

The news that Du Zheng disappeared from the county magistrate's office soon reached Zhao Qian's ears. He went to Dongfang to see, pretended to be unintentional, and asked who the new face was. Master Dongfang said, "He is not a newcomer. He used to stay in the prime minister's mansion for a short time and was later taken to the county, but I came back in a hurry this time. Most of my entourage stayed in the county. Without some young and strong people to assist in the affairs of the house, several were recalled one after another. Some time ago, when I went to pick up Rugu, I asked Geng Su to send a letter and asked Du Zheng to come back first. He is young and urgent, and still needs to practice. He is more relieved beside me so as not to cause trouble outside and make the people dissatisfied.

Zhao Qian nodded: "Dongfang brother is very thoughtful, especially after his illness."

Master Dongfang smiled and said nothing, and then suggested, "How about fighting with Brother Qian again? No matter whether you win or lose, it's only the last game.

Zhao Qian happily agreed: "I haven't competed with Dongfang for a long time. This palm is really itchy."

Everything was ready, and the two meditated and fought against each other. It was difficult to tell the winner for a long time. Dongfang Ye was still angry and idle. Zhao Qian was a little sweaty and impatient, and he wanted to take a shortcut to make a quick decision. At this moment, the little man fell in in a panic and said, "Master Dongfang, it's not good! The princess is bleeding!"

These days, Princess Sucome is very happy and vomits several times a day, but Master Dongfang can sit still and hasn't seen her once.

The princess's body was like this, she felt unlucky and did not come to the Oriental Master's room.

Mrs Mei thought that it was Princess Sukou who heard about the tragic death of Geng Su and the little maid. She was overly frightened and then added her body, which led to the impurpletion of the unclean ghost, so she specially prayed to the Bodhisattva in order to keep the princess's sound. But after a few days, the symptoms of vomiting stopped slightly, which caused more serious bleeding! When a woman is pregnant, bleeding is definitely not a joke!

Zhao Qian and Dongfang Ye stopped the game and said, "Brother Dongfang, why don't you go and have a look?"

Master Dongfang stood up, took his sleeves up, rolled over the chess game, and the chess pieces scattered all over the table.

When he arrived at the door of Princess Sukou, he didn't go in, but frowned and said, "Why don't you throw those incense jars outside? What's smoked? If you're not sick, you'll get sick!"

The maid said in embarrassment, "The masters of Shinan Temple said that it was a rare Feiye that dispel evil spirits and shock gods!"

"F out! Make some mysteries that you have never heard of and confuse people's hearts!" After saying that, Master Dongfang arranged, "Go and ask Dr. Li to stop the blood first!"

Dr. Li came over quickly and rubbed several acupuncture points of Princess Su Ke for a while, accompanied by acupuncture, and the blood gradually stopped. Dr. Li wiped his sweat and said, "Fortunately, those burned things were poured out in time, which contained a large number of substances that cause qi and blood disorders. If there is more bleeding, the child in the belly will be worried.

Mrs. Mei was shocked and scolded those who did things and drove them out of the house for abandoning them.

Princes Su Ko fell asleep and shouted weakly, "Brother Dongfang...Brother Dongfang..."

Zhao Qian looked at Dongfang Ye and frowned, "You don't come to her side. Can you respond?"

Master Dongfang said with a blank face, "Women's diseases are mostly caused by too many mental problems. But if it's simple and pure, the spiritual platform is clear, and there are not so many things!"

Zhao Qian listened and looked gloomy and didn't say a word.

Mrs. Mei said angrily, "unfilial son! If the settled beggar is sick, do you also say the same? I'm afraid you're not pretending to be sick, and you also want to keep it!"

Zhao Qian moved the corners of his lips and wanted to say something. Dongfang said, "Mother, stop quarreling. Yu'er's recuperation is not good."

Mrs. Mei was so lightly blocked by him, holding thousands of words in her chest and said, "What a sin, if I had known you were like this, I might as well let you fall into someone else's house..."

"Mother, what did you say?" Master Dongfang was stunned.

Mrs. Mei suddenly stopped and quickly covered up: "No, no..."

Master Dongfang stopped asking and thought that Zuo was just me who disappointed her, and she said cruel words. Since the former filial son has gradually been labeled as unfilial, there is no need to defend himself. If you are not filial, you will not be filial.

Master Dongfang turned back into his room. Zhao Qian saw the scattered chess and said regret, "This game is ruined. Do you want another plate?"

Master Dongfang waved his hand and said, "It's only one set, and it's God's will that there is no win or lose. There will be no more second set."

