College Record

Chapter 136 Life is better than death

The next moment, under the guidance of Pei Shiqing, Chu Nan came to a small room similar to a laboratory.

Chu Nan looked around and saw a small control platform standing in front of him. There was a mechanical bed in the middle of the room, surrounded by various unknown instruments. There was a faint smell in the air, and three staff wearing white coats and masks were waiting in front of the control platform.

Sun Minghai was stopped outside the house and had to watch through the window. However, he has finished what he can do for Chu Nan. As for the following things, it depends on Chu Nan's own creation.

"I don't need to elaborate, I think you should also know that this process is quite painful." With that, Pei Shiqing went to the bed and looked at Chu Nan and said, "If you are mentally prepared, take off your coat and lie down."

Chu Nan nodded and took off his upper clothes without saying a word, revealing strong and strong muscles. At the same time, a "panlong tattoo" also came into everyone's sight.

This "Panlong" was stabbed by Chu Nan with a professional tattoo master two years ago. The whole body is dark black. The dragon's tail extends to his horsetail bone, while the dragon's head is printed on his chest with teeth and claws, covering almost two-thirds of the skin of his upper body. At first glance, it looks like a living thing, lifelike, causing him to be present. They couldn't help but be surprised. They all opened their eyes and stared straight at the black dragon tattoo for a long time...

Chu Nan didn't care. He slowly took a few steps forward and lay horizontally on the mechanical**.

Since Chunan has experienced it once, the difference is nothing more than that it was a closed power last time, and this time it is an unblocked power, but the principle is the same, so he is well aware of the pain of this process, and the process will be very long. The key is that he can't take anesthetics, and can only bear it in a sober state. But now, he has no choice. What's more, compared with the pain his sister is suffering now, no matter what kind of torture Chu Nan is about to face, he feels nothing.

At this time, one of the staff opened all the instruments around him and attached a series of conduction devices to Chunan's skin, and then the other two staff members used the binding belt to bind him firmly to **, so that his limbs could not move at all.

Pei Shiqing personally prepared some drugs, put them in an infusion machine, and then went to the bed and inserted four infusion tubes into the soles of Chunan's feet and the backs of his hands, but each needle connected to the infusion tube had a thick finger, so before this began, Chu Nan felt a drill core. The pain couldn't help frowning and bitterness.

These drugs will indirectly stimulate stem cells in your body, and then differentiate into omnipotent stem cells to achieve rapid hematopoiesis, promote metabolism, nutrition and stimulate closed mutagenic genes in your body. As long as the mutagenic part of the gene is effectively activated, your power will recover. After explaining it briefly for Chu Nan, Pei Shiqing went to the console and looked at Chu Nan and said, "I will give the medicine four times every three hours. If nothing unexpected happens, the whole process can be completed tomorrow morning. Let's start now. Are you ready?"

Chu Nan nodded and then closed his eyes leisurely. His face was as calm as water, looking extremely calm, but in fact, he smiled bitterly.

This feeling is like being executed by execution. There is a faint sense of despair. Most importantly, once it starts, it is thousands of times more uncomfortable than death. Whether you can bear it or not depends on your personal will!

When everything was ready, Pei Shiqing stretched out his hand and pressed the red button on the console. Soon, he saw a row of red potions slowly output along the infusion tube and slowly penetrated into his body through the blood vessels on the back of Chu Nan's hand.

At first, Chunan was calm, but in less than three minutes, he suddenly opened his eyes, but his eyebrows frowned. Suddenly, he felt a burning sensation all over his whole body, as if his body suddenly caught fire, and even his internal organs were burning crazily. The heat was unbearable, the pain was very severe, and it was getting hotter and hotter. The hotter it became, the more painful he felt. He could even smell a burning smell, which seemed to be very conscious, but in fact, it was caused by drugs, which made him begin to have serious hallucinations.

At the same time, this also shows that the drug has fully exerted its effect in his body. At present, it is rapidly differentiated his stem cells and accelerated his blood circulation more than 100 times, causing his metabolism to increase rapidly, so he will feel a strong sense of burning.

At this moment, Chu Nan's face was extremely red, and even his upper skin was red. In his eyes, there seemed to be a blood gas, gradually dyeing his eyes red. At first glance, he seemed to be possessed, especially cautious!

