College Record

Chapter 107 Disaster is coming

There are often some things that don't help but don't think about it, it won't happen...

Chu Xingyue knew that once she was put into the car by these people, the next fate could not be her own, and even she could imagine the consequences she would face!

A girl was forcibly taken away by a group of unkind boys. What else can happen?


You can never get in the car, absolutely not!

At the thought of this, Chu Xingyue also gained a lot of strength from nowhere. Suddenly, she broke away from the control of Liu Jiajun and others, and then ran away without caring about anything.

"Catch her!"

Under Teng Ming's order, Liu Jiajun and others rushed up and ran to Chu Xingyue to chase them.

Teng Ming jumped into a convertible sports car, and then drove up very fast. He stepped on the accelerator to the end and chased after him.

Seeing Teng Ming driving crazily, Liu Jiajun and others hurriedly avoided it. At this time, seeing that the car was about to crash into Chu Xingyue, Teng Ming did not intend to brake, as if he wanted to kill Chu Xingyue alive!

Sure enough, in anger, Teng Ming had lost his mind. The next second, he only heard a loud "bang" sound. Chu Xingyue was knocked out by him. Then he heard a "plop" and looked around, and saw that her petite body had fallen on the road ten meters away, lying in a pool of blood, motionless. Life and death are uncertain!

This scene stunned everyone present. Liu Jiajun and others were completely dumbfounded. They didn't expect that Teng Ming would drive into Chu Xingyue, and even Wang Qian couldn't help trembling. This matter happened because of her. If Chu Xingyue had a problem and her family or police would investigate it, she I can't get rid of it.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, even if Chu Xingyue is not dead, she will have no life.

"What are you doing? Why don't you leave?"

After shouting at Liu Jiajun and others, Teng Ming did not leave in a hurry, but turned the car back, stopped in front of Wang Qian, and said, "Get in the car. I'm in a bad mood today. Come with me quickly and help me relieve my temper."

Although Wang Qian was afraid, she was not happy. She had long hated Chu Xingyue to the bone. Now Chu Xingyue has come to such an end, which is exactly what she expected. What's more, Teng Ming drove into her, not himself. With the conditions of the Teng Ming family, it is too easy to deal with this matter.

In addition, for Wang Qian, this is a good opportunity for her and Teng Ming to repair the past, and Wang Qian is the kind of woman who would rather sit in a BMW and cry than sit on a bicycle and laugh, so she did not hesitate to get into Teng Ming's car.

Teng Ming stepped on the accelerator and drove away first. Liu Jiajun and others followed him and soon disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, only Chu Xingyue is still lying alone in the pool of blood, surrounded by onlookers, but most of them are watching coldly. Are several kind-hearted students calling 120 emergency numbers and secretly praying in their hearts, hoping that Chu Xingyue's life will not be in danger?

After a while, an ambulance from the Municipal People's Hospital hurriedly pulled the siren, carefully carried Chu Xingyue into the ambulance and quickly drove to the hospital.

And in front of the gate of Rainbow College, only a pool of bright blood like red roses and those indifferent people were left. What's more worth mentioning is that so far, no students have called the police for a simple reason. In the eyes of these people, this matter has nothing to do with them, so they don't bother to take care of it. Moreover, no one is willing to offend a group of rich second generation. Especially Teng Ming, everyone has just seen his fierce methods, and his family is rich and powerful, so who would be willing to offend this dage for a poor girl?

At the same time, everyone also believes that this matter will not be over sooner or later, because this kind of thing is too common. Since the 21st century, there have been many such tragedies, but every time those rich men will go unpunished. Of course, this is the situation in China. Either you have money or power, otherwise if something happens, you can only bear it yourself!

At the same time, Fang Qing had taken Chu Nan to his home.

When he opened the door, Chu Nan was about to get out of the car. Suddenly, he felt that his right eyelid was beating extremely violently, and even his heart beat violently. He only felt as if something very bad was about to happen, or had already happened!

As the saying goes: left eyelid jumps into wealth, right eyelid jumps--

Although Chu Nan is not superstitious, this sudden strange feeling made him a little panic!

Seeing that Chu Nan's face suddenly became ugly and looked worried, Fang Qing frowned and asked with concern, "What's the matter? What's wrong with you?"

