College Record

Chapter 011 Shengwu University

Ten minutes later, the bus slowly stopped in front of the station, which is only 100 meters away from Shengwu University and can be reached by crossing a road.

Maybe he was afraid of the man who had been rude to him before. After Chu Xingchen got out of the car, the girl also got out of the car and followed him closely behind him, silently bowing her head, as if she was willing to be his shadow and inseparable from him.

At the same time, the obscene man also got out of the car, with a little cruel face and his hands behind him. In his hand, there was already a three-finger-long sharp dagger. At the beginning of the blade, the cold light flashed, quietly holding the knife behind the two people, waiting for the best opportunity. The white knife entered, the red knife out, and Chu Xing Chen's bloody revenge.

Within a few steps, Chu Xingchen stopped suddenly, as if he had found something, and turned around and looked at the girl. While the figure of the obscene man also entered his sight, but he completely ignored the existence of the man and just said to the girl with a smile, "Teach you a way to defend yourself. If you meet again next time When it comes to perverts, I believe this method will work very well.

The girl looked up slightly and looked at Chu Xingchen puzzledly, thinking about the meaning of his words. The man suddenly started and approached crazily with a knife. Naturally, the target was Chu Xingchen.

In the face of the man's violence, Chu Xingchen smiled, and then gently pushed the girl's shoulder with one hand, which made the girl turn around and directly turned her towards the crazy lewd man.

Suddenly, when she saw the man rushing towards her with a knife, the girl couldn't help screaming, and suddenly she was scared and turned pale.

At a loss, the girl instinctively closed her eyes, dared not look at it, and did not avoid it. She seemed to have accepted her fate and was currently waiting for the arrangement of fate.

Chu Xingchen stood firmly behind the girl, calm and calm, but anyone who saw this scene would think that he wanted the girl to be his shield.


The next second, seeing that the obscene man was approaching, Chu Xingchen's right foot was lightning-like attack, unbiased, hitting the girl's calf. At the same time, the girl seemed to have been manipulated. Driven by Chu Xingchen's foot force, her right foot kicked out. At the speed of lightning, she suddenly only heard a "bang". It was kicked hard on the crotch of the obscene man.

Under one blow, all the movements of the obscene man fell into a standstill, and the dagger in his hand also fell out of his hand. His burly body bent into a shrimp shape on the spot, his legs were tightly closed, his hands covered his crotch, his dark face was flushed, and even his eyes were covered with a layer of blood fog, and his whole face was almost distorted. He grinned and wanted to cry without tears. It seemed that he didn't even have the strength to moan, and he looked painfully embarrassed.

No matter how strong a man is, there is always the weakest place in his body. If he is not injured here, it will be fatal. Otherwise, it will not be called a man's "life" here. Root. "Zi".

It's just the life of an obscene man. Root. Son, I think I can only be depressed and bow my head to live in the future--

In addition to the pain, the obscene man tried his best to look up and look at the delicate girl in front of him with great shock. How could this seemingly weak little girl have so much strength? And her foot speed is too fucking fast, isn't it?

However, the person behind the girl is to use force to brake statically, especially a move to beat the cow across the mountain. Chu Xingchen has already practiced a fire. Although he kicked the girl, the girl will not only not feel a trace of pain, but also will also make Chu Xingchen's leg strength. Absorb, and then give a fatal blow to the obscene man!

At this moment, the obscene man only felt that the egg was broken on the ground. It was really difficult to bear this deadly pain. He couldn't help but sink his knees and he was about to kneel to the ground. Unexpectedly, Chu Xingchen came out again and kicked the girl's calf. At the same time, involuntarily, the girl's legs and feet moved accordingly and naturally. It was kicked out, with the same speed and the same strength, and quickly and powerfully kicked the man's chin--

At this foot, the man suddenly felt a strong impact reaching his brain and tearing all the nerve lines. He couldn't help but black his eyes and didn't wait for his knees to touch the ground. His mouth was full of blood, and his burly body rose to the ground. With that backward movement, he flipped several times in the air continuously before hitting the ground heavily. , accompanied by a loud "bang", when I looked at it again, I saw that he was lying on the ground, bleeding in seven holes, motionless, and his life and death were unknown. It was also a price for his shameful behavior!

The girl still stood still, standing straight, and her slender body almost tightened into a thread, as if she broke at a touch. She closed her eyes, her fists clenched tightly, and her little face was frightened. Obviously, she was still in a state of fate.

