College Record

Chapter 059 Cause and Consequences

As soon as Fang Qing said this, the two brothers and sisters straightened their spines and pricked up their ears to listen to her story.

Especially Chu Nan, he threw away the distracting thoughts in his heart at the first time. He looked at Fang Qing attentively and lowered his breath for fear that he could not hear what she said.

"The reason why I dress like this is that I don't want others to see me as a weak girl. But I was born a girl. I can't change my body. I can only change my appearance and prove that not all girls are weaker than boys. Girls can also do what many boys can do!"

Fang Qing's eyes gradually became firm, and her tone became sonorous and powerful. She said, "Since the day I was born, my father has hated me very much, not for anything else, because I am a girl. Fortunately, he didn't abandon me, but he never smiled at me.

"It was not until my brother was born that my father smiled for the first time. I clearly remember that at that time, he was so happy that he didn't sleep for three days and nights. He held the full moon wine alone for three days and invited all the people who could be invited. At that time, my father still talked all day, saying that the Fang family finally had an heir.

Speaking of happiness, Fang Qing also smiled unconsciously. Obviously, the birth of her brother not only made her father happy, but also made her very happy. The happy smile on her face at this moment is the best proof.

After a short film, the smile on her face disappeared in an instant. Instead, it was endless depression, as if it also reflected her gray heart. I only heard her say, "That is, since then, my father has hardly spoken to me. He put all his energy on my brother, everything All the good things were given to my brother, let him go to the best school, hire the best tutor for him, and dedicated to cultivate him as the successor of the Fang family. Later, everyone in the family almost regarded me as air.

"For good, my brother is very smart and didn't let my father down. He has been the best in academic performance since primary school. At that time, I really envied this brother, not because of his good academic performance, but because he could get all the love of my father. But I have never asked for anything, because I really like this brother. As long as he is good, it is equal to me.

"I remember my brother once told me that it doesn't matter if my father doesn't love me. When he grows up, it's okay for him to love me. I don't think I will forget these words in my life. Do you know that even I regard myself as air, thinking that in that family, I don't have more than one, but since I heard these words in my brother's mouth, I realized that I'm not air, at least in my brother's eyes, I'm not air.

By this point, Fang Qing's eyes have turned slightly red, with tears flashing, but she did not cry or cry, but tried her best to stay strong, but said in that trembling voice: "Unfortunately, one day, my mother had an accident and died in a car accident. Seriously, my mother, like my father, focuses on my brother. Since she was a child, she has been by my brother's side every day, and I rarely see her. If I don't look at the photos now, I can't remember her.

Fang Qing showed a wry smile. After relieving her mood, she continued to say, "After my mother's death, my brother became deeply shocked and became silent and unlearned. He stayed in the room all day and went nowhere. After a long time, he suffered from autism and completely closed himself in another world. In my eyes, now he is a body without soul and emotion. Every time I see him, my heart hurts.

"But I know that my father's heart hurts more. For him, my brother is his only son and the only heir of the future Fang family. Now that my brother has become like this, he has lost all hope. In addition, my mother's death has given him a certain blow, so since two years ago, he has been drinking all day. Every time he gets drunk, he will vent his anger on me.

"I often hear him ask me the same question and ask me why I am a girl? Why am I not a boy? And my answer is the same every time. Girls are not necessarily worse than boys. Girls can do what boys can do, or even better than boys!"

Finally, with the fall of the last word of the story, Fang Qing fell into silence. Because she had finished what she had to say, and all that was left was the pain on her!

Chu Nan and Chu Xingyue have not spoken for a long time. At this time, their eyes are still frozen on Fang Qing's face, but their mood is not much better than Fang Qing.

While they are angry that Fang Qing has a father who is more than sons and daughters, they also feel sorry for her unbearable fate, sympathize and feel helpless.

Yesterday, Chu Nan heard her say that the reason why she chose to join a third-rate school such as Shengwu University is that she wanted to start from a low level and then climb to the peak step by step, proving that girls are no worse than boys. But Chu Nan never thought that the man was her father!

There is such a patriarchal father, no wonder she dresses up like a boy!

Understanding the cause and effect, Chu Nan's love has flooded again--

At this time, Chu Xingyue gently took Fang Qing's arm, as if she wanted to give her a little comfort, but it seemed that she had regarded her as her beloved, and said seriously, "Sister Fang, no matter how you were when you were a child, now that you have grown up, you can completely return to yourself. I don't think anyone has the right to interfere with you. Freedom. Besides, don't you think it's a pity that you are so beautiful but you have to dress like a boy all day?

As soon as Chu Xingyue said this, Chu Nan nodded repeatedly and agreed.

Fang Qing shook her head and said with a wry smile, "I have sworn that I will keep this image until my brother recovers. In addition, I don't want to change myself until my father looks at me differently. I dress like this, at least he won't be so upset when he sees me.

Chu Xingyue frowned and locked her eyes. For a moment, she didn't know what to say, so she looked at Chu Nan, intending to let him say something and ease the current atmosphere. Unexpectedly, Chu Nan looked more sad than anyone else, but when he saw his lips trembling, his eyes were tearful, and a melancholy face was full of the pity of the other party. I can't help crying, which almost makes the current atmosphere extremely heavy——

However, in Chu Xingyue's view, his appearance looks very funny.

When did he get moved so easily? There is still a tendency to cry!

Oh, it seems that two years in prison not only changed him, but also made his head a little rusty--