College Record

Chapter 050 Predestined

Out of the karate hall, Chu Nan began to walk aimlessly along the road. At present, there is still a period of time before the end of school, and there is nothing interesting in the whole school. Only when Su Mengting's training is over, I believe it will not be so boring.

Thinking of Su Mengting, Chu Nan couldn't help but move and went straight to the fighting hall. Anyway, when he was idle, he went to see that her training was not bad. At least it could nourish her eyes. In terms of appearance and figure, she was much better than Fang Qing.

After a while, Chu Nan stood in front of the door of the Fighting Hall, leaned comfortably on the door frame with his chest in his arms, then glanced at the field, and finally saw Su Mengting in a corner.

At present, I saw Su Mengting wearing a pair of large black gloves in her hands and struggling to hit a sandbag. She was tired and sweating so that the vest on her upper body was soaked and clung to her skin, highlighting the towering breasts, and countless sweat beads moved with her. She waved to her heart's content, especially the seductive breasts, which shook violently with her movements, attracting the attention of many sexy breasts in the field -

It is undeniable that girls in sports are the most beautiful and touching. The combination of the smell of sweat and the breath of youth can not only set off infinite vitality, but also construct an amazing picture scroll. Any boy will stop and indulge in it when he sees this scroll.

Su Mengting at this moment is a good example--

Chu Nan came here to appreciate Su Mengting's beauty, but at this moment, seeing her work so hard, Chu Nan's appreciation of beauty gradually dissipated, but he was still deeply attracted by Su Mengting's current performance.

And Chu Nan felt that Su Mengting had regarded the sandbag as an egoish enemy. Every punch could reflect her anger and firmness. Unfortunately, because her physique was too weak, even if she tried her best to hit a hundred punches continuously, the sandbag was motionless and did not even shake it. Its strength is not as strong as a breeze.

So, even if her enemy stands in front of her at this moment and let her fight hard, I believe she will not feel a trace of pain.

Therefore, no matter how hard Su Mengting tries, she will be futile in the end. She can't cause any harm to those scum who bully her.

But Chunan knows that even so, she has to try, because she has something she wants to protect. Even if it is difficult to achieve, she has to work hard, hone and persist, because what she wants to protect is her family-

In contrast, her heart is more attractive and touching than her beautiful appearance.

Knowing that you can't do it - it's nothing more than two kinds of people, either pure bitches or a dedication to faith. The former is disgusting and the latter is respectful.

Su Mengting is obviously the latter, and Chu Nan also admires her--


At this time, coach An Yifeng couldn't stand it anymore, so he walked to Su Mengting's side. First, he quietly observed her, and then he saw An Yifeng sigh deeply, and his big black face was full of disappointment and helplessness.

After a moment of meditation, An Yifeng interrupted Su Mengting's boxing and said coldly, "Fighting is too luxurious for you, and you are not suitable for you. Even if you can make a breakthrough in this field, you won't gain much. Do you understand what I said?"

Su Mengting nodded with great shame. Not only she, but I believe that anyone who hears An Yifeng's words will understand his implication. Obviously, he is asking Su Mengting to change her major.

It's not surprising that with a physique like Su Mengting, I really don't know what to teach her?

Not only is she unqualified, but her delicate body is like tofu, as if it breaks with a touch. However, the combat technique is too fierce, which not only requires the subsidy of strength, but also requires learning experience in actual combat. But with Su Mengting's body, who dares to have an actual battle with her? She was powerless to hit people, and others did not dare to hit her, for fear that an accident would kill her. Therefore, it is superfluous for her to stay in the fighting team, and it will drag the whole fighting team.

Most importantly, she often distracts many male players!

Speaking of beauty, which boy will still concentrate on training?


Every professional coach wants to cultivate professional talents, but every professional coach doesn't want waste in his team.

And in the view of An Yifeng, Su Mengting is completely useless!

However, in Chunan's eyes, he is clearly a dog-eyed person.

