The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 288 Late delivery

The more and more painful feeling of falling made the beggar suddenly seem to be empty, and the soul and body were torn one by one, as if the child squeezed out desperately and turned into pieces. The pain made her cry and almost cried. There was a disturbance in her head, and there was ** under her body that surrounded her stickyly.

Will she die of excessive blood loss? The beggar bit the corner, stuffed it with no gaps, and couldn't breathe in the air. He took a step closer to the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, the Buddha, and Guanyin Bodhisattva. They... will relieve her pain.

The stable woman raised her voice and shouted "Strong" and "Strong". Seeing that the heat was almost over, she began to give birth with tools. Suddenly pulling the beggar back to hell from the fairy realm of her own imagination, she intermittently cursed, "What a shit! You cruel woman!"

The stable mother-in-law has been giving birth for decades, and it is estimated that this is the first time she has encountered such a thing!

Maternal women can save their strength to scold when they are too painful to take care of themselves!

The stable woman's hand couldn't help shaking, and she was even more panicked when she remembered the secret observation and suspicion of herself by several people in the Shenzhu Hall. If it's normal, it's okay, but the fetus gave birth a month late. It seems that the size is particularly big, and the fetal position is not so correct, which makes her almost cry.

Nangong Zhili seemed to feel the pain of a stable woman and said warmly, "Don't pay attention to her! She has a cold in the palace and suffers more, so she is unscrupulous! I'm angry with her. Just give birth step by step!"

The stable woman heard a long sigh, answered a good sentence, and selectively received the attack words of the beggar, which was much calmer.

The beggar's voice was exhausted, and he gradually became dumb. He felt that he had risen to heaven, but the midwife actually said, "Come on! Fast! The head is finally straightened out!" The beggar almost died, and grandma was about tossed to death before her head came out?!

Too discouraged!

I won't give birth! No more!

That's it, it's too hard!

When the stable woman saw that she suddenly lost all her thoughts and didn't make any move, she was so anxious that she burst into tears: "Auntie, you can't fall asleep. This... The child's neck is still stuck. If you give up, the child will die!"

The beggar wanted to open her mouth and say, "If you break your breath, your aunt won't give birth," but she couldn't make a sound. Caught in a soft nightmare, he was so tired that he was about to fall asleep in the loss of blood and pain.

Outside, Zhao Qian was so anxious: "Why didn't she scold? What happened to her? Instead, scold, scold loudly!"

The embroidered aunt has no idea. Yeah, why is the beggar silent? Didn't the midwife say that her head came out?

Why is there no follow-up? Did you... faint?

fainting in production is not a good sign.

"I'll go and have a look." Xiu's aunt said to Zhao Qian in a warm voice.

There is nothing wrong with Zhao Qian.

Entering the inner room, the embroidered aunt was shocked by the blood stains of a pool! Although the beggar's fetus is strange, she has been laughing and laughing during pregnancy. She rarely has seven disasters and eight pains. How did she shed so much blood during childbirth?

She approached, held the cold hand of the beggar exposed outside, frowned and said to Nangong, "Can their mother and son be safe?"

Nangong Zhili gathered a little true qi on his fingers and said a little absent-mindedly, "It's nothing to do. It's that the children are too strong. The young son is strong and his mother is weak, so he doesn't support it for a while.

The embroidered girl said half-heartedly, "What should I do?"

"Don't worry. I will try my best." Nangong closed his eyes.

Xiugu nodded and said, "Do you need my help?"

"Go and stop the prince. Just let him break in." Nangong Zhili said slowly.

Aunt Xiu thought that she should not be disturbed at this time, so she went out to transfer the words of Nangong Zhili to Prince Zhao. Zhao Qian was so anxious that he didn't mention it.

Seeing that the beggar's endurance was limited, the midwife was anxious and there was nothing she could do. Finally, she gritted her teeth and said, "Do you want to protect the adult or the child?"

Nangong Zhili's eyes were cold, and he asked with a sneer at the corners of his lips, "Can you keep yourself if anyone has gone wrong?"

The midwife opened her mouth in consteration, looked shocked, and said with a tongue: "The magic doctor... There are too many variables in the matter of childbirth. When it is difficult to protect the two boxes, it is also natural to try to avoid harm and reduce the casualties to the minimum... If it is because you can't do both, there be a midwife's life, how can there be a delivery? "

"What if their mother and son are blessed? When you can guarantee both, you only protect one of them, isn't it indirectly equivalent to harming the other? Killing people for your life, can you still save yourself?