He couldn't help biting his teeth and clenching his fists. Even Chu Nan had made full psychological preparations, but he could not bear such great pain.

Five minutes later, under the extremely chaotic situation of consciousness, Chu Nan actually felt that he was in the endless desert. The sun was in the sky, and the heat wave was burning, melting all living objects. Walking in this endless desert, Chu Nan only felt that life was better than death. In front of him, there was a vast sea of fire. As if there was no end, it made him almost desperate!

At this moment, Chu Nan suddenly saw an oasis not far ahead, in which there was also a lake. The water was attractive and sparkling, which made him faintly cool...

Driven by hallucinations, Chu Nan began to struggle violently, thinking about reaching that refreshing place, and then swimming in the lake to his heart's content.

However, the reality is so, in the world of hallucinations, he can't take half a step forward, and as time goes by, he is also more and more painful. His whole body seems to be burnt, and he is about to turn into ashes, but the feeling of pain does not diminish at all, but becomes more and more intense!

At this moment, Chu Nan was sweating all over, falling like rain, his face was ruddy, but his lips were dry and white, and his throat knots were frequently squirming. He seemed to be extremely hungry and thirsty, and his body was struggling uncontrollably, intending to get rid of the "shackles" that bound him, but with his strength, he could not break free from the bundle that bound him. Binding. You should know that this is not an ordinary tie, but made of special materials. It is said that he has not recovered his power. Even if he has a power, he can't cause any damage to these straps.

With all kinds of helplessness, he can only continue to endure suffering in the world full of flames...


After a minute and a second, exactly three hours later, the first round of drugs were finally absorbed by Chu Nan, and also ended his first round of pain.

However, in the eyes of others, it has just been three hours without pain, but in Chu Nan's life, it seems that three years have passed, and the burning pain of life is worse than death has also accompanied him through a long and painful journey without stopping!

Gradually, Chu Nan's mind woke up and his body finally got rid of all the pain caused by drugs. However, this short and relaxing moment was the most terrible, because Chu Nan knew very well what kind of hellish environment he was going to face next!

Pei Shiqing and several staff members carefully stared at a tester. After a moment, they saw a touch of joy on Pei Shiqing's face and said to Chu Nan, "At present, one-third of the closed mutant genes in your body have been activated. Next, I will give the drug twice to activate the remaining mutant genes. Are you ready?"

Chu Nan gritted his teeth and nodded firmly, but he seemed to have no choice but to continue.

Outside the door, Sun Minghai also saw it and was anxious in his heart. He didn't know what kind of pain Chunan had experienced in the three hours just now, but from Chu Nan's performance, he knew that this pain was by no means bearable by ordinary people.

By the way, this is the first time Sun Minghai has seen Chu Nan like this.

In Sun Minghai's memory, Chu Nan is a fearless real man. Even if someone cuts him with a knife, he will not frown. He is completely like an iron-blooded hero.

However, at that time, Sun Minghai felt that what he saw was not an upright man, but a child who was full of pain and helplessness. I believe that anyone who saw Chu Nan's painful appearance just now would not associate him with Chu Xingchen of Nanling University.

Closing his eyes and turning around, Sun Minghai really couldn't bear to continue to witness the huge pain repeated on Chunan, so he simply stopped looking at it, and the next time, he just needed to wait quietly.

Pei Shiqing started the infusion device again. However, from this moment on, Chu Nan will undoubtedly go through three hours of pain and complete the second round of medicine, but this is not over, because even if he survives this level, there are still two levels for him to continue to endure.

There was no suspense. At this time, with the intake of drugs, the relaxed color that had just appeared on Chu Nan's face disappeared in an instant. Instead, it was endless pain. His eyes were closed, and his fists were almost bleeding. The two rows of teeth clucked, and his body was tight like a string, as if It breaks at a touch and gives people a very clear feeling. Although he is in the world, his soul seems to have already gone deep into hell and is currently suffering unprecedented torture and unspeakable severe pain!

For good, time never stops for someone. No matter how much torture a person suffers, as time goes by, the pain caused by this torture will be slowly relieved on a person sooner or later, and finally disappears...