College Record

Chapter 095 Struggle

Taking advantage of this good opportunity, Chu Nan did not beat around the bush and said bluntly to the leader, "Yes, I injured those people in your gang, and I also called the police to arrest them. But everything has cause and effect. Those people under you specialize in bullying honest people. They also sell drugs in other people's stores and regard other people's stores as their own homes. They don't leave for a long time. They not only eat and drink for free, but also don't let them do business. What's the difference between this and robbers? If it were you, what would you do?

"Bad boy, what's your relationship with that family? Why do you care about this? Even if the people of our gang are wrong, it is us to enforce the family rules. You took action against them and alarmed the police, that is, to be the enemy of our Huaxing Society. How to calculate this account? Jiang Tao couldn't help saying angrily. As the elder of Huaxing Society, how can he let a hairy boy provoke the whole gang?

"Speaking of which, you still want to regain face." With that, Chu Nan looked at Su Mengting and said seriously, "Since you want to settle accounts, it's better to let her go first, and I'll stay and calculate with you slowly. Besides, this matter has nothing to do with her. I beat the person and the police. It doesn't make sense for such a big gang as you to detain an irrevant girl. If other gangs know about this, you will have no face. If you disturb the police again, you will be in big trouble.

"Are you threatening us?" Jiang Tao looked fierce and gritted his teeth. This sentence almost came out of his teeth.

"I dare not, I'm just reasonable." Chu Nan looked calm and not impatient. The so-called reasonable travel all over the world, and it is difficult to walk unreasonable. Since you are reasonable, what else is there to be afraid of? This is also what he learned in prison.

"Uncle Jiang, is what he said true? Are those guys really selling drugs in other people's stores? Do you still stay in other people's stores and hinder people's business? The young man suddenly asked, although his voice was low, it was full of majesty.

Jiang Tao was speechless for a moment, and he really didn't know how to answer?

Because what Chu Nan said is true, those guys did a little too much, and when the Huaxing Society was first built, the gang rules were already strict. No one could sell drugs, let alone bully others, otherwise they would be served by family law and then expelled from the gang.

However, after all, those people are all brothers of Huaxing Society, so no matter what they do wrong, they must be solved by Huaxing Society, and there is no outsider to intervene.

Now Chu Nan has injured those people and called the police to arrest them. He obviously did not pay attention to Huaxing Society, and as the elder of the community, Jiang Tao also has a share in this community. Therefore, how can he let Chu Nan deface the reputation of the association?

Seeing Jiang Tao's delay in answering, the young man did not continue to ask questions, because Jiang Tao's silence had already answered this question.

However, although the young man thought that his subordinates were wrong first, his ideas were basically the same as Jiang Tao's. Since those people are in the name of Huaxing Society, no matter what they do wrong, they must be dealt with by Huaxing Society. It is really not the turn of an outsider to intervene.

However, knowing that those people are all from Huaxing Society, Chu Nan still has to take action against them and finally calls the police to arrest them. This is Huaxing Society. No, it should be said that this is intolerable by any community.

As the leader of Huaxing Society, and in order to save the face of the community, the young man has also made up his mind to teach Chu Nan a lesson anyway. Otherwise, he will be difficult to convince the public, and even Huaxing Society will have no foothold in the world.

"Our people are indeed wrong in this matter, but they are not the only ones who are wrong. A slap can't be heard, do you understand what I mean?" The young man still turned his back to the crowd, sat comfortably in the boss's chair, and said to Chu Nan in a low voice, "I think so, you just leave two fingers, which is also an explanation for me to my brothers. From now on, the previous events will be regarded as if they had never happened. In addition, I can't let this girl go, and you can't testify to my brothers. As long as none of you testify in court, they can come out soon. When this matter is over, I will naturally let her go. All right, let's decide."

Chu Nan smiled bitterly when he heard the words and made it for a long time. What he just said was all nonsense. For a moment, the anger lingered away again, making him clenched his fist again, and there was also a little more fierce murder in his brown eyes.

However, Chu Nan has seen the arrogant boss of the community, but he has never seen such a rampant boss, as if everything in the world is the final say of this guy. Does he really regard himself as a underworld emperor?

In addition, how does this guy want to explain to his brothers? That's his own business. Why should he leave two fingers? Besides, his younger brothers were wrong in this matter. They didn't like what they did, so they would teach them a lesson. Their behavior can still be called "courage for justice".

Take a step back and say that even if they are wrong, it will be punished by law, and it is not their turn to decide their fate!

The underworld is the underworld. In front of these people, never expect to reason with them!

It's a blessing, not a curse, it's a misfortune that can't be avoided--

In anger, Chu Nan didn't want to continue to be polite to these people, so he had to fight!

But if you fight hard, you are not bound to lose -

The so-called capture the king first. Since they can take Su Mengting as a hostage, they can also take this leader to blackmail everyone here. As long as they do their best to hold the life of this leader in their own hands as soon as possible, I believe that the rest of the people will not dare to mess around.

He made up his mind that it was not too late. His right foot suddenly kicked, and the machete under his feet immediately flew up. At the same time, he kicked his feet and suddenly rose up. Together with the flying machete, he broke through the human wall formed by the ten men and completely crossed the defense line.

Without obstacles, the machete advanced rapidly and suddenly heard a "plop" and inserted it on Jiang Tao's left shoulder. Accompanied by a pig-like scream, everyone present was suddenly excited, but they were also as dull as wooden chickens, motionless, as if they had not understood what had happened?

At the same time, Chu Nan also approached his desk, and then pulled out the machete inserted on Jiang Tao's shoulder, followed by another harsh wail from Jiang Tao's mouth, which almost resounded throughout the whole building. The red blood gushed out of his wound, and even more for his blood stains. The spotted suit adds a little bit of brightness, which is the same as the scene when he was first stabbed, but his face is more distorted at this moment, obviously painful to the bone marrow!