College Record

Chapter 155 Attack of a Strong Enemy

Listening to the beep from his mobile phone, Chu Nan was stunned for a long time and did not come to his senses. He was worried and kept echoing the maid's words: She has been driven out of the house by our master...

Hanging up the phone, Chu Nan still stood still, dumbfounded, and two questions were floating in his mind: Why was Fang Qing driven out of the house? And where is she at this moment?

Through Fang Qing's narrative, Chu Nan knew that although she was a lady of a rich family, she was an insignificant lady of a rich family.

The word "gold" has little to do with her. She has nothing but a sports car that does not belong to her at present. Now that she has been kicked out of the house by her unreasonable father, where can she go?

For a while, Chu Nan's whole mind focused on Fang Qing. If he could, he really wanted to appear beside Fang Qing immediately. But the enemy will kill at any time. If you go to Fang Qing by yourself now, it will be very dangerous here.

The more Chu Nan thought about it, the more confused he became, and the more angry he felt.

Unconsciously, he transferred all his anger to Teng Yunlong.

If Teng Yunlong's son hadn't hurt his sister, she wouldn't have to lie in this pungent hospital.

If Teng Yunlong hadn't been domineering, work for the tiger, and indiscriminately hire people to deal with himself, she wouldn't have broken up with Fang Qing, which made her sad and tearful, lonely, and her parents didn't have to be afraid to return home!

Who else can be blamed for all this, not Teng Yunlong?

He couldn't help clenching his fist. Chu Nan only felt that his anger surged like a huge wave, and his eyes were full of anger and shining. He wanted to take the initiative to fight back and kill Teng Yunlong's mansion directly. However, before that, he had to settle the thirteen eagles. Otherwise, even if he killed Teng Yunlong, the thirteen eagles I won't stop.

At this moment, Chu Nan is very eager that the Thirteen Eagles will send someone to deal with himself again.

This time, I must try my best to catch a living person, and then force him to lead the way and go directly to the headquarters of the thirteen eagles to break up with them.

"President, what's going on?" Seeing Chu Nan's ugly face, Huang Han came over and asked.

"Can you do me a favor?" Chu Nan asked in a low voice.

"Of course." Huang Han smiled slightly, not to mention how to help this favor, so he readily agreed first.

I heard that Fang Qing had just been kicked out of the house by his father. I'm worried about her, but I can't leave my sister alone. So I can only ask you to help me find out where she is now and whether she has a place to live. How are you doing? And don't let her know." Chu Nan said everything in one breath. Since Huang Han has already seen his thoughts, there is no need for him to hide his other party's intentions in front of Huang Han.

"Sure enough, as I expected, it seems that the president is really emotional this time." Huang Han smiled narrowly and said with a smile, "No problem. Since the president has said so, I will inquire about the future sister-in-law tomorrow."

After talking, Huang Han paused, and a playful face gradually became serious. After thinking for a moment, he said, "President, what about Sister Tong? As far as I know, she seems to have been waiting for you to go back.

"Sister Tong?" Chu Nan was slightly stunned, thought for a moment, and suddenly said, "Are you talking about Tong En?"

"Yes, since you had an accident two years ago, Sister Tong has been helping you take care of Nanling University and all the territory you used to cover. She has helped you take care of it well. And she often says that you will definitely return to Nanling University. Now you have come out, but Sister Tong is still waiting for you to go back. In my opinion, does the president want to give an explanation to Sister Tong? After all, she still regards you as her boyfriend.

"I have nothing to explain to her. Besides, she seems to be doing well now. Even without me, she will be the same. Chu Nan said with a wry smile, and the meaning of the words was very clear.

In contrast, Chu Nan feels that Fang Qing is the person he should care about most. And that Tong En, who now has food, live and fame, is also known as the eldest sister of Nanling University, and manages the business of major enterprises in South China. It can be said that she is powerful and rich. So in Chu Nan's opinion, she really has nothing to care about.

After listening to Chu Nan's words, Huang Han also understood what he meant, so he didn't say anything. What's more, this is Chu Nan's private matter, and Huang Han can only choose to respect it.


"It's time for the patient to take medicine."

At this time, in front of Chu Xingyue's ward, a female nurse wearing a nurse's uniform and a mask on her face was holding a plate of medicine and negotiating with a group of Huaxingshe brothers in front of the ward.

Because Chunan has ordered that for safety reasons, people are not allowed to enter his sister's ward casually, even doctors and nurses, so every time doctors and nurses go to the ward to check or deliver medicine for Chu Xingyue, the brothers of Huaxing Society have to stop her first and wait for Chu Nan to make a decision.

