College Record

Chapter 048 Something is wrong

Forget it. Anyway, I don't plan to go back to Nanling University. In this city, no one knows me except my family, so I just need to live a good life in the future. As for Nanling University, it has nothing to do with itself. No matter who it is controlled now or what it will do in the future, it has nothing to do with it.

Thinking of this, Chu Nan suddenly smiled and didn't say much or ask much. He just carefully helped Fang Qing and walked slowly to the karate hall with her.

The next moment, the two came outside the Taoist hall. Chu Nan was about to step into it, but Fang Qing stopped and said, "Take off your shoes. You are not allowed to wear shoes to enter the Taoist hall."

Chu Nan smiled, followed his words and obediently took off his shoes. Anyway, there is still some time before school. Instead of being idle, it's better to go in and stay for a while to see Fang Qing's heroic posture during training.

What's more, she has a wound in her leg and is stubborn. She is more relieved to look at her here. In case she practices and makes some violent movements, she can still stop her.

After taking off her shoes, Chu Nan was about to step into the hall, but Fang Qing stood still. She stared down at her feet and hesitated for a moment. Then she gritted her silver teeth and squatted down hard, obviously trying to take off her shoes.

Seeing this, Chu Nan slowly straightened her body, and then squatted down. First, he helped Fang Qing untie her shoelaces, and then put her hand on her shoulder so that she could have a support, and then gently took off her shoes. The service was quite thoughtful, which also showed his carefulness, resulting Fang Qing was moved.

Of course, Chu Nan still thinks that this is what he should do, not to mention helping her take off her shoes, even if he helps her take off her clothes, he will not have a word of complaint. After all, she was injured by herself--

"Thank you!" After being moved, Fang Qing sincerely thanked Chu Nan.

Chu Nan felt extremely guilty when he heard this. He only felt ashamed and replied shyly, "It should be, you're welcome."

However, his "should" has a different meaning in Fang Qing's words--

In Fang Qing's concept, it is natural for a big boy to take care of a girl carefully.

And Fang Qing is still an injured girl. Isn't Chu Nan taking care of her? Isn't this what Chu Nan should do more?

At present, I only saw a happy smile on Fang Qing's face and looked at Chu Nan without blinking.

At this moment, in her heart, Chu Nan is not only handsome, but also very considerate. He is willing to act as his crutch, and he is also willing to bend his knees to help him take off his shoes. Where can he find such a generous and heart-hearted boyfriend?

I didn't know that if her leg had not been accidentally injured by Chu Nan, Chu Nan would not have served her so boringly. And his "should" is also out of his apology to her--

After helping Fang Qing to an empty area, Chu Nan retreated to the edge of the venue, then put his arms around his chest, stood there, and began to appreciate Fang Qing's every move.

Fang Qing is cheerful and informal. At present, facing Chu Nan, she is not afraid of his eyes and maintains the basic standing posture (parallel standing) of karate. It seems that she can't change her posture except for this standing posture.

slowly adjusted her breathing and sorted out her Taoist clothes. After a moment, Fang Qing began to practice. From time to time, she made a "haha" sound in her mouth. For a moment, she hit a powerful straight fist, and then she raised her knife and chopped left and right. In short, a small mouth and two arms were not clear for a moment. Leisure, the moves are also varied. Not only do they look good, but in Chu Nan's eyes, their moves are also very cute--

"Chu Nan, is there a big difference between our karate hall and your martial arts hall?"

A classmate shouted proudly at Chu Nan from afar. At present, the coach hasn't come yet. Everyone is warming up. When they are bored, they want to find a topic to talk about.

"Yes." Chu Nan said it in a word. Didn't you ask knowingly? This venue is not comparable to the martial arts hall at all. No matter the area or scale, it is completely different.

However, Chinese martial arts are extensive and profound. As long as you can understand the essence of it, you can combine all methods to achieve both attack and defense, invincible, and invincible, rather than depending on how luxurious the training site is. Of course, this is true for any skill, as long as you are careful. If you are unintentional, no matter how big the venue is, what's the use?

"Chu Nan, which one do you think is better, karate or your martial arts?"

At this time, the classmate asked loudly. The implication is self-evident that he just wants to say that karate is better than Chinese martial arts. Otherwise, he would not be in this karate hall now, but should be in the martial arts hall.

Chu Nan was very funny and looked sideways at the classmate and said, "Martial arts is Chinese art and the common property of all Chinese people, so as long as you are Chinese, there is no difference between you and me. You can own this property at any time. But you just seemed to say that our karate and your martial arts - what, are you Japanese? Otherwise, why is it so clear?"


The classmate opened his mouth, but he was speechless, and in the face of Chu Nan's extremely contemptuous eyes, he suddenly blushed like persimmon, ashamed, and gradually lowered his head and said nothing more.

"Chu Nan, do you mean that our Chinese martial arts are more powerful than Japanese karate?"

Another classmate asked loudly. In order not to leave a truth, the student specially added "us" in front of Chinese martial arts. No wonder, in the eyes of his classmates, Chu Nan's eloquence is so powerful that he doesn't curse with dirty words. If he is a little careless, he will be unbearable.

Chu Nan was amused again. He thought that he had never said this. Although he preferred Chinese martial arts, he did not have the right to flatter himself as the fine arts of other countries.

However, if you nod at this time, it means that Chinese martial arts are better than Japanese karate. But if you shake your head, it means that Chinese martial arts are not as good as Japanese karate.

In desperation, Chu Nan simply shut up and did not answer. Besides, this topic is really boring. Now that technology is so developed, even power can be easily closed. No matter how high your martial arts is, you are useless in front of high technology.

What's more, in China, martial arts practitioners focus on strengthening their health without paying attention to the way of defeating the enemy, which is very different from the martial arts spirit of various countries. Perhaps this is the reason why no student is willing to join the martial arts class.

Nowadays, students are all thinking about how to refine their extraordinary skills, and then knock down each other in order to become famous. Who will talk about their own cultivation? The most important thing in martial arts is personal cultivation, not how to defeat the opponent quickly.

The so-called words are not speculative, and Chu Nan is too lazy to talk too much.

I don't want his silence, but it makes the people present think that he acquiesced that Chinese martial arts are stronger than Japanese karate——

"Haha, Chu Nan, it seems that you are indeed a layman. Although martial arts have many moves and good-looking, it is not practical at all. Karate is different. Although it has few moves, every move is a must-kill skill. It is the king's way to defeat the enemy with swiftness and surprise the enemy. I advise you to study karate more and don't hang yourself on a tree.

"Yes, Chunan, I absolutely disagree that Chinese martial arts are stronger than Japanese karate. Even if you are Chairman Fang's boyfriend, I will say so. What's more, the president is injured and she insists on coming here for training, which shows that karate is very good. Even if we are wrong, is the president wrong?

Listening to the endless arguments of the crowd, Chu Nan looked left and right along the sound source and felt depressed. When did he say that Chinese martial arts were better than Japanese karate?

It's really a crime, there's no excuse--

At this moment, Chu Nan suddenly frowned and suddenly felt a murderous atmosphere coming from a distance.

He turned his head and saw a middle-aged man in a black samurai suit. At this time, he was walking quickly towards him. He was furious and murderous. Even a pair of small eyes that were not very big were erupting flames, as if he was rushing to Chunan to collect debts, and he was still a huge debt-

Chu Nan couldn't help smiling bitterly and vaguely felt that the big thing was not good...