Zhao Qian paused for a moment and looked at him and said, "Brother Dongfang, you have changed a lot."

"Real?" Mr. Dong's face pulled stiffly and squeezed out a cold moonlight smile: "This world is changing rapidly. Yesterday's living person will never be seen again today. It's impermanence. What else is there that remains unchanged for a long time?"

Zhao Qian couldn't delve into his words and only said, "You resented Kuer, don't you?"

Master Dongfang said as if he had heard a joke: "Why should I resent her?"

Zhao Qian couldn't say the core reason and wiped the edge and said, "If she hadn't stubbornly married you and intervened between you and the beggar, you would have wished."

"This is secondary." Dongfang Ye's eyes were empty and emotionless and said, "What I'm afraid of is to achieve my goal and do whatever I can."

Zhao Qian asked, "What does Dongfang brother mean?"

"It's nothing." Master Dongfang said, "If one day I give up everything, even if I can't see my footprints in this world, I will be pierced by all kinds of things."

"Do you have the idea of becoming a monk?" Zhao Qian said slowly, "Is it for her?"

Master Dongfang said, "There are two perfect laws in the world, and live up to the Buddha."

"You have never defeated her. Why do you have to escape so passively?" Zhao Qiandao. He is worried. If Dongfang's brother is wronged and closes his eyes, Koer still has hope. At least it is a kind of comfort to stay by his favorite person.

But how hard will it be for Dongfang's brother to cut off the dust and pull the child alone in the future? How should the world speculate about them?

What kind of beggar's heart will be like ashes? Maybe if you haven't escape into Buddhism, you will be a monk.

Master Dongfang said, "Even if I didn't fail her, those shady tricks have indirectly made me fail the beggar. She suffered too much, but I watched and did nothing.

"Will she be fine if you became a monk?" Zhao Qian asked back.

"There is no absolute at present." Dongfang Ye sighed tiredly, "But, Brother Qian, don't persuade me anymore. If I don't go home, every time I see Koer in the future, I'm afraid I will have the idea of divorce my wife. Don't spread this to Koer's ears, otherwise it will be fatal to her.

"In this case, do you still want to say such ruthless words?" Zhao Qian paused and said, "Did she do anything unforgivable wrong?"

"Who made the evil, who knows best in his heart." Master Dongfang sneered.

Zhao Qian was surprised and doubtful. It won't be the matter of Kou'er... He was found out by Dongfang Di, right?

Because of his guilty feelings, Zhao Qian can't ask more carefully to avoid slap in the face. He sighed and said, "Anyway, I hope you can make a final determination after the baby is born. This is the bloodline of the Oriental people.

Before returning to the prince's mansion, Zhao Qian went to see Koer.

Hearing the footsteps, Princess Su Ko raised her haggard eyes, saw him enter the room alone, bit her lips, and asked, "Brother Qian, is Brother Dongfang outside? Why didn't he come in and refuse to look at me for so long? Did he forget me?

Zhao Qian brushed her messy hair stuck to her cheeks and said, "Dongfang brother has been thinking about you. How can I forget you?"

"Then why... did he... I was sick and didn't go to see him, and he still refused to step into me?" Princess Sucome's tears are full of red eyes.

Zhao Qian did not answer, holding her hand and telling her, "You should relax and make the child healthy. Dongfang Di suddenly lost his martial arts and was irritable. He was afraid that he would be sad to see you, and he was afraid that his words would hurt you and affect your fetus. You can calm down first and let him go through this transition period. When the child is born, he will be a happy father.

Princes Suo wiped away her tears, and her voice couldn't hide the strong bitterness and said, "Hmm."

Zhao Qian took a few steps and was worried. He turned around and warned, "Don't be naughty again. When you are pregnant, you will be angry and sullen. After giving birth to a child, you will become ugly and old. On the contrary, relax and smile every day when you are pregnant, and you will be more radiant than before after giving birth.

Princess Sucome reluctantly smiled and said, "Brother Qian, you will coax me."

"All right, all right." Zhao Qian put a layer of beautiful quilt on her: "If you sit for a long time, your waist will be tired. Your mother and son will lie down and make up for a beauty sleep."

Princes Sucome fell asleep, half-opened her eyes, and her tears soaked the corner of the quilt, as if she was nostalgic for something: "When I was a child, Brother Dongfang also coaxed me like this."

Zhao Qian smiled and said, "Look, how old you are, and you still want to be coaxed every day. When you give birth to a baby, Dongfang brother should coax the baby!"

Princess Suko burst into a thin smile and said shyly, "Brother Qian, don't say anything that makes people blush..."