The beggar's wife is enchanting

Chapter 307

The embroidered aunt was designed by the beggar and Nangong Zhili, which has become the courtesy of Zhou Gong, so she no longer avoids it, so that the word husband and wife is well-deed.

When Aunt Xiu thought about what happened that day, she always felt that something was wrong. Jing Yu, who had slept with her bed, said, "Is that magic doctor and the beggar sister deliberately drunk you and me? You don't usually say abrupt words. How can you be so speechless and immoral after drinking? Do you still want to drive the beggar out and sleep with me... undressed?"

Jing Qi blushed and smiled and said, "After drinking, you can tell the truth, and wine can be chaotic... I don't know if it's Tianzhu or human help or wine help."

With that, he hugged the embroidered aunt with a saliva and said, "Regardless of the process, the result will be sweet."

The embroidered aunt nodded his forehead and said anly, "I'm not afraid of quarreling Qin'er. The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Be careful that you have taught him badly.

"He will understand sooner or later." Jing Qi didn't care and said with a smile, "I'm afraid I'll teach him a lover."

We talked about each other's private words. Then the embroidered aunt sighed, "I haven't been to the prime minister's house for about ten days. Last time his family sent Yao Wu to invite him, I said that he was not feeling well and Qin's illness had not yet recovered, so I prevaried him. Let's do it again. What can I say?"

Jingqi lived around Xiugu: "Isn't that Zhier able to eat porridge, cake and eat vegetables?"

"I can eat some... but I always need to eat milk for a while before I can eat." Aunt Xiu frowned and said, "If he doesn't eat at half a meal, I have given birth to Qin'er for so long, how can the milk be enough to feed him? Most of the time, it's just eating blindly.

Jing Qi said, "Why don't you... quit? Or bring Zhi'er to the manor to raise it? You're not at home all day. I miss you..."

The embroidered aunt said worriedly, "I have discussed with my sister. In the past, Zhi'er was raised in the Shenzhu Hall and was lifted into the water by Ling'er and almost drowned... Our Qin'er is at the time of nonsense. I'm afraid that if something happens to Zhi'er in the manor, we can't be washed away even if we jump into the Yellow River."

"It's true." Jingqi said, "Why don't I hire you a few good sedan chairs to take you there every morning and come back in the evening?"

The embroidered aunt nodded: "It's barely good, but it's more troublesome."

For the next three consecutive days, the prime minister's mansion sent Yao Wu to greet him. Aunt Xiu couldn't avoid it, so she said to Jing Yu, "I'll go with him today and come back after dinner... But I'm afraid it's time."

Jing Wei said, "I let Xue San, the doorkeeper, go to bed late. Be more careful on the way."

The embroidered aunt smiled and said, "The prime minister's office should also arrange someone to protect me. Don't worry. You have worked hard these days."

Jingqi stopped talking.

"What do you want to say?" The embroidered aunt withdrew the maids.

Jing Qi whispered, "It's an illusion. In the past two days, there seem to be more strange figures and some martial arts. It seems to be monitoring something.

Xiu Gu Yilin said, "Then tell Xue San and others who are the doorkeeper, let them be in a twelve-point spirit, strictly guard against them, and make sure that there are no mistakes and let people sneak in."

"Okay, don't worry." Jingqi held Xiu's hand and said, "Just take care of yourself."

one night, when the embroidered aunt came out of the prime minister's mansion, there were already thousands of lights. But I didn't see Yao Wu coming to see him off.

The sedan chair was carried to the gate of Kanping Shoe Village later than usual. Seeing Xue San's doorkeepers drunk and crooked, Aunt Xiu quickly asked people to drink sober up and woke them up with cold water.

Jing Qi also ran to hear the sound and scolded with Aunt Xiu, "What's going on?" Where did the wine come from? Who took the lead in drinking it?"

Xue San touched his confused head and apologized, "Yao Wu, the prime minister's mansion, said that today the young master of the East is making a fierce scene, and Mrs. Xiu is afraid of tripping later. He also said that he was afraid that we would be bored of guarding the door, so he brought a box of aging wine. Li Shuan, Zhang Bing and Niu Yuan and I thought about it. It's okay to drink a few cups. Besides, Yao Wu is also an acquaintance of our village. Unexpectedly, if you don't drink wine for many days, the more you drink, the more popular it will be. The wine is so strong that you will be drunk and unconscious.

Aunt Xiu and Jing Qi looked at each other and said nothing more. After changing a few people on duty, Xue San waited for a rest.