It was not until a long time and felt that she had not been hurt that the girl summoned up her courage and slowly opened her eyes. However, what she saw was an obscene man who was already unconscious. At first sight, the girl couldn't help opening her eyes and was inevitably a little confused. She really didn't know what had happened?

I don't seem to have done anything, but why did this man fall to the ground? And looking at him like this, he is obviously seriously injured. What the hell is going on?

In fact, it's not just a girl. Because Chu Xingchen's movements are extremely clean and neat, even the passers-by onlookers-by don't know what happened just now? People only saw the obscene man take up from the air and then landed. It was really ugly in a short moment.

Turning around, the girl was about to ask Chu Xingchen to understand. She didn't want to look around. The figure seemed to have evaporated and disappeared without a trace.

"Who the hell is he?" The girl muttered curiously. When she first met the boy on the bus, she had not felt anything special about the boy. She was a completely ordinary teenager, but at this moment, in her heart, the boy was full of mystery and left a very special impression on her.

If possible, she would like to see the boy again and thank him face to face. But the boy has quietly gone away. If he wants to see him again, he can only rely on the illusory fate.


At the same time, Chu Xingchen has stopped in front of the gate of Shengwu University.

Looking up, I saw rows of teaching buildings standing among them. Although there are many buildings, no matter how you look at them, these buildings are like ancient buildings in the 21st century and are incompatible with the contemporary environment. The campus is not very large, but it is enough to accommodate 10,000 people, which is the smallest school at present.

However, above the school gate, the four golden characters of [Shengwu University] are eye-catching, and the font seems to be vigorous and powerful, like dragons and phoenix dancing. Under the sun, they are shining and dazzling, giving people a faint sense of atmosphere and vitality.

Chu Xingchen doesn't care about anything else. Whether this is a third-rate school or a first-class university, his only purpose is to get a diploma and then borrow a diploma to find an ideal job. It's that simple.

Stepping into the campus, before Chu Xingchen took a few steps, he saw a group of people rushing out of a teaching building and running desperately in the direction of the school gate. Behind him, there was also a group of people chasing after them. Everyone held all kinds of guys in their hands, such as chairs, sticks, brooms, mops, chains, spears, and even There are also mace sticks, heartbreaking shouting and killing, screaming, beating chicken blood, not to mention how active they are.

You don't need to ask Chu Xingchen to know that people from other schools came to make trouble, but they were defeated and fled. The people of the school took advantage of the victory to chase and chased after them, so the current scene formed.

At this time, seeing that the group of people who were chased and beaten were about to rush to rush to him, Chu Xingchen obediently made way for them, stood by the door, motionless, and watched the group of people who were chased and beaten pass by him.

And another group of people also stopped in front of the school gate, waving their hands to show their victory. They only heard people scolding loudly, "Damn it, our Shengwu University is also offendable by your group of people? Don't you think about how many two weights you have? Next time you want to challenge our Shengwu University, come with a deadly consciousness. Fuck!"

aside, Chu Xingchen was depressed and couldn't laugh or cry, thinking that this guy was clearly imitating the famous sentence of Nanling University.

If you want to commit crimes, you must bring the consciousness of death - except Nanling University, who dares to speak so boldly? However, students from a third-rate school dare to say such a crazy word?

Apart from Nanling University, it seems that some decent people can easily destroy this school, right?

You should know that the current struggle between colleges and universities is a trend. Even if the students of major colleges and universities are open-handed and beat their heads with blood, they will give a warning at most in legal procedures. If it is more serious, they will just send the criminal students to a detention center, close them for half a month, and then fine some money. Simply put, as long as you don't kill people and let the universities go crazy, the government/government is too lazy to control it. The key is that you can't control it even if you want to control it.

Therefore, in such a situation, Chu Xingchen is somewhat impressed that this third-rate school can stand still, but the students in front of him make him depressed. None of them seem to be good, and they don't know what they look like, but in Chu Xingchen's eyes, this group of students are wells. The bottom frog, I don't know how big the sky is. The reason why they are invincible is that they haven't met their real enemies.

After making a helpless sigh, Chu Xingchen was about to sign up. Unexpectedly, before he left, he was stopped by the group of students of the school and surrounded him. Then he saw a student who didn't look like a student looking at him. Then he asked in a fierce and angry voice, "Who the hell are you? Is it the same as the group just now?