What's more—

As a professional coach, he can't let his students become talents. It can't mean that the student is useless, but only that the coach is incompetent.

He had the intention to say a few good words for Su Mengting and bury the coach An, but Chu Nan did not do so in the end. It is said that he had offended the karate coach just now, and now he really doesn't want to repeat the same mistake and offend the fighting coach.

If you make enemies everywhere, you will soon lose your place in this school.

This is not the result Chunan wants--

"Coach, I will redouble my efforts and try to hone myself stronger in the shortest time." Su Mengting resolutely assured that there was unyielding tenacity on her sweaty face, and her waist was straight. She stood in front of An Yifeng and said loudly, "I will adapt to the fighting profession as soon as possible and make sure that I will not drag the back of the fighting team!"

According to the rules of the school, as long as students pay their tuition fees, apply for majors, and do not violate any school rules, then neither teachers nor coaches are qualified to expel students. Unless students themselves do not want to learn, they must teach as teachers or coaches.

Therefore, Su Mengting insisted on staying in the fighting team, and An Yifeng had no choice but to let her unwillingly, but had given up on her.

Since she wants to stay, let her stay. As long as she doesn't exist, she will soon realize that she is superfluous, and then she will retreat.

With this idea, An Yifeng didn't say much and did not intend to guide Su Mengting. He turned directly to the other team members and began to guide them one by one, completely treating Su Mengting as air.

Su Mengting stood still, squeezed her lips tightly, and looked enviously at the team members who could get the personal guidance of An Yifeng. Gradually, a little loss appeared on her face, and something was faintly flashing in her eyes, tears, sweating, or unwilling--

After being stunned for a while, she turned to the sandbag, adjusted her breathing, and began to continue to wave her weak fists and struggle against the dead sandbag, but there was nothing else she could do.

If Fang Qing's leg is not injured, she can also personally guide Su Mengting, but she is seriously injured. In a short time, Su Mengting can only hone herself by herself.

Chu Nan looked at it and couldn't bear it. Unconsciously, his love was also overflowing like a tide.

If he can, he really wants to do something for Su Mengting, but in the dark, he is destined to do something for this girl.

Perhaps this is what people often say: in the dark, there is God's will -



From 5 p.m. to 5 p.m., with a crisp bell ringing, the day's course finally ended.

Chu Nan had been waiting outside the school gate for a long time, looking forward to Su Mengting to arrange work for him. At present, nothing is more important than this matter for him, and even Fang Qing has been left behind by him.

The next moment, when he saw Su Mengting come out, Chu Nan quickly greeted him and opened his mouth and said, "Let's go home... Oh, no, I'll go home with you."

"Are you really going to work in my restaurant?" Su Mengting asked weakly, and her sweaty little face showed worry.

"We had already agreed before. Well, you don't want to go back on your word, do you? Er, you won't let me lose my job before I start working, will you?" Speaking of this, Chu Nan was a little frustrated, but said very seriously, "I really need a job, and I will definitely do it well. If it really doesn't work, you and your mother can try me for a month first, okay?"

"That's not what I mean..." Seeing that Chu Nan was a little anxious, Su Mengting also became anxious and hurriedly explained, "What I said before is true. That group of people often go to my restaurant to make trouble, and they are very fierce, so I'm afraid..."

"Are you afraid they will hit me?"

Chu Nan took over Su Mengting's words, and Su Mengting nodded repeatedly when she heard the words.

In fact, Su Mengting knew that Chu Nan was very powerful, otherwise he would not have seriously injured the bus pervert. However, in Su Mengting's opinion, those hooligans who often go to her house to make trouble seem to be more powerful than him, and they are in groups of five, and there are many people. In case they don't like Chu Nan and trouble him, it's not good.

No matter how powerful Chunan is, he can't be the opponent of those people. Moreover, those people seem to carry knives and even guns with them. They are a group of real hooligans, underworld...