"This is a little strange." Aunt Xiu said, "You send someone to search in all corners of the shoe village to see if anyone has sneaked in."

It should not be too late. Jingqi called more than 30 Zhuangding to divide his work and carefully check whether there was anything missing or more, but there were thieves entering the manor.

Unless in the middle of the night, all Zhuang Ding gathered unscathed. But no clues were found.

"It seems that Yao Wu is afraid that everyone will wait for you for a long time. He specially mentioned the wine table to show his intention, which can also be regarded as the subordinates of the prime minister's mansion." Jingqi Road.

Aunt Xiu whispered, "Have those suspicious people outside the door retreated today?"

"There is no total withdrawal." Jingqi said, "There are only three or two left. There is no such murderous spirit.

The embroidered aunt frowned and said no.

I couldn't sleep well all night. Before going to the prime minister's mansion the next day, Aunt Xiu called Xue San, Li Shuan, Zhang Bing, Niu Yuan and others to ask, "What did Yao Wu ask you when you were drunk last night?" What did you say?"

They were all confused and couldn't remember.

Aunt Xiu said to Jingqi, "Call the people who knew they were drinking last night and ask what you heard."

In the prime minister's mansion, I was restless for a day. Back home, Jing Qi said to her, "The woman of Li Shuan's house, who was watching the night in the embroidery hall, listened to the lively drinking outside the gate. She went over for a while and heard Yao Wu ask, 'Have you lived in two girls in the shoe store recently'..."

The embroidery hall is only ten meters away from the gate.

"How did they answer?" Aunt Xiu asked urgently.

"Li Shuan's family said that they didn't know whether it was Xue San or Zhang Bing. They replied that they had not seen the girl. They had only seen two bodyguards in the palace and a servant. Later, the two bodyguards left, but they didn't see the servant."

Aunt Xiu thought for a long time and said, "Is it possible that Yao Wu is looking for the whereabouts of the beggar?"

Jing Wei nodded and thought deeply: "Fortunately, the beggar put on makeup and deliberately kept it a secret. Although Yao Wu is suspicious, he can't make a conclusion.

"Can Lanhu still get used to it in the miscellaneous room?" Embroidery aunt.

"I only told the stewer of the miscellaneous room that I'm new here." Jingqi Road.

"That's good." Xiugu said unsteadfastly, "Who on earth was Yao Wu ordered? They will definitely think that the little servant is a beggar and is still in our shoe house... As for the two bodyguards, they guess that it may be escorted..."

"The sneaky outside the door shows that they are so suspicious." Jing Qi said, "What should we do next?"

Aunt Xiu thought for a moment and said, "In order to hide her eyes and ears, on the one hand, she sent someone to send a letter to Li Jikan Ping shoe store in Qinghe and asked Li Ji to hand it over to the beggar. The letter explained the situation and made her aware of it. On the one hand, let a golden cicada out of the shell and let the beggar pretending to be Yao Wu slip out of the gate..."

"Good!" Jing Kui was very much in favor.

When Aunt Xiu went to the prime minister's mansion again, she asked a Zhuang Ding to wear the clothes worn by Lanhu. She walked to Gujing Hutong with the sedan chair and gave Zhuang Ding some money and said, "You go to the clothing store to buy a new dress and change it, and then go to the pharmacy to buy a century-old ginseng, and then turn to the vegetable market to buy some of the latest seasonal melons and fruits. Vegetables, and then go back home. When others ask, you just say that your wife wants to take care of it.

Zhuang Ding did as he did.

After another three or two, there were no suspicious people near the gate of Kanping Shoe Village.

In the palace, Princess Su Ko whispered to the crown princess Liu Caiping closing the door: "... Originally, it was suspected that the servant was dressed as a beggar. Lanhu's maidservant may have gone to the summer resort first. The two guards were sent by her brother to protect the beggar girl... Unexpectedly, the servant came out of the prime minister's mansion a few days ago and abducted a few people. Wan'er disappeared and never returned to Kanping Shoe Village.

"Is it that the little servant is the beggar girl? Did you hear any wind and run away? Liu Cai said.

Princes Suko shook her head: "However, I sent someone to search all the nearby alleys and alleys, and I didn't see the little man again. The stalker at the door of the shoe village did not find the little boy returning.

"Is it possible that Yao Wu's information is not accurate? That little servant is not a beggar at all? Liu Cai couldn't understand it.

"Or, the beggar has left the capital cunningly." Princess Sucome said angrily, "She can't fly out of our palms even if she inserts her wings!" Brother Qian is so busy that he will leave in a few days. Let's see who can save her!"