"The magic doctor, you can't say this..." The midwife withdrew her surprise, turned her eyes and smiled, "Then take the good words of the magic doctor. I just take out the child. The adult is dead or alive. It depends on her blessing!"

Nangong Zhili slapped the midwife's eager hands and smiled disdainfully, "If you do that, the living will lose half of your life!" And she only has half of her life left, and it's not completely taken away by you!"

The mother-in-law's heart has been laughed by Nangong Zhili.

She has been a midwife for half her life. When the queen was pregnant with a princess, she gave birth to her, but she has never seen such a strange doctor!

Nangong Zhili stared at her, as if to poke her in half, and her tone became more and more shady, exhaling on the pores of her skin, making her chill. I only heard him say ghostly, "I'll help her. You are single-minded and don't be crooked!"

"Are you here to help her?" The midwife stared so much that her eyes were about to burst out, and she couldn't help accepting Nangong Zhili's arrangement: "Okay...Okay!"

Nangong Zhili used the true qi freely and slowly injected it into the beggar's body.

The beggar felt hot and steaming in a trance, and the sweat was no longer cold. A force followed her back and reached her lower abdomen, which shocked her spirit. A hot current carried this power and rushed straight out of the body.

The loud baby crying cut through the room full of tension.

"It's coming out!" The midwife wiped a sweat with relief, turned her face to compliment Nangong and said, "It's worthy of being a magic doctor to take care of the child, who is white, fat, healthy and beautiful!"

Nangong Zhili looked at her with deep meaning and said in a light and dangerous tone: "Why don't you wipe the child's body with warm water and wrap it in a blanket?"

"Exact! Exactly! The old man only cares about joy, but forgets it! It's time to fight! It's time to fight!" As the midwife spoke, she called the embroidered aunt outside to come in to do her hand.

Zhao Qian also came in happily, looked at the child, hugged him and weighed it, and said, "Good boy, it weighs eight catties!" Then he carefully handed it to Aunt Xiu, rushed to the bedside to see the beggar, and said eagerly, "How are you? Are you okay?"

The beggar closed his eyes slightly and said tiredly, "I want to sleep."

"The beggar has taken off his strength. It's time to have a good rest." Nangong Zhili said to Zhao Qiandao.

Zhao Qian said in a folding voice, "Okay, okay, you go to bed. I'll come to see you later."

After Zhao Qian went out, the beggar said to Nangong, "Why do I feel like I'm drained out? In the past, the true qi left by Dongfang Master in my body seemed to split me from time to time, and now this true qi seems to have disappeared. Although I was tired and weak, my body seemed to belong to me.

Nangong Zhili said with a smile, "True qi will not disappear. It has been transferred to the child's body. If the child practices martial arts, he will get twice the result with half the effort and make rapid progress."

The beggar was shocked and said, "However, you can't practice martial arts just after birth... Will the childish body be unable to hold on before officially practicing martial arts?"

"He will feel uncomfortable and have an excited power that makes it difficult for him to be quiet and sleep." Nangong salutes.

The beggar had a headache: "Then who will put him to sleep?" What should he do if he sleeps well?

Nangong Zhili nodded and said, "Now the only way is for you to raise it. I have some methods to make him relatively quiet, and let him have deep and controllable internal skills when he is young and can't walk. When he can use his fists and feet at will, he is so powerful that even ordinary martial arts students can't stand it.

Nahan said, "Master Dongfang's internal strength is not the same as you. How can you control it and let it be tamed in the child's body? I remember that in those years, you were comparable to Master Dongfang. As a rule, good and evil were not compatible, and no one had the law to make an appointment with anyone's true spirit!"

"You finally admit that I am equally divided with him! In those years, Xi Shi appeared in the eyes of lovers, and my kung fu tricks were not enough to lift shoes for him!" Nangong Zhili mocked.

The beggar raised his eyebrows and hummed, "How old are you? Are you still so angry? Besides, even if time passes, in my mind, Dongfang Ye still doesn't know how many times he has won you, at least in terms of character!"

"It's a pity..." Nangong Zhili sighed, but did not sigh any more.

The beggar asked, "What did you sigh?"

Nangong Zhili said, "It's a pity that such a good character can't get together due to many misunderstandings! One escapes into the empty door, ends with regret, and the other thinks empty..."

The beggar was a little stunned for a moment. Yes, Master Dongfang has been a monk for a long time.

Will this child, with the true spirit of Master Dongfang, grow into a graceful posture like Master Dongfang?

When tears came up, Nangong Zhili smiled and said, "How old are you talking about? I thought you really put it down, but without saying a few words, you burst into tears!"

