College Record

Chapter 093 Entering the Tiger's Lair

On the way, in the car.

Chu Xingyue has been holding her brother's arm affectionately, with a pair of big eyes like stars, but always staring at Chu Nan's face, with a little worry in her eyes.

At this time, the car had already driven on the spacious road. With the dim light from the streetlights, Chu Nan accidentally glanced at his sister and found that she was staring at him and looking worried. Chu Nan asked with a smile, "What's the matter? Are you worried that your brother can't cope with it?"

Chu Xingyue nodded subconsciously.

She is really worried. Although her brother has a certain strength, the other party does not seem to be a good person. It's best for them to solve this matter calmly, but in case they don't agree, I really don't know if my brother can cope with it?

"Brother, do you want to contact your former good brothers and ask them to go with you?" Chu Xingyue solicited kindly. And the good brothers she mentioned are nothing more than the gang of Nanling University. If Chu Nan opens his mouth, they will definitely respond and come to help.

"No. I didn't owe them anything before, and now I don't want to owe them anything. However, if they help me today, if they have something to do in the future, do you think I will help? Chu Nan refused. He really doesn't want to have anything to do with Nanling University anymore. Compared with Huaxing Society, those people in Nanling University are more difficult to deal with. Once they know that they have been released from prison, they will definitely be annoyed by them.

Chu Xingyue understood what her brother meant, but she was very worried about letting her brother go deep into the tiger's den alone. At the same time, she knows her brother's personality very well. If she asks him to give up now, he will definitely not do it.

For a while, Chu Xingyue had to worry blindly, but in her heart, she was praying for her brother, hoping that he could solve this matter satisfactorily and come back safely.

"Stupid girl, haven't I promised you that I will solve this matter as soon as possible and then go home to have dinner with you. Since childhood, when did my brother eat his promise to you? Chu Nan seemed to see his sister's worry, so he said comfort.

However, even so, in fact, Chu Nan is also uncertain.

He still doesn't know the specific strength of Huaxing Society. At present, the place he is still going is their main rudder, and Chu Nan is alone, which is almost no different from entering the tiger's den.

However, if you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you get the tiger?

Therefore, Chunan also has no choice but to do it!

"Well, I believe you. When you come back, we will go home. I will definitely cook a big meal for you, no matter if you are full!" After Chu Xingyue said with a smile, she lowered her little head and leaned comfortably on Chu Nan's broad shoulders. Now, she has no choice but to trust her brother.

In the cab, the man in white was driving while staring at Chu Nan through the rearview mirror.

In the view of the man in white, this boy is obviously a quiet student, but his personal strength is shocking, and he really wants to ask who this boy is, but due to Chunan's ** power, he dares not ask each other. In case he is annoyed and he stabbs himself again, it will not be good. .

At the same time, the man in white is very confident that when he arrives at the head office, he will definitely look good. Although this boy is very good at fighting, as the leader of a gang, his skills are not good. What's more, there are at least hundreds of younger brothers in the head office to watch the venue. Since this boy dares to go, let him go without returning!

Thinking of this, the man in white was excited and looked forward to it. He couldn't help stepping on the accelerator and speeding up the speed. He couldn't wait to reach his destination quickly, and then witnessed the boy being tortured with his own eyes!

Half an hour later, the car stopped at the intersection of a road, which was not far from the Happiness Restaurant. After witnessing Chu Xingyue leaving on an electric car, Chu Nan closed the door and drove straight to his destination with the man in white.


After a while, the car slowly stopped in front of a Daxia door. Seeing this, several men in black rushed out of Daxia and seemed to be around the car. One of them opened the front door and let the man in white get out of the car, but suddenly found that the man in white was covered with blood, and several people were dumbfounded. It seems that he has the intention to ask what's going on, but he doesn't dare to speak. It can be seen that the status of the man in white is also extraordinary, and this should be the headquarters of Huaxing Society.

After getting off the bus, Chu Nan looked up and saw that the building was 20 stories high. Compared with other buildings around it, this Daxia is not large, but if this is really the headquarters of Huaxing Society, then this Huaxing Society is also rich in strength.

"Where is the chairman?" The man in white asked one of them.

"The chairman has been waiting for you to come back in the office." The man replied respectfully.

"Give all the brothers nearby and ask them to go to the chairman's office." The man in white had an ear canal attached to the man.

"Yes, Manager Jiang, I'll do it now." The man took the order, and then took a look at Chu Nan in front of the car and walked far away.

It turned out that the man in white, surnamed Jiang, named Jiang Tao, is the general manager of Huaxing Group and a veteran of Huaxing Society. He is responsible for making suggestions and showing up to help the community solve some troubles. And this building is the rudder of Huaxing Society and a company called 'Huoxing Group'. On the surface, it is engaged in real estate business. In fact, this company is just a decoration, which can be regarded as the facade of Huaxing Society in order to hide people's eyes and ears.

Under the leadership of Jiang Tao, Chu Nan stepped into the building.

As soon as he entered the hall, he saw the four elevator doors in front of him open at the same time. After that, dozens of men in black suits gushed out like a tide and quickly gathered around Chunan, almost surrounding him. They were all fierce and waiting, as if as long as Jiang Tao gave an order, they would flock to Chunan. Attack it.

At this point, Jiang Tao's originally depressed spirit suddenly recovered, and his pale face was also magically red. In a pair of small eyes, there was a faint flash of proud light, and he knew that Chu Nan would have no return today. But Jiang Tao has seen Chu Nan's skills and knows that these people alone can't deal with him.

In the encirclement, Chu Nan smiled bitterly and felt depressed. He really wanted to tell these people that he was not here to fight, but he understood that it was useless to say anything to these people now. Only by meeting their leader can he decide and solve everything.

"Don't you want to see our chairman? Then come with me, and I'll show you enough!" Jiang Tao glanced at Chu Nan disdainfully, and his tone was full of viciousness. However, on his territory, his voice was dozens of decibels higher, and his courage was obviously long. He was arrogant and fearless.

The next moment, under the tail and guard of dozens of people, Chu Nan stopped in front of an office on the top floor. There was a small golden plaque on the facade, which was clearly printed with six black characters of [Chairman's Office], and the leader of Huaxing Society was in it.

Jiang Tao knocked on the door politely. Soon, the door was opened by a man in black, and Chu Nan's first reaction was to stare into the office. On both sides of the road leading to the desk, ten men in black were standing with their hands behind their backs, separated from left and right. Obviously, they were bodyguards, and an office in front of him. Behind the table, there was still a man sitting, but this man sat behind his back, so Chu Nan could not see his appearance, but Chu Nan could be sure that this person was undoubtedly the leader of Huaxing Society.

At the same time, hundreds of younger brothers of Huaxing Society rushed into the building. The quiet atmosphere of the whole building was immediately broken. Everyone rushed along the stairs and went straight to the chairman's office on the top floor.

Fortunately, it is night and there are few people around. Otherwise, a gang suddenly dispatched so many people, which will certainly alarm the citizens and then attract the police...