Liu Cai said with a smile, "Don't worry, sister, there is still time... Just wait for Jia and his wife's letter."


Jia Mansion in Yanlan City.

A detective reported to Su Xier and Jia Yubo: "Master and madam, I don't think the Water Margin Xianzhai has been unusual recently."

"What's wrong?" Su Xier didn't take it too much into her heart: "With just a few little beggars, can you stand the storm?"

The detective said, "For half a month, the gate of Shuihu Xianzhai has been closed. The personnel inside have hardly come out, and outsiders can't get in. The little one once climbed a tree and looked into the yard. There was no one there, but he heard the sound of sticks fighting from the ground... The little one was afraid that something had happened, or they were plotting something big, so he hurried back and asked his wife for instructions to make it clear.

Jia Yubo said strangely, "They don't go out?" Then how do you buy rice, food and food?

"You are stupid!" Su Xier gradually condensed her face and said, "They have stored a lot of rice and grain, and there is a vegetable garden in the beggar's farm. It's no problem to be self-sufficient for a month or two... What do you think they are playing?"

Jia Yubo remembered that he almost died on the way from the capital to Yanlan City. The scene of being frozen, hungry and scared was vivid in his mind. He quickly said, "What about them, Xi'er! In the future, the beggar gang can do whatever they want. Let's draw a clear line for it, and the well water will not violate the river! Even if the bandit goddess wants to find fault, she can't find it!"

Su Xier stared and said, "Do you think you won't offend you if you don't commit crimes? If you want to retreat, you have to measure how much you weigh.

After saying that, Su Xier ordered the spy, "Be sure to find out what they are doing!"

The detective was worried for a few days, but he didn't even climb over the wall of Shuihu Xianzhai, and once he was almost arrested.

I don't know how many times I was scolded by Su Xier, but there was no progress.

Su Xier sent several more spies, promising that no matter what method was used, as long as she could talk to the people of the Water Margin Xianzhai and find out what they were doing, they would be rewarded.

is still fruitless.

In late May, when Su Xier had trouble sleeping and eating, eight good hands came to the capital and brought a secret letter.

Su Xier opened it and took a look of cold air, but her expression was mixed with excitement.

Jia Yubo came up and said, "What are you talking about?"

Su Xi'er just let him see it and put the letter on the candlelight, and the flames devoured the letter.

Jia Yubo said in panic, "Princess, Princess Sucome... I suspect that the goddess of bandit has stolen out of the palace and came to Yanlan City?"

Su Xier snorted coldly, "I said that my right eyelid has been jumping these days. No wonder the Water Margin Xianzhai is so protected. It turns out that there are people who have escaped without permission! Without the suspicion of the princess and the princess, I'm almost sure that the beggar is in the nest now!"

Jia Yubo shook his teeth and said, "Just reply to the crown princess and say you don't know!"

In the good hand from the capital, one took out a snowy knife and put it against Jia Yubo's neck and said, "Is this your perfunctory?"

Jia Yubo almost fell to his knees. Su Xier hurriedly smiled and said, "Don't be impulsive. You have to discuss this matter carefully!" The will of the crown princess is like the holy sound of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

"That's not to be heard." The man took back the knife, pushed Jia Yubo and hit the door frame. He said in a cold voice, "If you don't cooperate, you will die ugly."

Jia Yubo lost his soul.

"Don't worry, distinguished guests!" Su Xier said, "Jia Lang and I will do our best to suppress the bandits and relieve the worries of the crown princess!"

Su Xier looked at these eight people and knew that they were unusual masters, so she deliberately said, "However, there is a lack of thres in our government. There are many people in the Water Margin Xianzhai, and it is a little difficult to capture their leaders."

"In addition to Zhou Wu and Zheng Wen, we wait seven to work for the crown princess, and we will also be used by our wife!"

Zhou Wu? Zheng Wen? Su Xier looked at the man who delivered the letter and said confusedly, "Why is there only one?"

"He is Zhou Wu." The first of the seven people said, "Zheng Wen is in the capital. In order to prevent people from going back and forth too much, the crown princess specially arranged for the two of them to run instead. For example, Zhou Wu brought the reply from Yanlan City to the capital and showed it to the crown princess. The crown princess immediately asked Zheng Wen to send a letter to Yanlan City; the letter from Yanlan City was sent by Zheng Wen to the capital, and then asked Zhou Wu to bring a letter from the capital..."

"So it is!" Su Xier smiled and said, "Do you dare to ask the names of the seven people?"