Chu Nan smiled and didn't think much about it. He said, "Nothing, it's just that his eyelids jumped badly. It should be a relationship that he didn't sleep well. By the way, Xiaoyue will come back to buy vegetables and cook later. The little girl asked me to tell you that she will definitely feast you at noon today.

"Okay, then I'll be disrespectful and wait for dinner." Fang Qing responded with a smile, and then got out of the car with Chu Nan and walked home with a smile.


When she came to Chunan's house, Fang Qing looked around and couldn't help but feel sad. The first feeling was that Chunan's family was poor, but Fang Qing could smell a smell of home, which she couldn't smell in her own home.

If a family doesn't smell like home, so what if it is rich and covers an area of 10,000 hectares?

In contrast, Fang Qing would rather live in a small house like this and feel the warmth of her family every day. She doesn't want to live in that big and terrible house and endure loneliness for a long time!

"Do you think my family is tragic?" Chu Nan sat on the sofa and joked.

"How come?" Fang Qing smiled and said, "I don't think a home should only look at the surface, but also focus on the inside. As you said, if a family can live happily together, it can be home wherever they are. I really envy you. At least in this family, you can still feel the warmth brought by family affection. And although my home is terrible, it is as cold as the Arctic!"

Speaking of this, Fang Qing's face gradually became dull. Whenever she mentions the word "home", she always thinks of many things, such as the death of her mother, her father's harshness, and her brother's illness, all these bad things will ruthlessly cut her heart like a knife!

Seeing Fang Qing's lost appearance, Chu Nan also couldn't bear it, so he stood up, walked slowly in front of her, looked at her affectionately, and said gently, "If you don't dislike it, this can also be your home. I hope you can fully feel what you can't feel in that home. Anyway, you are not lonely, because you still have me.

Perhaps this is the most sincere word Chu Nan has said to a girl in his life, which contains his sincerity, and of course, it also includes his love for the other party!

At this moment, Fang Qing has fully experienced the warmth of home here. Not only that, she has also experienced a more important thing, which is Chu Nan's love and love for herself. Although it is only a few words, these words are the most true words Fang Qing has heard in her life, and they have always lingered in her heart, warming her heart. Even in this life, she will not forget them!

Looking at Chu Nan's handsome and gentle face, Fang Qing's cheeks turned slightly red. She couldn't help moving forward two steps, opened her arms, gently wrapped around Chu Nan's waist, and then hugged him tightly.

Fang Qing didn't know what else to say. She really wanted to say thank you to Chu Nan, but her move had already expressed her meaning. Therefore, Chu Nan can also understand her heart without too many words.

Sepless is better than sound - maybe that's what it means.

The two hugged each other for a while. At this time, Fang Qing looked up slightly and saw her blushing face, like a red glow covering her face. A pair of clear water flowed forward to the veins affectionately, staring at Chu Nan's sincere and bright eyes, gently opened her lips and teeth, and asked shyly, "Do you... Do you still want to experience the kind of... in the classroom before... What kind of feeling do you like?"

When Qing thought that Chu Nan gave her a very unique sense of warmth, so in order to repay him, Fang Qing also wanted to give him a different feeling--

Chu Nan frowned slightly when he heard the words, as if he didn't understand the meaning of Fang Qing's words.

After recalling for a moment, Chu Nan was stunned, and his face suddenly flushed, and his heart was like a deer. Only then did he understand what Fang Qing meant. It turned out that she wanted to kiss again, and she couldn't help but feel a stormy wave in her heart!

A lonely man and a woman, alone in the room.

When the love is strong, who can hold it?

He still remembers the thrilling super pleasure brought to him by Fang Qing before, but unfortunately he is still not satisfied.

At this time, the good time is right in front of him. How can he let it go?

In addition to joy, Chu Nan nodded, but this time he was very active. Before Fang Qing took action, he began to slowly sink his cheeks and gradually approached Fang Qing's fragrant and beautiful face...

Fang Qing raised her head slightly, smiled, slowly closed her eyes, hugged Chu Nan, and prepared to cater to the love of the beloved boy in front of her...

The so-called good things are time-honed!

Just as the two were about to kiss affectionately, Chu Nan's mobile phone suddenly rang, and a crisp bell instantly broke the current charming atmosphere.

"Damn it, who is so annoying? Don't call early or late, but call at such a critical time? It's really annoying!" Chu Nan secretly shouted and scolded in his heart, and then took out his mobile phone. Seeing that it was a strange number, he was even more angry. He pressed the answer button and roared, "Who is it?"