Although Chu Nan and Huang Han are not close to the ward, they are not far away, so they still heard what the nurse said clearly, but Huang Han was strange and puzzled, "It's strange that Xiaoyue's sister hasn't woken up yet. How can she take medicine?"

Suddenly hearing Huang Han say this, Chu Nan was stunned, and all his spirit was concentrated on the nurse in an instant. He felt that something was wrong and shouted to the group of brothers guarding the door: "Be careful!"

Before Chu Nan's words fell, the fierce light appeared in the nurse's eyes and immediately danced her fists and feet. In only one breathing room, he seriously injured several Huaxingshe brothers in front of the ward. Fortunately, the rest of the brothers took the lead and did not escape. In the face of the strong enemy, they still stayed at the door of the ward.

"A bunch of rubbish, get out of here!"

The originally crisp and beautiful female voice suddenly turned into a thick and fierce male voice, and they were all from the same population, which was undoubtedly the "nurse".

In the face of the threat of visitors, the brothers will naturally not compromise obediently. It is said that if they were afraid of death, Huang Han would not have brought them here.

He immediately pulled out the machete hidden in his arms, and the brothers were aggressive, and the nurse's body was cut indiscriminately, fully expressing the word "righteousness" vividly!

The nurse did not show weakness. With her extraordinary skills, in addition to dodging left and right, she was also constantly facing each other, as fast as lightning, as strong as pulling mountains, and in the blink of an eye, she also put down several brothers of Huaxing Society, but he was unharmed, restless, and his strength can be seen!

However, the brothers of Huaxing Society pressed step by step, the more brave they fought, and there were guys in their hands. Even if the fake nurse was good at it, she was eventually forced back a few steps.

Waiting to stabilize her body, the fake nurse was obviously angry and angry. After killing, two clusters of flames suddenly appeared in his sharp eyes. At the same time, his whole right arm was wrapped in a red fireworks. The fire was so strong and Yao Yao was shining, so that the surrounding temperature suddenly became extremely hot, which made people feel Powerless, they were even more frightened by the Huaxing Club brothers. They all stood there, looked like wooden people, and dared not approach each other half a step.

Obviously, the comer is undoubtedly a supernatural, and he is also a fire supernatural, which is by no means comparable to these brothers.

"I don't know what's alive or dead. Since you want to die so much, I want you all to die. "Let them all turn into ashes!"

A murderous shout sounded, and immediately, the fake nurse suddenly bombarded her right fist forward, and the flame on her arm moved with the momentum, and her arrog rose sharply. Obviously, she wanted to burn down all the material in front of her. If she succeeds, she would have been killed. Not only will the brothers of Huaxing Society die in the sea of fire, but also Chu Xingyue, and even the people on the whole floor, will be swallowed up by the sea of fire!

Seeing that the people were about to burn the shocking flame ready to go to the crowd, at this critical moment, it was too late. At that time, a figure stood in front of the ward like the wind, and did not hesitate to fight with his fists. With a crisp sound, the fake nurse's offensive posture was Under the powerful impact, the fake nurse staggered back a few steps. The flame originally attached to his arm gradually extinguished and finally turned into a burst of smoke and dissipated.

With one hand covering the broken right finger bone, the fake nurse was sweaty, surprised, and had no more thoughts of attacking. She just stared at the same flaming arm-wrapped teenager in front of her and said in her heart, "It seems that the thirteenth sister has been defeated by this boy. No wonder even the prince of the Teng family dares to move. It turns out that he is also a powerman, and his strength should not be lower than mine. Fortunately, I deliberately tested it first. If I fight directly with this boy head-on, I will definitely be blinded by his outside. In the end, I will underestimate the enemy and end up with the thirteenth sister!" Thinking of this, I can't help but secretly celebrate.

In contrast, Chu Nan, at this time, he was still facing each other with his fists, his eyes glowed coldly, and his whole right arm glowed with a magma-like red light. The big fist of the casserole was even more powerful. The high temperature erupted completely devoured the heat wave created by the fake nurse, and even the air was being bit by little. The evaporation is almost difficult to breathe.

Seeing that the person was already at a disadvantage and injured, Huang Han immediately ordered, "What are you still doing? Cut him down!"

With Huang Han's order, the remaining dozen Huaxing brothers did not delay. They raised their machetes again and went to the nurse fearlessly.

Although the powers are different from ordinary people, in the final analysis, they are also flesh and blood, not the immortal body of King Kong in the movie, and can be invulnerable.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the fake nurse ran away. Huang Han's men were about to chase him when they heard Chu Nan's voice sound: "Don't chase him. You are not his opponents."

"Please take care of my sister here. I'll come as soon as I go." After saying that, Chu Nan turned his head and looked at Huang Han, who nodded to him with assurance, and everything was silent...