The headman said casually, "You can call him the first brother, second brother, third brother, fourth brother, fifth brother, sixth brother and seventh brother in order."

Su Xi'er has worshipped one by one and recognized each other.

settled them down. Su Xier was afraid that there were not enough manpower, so she picked out dozens of strong men from her house in case of emergency.

A step later, the beggar received a letter from Li Jikanping Shoe Store in Qinghe, which was written by Aunt Xiu.

The beggar smiled and said to Nangong Zhili, "They really won't leave me a way to live!" After walking, he sent someone to monitor my sister's shoe house!"

Nangong Zhili was not surprised and said quietly, "After discovering that you are not there, guess where their target will be?"

The beggar looked at him and smiled and had an answer effortlessly: "The beggar's nest Water Margin Xianzhai!"

"You are not stupid, hehe." Nangong Zhili touched her head and laughed so much that her scalp was numb.

"Go! Go! Don't itch your hands and feet!" The beggar drove him away like a mosquito.

Nangong Zhili said, "I've learned these days... It's time to practice!"

The beggar looked tight: "You mean that they will send a large number of people here to chase me?"

Nangong Zhili said slowly and desperately: "That's too eye-catching... If you are a master, why send too much? ... Besides, looking at this Yanlan City, it's not that they can use... I don't want you to live, not only my aunt in the palace, right?"

The beggar opened his pupils and swam for a long time. He clapped his palm and said, "Look at my memory! It's all because my heart was too soft in those years, leaving two hidden dangers!"

The beggar hurriedly invited the old dove and Yanzhi and asked, "These days, no one goes out, right? Is there any movement outside?"

The old student said, "No. Even a dog can't get in."

The beggar said, "We are practicing beating dog sticks. Naturally, the dog is scared and dares not come in. You show me the door, and sparrows and bees are not allowed to fly in.

"Follow the order of the village." The old student has gone down.

Miss Yanzhi was smart and said to the beggar, "Is there a letter from the capital? How did they send it here?

"The confidant of Li Jipai shouted at the tree outside the gate, and then sent the letter in." The beggar said, "The letter says that someone is chasing me..."

Miss Yanzhi's eyes are like a cold star and said, "May is over, and June is the time to collect half a year's rent. The stewman of the government office is about to come, urging from the beginning of the month to the end of the month.

The beggar's voice became cold and said, "Don't you know that the old, young and old in this village are poor beggars. If you pay taxes again, you can't live?"

"They don't care about this." Miss Yanzhi said, "I have argued with reason. Guess what the steward will answer? He said that you should not cry poor. Who doesn't know that your village owner is making a fortune in Beijing and pulling out a hair to relieve these beggars, which is enough food and clothing for a lifetime! You occupied the land of Yanlan City, built houses, and opened a pastoral area. Do you still want to cheat or not pay taxes?

The beggar sprayed fire in his eyes and said, "This is a wasteland cultivated by the brothers. At most dozens of taels of silver can buy the land!"

Miss Yanzhi said, "How can they cut off the road to wealth? At first, it was collected once a year, but later it became half a year, and the name became more and more numerous... If it goes on, with their lack of greed and dark skin, in the end, they may collect it once a month until the Xianzhai will collapse!"

The beggar sat down in the chair and said, "I'm back from the rich man. Let them take it."

Miss Yanzhi was worried and said, "If the government government couple colluded with the snobbery of the capital in order to protect their lives... Your situation is not optimistic."

The beggar smiled and said, "They didn't prevent us from practicing the stick method, and then they would be caught off guard."

"But what happened after they suffered losses? Will it report to the court that the bandits are well-trained and scheme, and ask for the destruction of the Water Margin Xianzhai?

"This is legitimate defense." The beggar said, "I was ordered by the emperor to beat the rich to help the poor and appease the people. They don't know the depth and may fall into themselves!" They squeezed the tax of beggars, filled their own pockets, and were guilty and unreasonable. They did not dare to report it.

Miss Yanzhi said proudly, "We are not afraid of fighting. With your words, it's better to beat them so that they can no longer fight!" What I'm afraid of is that they will regard you as a stumbling block and concentrate on killing you and swallowing up all the remaining wealth of the Water Margin Xianzhai! You must be careful!"

At this time, Nangong Zhili came over and said, "From the government office, seven or eight good men came from the capital to help Jia and his wife capture the bandits!"

The beggar smiled and said, "Sister Yanzhi issued an order to the brothers and waited for them!" Shake my beggar gang!"