The beggar was annoyed: "What do you know! The same tears are different situations and moods.

The two were arguing when Aunt Xiu came in with a pink baby in her arms.

The beggar suddenly woke up, and he was already a mother! Unexpectedly, he can forget the newly produced and still empty body and quarrel with Nangong Zhili!

He saluted Nangong, exhaled a sneer from his nostrils, and then took the baby from Xiu Gu's hand and put it into his arms. He only felt that his arms were bent and sank: Good boy, it's enough! It is estimated that it is two heavier than Princess Suko's son when she was born!

Under the straight and slender eyebrows, on the closed eyelids, there is a wide or narrow double eyelid, the curvature is natural and elegant. The high and straight bridge of the nose, the small mouth of Sai Rouge... is so cute and tight.

The beggar forgot the pain of being tortured by him for a moment, smiled softly, stretched out his fingers, and teased the child's face. But he fell asleep ignorantly and did nothing to investigate the world.

Thinking of Nangong Zhili saying that he would cry obediently all day because of the true qi in his body, the beggar was a little pitiful and said to Aunt Xiu, "Where's the prince?"

"He came in to see you at that time. When he said he wanted to sleep, he hurried out of the Pearl Hall. He probably wanted to tell the emperor and queen the good news of the safety of your mother and son!"

The beggar said "um" and seemed to have something on his mind.

Aunt Xiu knew her and said solemnly, "This child... I'm afraid they won't let you raise her in the Pearl Hall. If only the child eats the mother's milk and not the nurse's.

"For young children, it's just a habit. When they feed boiled water on the first day and whose milk they eat from the next day, they remember the taste and recognize that person as their mother." The beggar is a little sad.

Nangong Zhili was not affected by the atmosphere and smiled heartlessly: "... Compared with other ignorant children, this child has his own unique advantages. Don't cry and wait happily for his grandfather to name him.

The beggar said, "The nickname got up as soon as he got pregnant, so his name is a cald!" As for the big name, I won't shout. Let them move the classics!"

The embroidered girl laughed and said, "Don't tell me, this child is really like a calf!"

"How can you do this!" The beggar said anxly, "Let me think about it... In order to be my calves, your nickname is also serious... Er, what's your name?"

After thinking hard for a long time, the beggar stroked his palm and laughed: "Otherwise, the one who is more convenient, the big one in your family is called the big cald; the little one in my family is called the little cald... What do you think?"

Aunt Xiu said speechlessly, "Forget it, I'm not good at it. If your name is a young man, and my family is called a young man's brother. Is that good?

The beggar made a comparison and pouted, "It's not satisfactory."

"Don't worry! When you recover, you can make a basket for the little naughty in my family. You can shout as much as you want. Whichever you like to shout is up to you - is satisfactory? Aunt Xiu said as if she were coaxing a child, shaving her face.

The beggar answered, "That's what you said! In the future, your sweetheart will be dizzy, so that he can't tell which one is himself. Don't blame me!"

"Okay, it's all up to you." Xiugu smiled gently and tolerantly, "Get some sleep. When the prince comes with a group of people, including the child's wet nurse, you will have a headache for a while!"

The beggar smiled and said, "I just want to talk more with my sister now!" When they come, I will pretend to sleep! I slept so dark that I couldn't wake up!"

"But it's nonsense again! If they use your weakness as a reason, it will be more difficult for them to raise them around you!" Xiugu said something.

The beggar felt reasonable and touched his head and said, "Let me think of a two-way solution... When they come to talk nonsense and don't involve the interests, I will pretend to sleep. As soon as it comes to the critical moment, I will wake up and never let them ignore my existence!"

Aunt Xiu was angry and smiled: "How many thrilling and interesting things will happen in the future if the emperor's eldest grandson has a biological mother like you!"

The beggar laughed and said, "This can exercise people's IQ!" Make the excellent more excellent and the stupid more stupid!"

The beggar was talking passionately, and Nangong Zhili suddenly raised his index finger and motioned the beggar to stop talking: "You are more normal! Someone is coming!"

The beggar stopped, covered his head and quickly shrank into the quilt with lightning, and let out a slight snoring sound. His forehead wrinkled slightly, as if he had not recovered from the severe pain of production.

Prince Zhao led the emperor, queen, crown princess and others, and even Princess Suko was also in it. In fact, this scene was also a gift from the emperor. Finally, he was looking forward to a grandson. Everyone was impatient to see it, and he was right.

The Pearl Hall has never gathered such a large crowd, and the main hall seemed a little crowded for a while.